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"There is a mounting consensus that human behavior is changing the global climate and its consequence could be catastrophic. Reducing the 24 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions from stationary and mobile sources is a gigantic task involving both technological challenges and monumental financial and societal costs. The pursuit of sustainable energy resources, environment, and economy has become a complex issue of global scale that affects the daily life of every citizen of the world. The present mitigation activities range from energy conservation, carbon-neutral energy conversions, carbon advanced combustion process that produce no greenhouse gases and that enable carbon capture and sequestion, to other advanced technologies. From its causes and impacts to its solutions, the issues surrounding climate change involve multidisciplinary science and technology. This handbook will provide a single source of this information. The book will be divided into the following sections: Scientific Evidence of Climate Change and Societal Issues, Impacts of Climate Change, Energy Conservation, Alternative En"
New York: Springer New York, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"In this excellent book, Dr Yamaguchi has assembled experts to guide the redesign of global policy. The authors underscore how global warming efforts must resonate with other policy goals. ?Climate change mitigation clarifies that climate change cannot be controlled by sacrificing economic growth or other global problems, however, action to control climate change cannot be delayed. Climate policy is pervasive and affects all dimensions of international policy;but it cannot be too ambitious : a balanced approach between mitigation and adaptation, economic growth and resource management, and short term development and long term investments, should be adopted. "
London: Springer-Verlag, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ardiyanto Aryoseno
"Adaptasi perubahan iklim tidak akan memperoleh hasil yang efektif jika tidak diperhitungan mengenai seberapa besar perkiraan dampak yang ditimbul kan, dan tidak tahu perbedaan tingkat kerentanan dampak di masing-masing wilayah. Untuk itu, diperlukan suatu penilaian yang memberikan informasi kerentanan wilayah terhadap dampak perubahan iklim yang akan terjadi di masa mendatang. Penilaian kerentanan perubahan iklim adalah pengukuran yang perlu dilakukan disetiap daerah. Setiap daerah memiliki karekteristik fisik dan lingkungan yang berbeda, kondisi topografi, hidrologi, geologi dan klimatologi yang berbeda membuat setiap daerah terpapar dampak perubahan iklim yang berbeda pula. Kota Bekasi yag terletak bersebelahan dengan ibukota negara ini tentunya diharapkan sebagai pendukung dan penyeimbang ibukota. Dengan berbagai permasalahan yang dihadapi wilayah perkotaan pada umumnya di negara berkembang ditambah tekanan ancaman perubahan iklim Kota Bekasi diperlukan pernilaian kerentanan, satu tahapan utama proses pengarusutamaan kebijakan strategi adaptasi kedalam perencanaan pembangunan adalah penilaian kerentanan atau vulnerability assessment (VA) yang merupakan masukan utama untuk menjadi panduan bagi para pengambil keputusan agar tidak terjadi proses mal adaptation. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode Kualitatif menggunaka data yang ada kemudian dilakukan analisis kerentanan merupakan fungsi dari tingkat keterpaparan (E), sensitivitas (S), dan kemampuan adaptasi (AC) dari suatu sistem, yang berarti tingkat kerentanan sangat dipengaruhi besarnya oleh komponen E, S, dan AC dari suatu sistem. Semakin tinggi tingkat keterpaparan atau tingkat sensitivitas maka akan semakin besar kerentanan, sedangkan; semakin tinggi kemampuan adaptasi maka akan semakin kecil kerentanan. Dari hasil penelitian yang disajikan dalam bentuk peta dengan analisa yang dilakukan per kelurahan ancaman bencana iklim di Kota Bekasi adalah Banjir, Kekeringan, Longsor dan Angin Putting Beliung, sedangkan ancaman bencana tak langsung adalah Diare, ISPA dan DBD berdasarakan data kejadian penyakit tersebut muncul karena kejadian bencana. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di tingkat kelurahan, beberapa tindakan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat ketika terjadi bencana antara lain mengambil inisiatif penanggulangan secara swadaya. Hal ini dikarenakan bencana yang terjadi di Kota Bekasi masih tergolong rendah dan sedang, sehingga masyarakat korban masih mampu mengatasinya. Kondisi ini dapat menunjukkan tingkat kapasitas masyarakat dalam upaya adaptasi terhadap bencana dan dampak perubahan iklim. Meningkatkan dan penguatan kapasitas masyarakat di Kota Bekasi agar perduli dan tanggap terhadap ancaman bahaya yang ada di sekitar lingkungannya

