ABSTRAKPenelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan antara strategi coping stres
dan compassion satisfaction, serta menguji coping fokus masalah dan emosi
sebagai mediator antara coping fokus spiritual dan compassion satisfaction.
Menggunakan Purposive sampling, Kuesioner Proqol R-IV (Stamm, 2010) Brief
COPE (Carver dkk, 1989), WCC (Dahlan, 2005) dan Brief RCOPE (Pargament
dkk, 1998) diisi oleh 102 perawat UGD, ICU dan Bedah Umum di Makassar.
Analisa regresi berganda signifikan untuk hubungan coping fokus masalah dan
coping fokus emosi dengan compassion satisfaction (F = 3.459, p = .002<.05),
coping fokus masalah dan coping fokus spiritual dengan compassion satisfaction
(F = 4.016, p = .000<.05), dan ketiga coping stres dan compassion satisfaction
(F = 3.656, p = .001<.05). Hasil uji mediasi menunjukkan hubungan antara coping
fokus spiritual dan compassion satisfaction tidak dimediasi oleh coping fokus
masalah (jalur a, β = .012, p = .906>.05) dan coping fokus emosi (jalur d, β =
-.037, p = .708>.05 dan jalur e, β = .161, p = .093>.05). Penemuan menunjukkan
coping fokus spiritual berhubungan langsung dengan compassion satisfaction.
ABSTRACTThe aim of this study was to explore the relationships of coping and compassion
satisfaction, and examine the problem and emotion focused coping as mediator
between spiritual focused coping and compassion satisfaction. With Purposive
sampling, questionnaire Proqol R-IV (Stamm, 2010) Brief COPE (Carver et al.,
1989), WCC (Dahlan, 2005) dan Brief RCOPE (Pargament et al., 1998) filled by
102 nurses of UGD, ICU and Centre Operating Service in Makassar. The results
of multiple regression were significant for relationships between problem focused
coping and emotion focused coping with compassion satisfaction (F = 3.459, p =
.002<.05), problem focused coping and spiritual focused coping with compassion
satisfaction (F = 4.016, p = .000<.05), and the third of coping with compassion
satisfaction (F = 3.656, p = .001<.05). The mediation analyses showed that the
relationships between spiritual focused coping and compassion satisfaction were
not mediated by problem focused coping (path a, β = .012, p = .906>.05) and
emotion focused coping emosi (path d, β = -.037, p = .708>.05 and path e, β =
.161, p = .093>.05). Finding showed that relationship between of spiritual focused
coping was directly with compassion satisfaction.;The aim of this study was to explore the relationships of coping and compassion
satisfaction, and examine the problem and emotion focused coping as mediator
between spiritual focused coping and compassion satisfaction. With Purposive
sampling, questionnaire Proqol R-IV (Stamm, 2010) Brief COPE (Carver et al.,
1989), WCC (Dahlan, 2005) dan Brief RCOPE (Pargament et al., 1998) filled by
102 nurses of UGD, ICU and Centre Operating Service in Makassar. The results
of multiple regression were significant for relationships between problem focused
coping and emotion focused coping with compassion satisfaction (F = 3.459, p =
.002<.05), problem focused coping and spiritual focused coping with compassion
satisfaction (F = 4.016, p = .000<.05), and the third of coping with compassion
satisfaction (F = 3.656, p = .001<.05). The mediation analyses showed that the
relationships between spiritual focused coping and compassion satisfaction were
not mediated by problem focused coping (path a, β = .012, p = .906>.05) and
emotion focused coping emosi (path d, β = -.037, p = .708>.05 and path e, β =
.161, p = .093>.05). Finding showed that relationship between of spiritual focused
coping was directly with compassion satisfaction.;The aim of this study was to explore the relationships of coping and compassion
satisfaction, and examine the problem and emotion focused coping as mediator
between spiritual focused coping and compassion satisfaction. With Purposive
sampling, questionnaire Proqol R-IV (Stamm, 2010) Brief COPE (Carver et al.,
1989), WCC (Dahlan, 2005) dan Brief RCOPE (Pargament et al., 1998) filled by
102 nurses of UGD, ICU and Centre Operating Service in Makassar. The results
of multiple regression were significant for relationships between problem focused
coping and emotion focused coping with compassion satisfaction (F = 3.459, p =
.002<.05), problem focused coping and spiritual focused coping with compassion
satisfaction (F = 4.016, p = .000<.05), and the third of coping with compassion
satisfaction (F = 3.656, p = .001<.05). The mediation analyses showed that the
relationships between spiritual focused coping and compassion satisfaction were
not mediated by problem focused coping (path a, β = .012, p = .906>.05) and
emotion focused coping emosi (path d, β = -.037, p = .708>.05 and path e, β =
.161, p = .093>.05). Finding showed that relationship between of spiritual focused
coping was directly with compassion satisfaction., The aim of this study was to explore the relationships of coping and compassion
satisfaction, and examine the problem and emotion focused coping as mediator
between spiritual focused coping and compassion satisfaction. With Purposive
sampling, questionnaire Proqol R-IV (Stamm, 2010) Brief COPE (Carver et al.,
1989), WCC (Dahlan, 2005) dan Brief RCOPE (Pargament et al., 1998) filled by
102 nurses of UGD, ICU and Centre Operating Service in Makassar. The results
of multiple regression were significant for relationships between problem focused
coping and emotion focused coping with compassion satisfaction (F = 3.459, p =
.002<.05), problem focused coping and spiritual focused coping with compassion
satisfaction (F = 4.016, p = .000<.05), and the third of coping with compassion
satisfaction (F = 3.656, p = .001<.05). The mediation analyses showed that the
relationships between spiritual focused coping and compassion satisfaction were
not mediated by problem focused coping (path a, β = .012, p = .906>.05) and
emotion focused coping emosi (path d, β = -.037, p = .708>.05 and path e, β =
.161, p = .093>.05). Finding showed that relationship between of spiritual focused
coping was directly with compassion satisfaction.]"