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Bambang Wispriyono
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
H.J. Mukono
Surabaya: Airlangga University Press, 2011
613.1 MUK P
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wilman Ramdani
Adagium Pesantren sebagai lembaga yang tidak menjaga kesehatan lingkungan perlu dibuktikan secara ilmiah. Tentunya citra buruk ini menjadi beban dalam upaya mendudukan pesantren sebagai lembaga yang peduli terhadap kesehatan lingkungan. Pesantren, diakui atau tidak, telah memberikan alternatif pendidikan bagi umat Islam Indonesia terutama yang menginginkan pendalaman materi keagamaan. Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya, lembaga pesantren tidak terbatas memberikan pelayanan pendidikan kepada anak-anak sekitar lembaga tersebut berada, bahkan lebih luas. Pesantren Nurul Hidayah yang berlokasi di Leuwiliang Kabupaten Bogor memiliki keunikan tersendiri. Hiruk pikuk modernitas yang terus menyebar ke pelosok desa tidak menyurutkan pesantren tersebut mempertahankan tradisionalisme ( assalafiyah) sebagai cara pandang dalam mengamalkan dan mengajarkan ajaran-ajaran agama. Fenomena ini membuat Nurul Hidayah memiliki en lain. Pesantren umumnya selalu dijadikan teladan (rujukan) bagi masyarakat yang lain, termasuk dalam hal kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian terhadap pesantren ini adalah berupaya menganalisis kesadaran santri terhadap kesehatan lingkungan sesuai dengan pengetahuan nilai-nilai keagamaan yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan hidup dan kesehatan; menganalisis upaya yang dilakukan para santri dalam memanfaatkan infrastruktur atau sarana dan prasarana yang menjadi indikator kesehatan lingkungan hidup di pesantren; menganalisis upaya manajemen pendidikan keagamaan yang diterapkan pesantren dalam mendukung para santri untuk sadar lingkungan terutama upaya menjaga kesehatan lingkungan hidup. Pesantren Nurul Hidayah, yang memiliki santri 420 orang memberikan suatu gambaran lain mengenai sebuah pesantren pada umumnya. Lokasi pesantren ini sangat terbuka dengan masyarakat, sehingga arus komunikasi dan informasi terus menerus terjadi setiap saat. Keadaan ini membuat pesantren semakin dekat dengan masyarakat. Kedekatan inilah yang secara tidak sadar menjadi kontrol yang kuat kepada para santri untuk selalu menjaga citra yang baik. Salah satu citra yang ditimbulkan adalah objek yang kasat mata, yang dilihat langsung, yaitu kebersihan dan kesehatan lingkungan. Tentunya, keadaan ini membuat para Ustaz dan Kyai berupaya menyadarkan para santri untuk menjaga kebersihan dan kesehatan lingkungan. Upaya-upaya yang telah dilakukan, selain mengisi anjuran setiap mengaji, Kyai dan ustaz serta para pengurus santri membuat sebuah program dan aturan yang dikelola secara rutin dan berkelanjutan. Program ini cukup, efektif, karena selain impelementasi, para santri juga menyadari secara umum mengenai pentingnya kebersihan dan kesehatan lingkungan. Kesadaran inilah yang kali pertama dimunculkan dengan sebuah pengetahuan atau pengajaran tentang kebersihan seperti yang diajarkan para Kyai dan ustaz dalam Al Qur?an dan Al Hadits. Pengetahuan ini yang menimbulkan sebuah pemahaman ( verstehen) yang mendalam akan pentingnya kebersihan lingkungan seperti yang dianjurkan oleh Al- Qur?an dan Al Hadits.

