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Simarmata, Veronika Jenny
"Latar belakang: Pandemi COVID-19 merupakan tantangan bagi dokter spesialis mata di Indonesia. Kondisi ini mengakibatkan terjadinya perubahan pada pola pelayanan kesehatan dan dapat menjadi faktor risiko terjadinya infeksi COVID-19 pada dokter spesialis mata.
Tujuan: Menilai dampak pandemi terhadap faktor pola pelayanan kesehatan mata dan hubungannya dengan riwayat terinfeksi COVID-19 pada dokter spesialis mata di Indonesia
Metode: Penelitian menggunakan desain potong lintang dengan survei daring (Google form) pada November 2022.
Hasil: Kuesioner terdiri dari 30 pertanyaan yang dikirimkan kepada 1555 responden dengan respon rate 20,97%, sehingga diperoleh 318 responden. Responden umumnya berusia 30-40 tahun dengan pengalaman kerja >10 tahun, dan merupakan dokter mata umum. Terdapat 175 responden yang memiliki riwayat terinfeksi COVID-19 di awal pandemi (Maret 2020 – Desember 2021) dan di masa transisi pandemi (Januari – November 2022). Faktor pola pelayanan kesehatan mata (penggunaan APD, pembatasan jumlah pasien di poliklinik, pembatasan jumlah praktik, pembatasan jumlah operasi mata, konsultasi telemedisin) tidak berhubungan dengan riwayat terinfeksi COVID-19 pada dokter spesialis mata di masa pandemi (p>0,05).
Kesimpulan: Terdapat lebih dari separuh jumlah dokter spesialis mata yang pernah terinfeksi COVID-19 selama pandemi. Pembatasan jumlah pasien di poliklinik rawat jalan tidak berhubungan dengan riwayat terinfeksi COVID-19 pada dokter spesialis mata di Indonesia di awal dan masa transisi pandemi.

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic is a challenge for ophthalmologists in Indonesia. This condition causes a change of eye health services and can be a risk factor for COVID-19 infection in ophthalmologists.
Purpose: To evaluate changes in patterns of eye health services and risk factors related to COVID-19 infection in ophthalmologists
Methods: The design of this study was used a cross-sectional study with an online survey (Google form) in November 2022.
Results: The questionnaire consisted of 30 questions which were sent to 1555 respondents with a response rate of 20.97%, so that 318 respondents were obtained. Respondents are generally aged 30-40 years with work experience >10 years, and work as general ophthalmologists. There were 175 respondents who had a history of being infected with COVID-19 in early pandemic (March 2020 – December 2021) and transition period of pandemic (January – November 2022). Factors in the pattern of eye health services (use of PPE, limiting the number of patients at the polyclinic, limiting the number of practices, limiting the number of eye surgeries, telemedicine consultations) were not associated with a history of COVID-19 infection among ophthalmologists during the pandemic (p>0.05).
Conclusion: More than half of ophthalmologists have been infected with COVID-19 during the pandemic. Limiting the number of patients at the polyclinic was not related to a history of COVID-19 infection among ophthalmologists in Indonesia at the early and transition period of the pandemic.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shintawati Ramdhani Zaenudin
"Latar Belakang: Pandemi Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) di Indonesia mengakibatkan masalah psikologis, termasuk kecemasan, depresi dan distress psikologis pada tenaga kesehatan khususnya dokter spesialis paru dan peserta Pendidikan Program Dokter Spesialis (PPDS) paru. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui prevalens, derajat risiko distress dan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi derajat risiko distress psikologis pada dokter spesialis paru dan PPDS paru di Jakarta.
Metode: Peneliti menggunakan metode studi deskriptif potong lintang terhadap dokter spesialis paru dan PPDS paru di Jakarta, Indonesia secara consecutive sampling pada bulan Mei 2020. Peneliti menggunakan alat ukur yaitu Distress Thermometer (DT) dan problem list yang telah divalidasi secara transkultural dan pengisiannya dilakukan mandiri oleh subjek secara daring.
