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Suresh Vellaiyan
"The use of water-in-diesel (W/D) emulsion fuel has the potential to promote better performance with lower emissions in existing diesel engines. The present study aims to analyzes the influence of operating parameters on the overall engine performance and emission characteristics using W/D emulsion fuel and to obtain the optimum level for favorable performance and emission levels. The engine operating parameters were optimized using a Taguchi–grey relation based multi-response optimization tool. Two controlling parameters, namely compression ratio (CR) and percentage of W/D, were considered as input process parameters. An L16 orthogonal array was used to collect the output responses (performance and emissions) under varying engine load conditions. The signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio and grey relational analysis were used to analyze the performance and emission parameters. From the results obtained, it is noted that both controlling parameters have a significant effect on the performance and emission levels. The optimum level of performance and emission levels are obtained at a CR of 18 and water concentration of 10%. Moreover, under these optimum conditions, i.e. at 10% of water concentration, the fuel properties are at par with the standard diesel fuel properties requirement."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI-IJTECH 9:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Fadlan Rasyid
"Beberapa polutan udara yang mencemari lingkungan antara lain seperti nitrogen oksida (NOx), sulfur dioksida (SO2), dan karbon monoksida (CO). Teknologi kontaktor membran merupakan teknologi alternatif dalam menyisihkan gas NOx, SO2, dan CO karena keunggulannya berupa luas area spesifik yang tinggi. Penelitian ini akan mempelajari proses penyisihan gas buang mesin diesel berupa NOx, SO2, dan CO menggunakan pelarut H2O2 dan NaOH pada modul membran serat berongga berbahan polisulfon. Gas buang mesin diesel akan dialirkan pada bagian tube membran, sedangkan pelarut H2O2 dan NaOH berada di bagian shell dan bersifat statis. Variabel bebas yang diuji pada penelitian ini adalah laju alir gas umpan dan konsentrasi pelarut H2O2. Berdasarkan hasil uji, efisiensi penyisihan gas NOx, SO2, dan CO tertinggi pada laju alir gas 100 mL/menit dan konsentrasi H2O2 0,5 M berturut-turut, yaitu sebesar 99,56%, 99,79%, dan 99,28%, fluks perpindahan massa NOx, SO2, dan CO tertinggi pada laju alir gas 200 mL/menit menit dan konsentrasi H2O2 0,5 M berturut-turut, yaitu sebesar 1,13 x 10-6 mmol/cm2.s, 9,42 x 10-7 mmol/cm2.s, dan 8,93 x 10-7 mmol/cm2.s serta NOx, SO2, dan CO loading tertinggi pada laju alir gas 200 mL/menit menit dan konsentrasi H2O2 0,05 M berturut-turut, yaitu sebesar 1,72 x 10-4 mmol NOx/mmol H2O2.s, 1,3 x 10-4 mmol SO2/mmol H2O2.s, dan 1,2 x 10-4 mmol CO/mmol H2O2.s.