Adaptation to climate change will not obtain effective results if not taken as to how big the estimated impact, and do not know the difference in the level of the impact of the vulnerability in each regions. Therefore, required an assessment that provides vulnerability regions to the impact of climate change will be happen in the future. The value of vulnerability climate change is the measurements need to be done in each area. In every area having the different of environment and physical characteristics, the different condition such as topography, hydrology, geology and climatology makes every area exposed to the impact of climate change differently. City of Bekasi in located near to the capital of this county would be expected to support and balance with the capital city. Vulnerability assessment needed by developing countries in urban areas to faces the threat of climate change, Vulnerabilty assessment is one of the main stages in the policy of adaptation strategies into development planning and also serve as a guide for decision makers in order to avoid mal adaption. This research is using qualitative method, then the data do analysis assessement as function of the level of exposure (E), sensitivity (S), and the adaptive capacity (AC) of a system, which means that the vulnerabilty is highly influenced by the compoments E, E and AC from a system. Therefore, the higher the level of exposure will be the greater vulnerability, while the higher capabilty adaptation will be smaller vulnerability. The result of the research from the maps with analysis which do each village the threat of disaster will be happen in Bekasi City is Flood, Dought, Avalance and Tornado, while indirect the treat of disaster is Diare, ISPA and DBD based on the data this disease always happen because the disaster. The result of the research conducted village level, some of the actions taken by the community in times of disaster prevention, like take the initiative independently. This is due to the disaster in the city of Bekasi is still relatively low and moderate, so that affected people could still handle. This condition can indicate the level capacity of communities in an effort to disasters and climate change. Improving and strengthening the capacity of communities in the city of Bekasi to care and response to hazards that exist around the environment."
Depok: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gaast, Wytze van der
"[Climate change poses major socio-economic, technical and environmental challenges which will have serious impacts on countries' pathways towards sustainable development. As a result, climate change and sustainable development have increasingly become interlinked. A changing climate makes achieving Millennium Development Goals more difficult and expensive, so there is every reason to achieve development goals with low greenhouse gas emissions.
This leads to the following five challenges discussed by Challenges and solutions for climate change : to place climate negotiations in the wider context of sustainability, equity and social change so that development benefits can be maximised at the same time as decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. To select technologies or measures for climate change mitigation andadaptation based on countries' sustainabledevelopment and climate goals. To create low greenhouse gas emission and climate resilient strategies and action plans in order to accelerate innovation for sustainable development and climate goals on the scale and timescale required within countries. To rationalize the current directions in international climate policy making in order to provide coherent and efficient support to developing countries in devising and implementing strategies and action plans for low emission technology transfers to deliver climate and sustainable development goals. To facilitate development of an international framework for financial resources in order to support technology development and transfer, improve enabling environments for innovation, address equity issues such as poor people's energy access, and make implementation of activities possible at the desired scale within the country. The solutions presented in Challenges and Solutions for Climate Change show how ambitious measures can be undertaken which are fully in line with domestic interests, both in developing and in developed countries, and how these measures can be supported through the international mechanisms. , Climate change poses major socio-economic, technical and environmental challenges which will have serious impacts on countries' pathways towards sustainable development. As a result, climate change and sustainable development have increasingly become interlinked. A changing climate makes achieving Millennium Development Goals more difficult and expensive, so there is every reason to achieve development goals with low greenhouse gas emissions.