Hasil: Sebanyak 134 subjek yang masuk dalam penelitian ini diantaranya 81 orang peserta PPDS paru dan 53 orang dokter spesialis paru dengan dominasi subjek perempuan sebanyak 66,4%, rerata usia 38,36 (±9,54) tahun dan rerata lama pengalaman kerja adalah 3 (1-27) tahun. Seluruh subjek memiliki risiko distress psikologis dengan perbandingannya berturut-turut pada kelompok PPDS adalah ringan, sedang, berat (44,4%, 50,6%, 4,9%) dan pada dokter spesialis paru (47,2%, 45,3%, 7,5%). Pada analisis subgrup ditemukan bahwa kelompok dokter spesialis paru lebih banyak mengalami masalah yang memengaruhi risiko distress psikologis dibandingkan kelompok PPDS. Pada kelompok dokter spesialis paru ditemukan masalah-masalah yang memengaruhi tingkat risiko distress diantaranya adalah usia (56,0%, p=0,003), masalah mengasuh anak (50,0%, p=0,037), mengurus rumah (45,5%, p=0,040), masalah dengan kerabat (75,0%, p=0,035), depresi (100%, p=0,011), ketakutan (50,0%, p=0,040), gugup (100%, p=0,011), sedih (41,7%, p=0,010), hilang minat pada aktivitas rutin (50,0%, p=0,005), diare (100%, p=0,011), kelelahan (62,5%, p=0,037), demam (66,7%, p=0,011), gangguan pencernaan (50,0%, p=0,008), gangguan konsentrasi (37,5%, p=0,033), mual (42,9%, p=0,008), hidung kering (60%, p=0,001), kulit kering dan gatal (50,0%, p=0,004), gangguan tidur (72,7%, p=0,004) serta kesemutan (57,1%, p=0,024). Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi tingkat risiko distress pada PPDS paru diantaranya adalah depresi (80,0%, p=0,040), ketakutan (68,4%, p<0,001), gugup (62,5%, p=0,031) dan kelelahan (70,8%, p=0,023).
Kesimpulan: Prevalens risiko distress psikologis pada dokter spesialis paru dan PPDS paru saat pandemi COVID-19 di Jakarta tinggi. Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi tingkat risiko distress pada dokter spesialis paru diantaranya adalah usia, masalah teknis, keluarga, emosional dan fisis, sedangkan pada PPDS paru diantaranya adalah masalah emosional dan fisis.

Background: Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in Indonesia causes psychological problems, including anxiety, depression and psychological distress in health workers, especially pulmonologist and pulmonology resident. The purpose of this study was to find out the prevalence, distress levels and factors that affect the risk psychological distress of pulmonologist and pulmonology resident in Jakarta.
Methods: Researchers used a descriptive study cross-sectional method on pulmonologist and pulmonology resident in Jakarta, Indonesia using consecutive sampling in May 2020. We used Distress Thermometer as a measurement tools and problem list that was transculturally validated and filled out online and independently by subjects.
Results: A total of 134 subjects were included in this study including 81 pulmonology residents and 53 pulmonologists dominated by women (66.4%), mean age 38.36 (± 9.54) years and median length of work was 3 (1-27) years. All subjects had a risk of psychological distress with the ratios in resident group are mild, moderate, severe (44.4%, 50.6%, 4.9%) and pulmonologist (47.2%, 45.3%, 7.5%). In subgroup analysis, it was found that the pulmonologist group experienced more problems that affect the risk of psychological distress than the resident group. In the pulmonologist group, problems that assosciated with the level of distress risk are age (56.0%, p=0.003), parenting problems (50.0%, p=0.037), house problem (45.5%, p= 0.040), problems with relatives (75.0%, p=0.035), depression (100%, p=0.011), fear (50.0%, p=0.040), nervous (100%, p=0.011), sadness (41.7%, p=0.010), loss of interest in routine activities (50.0%, p=0.005), diarrhea (100%, p=0.011), fatigue (62.5%, p=0.037), fever (66.7%, p=0.011), indigestion (50.0%, p=0.008), concentration (37.5%, p=0.033), nausea (42.9%, p=0.008), nasal dry (60%, p=0.001), dry and itchy skin (50.0%, p=0.004), sleep (72.7%, p=0.004) and tingling (57.1%, p=0.024). Factors that assosciated with the level of distress risk in residents are depression (80.0%, p=0.040), fear (68.4%, p<0.001), nervousness (62.5%, p=0.031) and fatigue (70.8%, p=0.023).