The Pesantren institution is not limited only for giving education service of people live around, but also for people outside the area who come to study the religious knowledge at there. Santri study at Pesantren, live and remain at boarding houses built by Kyai (Muslim scholar). The higher amounts of santri live and remain at boarding houses during they are studying Islamic knowledge, the higher problems emerge. The problem encountered by the institution is preparing and supplying needs of santri during they are studying there; such as building boarding houses, supplying the clean water for daily needs (drinking, having meal, bathing, and washing), loosing the bowels, and other solid and liquid disposals. Man always lives interacting with his environment in persistence. The interaction gives experiences. The observation and experience will cause ?image of environment? which describes about life experience. If a man whose image of environment is negative that means he does not understand how importance of preserving environmental functions for viability and life, the man tends to be apathetic about his environment. That negative image of environment drives various environmental problems. Consequently, it will affect for all structures of life including man himself. Man holds the essential role of managing ecosystem, yet man also carries destruction of the system. Therefore, it needs man?s awareness about functions of ecosystem. This awareness deeply related with man position which is central among other creature. The awareness toward environment turns up from man ability to understand about ecosystem functions for his life. That understanding is based on knowledge belongs to an individual or community derived through experience as well as information of ecosystem. The research is a case study, which means the approach orients to maintain the wholeness of the researched object. Moreover, as the case study, this research is able to study, explore, or interpret particular case naturally in its context without any interference. Whereas viewed from aspect of selecting case, the research is categorized as instrumental case study, which prefers to elaborate and prove the theory made before. Data is collected and studied as the massive wholeness (integrated) which head for bolster deeper knowledge about the researched object. This case study asserts to develop hypothesis designed as work hypothesis. The developing of the hypothesis is through collecting data/information by observation and indepth interview technique. Viewed from the nature of study, the research uses qualitative approach grounded in facts. It orients to give detail description of background of natures, exclusive character of the case, and the general status of the related case. Pesantren Nurul Hidayah has 420 santri, giving another picture about a pesantren in general. The location of the pesantren is open-air for society, so those communication and information streams occur persistently in any time. This xvi closeness unconsciously becomes a strong control for santri to keep their good image. One of images controlled by is visible object and directed sight that is cleanliness and environmental health. This condition insists ustadz (teachers) and kyai bring santri round to keep cleanliness and environmental health. The efforts conducted are besides they give advices during they are studying, kyai, ustdaz and santri board create programs and rules which are managed continually and routinely. The program is quite effective because it is not only implementation, but also santri realize generally about cleanliness as thought by ustadz and kyai derived from al- Qur?an and Hadith massages. The knowledge causes deep understanding ( versetehen) of importance of clean environment as withdrawn by those two Islamic sources. This phenomenon will raise the image gives argumentation about santri?s behaviour and implementation toward the environmental health of pesantren. The image can not be valued by their selves, because it comes from other?s interpretation about the pesantren condition. From environmental awareness aspect, several primary aspects of the image can be viewed from the advancement of amount of santri come to study in every year. Furthermore, Pesantren Nurul Hidayah is more openly for society; interaction with surrounding is tight, attitude of helping each other, mutual assistance, voluntary work, and night watch etc. become evidences of that image of pesantren leads to the better level. In this field, researcher gives conclusions: 1) knowledge, attitude and behaviour of pesantren community, especially santri, indicate good response and high care on any efforts and attempts of environmental management which support the healthy life condition. 2) Efforts of pasantren in supplying infrastructure of health which is related with ecosystem by creating rules and regulations state all pesantren inhabitants are necessary to keep and create cleanliness and beauty of environment and also to give punishment for regulation violators. They should conduct program of cleaning environment in daily and weekly as well as supply cleaning equipments/devices, and the disposal spot and obliteration. Besides that, the santri board or santri organization is established as the programs implementer as well as implementing function of control. 3) Process of managing environment is norm and value of santri life which bears the life philosophy of self-help and considered as the worship (ibadah). Togetherness becomes a basis and responsibility of santri community who live together. The program of clean environment and healthy as well as implementing punishment for the violators, are in the form of such the program of clean Friday (jumat) and contest of cleanliness of religious institutions. The realization of those programs needs further support from competent institution in delivering health counseling. Some of the handicaps are process of ecosystem supports health is fund and hygienist and none of a subject that is dealt generally with environment. 4) The image made in very long time is not true which states santri and pesantren are slovenly, exclusive, anti-social, and irresponsible. Some evidences in semiotic study point out alteration or transition of image into better toward the santri life. The suggestions will be offered by the researcher are: 1) to increase more cooperation among related and competent institutions through designing integrated programs of advancing society especially pesantren community in order to increase ecosystem quality support the health. 2) to develop efforts of socializing ecosystem functions to society and pesantren community trough both counseling and program of simulation of ecosystem functions persistently by related institutions. 3) to xvii allocate government aids in both hardware and software which are dealt directly with efforts of enhancing ecosystem quality, such supplying books, magazines, brochures, and cleaning devices and hygienists for pesantren. 4) to attempt to design particular curriculum of ecosystem-based religious education. The curriculum is very essential; furthermore santri in the future will become leader assigned as model for other communities.
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rachmadhi Purwana
Jakarta: UI-Press, 2010
PGB 0262
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
Umar Fahmi Achmadi
Jakarta: UI-Press, 1991
PGB 0358
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
Juli Soemirat Slamet
Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University Press, 2000
613.1 JUL k
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Juli Soemirat Slamet
Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, 1994
613.1 JUL k
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Juli Soemirat
Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University Press, 2014
613.1 JUL k
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
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