"Pada proses pre-commisioning jaringan pipa bawah laut diperlukan pencegahan korosi dimana laju korosi material baja API 5L grade B di dalam larutan 3,5 % NaCl teraerasi pada kondisi steady masih relatif tinggi yang dapat mencapai lebih dari 20 mpy (0,5 mm/tahun). Upaya pencegahan korosi pada saat proses hydrotest dengan media air laut dilakukan dengan penambahan inhibitor anorganik yang mengandung zat corrosion inhibitor, oxygen scavenger dan biocide sehingga diperlukan bahan organik alternatif ramah lingkungan dengan kinerja yang lebih baik. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menginvestigasi efisiensi dari penggunaan campuran ekstrak sarang semut dan sirih merah sebagai alternatif inhibitor ramah lingkungan atau bahan campuran untuk mengurangi penggunaan inhibitor anorganik pada perlindungan korosi material baja API 5L Grade B dalam lingkungan 3,5% NaCl.
Kemampuan inhibisi korosi dari hasil ekstrak bahan alami diinvestigasi dengan menggunakan pengujian Tafel polarisasi dan Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) serta diverifikasi dengan pengujian kehilangan berat. Kandungan senyawa aktif dalam ekstrak sarang semut dan sirih merah beserta senyawa teradsorpsi pada permukaan logam dan mekaniseme inhibisi elektrokimia diinvestigasi dengan pengujian EIS, FTIR dan model adsorpsi isoterm. Pada konsentrasi campuran green inhibitor 2ml sarang semut + 1ml sirih merah, effisiensi inhibitor dapat mencapai 73,66%. Pada penggunaan sebagai inhibitor campuran dengan inhibitor kimia pada konsentrasi campuran 1ml kimia + 2ml green inhibitor, dapat menurunkan laju korosi secara signifikan dari 0,42 mm/year menjadi 0,03 mm/year dengan efisiensi mencapai 93,15%. Inhibitor korosi tersebut berpengaruh terhadap kurva polarisasi anodik maupun katodik sehingga dapat berperan sebagai mixed inhibitor.
Pengujian FTIR menunjukan adanya gugus-gugus fungsi ikatan kimia yang berkombinasi sebagai pembentuk lapisan (film forming) seperti Gugus hidroksil, karbonil, aromatik, alkane dan amina. Adsorpsi senyawa-senyawa terkandung dalam inhibitor sarang semut dan sirih merah pada permukaan logam terjadi spontan mengikuti Langmuir adsorpsi isoterm. Hasil ini sesuai dengan hipotesis awal bahwa ekstrak sarang semut dan sirih merah yang mengandung senyawa antioksidan dapat mencegah proses oksidasi pada permukaan logam sehingga akan mengurangi laju korosi.
During pre-commissioning of subsea pipeline are require corrosion prevention since the corrosion rate of steel material of API 5L grade B in 3.5% NaCl aerated solution under steady state condition is still relatively high (can reach more than 0,5 mm/year). Method to prevent the corrosion during subsea pipeline hydrotest using seawater is generally by the addition of inorganic inhibitor containing corrosion inhibitor agent, oxygen scavenger and biocide, so that require to find out the alternative eco- friendly materials with better performance. The main objective of this study is to investigate the efficiency of the use of mixture of extract of myrmecodia pendans and piper crocatum as an alternative of eco-friendly inhibitor or a compound for reducing the use of inorganic inhibitors for corrosion protection of steel material API 5L Grade B in 3,5% NaCl Environmental.The corrosion inhibition ability of natural ingredient extraction are investigated by using tafel polarization test and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and verified by weight loss test. The content of the active compounds in the extract of Myrmecodia Pendans and Piper Crocatum along with adsorption compound on metal surfaces and electrochemical inhibition mekaniseme are investigated by EIS, FTIR testing and model of the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The addition of mixed green inhibitor concentration of 2ml myrmecodia pendans and 1ml piper crocatum is resulted in approximately 73.66% inhibitor efficiency while the addition of mixed green inhibitor into chemical inhibitor with concentration of 1ml for chemical and 2ml for green inhibitor are significantly reduce the corrosion rate from 0.42 mm/year to be 0.03 mm/year with approximately 93.15% inhibitor efficiency.The green inhibitor affected the cathodic as well as the anodic polarization curves which were known as mixed corrosion inhibitor type. The type of chemical bonds on the steel surface layer was analyzed by FTIR method which indicated hydroxyl, carbonyl, aromatic, alkane and amine group. The adsorption of compounds contained in the myrmecodia pendans and piper crocatum inhibitor on a metal surface are occur spontaneously follows the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. These results are consistent with the initial hypothesis that the extract of myrmecodia pendans and piper crocatum contains antioxidant compound which can prevent the oxidation process in the metal surface thereby will reducing the corrosion rate."