Conclusion: Prevalens psychological distress risk in pulmonologist and pulmonology resident during the COVID-19 pandemic in Jakarta is high. Factors that assosciated with the level of psychological distress risk in pulmonologist are age, technical, family, emotional and physical problems. Factors that assosciated with the level of psychological distress risk in pulmonology resident are emotional and physical problems.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Athira Putriandari
"Mahasiswa lintas status sosial ekonomi (SES) perlu sehat mental untuk menyerap pengetahuan akademik dan proses kematangan sosial secara optimal dan lulus sebagai anggota masyarakat yang produktif. Selanjutnya, pandemi berdampak pada kondisi ekonomi dan kesehatan mental (CEIC, 2022; UNICEF, 2021). Kami mensurvei seluruh mahasiswa aktif Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) Universitas Indonesia (UI). Indikator kesehatan mental siswa menggunakan Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) sebagai variabel terikat. Indonesia unggul dalam kepatuhan kebijakan dengan instrumen hak asasi manusia tetapi perlu meningkatkan polis asuransi untuk pengobatan kesehatan mental. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pendapatan siswa berupa tunjangan, persepsi kesehatan umum, pendidikan ayah, dan tingkat religiusitas berkorelasi negatif dengan probabilitas siswa masuk dalam kategori stres tinggi. Universitas dapat meningkatkan perhatian kepada siswa dengan status sosial ekonomi rendah dan IPK, dan pemerintah dapat meningkatkan pembiayaan terkait kesehatan mental, asuransi, dan jumlah profesional kesehatan mental.

University students across socioeconomic statuses (SES) need to be mentally healthy to optimally absorb the academic know-how and social maturity process and graduate as productive members of society. Furthermore, the pandemic impacted economic conditions and mental health (CEIC, 2022; UNICEF, 2021). We survey all active students in the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) at the University of Indonesia (UI). The mental health indicator of students has used the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) as the dependent variable. Indonesia excels in policy compliance with human rights instruments but needs to increase the insurance policy for mental health medication. The results show that the income level of students in the form of allowances, perceived general health, father's education, and level of religiosity is negatively correlated with the probability of students falling into the high-stress category. Universities can increase attention to students with lower socioeconomic status and GPAs, and the government can increase mental health-related financing, insurance, and numbers of mental health professionals."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Christian Damara Utomo
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui dampak dari pandemi COVID-19 dan kebijakan lockdown yang diterapkan untuk mengatasi pandemi terhadap return saham di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode regresi data panel untuk mengetahui dampak dari pertumbuhan jumlah kasus dan kematian akibat COVID- 19 serta kebijakan PSBB terhadap return saham harian kepada 272 perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada periode 2 Maret 2020 hingga 27 Maret 2020. Penelitian ini mengonfirmasi dampak negatif dan signifikan dari pertumbuhan jumlah kasus dan kematian COVID-19. Selain itu, kebijakan lockdown dinilai memberikan dampak positif terhadap return saham. Penelitian ini juga menambahkan analisis sektoral dan menemukan bahwa sektor properti serta trade, service dan investment mengalami performa yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan sektor lain. Sementara itu, sektor basic industry, consumer goods dan mining memiliki performa yang lebih baik. Penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa pandemi COVID-19 dan kebijakan lockdown memiliki dampak yang berbeda terhadap return saham di Indonesia.

This study explores the impact of COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown policies that are used to tackle the pandemic on stock market return in Indonesia. This study uses fixed effect panel-data regression method to evaluate the impact of the growth in COVID-19 total confirmed cases and death as well as the lockdown policies on daily stock returns of 272 firms that are listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange’s main board and operate in the real sector from 2 March 2020 to 27 November 2020. The study confirms the significantly adverse impact of growth in total of COVID- 19 confirmed cases and deaths due to COVID-19 on Indonesia’s daily stock returns. Moreover, the lockdown policies regardless of the strictness, have a positive and significant impact on the Indonesia’s daily stock returns. This study further considers the different impact of COVID-19 pandemic on each of eight observed sectors; where the sector of property as well as trade, service and investment have a significantly negative performance; while the sector of basic industry, consumer goods and mining have a significantly better performance. This study suggestes that COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown policies have a mixed impact on the Indonesia’s stock market returns."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dera Fazrin Aldini
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai dampak pandemi Covid-19 terhadap tren belanja online di Rusia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi masyarakat di Rusia untuk melakukan belanja online selama pandemi Covid-19 dengan teori perilaku konsumtif oleh Sumartono (2002). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif analisis oleh Moh.Nazir (2003) dan penelitian kepustakaan oleh Mestika Zed (2008). Hasil penelitian ini adalah pandemi Covid-19 memberikan perubahan terhadap tren belanja online di Rusia. Pandemi Covid-19 tidak menurunkan minat masyarakat Rusia dalam berbelanja online. Masyarakat Rusia cenderung lebih memilih untuk tetap berbelanja online dengan berbagai alasan yang ditawarkan seperti kemudahan dan kepraktisan dalam bertransaksi, keamanan dan kenyamanan, serta penawaran diskon.