Some air pollutants that affect the environment include nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and carbon monoxide (CO). Membrane contactor technology is an alternative technology in NOx, SO2, and CO gases because of its advantages, such as high specific area. This study investigates removing exhaust gases from diesel engines in the form of NOx, SO2, and CO using H2O2 and NaOH solvents on hollow fiber membrane modules made of polysulfone. The exhaust gas of the diesel engine will be in the membrane part of the tube, while the solvent H2O2 and NaOH are in the shell and are static. The independent variables tested in this study were the gas feed flow rate and the concentration of H2O2. Test results, the highest absorption efficiency of NOx, SO2, and CO gas was at a gas flow rate of 100 mL/min and H2O2 0.5 M, respectively, which are 99.56%, 99.79%, and 99.28%, the highest mass transfer flux of NOx, SO2, and CO at a gas flow rate of 100 mL/min and H2O2 0.5 M, respectively, namely 1.13 x 10-6 mmol/cm2.s, 9.42 x 10-7 mmol/cm2.s, and 8.93 x 10-7 mmol/cm2.s, and also highest NOx, SO2, and CO loading at a gas flow rate of 100 mL/min and H2O2 0.05 M, respectively, namely 1.72 x 10-4 mmol NOx/mmol H2O2.s, 1.3 x 10-4 mmol SO2/mmol H2O2.s, and 1.2 x 10-4 mmol CO/mmol H2O2.s."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zulkifli Abdul Majid
"Bioethanol is a renewable and oxygenated bio-based resource with the potential to reduce particulate emissions in direct fuel injection diesel engines. This study aims to further diminish the outflow of a Diesel Fuel Engine motor fueled by diesel-bioethanol by identifying the most suitable blend by applying various blends of diesel-bioethanol, namely E10, E20, E50, and E80 blends. The Diesel engine had been tested using solely diesel fuel and then with bioethanol blends for comparison purposes. The results show that bioethanol fuel can provide a lower torque for the Diesel engine, but a similar engine performance occurs in terms of Horse Power. However, the presence of bioethanol inside the blended fuels increases the emissions of Unburned Hydrocarbon, (HC), CO, CO2, and NOx compared to engines that use only Pure Diesel. E10 has been found as the most ideal blend from all the fuels tested. Further research is required to distinguish the E80 fuel blend, as it is unable to be tested on a 6-cylinder engine, since the standard running Diesel engine suitable for the E80 blend fuel is a single cylinder."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI-IJTECH 7:6 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zofarizal Gusfa
"Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan proses deposisi dan evaporasi bahan bakar diesel yang dilakukan secara berulang pada sebuah pelat panas. Pelat dipanaskan dengan variasi temperatur di dalam ruang tertutup sehingga kondisinya mendekati kondisi riil pada engine. Pengujian ini menggunakan hot room temperature test rig. Dari pengujian ini, pengaruh temperatur terhadap pertumbuhan dan karakteristik deposit dapat diamati. Penelitian ini lebih mengarah ke jumlah deposit. Jumlah deposit yang berbeda di setiap temperatur dapat menunjukkan temperatur yang optimal untuk mengendalikan pertumbuhan deposit.

Repetitive process of diesel fuel deposition and evaporation on hot plate are done in this study. The plate was heated at various temperature in closed systems for approaching the real engine condition. This process was done in hot room temperature test rig. Effect of temperature to deposits growth and characteristic could be observed through this repetitive process. Then, the aim of this study is more likely to total deposits. Total deposits structure at every temperature could show the optimum temperature to control the deposits growth."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wiranto Arismunandar
Jakarta: Pradnya Paramita, 1983
621.436 WIR m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Calder, Nigel
Glasgow: J. Munroe & company, limited, 1927
623.872 CAL m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fajriawan Sutansa
Di Indonesia, permasalahan sampah menjadi perbincangan dari hulu ke hilir yang terus dicari pemecahannya. Sampah kota di Indonesia memiliki potensi sebagai sumber energi terbarukan yang cukup besar. Namun, belum ada pemanfaatan secara maksimal karena terkendala aspek teknologi dan ekonomi. Teknologi pengolahan sampah menjadi listrik dengan metode landfill gas to power membutuhkan lahan yang besar untuk bisa menampung sisa tumpukan sampah. Dengan latar belakang dan potensi tersebut, pengujian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan kestabilan tegangan dan frekuensi serita kinerja mesin dari generator set mesin diesel berbahan bakar solar yang dicampur syngas hasil gasifikasi sampah dan dibandingkan dengan solar murni pada skenario pembebanan 6,66%, 13,33%, dan 20%. Pengujian bahan bakar solar dengan campuran syngas mampu mempertahankan kinerja mesin diesel dengan kestabilan tegangan di antara +0,7%-+4,6% dari nilai nominal, kestabilan frekuensi di antara -1,26%-+1,34% dari nilai rata-rata, konsumsi bahan bakar 15,7 m3 syngas setara dengan 1 liter solar, tingkat kebisingan pada jarak 1 meter sebesar 76,28 dB-81,96 dB, dan suhu gas buang di antara 100,42-21,80 derajat celcius.

