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"This is the proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Flow Induced Noise and Vibration (FLINOVIA), which was held in Penn State, USA, in April 2016. The authors’ backgrounds represent a mix of academia, government, and industry, and several papers include applications to important problems for underwater vehicles, aerospace structures and commercial transportation. The book offers a valuable reference guide for all those working in the area of flow-induced vibration and noise.
Flow induced vibration and noise (FIVN) remains a critical research topic. Even after over 50 years of intensive research, accurate and cost-effective FIVN simulation and measurement techniques remain elusive. This book gathers the latest research from some of the most prominent experts in the field.
The book describes methods for characterizing wall pressure fluctuations, including subsonic and supersonic turbulent boundary layer flows over smooth and rough surfaces using computational methods like Large Eddy Simulation; for inferring wall pressure fluctuations using inverse techniques based on panel vibrations or holographic pressure sensor arrays; for calculating the resulting structural vibrations and radiated sound using traditional finite element methods, as well as advanced methods like Energy Finite Elements; for using scaling approaches to universally collapse flow-excited vibration and noise spectra; and for computing time histories of structural response, including alternating stresses."
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pendekatan eksperimen dan model simulasi telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui perilaku partikel halus yang menempel pada lapisan cairan di dinding dalam aliran dua fase gas padat. Polimetil metaklirat dengan diameter 20 um dan 50 um digunakan pada pengukuran ini. Dengan menggunakan sistem pengumpan kontinyu, partikel halus dimasukkan dan dicampur dengan udara di dalam ducting. Eksperimen aliran dua fase dengan gas dan partikel halus padat dalam temperatur ruangan telah dilakukan untuk mengamati efek penempelan partikel yang menempel di dinding yang memiliki lapisan cairan dengan viskositas tinggi. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa kuantitas partikel melekat tergantung pada kecepatan pengumpanan partikel. Hasil model simulasi juga menunjukkan kecenderungan yang sama. Hubungan laju pengumpanan bermacam-macam partikel dan tingkat penangkapannya dibahas disini."
JITE 1:11 (2010)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sumit Saha
"A single phase, incompressible turbulent flow through a 90º pipe bend with/without guide vane conditions has been studied here. The present work deals with the numerical simulation to investigate the change in flow separation and velocity distribution at the downstream section due to the effect of the guide vane. The k-? turbulence model has been adopted for simulation purposes to obtain the results. After the validation of existing experimental and numerical results, a detailed study has been performed for three different Reynolds number and four different positions of the guide vane. The value of the Curvature ratio (Rc/D) has been considered as one factor for the present study. The curvature ratio can be defined as the ratio between the bend curvature radius and hydraulic diameter of the pipe. The results obtained from the present study have been presented in graphical form. A flow separation region has been found at the bend outlet for flow through 90º pipe bend without the guide vane. This flow separation region was absent for the cases which dealt with the flow through 90º pipe bend with the guide vane. Velocity distribution at four different downstream positions for different cases and different Reynolds numbers have been compared and reported in the present study."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI-IJTECH 8:4 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Syafrizal
Faktor emisi dan konsumsi bahan bakar tergantung pada berbagai faktor. Driving cycle merupakan perilaku lalu lintas dan merupakan reprsentasi berkendara dari suatu wilayah. Ada banyak standar driving cycle seperti metode Eropa driving cycle, Jepang Cycle, US-EPA, dll. Namun, driving cycle tersebut tidak dapat mewakili kondisi aktual Jakarta. Penelitian ini menjelaskan driving cycle yang diperoleh di Jakarta. Jakarta driving cycle adalah langkah pertama untuk menentukan emisi nyata untuk mengurangi polusi dan untuk mempengaruhi pilihan kendaraan di Jakarta. Faktor emisidigunakan untuk menentukan emisi gas buang di persimpangan Semanggi. Studi kasus persimpangan Semanggi dibahas. Aspek psikologis berkontribusi pada pemahaman tentang perilaku pemilik mobil untuk menggunakan bus rapid transit di Jakarta. Diskusi tentang The theory of planned behaviour (TPB) dan aspek psikologis dibuat untuk studi kasus ini. Penelitian ini juga menjelaskan model dinamis dari pengurangan emisi di sektor transportasi darat, studi kasus perempatan Semanggi di Jakarta. Sistem transportasi perkotaan adalah sistem yang kompleks dengan beberapa variabel, loop umpan balik, dan dipengaruhi oleh faktor sosial, ekonomi, dan lingkungan. Model system dinamis yang diusulkan terdiri dari dua submodel: "Vehicle Fleet" dan "Perhitungan Emisi". Model ini berjalan dalam perangkat lunak Powersim Studio menggunakan data dari Indonesia Japan Economic Agreement Partenership (IJ-EPA) dan Kepolisian Republik Indonesia.;

Emission factors and fuel consumption depend on various factors. The driving cycle represents traffic behaviour and is representative of a given region. There are many standards of driving cycles such as the method of European Driving Cycle, Japan Cycle, US-EPA, India Cycle, etc. However, these driving cycles cannot represent the actual condition in Jakarta. This paper describes the driving cycle obtained in Jakarta. Jakarta?s Driving Cycle is the first step for determining real emissions in order to decrease pollution and to influence vehicle choice in Jakarta. Emissions factors are deduced and used to determine exhaust emissions in the Semanggi intersection. The case study of the Semanggi intersection is discussed. Psychological aspects contribute to the understanding of the behaviour of car owners to use bus rapid transit (BRT) in Jakarta. Discussion about TPB theory and psychological aspects are made for this case study. This paper describes a dynamic system model of emissions reduction in the land transport sector with the case study of the Semanggi intersection in Jakarta. The urban transportation system is a complex system with multiple variables, feedback loops, and is influenced by social, economic, and environmental factors. The proposed DS model consists of two submodels: ?Vehicle Fleet? and ?Emissions Calculation?. The model runs in Powersim Studio software using data from Indonesia Japan Economic Agreement Partenership (IJ-EPA) and the Traffic Management Centre of the Indonesia National Police Headquarters.