This research discusses the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on online shopping trends in Russia. The research aims to determine the factors that influence people in Russia to do online shopping during the Covid-19 pandemic with the theory of consumptive behavior by Sumartono (2002). The research method used is descriptive analysis method by Moh.Nazir (2003) and literature research by Mestika Zed (2008). The result of this research are pandemi provides changes to online shopping trends in Russia. Pandemi Covid-19 does not reduced Russian people's interest in online shopping. Russian people tend to prefer to continue shopping online for various reasons, such as convenience and practicality in transactions, security and convenience, and discount offers."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabilah Hanifati
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat apakah terdapat dampak dari COVID-19 memiliki pengaruh terhadap pendapatan premi industri asuransi baik pada usaha asuransi umum, usaha asuransi jiwa dan BPJS Kesehatan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini melakukan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan melihat akumulasi kasus terkonfirmasi COVID-19 perbulannya dan data akumulasi pendapatan premi asuransi umum, asuransi jiwa dan BPJS Kesehatan perbulannya dan menggunakan Produk Domestik Bruto dan Tingkat Suku Bunga Bank Komersial sebagai variabel kontrol. Periode yang digunakan pada penelitian sejumlah 17 bulan periode waktu observasi dimulai dari bulan April 2020-Agustus 2021. Data akumulasi pendapatan premi bulanannya diambil dari data asuransi umum yang terdiri 74 perusahaan dan 54 perusahaan asuransi jiwa yang kemudian diakumulasi perbulannya. data Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode Ordinary Leats Square (OLS). Data yang ada kemudian diolah dan regresikan dengan aplikasi E-Views 12. Dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa akumulasi kasus terkonfirmasi COVID-19 tidak berpengaruh atas akumulasi pendapatan premi asuransi umum, asuransi  jiwa dan BPJS kesehatan di Indonesia. Saran perlu dilakukan kajian terkait pandangan masyarakat atas pandemi dan bagaimana hal tersebut mempengaruhi pengambilan keputusan khususnya terkait pembelian asuransi.

This study was conducted to see whether there is an impact from COVID-19 having an influence on the insurance industry's premium income both in the general insurance business, life insurance business and BPJS Health in Indonesia. This study takes a quantitative approach by looking at the monthly accumulation of confirmed cases of COVID-19 and data on the accumulation of monthly general insurance premium income, life insurance and BPJS Health and using Gross Domestic Product and Commercial Bank Interest Rates as control variables. The period used in this study is total up to 17 months reseach period starts from April 2020-August 2021. The accumulated premium income data is taken from general insurance data, consist of 74 general insurance companies and 54 life insurance companies, which are then accumulated monthly data. This research was conducted using the Ordinary Leats Square (OLS) method. The existing data is then processed and regressed with the E-Views 12 application. From this study it is known that the accumulation of confirmed cases of COVID-19 has no effect on the accumulation of premium income for general insurance, life insurance and BPJS health in Indonesia. It is recommended that a study be conducted regarding the public's view of the pandemic and how it affects decision making, especially regarding the purchase of insurance."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rama Hilman Utama
"Ketakutan petugas kesehatan terhadap Covid-19 berdampak pada peningkatan turnover intention. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi turnover intention dan antecedent workplace violence oleh pekerja di sektor kesehatan dalam konteks Covid-19. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kuesioner pada petugas kesehatan Jabodetabek (N = 447) dan dianalisis menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) untuk memeriksa kecocokan model dan uji antar konstruk. Hasilnya, work environment, workplace violence dan occupational burnout memiliki pengaruh langsung terhadap turnover intention. Selain itu workplace violence mampu memediasi hubungan antara occupational burnout dengan turnover intention dan work environment dengan turnover intention. occupational burnout dan work environment masing-masing dapat mempengaruhi workplace violence. Work environment, occupational burnout dan workplace violence merupakan faktor penting dalam mencegah keinginan berpindah. Selanjutnya, pencegahan kekerasan di tempat kerja dan keinginan berpindah dapat dilakukan dengan mengurangi kelelahan bekerja dan meningkatkan lingkungan kerja yang positif dan supportive.

