ABSTRAKPenelitian-penelitian terdahulu menemukan bahwa observational cues dapat
meningkatkan kemunculan perilaku altruis atau prososial pada individu.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi kemungkinan keberadaan hubungan
antara pertanda pengamatan (observational cues) dengan salah satu bentuk
altruis yang belum pernah diteliti, yakni perilaku konsumsi berkelanjutan serta
efek moderasi harga di dalam hubungan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan
desain eksperimental 2 (observational cues: ada vs. tidak ada) x 3 (harga:
produk berkelanjutan lebih tinggi daripada produk konvensional vs. produk
berkelanjutan lebih rendah daripada produk konvensional vs. produk
berkelanjutan dan konvensional setara). Analisis data yang berasal dari 182
mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia mengindikasikan ketiadaan pengaruh yang
signifikan dari observational cues dalam meningkatkan perilaku konsumsi
berkelanjutan 2 (1, N=182) = 2,348, p= 0,125. Analisis pada variabel harga di
dalam model interaksi tiga arah tidak mengindikasikan keberadaan efek
moderasi harga, 2 (2, N=182) = 0,11, p= 0,995. Analisis terpisah terhadap
interaksi dua arah antara harga dan produk menunjukkan hasil signifikan, 2 (2,
N=182) = 45,539, p= 0,001. Hasil penelitian menentang generalisasi dari efek
keberadaan obserational cues. Dalam naskah ini, dampak teoritis dan praktis
dari hasil penelitian ini turut didiskusikan.
ABSTRACTPrevious researches have indicated that the presence of observational cues
increase the frequency of altruistic or prosocial behaviors exhibited by
individuals. This research aimed to explore the probability of relationship
between observational cues and a form of altruistic behavior which was yet to
be examined, namely sustainable consumption as well as the moderation effect
of price within the relationship. This research employed a between-subject
experimental design of 2 (observational cues: present vs. not present) x 3 (price:
price of sustainable product is higher than coventional product vs. price of
sustainable product is lower than coventional product vs. price of sustainable
and conventional product are equal). The statistical analysis conducted on 182
data collected from undergraduate students of Universitas Indonesia indicated
that there was no significant effect of observational cues in increasing
sustainable consumption, 2 (1, N=182) = 2,348, p= 0,125. The analysis of
price within the three-way interaction model indicated that there was no
significant effect of price as moderator within the model, 2 (2, N=182) = 0,11,
p= 0,995. A separate analysis conducted on the two-way interaction between
price and product yielded significant result, 2 (2, N=182) = 45,539, p= 0,001.
The result called into question the generalization of the effect generated by
observational cues. Further theoretical and practical implications are discussed."