This leads to the following five challenges discussed by Challenges and solutions for climate change : to place climate negotiations in the wider context of sustainability, equity and social change so that development benefits can be maximised at the same time as decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. To select technologies or measures for climate change mitigation andadaptation based on countries' sustainabledevelopment and climate goals. To create low greenhouse gas emission and climate resilient strategies and action plans in order to accelerate innovation for sustainable development and climate goals on the scale and timescale required within countries. To rationalize the current directions in international climate policy making in order to provide coherent and efficient support to developing countries in devising and implementing strategies and action plans for low emission technology transfers to deliver climate and sustainable development goals. To facilitate development of an international framework for financial resources in order to support technology development and transfer, improve enabling environments for innovation, address equity issues such as poor people's energy access, and make implementation of activities possible at the desired scale within the country. The solutions presented in Challenges and Solutions for Climate Change show how ambitious measures can be undertaken which are fully in line with domestic interests, both in developing and in developed countries, and how these measures can be supported through the international mechanisms. ]"
London: [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arwin Soelaksono
"Studi ini dimaksudkan untuk memformulasi strategi yang dapat menjadi sumbangsih bagi usaha-usaha mitigasi perubahan iklim. Pada akhir 2012 Kyoto Protocol tahap satu telah berakhir dan hasil dari COP 18 membuat keberadaan CDM menjadi penuh tantangan. Sehingga pelaksanaan CDM pasca 2012 atau mekanisme yang sejenis harus diperkuat. Sasaran dari riset ini adalah memformulasikan kombinasi dari kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia dan perjanjian perdagangan internasional untuk meperkuat pelaksanaan CDM di masa mendatang atau mekanisme baru berdasarkan pasar.
Riset ini dilakukan melalui tinjauan literatur dan pengumpulan respons survey yang respondennya telah dipilih dengan cermat supaya dapat mewakili seluruh pemangku kepentingan. Para responden yang dicari berasal dari para ahli nasional maupun asing yang memiliki pengalaman dibidang ini. Untuk menjamin bahwa mereka memberikan respons yang sahih, para responden juga dipilih berdasarkan pencapaian pendidikan dan pengalaman kerja yang relevan. Data yang terkumpul pada tahap pertama diolah dengan analisa SWOT yang kemudian difinalisasi menggunakan AHP.
Namun riset yang berdasarkan perspektif CDM ini memberikan hasil yang berbeda. Strategi yang terbaik adalah dengan mengkaitkan mekanisme ini dengan perjanjian pedagangan internasional. Sehingga kesadaran akan perubahan iklim perlu dibangun secara regional ataupun dengan mitra perdagangan lainnya. Hasil dari usaha ini adalah pembagian tanggung jawab dalam mitigasi perubahan iklim. Lebih lanjut seyogyanya usaha ini tidak berhenti pada tingkatan antar pemerintah semata, namun harus dapat diimplementasikan antar lembaga-lembaga usaha swasta. Dengan demikian mekanisme bisnis ke bisnis yang cocok dengan CDM ataupun mekanisme yang sejenis dapat berfungsi efektif.

This study is intended to formulate strategy that can contribute the climate change mitigation measures. By the end of 2012 first phase Kyoto Protocol has ended and the result of COP 18 brought CDM existence in considerable challenge. Therefore CDM post 2012 or similar mechanism implementation has to be strengthened. The research goal is to formulate combination of Government of Indonesia policies and international trade agreement to reinforce future CDM or new market based mechanism.
This research conducted through literature review and collecting survey responses which the respondents were carefully selected to cover all stakeholders. The respondents were sought from national and foreign expert or people who have experiences in this field. The respondents also selected based on education attainment and relevant working experience to ensure they will give valid responses. The first stage data collected was processed using SWOT analysis and then finalized using AHP.