;Emission factors and fuel consumption depend on various factors. The driving cycle represents traffic behaviour and is representative of a given region. There are many standards of driving cycles such as the method of European Driving Cycle, Japan Cycle, US-EPA, India Cycle, etc. However, these driving cycles cannot represent the actual condition in Jakarta. This paper describes the driving cycle obtained in Jakarta. Jakarta?s Driving Cycle is the first step for determining real emissions in order to decrease pollution and to influence vehicle choice in Jakarta. Emissions factors are deduced and used to determine exhaust emissions in the Semanggi intersection. The case study of the Semanggi intersection is discussed. Psychological aspects contribute to the understanding of the behaviour of car owners to use bus rapid transit (BRT) in Jakarta. Discussion about TPB theory and psychological aspects are made for this case study. This paper describes a dynamic system model of emissions reduction in the land transport sector with the case study of the Semanggi intersection in Jakarta. The urban transportation system is a complex system with multiple variables, feedback loops, and is influenced by social, economic, and environmental factors. The proposed DS model consists of two submodels: ?Vehicle Fleet? and ?Emissions Calculation?. The model runs in Powersim Studio software using data from Indonesia Japan Economic Agreement Partenership (IJ-EPA) and the Traffic Management Centre of the Indonesia National Police Headquarters.
, Emission factors and fuel consumption depend on various factors. The driving cycle represents traffic behaviour and is representative of a given region. There are many standards of driving cycles such as the method of European Driving Cycle, Japan Cycle, US-EPA, India Cycle, etc. However, these driving cycles cannot represent the actual condition in Jakarta. This paper describes the driving cycle obtained in Jakarta. Jakarta’s Driving Cycle is the first step for determining real emissions in order to decrease pollution and to influence vehicle choice in Jakarta. Emissions factors are deduced and used to determine exhaust emissions in the Semanggi intersection. The case study of the Semanggi intersection is discussed. Psychological aspects contribute to the understanding of the behaviour of car owners to use bus rapid transit (BRT) in Jakarta. Discussion about TPB theory and psychological aspects are made for this case study. This paper describes a dynamic system model of emissions reduction in the land transport sector with the case study of the Semanggi intersection in Jakarta. The urban transportation system is a complex system with multiple variables, feedback loops, and is influenced by social, economic, and environmental factors. The proposed DS model consists of two submodels: “Vehicle Fleet” and “Emissions Calculation”. The model runs in Powersim Studio software using data from Indonesia Japan Economic Agreement Partenership (IJ-EPA) and the Traffic Management Centre of the Indonesia National Police Headquarters.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Rio Hidayah
"Proses pencampuran pupuk dan air sangat penting dalam pertanian jagung dan padi. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan campuran pupuk dan air dalam skala besar dan konstan, diperlukan sistem pencampuran dengan memanfaatkan aliran turbulen. Alat yang dapat digunakan yaitu gabungan antara nozel jet dan pipa venturi. Interaksi antara kedua alat ini dalam mencampurkan pupuk dan air perlu dianalisa. Analisa dilakukan dengan simulasi computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk menganalisa akibat dari posisi nozel jet di dalam pipa venturi terhadap proses pencampuran pupuk dan air. Simulasi numerik dilakukan dengan model multifasa dan sifat termofisik konstan. Bentuk sistem yaitu pipa venturi klasik berdasarkan standar ISO 5167-4 2003 dengan nozel jet dipasangkan pada salah satu diantara dua posisi. Simulasi dilakukan dalam kondisi turbulen model Eulerian k-epsilon. Variasi simulasi dilakukan dengan beberapa kecepatan aliran masuk air dan pupuk dengan fraksi volume kedua fluida konstan. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah bahwa kedua geometri memiliki pola dispersi pupuk yang berbeda. Variasi fraksi volume pupuk pada kedua geometri berada pada rentang 0,18% hingga 1,79%. Kata Kunci: Pertanian, Pencampuran, CFD, Fraksi Volume, Pupu