The fear of health workers about Covid-19 has an impact on increasing turnover intention. This study aims to determine the factors that influence turnover intention and antecedents of workplace violence by workers in the health sector in the context of Covid-19. Data was collected through a questionnaire among Jabodetabek health workers (N = 447) and analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to check the fit of the model and test between constructs. As a result, work environment, workplace violence and occupational burnout have a direct influence on turnover intention. In addition, workplace violence is able to mediate the relationship between occupational burnout and turnover intention and the work environment with turnover intention. Occupational burnout and work environment can each affect workplace violence. Work environment, occupational burnout and workplace violence are important factors in preventing the turnover intention. Furthermore, prevention of workplace violence and turnover intention can be done by reducing work fatigue and increasing a positive and supportive work environment."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bayo Adhika Putra
"Di tahun 2020 dan 2021, virus COVID-19 menyebar ke seluruh Indonesia. Pemerintah terpaksa mengumumkan status darurat dan melaksanakan kebijakan isolasi pandemi yang membatasi transportasi internasional maupun domestik. Kebijakan tersebut menyebabkan kontraksi di output sektor riil. Kontraksi ini memiliki efek meluap yang berdampak buruk bagi sektor perbankan. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kebijakan-kebijakan restriktif untuk mengisolasi pandemi COVID-19 berdampak buruk bagi risiko kredit dan effisiensi operasional perbankan. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa kebijakan moneter mampu mengurangi dampak terhadap risiko kredit, tapi tidak berpengaruh banyak terhadap efisiensi operasional.

In both the years 2020 and 2021, there were periods where the COVID-19 pandemic was spreading like wildfire through Indonesia, demanding that the Indonesian government declare a state of emergency and enact restrictive lockdown measures to contain the pandemic. These restrictive containment measures were disastrous for the real sector, and had spillover effects into the banking industry. This study found that those restrictive emergency containment measures affected the banking industry’s credit risk and operational efficiency. The Indonesian central bank enacted expansionary monetary policies following the emergency measures to counteract the impact of the emergency containment measures. Monetary policy was able to mitigate the adverse impacts to credit risk, but not the adverse impacts to operational efficiency."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Magdalena Friska Yulianti
"Fenomena perkembangan layanan perbankan semakin berubah seiring dengan
berkembangnya teknologi. Pada tahun 2014 tren layanan perbankan konvensional
bergeser pada layanan mesin ATM (Claudia, 2014), diikuti pergeseran pada tahun 2018
dimana tren bergeser menjadi tren pembayaran elektronik secara global (World Payment
Report, 2018). Di sisi lain, pada tahun 2019 industri perbankan mendapat disrupsi dari
perkembangan FinTech yang dalam operasional kesehariannya tidak membutuhkan aset
dan biaya yang dibutuhkan oleh industri perbankan untuk operasional mesin ATM.
Kemudian pergeseran secara signifikan terjadi pada tahun 2020, pandemi Covid-19
memaksa behaviour pengguna mesin ATM-CRM berubah drastis. Dengan kondisi ini,
penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi apakah mesin ATM-CRM masih memiliki
kemampuan untuk menghasilkan profit di masa depan (setelah pandemi), dengan kondisi
data yang mengalami ketidaklengkapan (sparsity).