In Indonesia, the problem of waste becomes a conversation from upstream to downstream that the solution is continuously sought. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in Indonesia has the potential as a source of renewable energy that is quite large. However, there has not been a maximum utilization due to technological and economic aspects. The technology of processing waste into electricity using the landfill gas to power method requires a large amount of land to be able to accommodate the remaining piles of garbage. As that background and potential, this analysis aims to compare the stability of the voltage and frequency as well as the performance of the engine from diesel engine generator sets which the diesel fuel mixed with syngas from waste gasification results and compared to pure diesel in the loading scenario of 6.66%, 13.33%, and 20%. Testing diesel fuel with syngas mixture is able to maintain the performance of diesel engines with voltage stability between +0.7%-+4,6% of the nominal value, frequency stability between-1.26%+1.34% of the average value, fuel consumption of 15.4 m3 syngas is equivalent to 1 liter of diesel, the noise level at 1 meter is 76.28 dB 81.96 dB, and the temperature of the exhaust gas is between 100.42 121.80 celcius degree."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Cahyo
"Penelitian analisis tekno-ekonomi Crude Palm Oil (CPO) bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik viskositas dan densitas CPO sebagai bahan bakar mesin diesel serta dampak penggunaan CPO terhadap karakteristik mesin seperti performance, karakteristik parameter pembakaran, keandalan dan emisi gas buang yang dihasilkan.
Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode pengujian operasi (running test) menggunakan 100% CPO selama 375 jam 58 menit pada mesin diesel Type MAK 8M453B dengan 8 cylinder inline dan daya mampu gross 1,200 KW. Suhu pemanasan CPO pada Flow Control Module selama pengujian dijaga pada rentang 77 0C s.d 83 0C untuk mendapatkan rentang viskositas kinematik CPO di inlet mesin  sebesar 11 cSt s.d. 13 cSt. Selama running test, dilakukan uji performance, uji karakteristik pembakaran (engine analyzer), uji emisi gas buang dan pengambilan sampel CPO. Sementara sebelum dan sesudah running test dilakukan uji sampel CPO serta minyak pelumas. Uji Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) juga dilakukan untuk mengetahui komposisi logam pada deposit.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa viskositas kinematik dan densitas CPO cenderung menurun ketika suhu dinaikkan dengan kurva berbentuk parabolic polinomial untuk viskositas kinematik dan cenderung linier untuk densitas. Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) pada beban maksimum 1.200 kW gross sebesar 0,298 liter/kWh. Persamaan polinomial SFC terhadap beban adalah y = 10-07x2 - 0,0003x + 0,4496. Kadar emisi gas buang NOx sebesar 2.075,4 mg/Nm3 s.d. 2797,7 mg/Nm3, melebihi batasan standar baku mutu lingkungan (maksimum 1.400 mg/Nm3). Terbentuk deposit keras berupa lelehan di permukaan cylinder head, piston dan valve serta nozzle dengan kandungan komposisi logam Calcium (Ca) yang bersifat keras dan sulit dibersihkan. Akumulasi deposit menyebabkan tergoresnya dinding permukaan liner.
Pengoperasian menggunakan bahan bakar CPO menurunkan tekanan pembakaran sebesar 14 % pada beban maksimum dibandingkan beroperasi menggunakan biodiesel/B20; menurunkan Indicated Horse Power (IHP) mesin rata-rata sebesar 7,44 %; memperpendek interval pemeliharaan periodik yang berdampak pada peningkatan signifikan pada kebutuhan biaya fix dan variable O&M dan penurunan capacity factor mesin. Kualitas minyak pelumas mengalami degradasi dengan indikasi kenaikan viskositas minyak pelumas dan terdapat kenaikan kontaminan logam silica (Si) dan besi (Fe).
Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan pada analisis keekonomian, harga keekonomian CPO tahun 2018 sebesar Rp.7.238,11/liter, lebih rendah Rp. 1.142,73/liter terhadap harga indeks pasar rata-rata pada tahun 2018. Sementara pada tahun 2019, harga keekonomian bahan bakar CPO sebesar Rp. 6.515,25/liter, lebih rendah Rp. 1.002,54/liter terhadap harga indeks pasar rata-rata CPO pada tahun 2019 dan lebih rendah Rp. 1.857,42/liter terhadap harga suplier CPO di ULPLTD-MG Bontang.

