ABSTRAK Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui kelainan yang tersembunyi pada keadaan
Sambungan Skuamo-Kolumnar (SSK) tidak tampak melalui pemeriksaan
Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan deskriptif potong lintang (Cross Sectional).
Penelitian dilakukan pada periode Agustus 2014 sampai Maret 2015 di beberapa
Puskesmas di Jakarta. Sebanyak 1682 subjek yang dilakukan pemeriksaan IVA
(Inspeksi Visual dengan Asam asetat). Setelah data dikumpukan, akan dilakukan
verifikasi data, editing dan coding. Analisis data statistik berupa deskriptif
variabel kategorik yaitu persentase letak Sambungan Skuamo-Kolumnar (SSK)
berdasarkan distribusi umur, persentase hasil pemeriksaan IVA berdasarkan SSK,
dan persentase hasil pemeriksaan Papsmear pada SSK yang tidak tampak dari
hasil pemeriksaan IVA negatif disajikan dalam bentuk n%.
Hasil : Perempuan dengan Sambungan Skuamo-Kolumnar (SSK) yang tampak
1484 (88,2%), yang tidak tampak 198 (11,8%). Sambungan Skuamo-Kolumnar
(SSK) yang tidak tampak pada perempuan yang sudah menopause 122 (61,6%),
sedangkan pada perempuan yang belum menopause 76 (38,4%). Hampir
setengahnya proporsi SSK yang tampak didapatkan pada kelompok perempuan
yang sudah menopause 45,78% (103/225). Hasil pemeriksaan IVA positif
didapatkan 4(7,1%) pada kelompok perempuan menopause dan 52(92,9%) pada
kelompok perempuan yang belum menopause. Pada pemeriksaan Papsmear
dengan SSK yang tidak tampak, persentase kelainan lesi prakanker yaitu sebesar
0(0,0%) ASCUS, 0(0,0%) LSIL, 0(0,0%) HSIL, dan 197(100%) normal.
Kesimpulan : Hampir setengahnya Sambungan Skuamo-Kolumnar (SSK) yang
tampak ditemukan pada kelompok perempuan menopause. Sebagian besar IVA
positif ditemukan pada kelompok perempuan yang belum menopause. Seluruh perempuan dengan SSK yang tidak tampak memiliki hasil pemeriksaan Papsmear normal.
ABSTRACT Objective: To know is there any concealed precancer lesion in women withunvisible Squamo-Columnar Junction (SCJ) by Papsmear examination.Methods : This study was a descriptive cross-sectional design starting fromAugust 2014 to March 2015 at several Public Health Care in Jakarta. A total of1682 subjects were screening by Acetoacetate Visual Inspection (AVI)examination. After the data was collected, and continued by verification, editingand coding. The analysis from the data by variable categoric descriptive likepercentage of SCJ in age distribution, percentage the result of AVI examinationbased on SCJ and percentage the result of Papsmear examination in unvisibleSCJ from negative AVI result. All the result would be present in n%. Results : Women with the visible SCJ were 1484(88,2%) and women withunvisible SCJ were 198(11,8). The percentage of unvisible SCJ in the menopausalwomen group were 122(61,6%), However, in the non-menopausal women groupwere 76(38,4%). Almost a half of the percentage of visible SCJ found inmenopausal women group 45,78%(103/225). The positive AVI result was 4(7,1%)in the menopausal women group and 52(92,9%) in non-menopausal women grup.The result of papsmear examination with unvisible SCJ were 0(0,0%) ASCUS,0(0,0%) LSIL, 0(0,0%) HSIL, and 197(100%) normal.. Conclusion : Almost a half of visible SCJ found in menopausal women group.Most of positive AVI result was found in the non-menopausal women group. All woman with the unvisible SCJ have a normal papsmear result. ;Objective: To know is there any concealed precancer lesion in women withunvisible Squamo-Columnar Junction (SCJ) by Papsmear examination.Methods : This study was a descriptive cross-sectional design starting fromAugust 2014 to March 2015 at several Public Health Care in Jakarta. A total of1682 subjects were screening by Acetoacetate Visual Inspection (AVI)examination. After the data was collected, and continued by verification, editingand coding. The analysis from the data by variable categoric descriptive likepercentage of SCJ in age distribution, percentage the result of AVI examinationbased on SCJ and percentage the result of Papsmear examination in unvisibleSCJ from negative AVI result. All the result would be present in n%. Results : Women with the visible SCJ were 1484(88,2%) and women withunvisible SCJ were 198(11,8). The percentage of unvisible SCJ in the menopausalwomen group were 122(61,6%), However, in the non-menopausal women groupwere 76(38,4%). Almost a half of the percentage of visible SCJ found inmenopausal women group 45,78%(103/225). The positive AVI result was 4(7,1%)in the menopausal women group and 52(92,9%) in non-menopausal women grup.The result of papsmear examination with unvisible SCJ were 0(0,0%) ASCUS,0(0,0%) LSIL, 0(0,0%) HSIL, and 197(100%) normal.. Conclusion : Almost a half of visible SCJ found in menopausal women group.Most of positive AVI result was found in the non-menopausal women group. All woman with the unvisible SCJ have a normal papsmear result. "