Evaluasi profit dilakukan dengan melihat secara agregat karatekristik fitur transaksi
dan karakter site mesin ATM-CRM. Jenis transaksi yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini
meliputi transaksi Pembayaran, Pembelian, dan Transfer dengan mengambil sampel di
seluruh kantor Cabang dan Mall di wilayah Jabodetabek. Hubungan pengaruh antar
fiturnya terhadap pembetukan profit sebelum dan sesudah pandemi dilihat menggunakan
PCA (Principal Component Analysis) dan korelasi spearman. Kemudian dilakukan
peramalan untuk melihat batas bawah (asymptomatic) kemampuan mesin ATM-CRM
dalam menghasilkan profit menggunakan time series Holts Winter dan jaringan saraf
tiruan (Artificial Neural Network). Selanjutnya dilakukan clustering dimana ATM-CRM
yang memiliki grafik time series yang sama di-cluster ke dalam 1 cluster yang sama
menggunakan DTW (Dynamic Time Wrapping) Distance. Hasil clustering akan
menunjukkan karakter site yang mendukung terbentuknya profit ATM-CRM, yang dapat
membantu industri perbankan dalam decision making dalam pengembangan jaringan
wilayah instalasi ATM-CRM atau pengembangan fitur layanan mesin ATM-CRM

The phenomenon of the development of banking services is changing along with the
development of technology. In 2014 the trend of conventional banking services shifted to
ATM machine services (Claudia, 2014), followed by a shift in 2018 where the trend
shifted to the trend of electronic payments globally (World Payment Report, 2018). On
the other hand, in 2019 the banking industry was disrupted by the development of
Financial Technology, which in its daily operations did not require the assets and costs
required by the banking industry to operate ATM machines. Then a significant shifting
occurred in 2020. The Covid-19 pandemic has forced behavior of ATM-CRM users to
change drastically. This condition has become the background of this study to evaluate
whether the ATM-CRM machine still has the ability to generate profits in the future (after
pandemic), in the condition where the data has sparsity.
Profit evaluation is done by analyzing characteristic of type of transaction and the site
of ATM-CRM aggregately. Sampling has been done upon ATM-CRM in all Branches and
Shopping Center at Jabodetabek area, by taking particularly 3 types of transactions;
payment, purchase, and transfer. The correlation amongst the transaction’s features are
being examined using PCA (Principal Component Analysis) and Sperman. Time series
Holts Winter and ANN are being used to predict profit ATM-CRM and see its
asymptomatic condition, and then ATM-CRM which has similarity on its time series’s
graphic are being clustered using DTW (Dynamic Time Wrapping) Distance. These 3
clusters will refer site character which can enhance ability ATM-CRM on generating
profit, and therefore, can be used as justification for banking industry either in developing
area for installation of ATM-CRM machine, or enhancing new feature to boost
transactions on ATM-CRM
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arnando Akmal Widia Putra
"Fenomena pemesanan makanan online di Indonesia telah meningkat dikarenakan pandemi COVID-19 yang menimbulkan risiko tertular antara masyarakat, serta risiko sanski dari pemerintah jika melanggar protokol kesehatan yang ditetapkan dengan mengunjungi restoran. Namun dari sisi konsumen, terdapat pertimbangan dan persepsi risiko dalam menggunakan aplikasi makanan online selama pandemi, serta pertimbangan risiko tertular dari virus COVID- 19 yang dapat mempengaruhi sikap dan perilaku konsumen untuk melakukan pemesanan makanan online. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling dengan jumlah responden 306 individu yang pernah melakukan pemesanan makanan online melalui aplikasi online serta dianalisis menggunakan Partial Least Square - Structural Equation Modeling (PLS - SEM). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa hubungan langsung convenience risk dan attitude, hubungan COVID-19 risk severity terhadap attitude, serta attitude dan online food delivery behavior menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted consumer behavior to utilize online food delivery services to a greater extent from dine-in restaurants particularly due to the risks of being exposed to the COVID-19 virus and risks of punishments from the government for breaching health protocols by visiting restaurants. However, from the consumer side, consumers face multiple risks when associating themselves with online food delivery services applications – which, added with consumers’ perceived risk towards the COVID-19 virus, influences consumers’ attitudes and behaviours towards online food delivery services. This research study was conducted using purposive sampling with 306 total respondents collected, and analyzed using Partial Least Square - Structural Equation Modeling (PLS - SEM). The results of this research study found that relationships between convenience risk towards attitude, risk severity towards attitude, and attitude towards online food delivery behaviour had significant relationships."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan BIsnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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