However this research based on CDM perspective, gave different result. The best strategy is to work through linking the mechanism to the international trade agreement. Therefore climate change awareness should be built regionally or with other trading partners. The outcome of this measures is sharing responsibility on climate change mitigation. Moreover it should not stop only at governments? level, but it should be implemented among the private sectors. Then business to business mechanism which is suitable to CDM or its similar mechanism will be functioned effectively.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tomkiewicz, Micha
New York: Momentum Press, 2011
551.6 TOM c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tobing, Aisa Dokmauly
"Beberapa hasil penelitian memprediksi pada tahun 2030 hampir 80% emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK) di dunia berasal dari kota-kota besar. Mitigasi perubahan iklim adalah pendekatan menuju kota rendah karbon dan berkelanjutan yang mencakup pengurangan produksi CO2 khususnya dari sektor transportasi yang memproduksi emisi terbesar di Jakarta, sekitar 45% atau 2,33 tCO2/kapita dari total 5,10 tCO2/kapita; Disisi lain penataan ruang dan desain kota dapat memainkan peran penting (key factor) dalam pengurangan dan penyerapan CO2. Model penataan ruang dan desain kota yang efektif dan inovatif adalah penataan ruang dan desain kota yang mempertimbangkan prinsip mitigasi yaitu bagaimana penataan ruang dan desain kota yang memproduksi CO2 serendah mungkin dan menyerap CO2 sebanyak mungkin. Hasil analisis mengindikasikan bahwa penataan ruang dan desain kawasan TOD secara substantif dapat mengurangi CO2 dengan berkurangnya pengguna angkutan pribadi dan bertambahnya akses penduduk terhadap sistem transit yang nyaman dan akses ke elemen kota lainnya. Upaya pengurangan emisi CO2 dan penambahan akses ini terkait dengan pengembangan model penataan ruang dan desain kawasan TOD yang memperhatikan prinsip-prinsip dasar Walk, Cycle, Connect, Transit, Mix use, Densify, Compact, dan Shift menghasilkan target pengurangan emisi menjadi 65% dari 30% Bussiness As Usual. Kondisi pengurangan emisi CO2 mengakibatkan menurunnya tingkat gradasi lingkungan dari 5,18 tCO2/kapita menjadi 4,47 tCO2/kapita, sedikit dibawah kondisi Kotra Metropolitan Tokyo (4,86 tCO2/kapita) yang telah mempunyai sistem TOD terstruktur dengan baik. Model ini dapat direplikasikan ke kawasan TOD lainnya yang mempunyai tipologi yang sama, dan membuktikan semakin banyak jumlah TOD yang tertata dan terstruktur di suatu kota metropolitan akan semakin tinggi tingkat keberlanjutannya.

Some studies envisage that 80% of global emissions GHG emanate from the big cities. The mitigation approach is aimed towards Low-Carbon and Sustainable Cities, especially in big cities. The approach encompasses a reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) production and an increase in the absorption of CO2, especially from transportasion sector that produces the biggest emission in Jakarta as much of 45% or 2.33 tCO2/capita from 5.10 tCO2/capita in total emission. Spatial planning can play an important role or be the key factor towards the sustainability of the city. Innovative spatial planning and urban design model should take into account the principles of spatial planning and mitigation, how is producing carbon as low as possible and absorbing as much carbon as possible. The analysis indicate that the substantive TOD spatial planning can reduce CO2 emissions by reducing the private car, increasing the people's access to transit, adequate housing, pleasant facilities, pedestrians and cyclists, as well as large green open spaces. The research shows that the TOD spatial planning and urban design have resulted in greater achievement of emission mitigation target which do regard to the basic principles of Walk, Cycle, Connect, Transit, Mix use, Densify, Compact, dan Shift. The reducing is 65%, as compared to 30% of the target in bussiness as usual. These are demonstrated by the decreased level of enviromental degredation from 5.18 tCO2/capita to 4.47 tCO2/capita which is lower then Tokyo (4.89 tCO2/capita) that has been have a good TOD system. The contribution of emission reductions is significant and therefore it can be replicated to seven TOD which have similar typology. This study proves that the more TOD areas in a city, the higher the level of sustainability of the city."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Juhyeon, KANG
Jakarta: Elex Media Komputindo, 2019
551.6 JUH w
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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