The techno-economic analysis of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) aims to determine the viscosity and density characteristics of CPO as diesel engine fuel and the impact of CPO use on engine characteristics such as performance, characteristics of combustion parameters, reliability and exhaust emissions produced.
The research method was carried out by running test using 100% CPO for 375 hours 58 minutes on a diesel engine MAK Type 8M453B with 8 inline cylinders and a gross capable power of 1,200 kW. CPO heating temperature in the Flow Control Module during testing is maintained in the range of 77 0C to 83 0C to get the kinematic viscosity range of CPO at the engine inlet of 11 cSt to 13 cSt. During the running test, a performance test, a combustion characteristics test (engine analyzer test), a flue gas emission test and CPO sampling was conducted. While before and after running test CPO and lubricant oil samples were tested. The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) test was also carried out to determine the metal composition of the deposit.
The results showed that kinematic viscosity and CPO density tended to decrease when the temperature was raised with a polynomial shaped parabolic curve for kinematic viscosity and tended to be linear for density. Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) at a maximum load of 1,200 kW gross is 0,298 liters/ kWh. The SFC polynomial equation for load is y = 10-07x2 - 0,0003x + 0,4496. NOx exhaust gas emission levels of 2,075.4 mg/Nm3 s.d. 2,797.7 mg/Nm3, exceeding the limits for environmental quality standards (maximum 1,400 mg/Nm3). A hard deposit formed in the form of a melt on the surface of the cylinder head, piston and valve as well as a nozzle with a metal composition of Calcium (Ca) which is hard and difficult to clean. Accumulated deposits cause scratching of the liner surface.
Operations using CPO fuel reduce combustion pressure by 14% at maximum load compared to operating using biodiesel/ B20; reduce machine Indicated Horse Power (IHP) by an average of 7.44%; shortening periodic maintenance intervals which results in a significant increase for fix and variable O&M costs and a decrease in engine capacity factor. The quality of the lubricating oil is degraded with an indication of an increase in the viscosity of the lubricating oil and an increase in metal (Si) and iron (Fe) contaminants.
Based on economic analysis, the economic price of CPO in 2018 is Rp.7,238.11 /liters, lower Rp. 1,142.73 /liters against the average market index price in 2018. While in 2019, the economic price of CPO fuel is Rp. 6,515.25 / liters, lower Rp. 1,002.54 / liters against the CPO average market index price in 2019 and lower Rp. 1,857.42 / liters of CPO supplier prices in ULPLTD-MG Bontang.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Sumber energi yang disediakan oleh alam sangat banyak sehingga dapat digunakan manusia untuk kelangsungan hidupnya. Sejak dahulu sampai saat ini telah dilakulcan berbagai penelitian oieh para ilmuwan dari mancancgara mengenai energi. Salah S8111 gagasan yang selalu digunakan sebagai pedoman adalah bahwa energi itu tetap lestari. Memanfaatkan energi semaksimal mungkin dengan cara mengubahnya menjadi bentuk energi lain menxpakan prinsip konversi energi. Pennasalahan tersebut diataslah yang akan dibahas dalam tugas akhir ini.
Motor bakar torak adalah salah satu penggerak mula yang mengkonversi energi kimia bahan bakar menjadi tenaga atau daya. Daya yang berasal dari pembakamn bahan bakar dan udara didalam silinder inilah yang kemudian dikonversi menjadi energi mekanik untuk menggcrakkan suatu peralatan.
Seperti diketahui bahwa daya dari suatu motor bakar sangat tergantung dengan massa udara dan kuantitas bahan bakar yang tersedia dengan kata lain sangat tergantung dengan mean ejécrhfe pressure (mep) atau tekanan efektif rata-rata dari motor bakar tersebut.
Menambah daya suatu motor bakar tanpa mengubah volume langkah dan kecepatan motor dapat dilakukan dengan meningkatkan mep motor tersebut. Ha!
ini dapat dilakukan dengan penambahan turbocharger dan afercooler.
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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