Water and fertilizer mixing is very important in paddy and corn agriculture. To fulfill a large and constant amount of fertilizer-water mixture, it requires a mixing system that utilizes turbulent flow. The tools that will be used are a combination of jet nozzle and venturi pipe. The interaction of these tools in fertilizer-water mixing need to be analyzed. The analysis will be done with CFD simulations. The goal of these study us to analyze the effect of jet nozzle position in venturi pipes against fertilizer-water mixing process. Numerical simulation is proceeded with multiphase model and constant thermophysical properties. The system shape is a classic venturi pipe based on ISO 5167-4 2003 standards with nozzle jet placed in one of two positions. The simulation is running on Eulerian kepsion turbulence model. These simulations are varied with several water and fertilizer inlet flow rate with volume fraction of both fluids constant. The results that acquired are that both geometries have different fertilizer dispersion pattern which tends to be inversed. The fertilizer volume fraction on both geometries is appear in 0,18% to 1,79% interval."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alphasius Omegadixon
"N2O merupakan salah satu gas yang dihasilkan dari pembakaran bahan bakar fosil dan emisi limbah pertanian. Dalam upaya pengurangan emisi N2O, dapat dilakukan proses pemisahan dengan beberapa cara, salah satu cara yang paling umum adalah Gas Scrubbing menggunakan Packed Tower. Akan tetapi, kelemahan dari proses ini adalah kemungkinan terjadinya emulsion, flooding, unloading, dan foaming. Teknologi kontaktor membran merupakan salah satu metode pemisahan yang sedang berkembang dan dapat mengatasi kekurangan metode lainnya. Kontaktor membran yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bersifat superhidrofobik. Sebagai pelarut, larutan H2O2 digunakan bersama HNO3.
Dalam penelitian ini, diamati pengaruh laju alir gas dan pelarut terhadap daya absorbsi N2O dengan teknologi kontaktor membran serat berongga super hidrofobik. Variasi laju alir gas yang digunakan adalah 0,1 ; 0,15 dan 0,2 L/menit dengan laju pelarut 100, 200, 300, 400 dan 500 mL/menit Adapun konsentrasi pelarut yang digunakan adalah 0,5 wt untuk H2O2 dan 0,5 M untuk HNO3.
Hasil variasi kenaikan laju alir gas menunjukan kenaikan fluks, koefisien perpindahan massa, jumlah mol terserap dan N2O Loading. Untuk setiap kenaikan laju pelarut, terjadi kenaikan fluks, koefisien perpindahan massa dan jumlah mol terserap. Namun untuk N2O Loading, terjadi penurunan nilai. Persentase pemisahan N2O tertinggi didapat sebesar 84.

N2O is one of the gases produced from burning fossil fuels and crops waste. In attempt to reduce N2O emission, several ways can be done. One of the most common way is Gas Scrubbing using Packed Tower. However, the disadvantages of this process are the possibility of emulsion, flooding, unloading, and foaming. Membrane contactor technology is one of the developing methods of separation that can overcome the shortcomings of other methods. Membrane contactors used in this study are super hydrophobic membrane. As solvent, H2O2 is used with HNO3 in liquid scrubbing.
In this research, we will find the effect of gas and solvent flow rate on absorption effectivity of N2O with super hydrophobic hollow fibre membrane contactor technology. Variations of gas flow rate used are 0.1 0.15 and 0.2 L min. with solvent rate variations 100,200,300,400 and 500 ml min. The solvent concentration used is 0.5 wt for H2O2 and 0.5 M for HNO3.
The result of gas flow rate increases are equal to flux, mass transfer coefficient, absorbed mole and N2O Loading increases. For every solvent rate increases, the flux, mass transfer coefficient and absorbed mole are also increases. However, the trend of N2O Loading is decreasing in this variation. The highest percentage of N2O separation occurred is 84 removal.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This paper present the results of modeling study of two dimensions turbulent flow in an expansion canal by using depth averaged K-E model....."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bahrul Jalaali
"Kajian CFD mengenai aliran air-minyak pada pipa horizontal telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan model multifase Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) yang dikombinasikan dengan skema model turbulen SST . Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan simulasi karakteristik campuran aliran dengan mempertimbangkan parameter temperature. Kasus ini diselesaikan secara numerik menggunakan model volume hingga yang digunakan pada piranti lunak Fluent. Dari hasil simulasi yang dibandingkan dengan hasil eksperimen menunjukkan prediksi yang baik terutama pada pola aliran tertentu. Pada kajian ini, parameter termal diselesaikan menggunakan persamaan energi yang dikopel dengan model multifase. Temperatur aliran air divariasikan pada rentang 300-340K. Dari hasil didapatkan bahwa temperatur berpengaruh mengurangi kekentalan dan densitas fluida. Selanjutnya, pola aliran berubah dimana minyak akan berada diatas air karena memiliki kekentalan dan densitas yang lebih rendah. Kajian ini bermanfaat untuk mengetahui pengaruh temperature pada aliran air-minyak sebagaimana ditemukan dalam aplikasi pengangkatan minyak pada industri perminyakan"
Yogyakarta: Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat (P3M) STTA, 2021
620 JIA XIII:2 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Babu, V.
New Delhi: Ane Books, 2010
629.1 BAB f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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