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Cintana Ramadhany Maladjong
"Studi ini mengkaji pemaknaan neighborhood bagi masyarakat kampung kota dan persepsi mereka terhadap makna tersebut melalui penggunaan ruang publik di sana. Pemaknaan dan persepsi tersebut ditelusuri melalui teori Place Identity dan Place Attachment sebagai konsep yang menjelaskan hubungan manusia dengan tempat. Interaksi sosial menjadi faktor utama dalam memahami makna neighborhood bagi seseorang, yang mana dalam konteks kampung kota, makna tersebut didasari oleh rasa seperjuangan antar warga. Untuk mendalami kajian, studi kasus dilakukan di Blok Eceng, sebuah kampung kota di Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa makna neighborhood bagi masyarakat kampung kota berakar pada prinsip kebersamaan yang dipegang teguh setiap warga, menghadirkan rasa solidaritas yang ditandai dengan tingginya interaksi sosial dan membentuk place identity dan place attachment warga. Persepsi terhadap makna demikian ditunjukan melalui identifikasi warga terhadap neighborhood sebagai satu wilayah kampung baik secara sosial maupun spasial. Afiliasi pekerjaan, organisasi, dan konflik sosial antar warga berpengaruh terhadap persepsi mereka akan tetangga dekat.

This study examines the meaning of neighborhood for urban kampung society and how they perceive it through the use of space in urban kampung. These meanings and perceptions are traced using the people-place relationship theories: Place Identity and Place attachment. Social interaction is the main factor leading to the individual's interpretation of the neighborhood, which in the urban kampung context lies in the shared sense of collective struggle among residents. To further the discussion, a case study was conducted at Blok Eceng, an urban kampung in Penjaringan, North Jakarta. Results show that the meaning of neighborhood for urban kampung community is rooted in the togetherness principle shared among residents, presents a sense of solidarity marked by high social interaction, and forms residents' place identity and place attachment. This meaning is shown through their perceptions of the neighborhood as a whole unit of kampung, both socially and spatially. Affiliation of work, local organization, and social conflict influence their perceptions of close neighbors."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wiwiet Mugi Lestari
Keterikatan tempat terhadap lingkungan tempat tinggal akan berbeda, sesuai dengan karakteristik tempat dan karakteristik penduduk. Dengan membagi wilayah penelitian Kelurahan Kampung Melayu menjadi dua, yaitu wilayah tidak banjir dan wilayah banjir, tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis keterikatan tempat terhadap lingkungan tempat tinggal dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keterikatan tempat. Kuesioner self-administered menggunakan skala likert disebar secara random pada 400 penduduk. Analisis statistik menggunakan distribusi frekuensi dan Structural Equation Modelling SEM . Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan penduduk cenderung memiliki keterikatan tempat dengan lingkungan tempat tinggalnya. Faktor yang mempengaruhi keterikatan tempat pada penduduk yang lahir di lingkungan tempat tinggal dengan lama tinggal 10 tahun atau lebih dan memiliki rumah adalah faktor keluarga untuk penduduk di wilayah tidak banjir dan faktor fisik serta faktor sosial di wilayah banjir. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah keterikatan tempat terhadap lingkungan tempat tinggal terbentuk karena dimensi tempat dimaknai tidak hanya dalam setting fisik, namun juga secara sosial yaitu adanya ikatan keluarga dan hubungan sosial dengan orang-orang di lingkungan tempat tinggalnya.

Place attachment on neighborhood differs according to place characteristics and person characteristics. By dividing the research area of Kelurahan Kampung Melayu into flood area and non flood area, this research aims at analyzing place attachment on neighborhood and analyzing factors influencing the place attachment. Self administered questionnaires using likert scale were distributed randomly to 400 residents. Statistical analysis is carried out using frequency distribution and Structural Equation Modeling SEM . Result of the study shows that residents tend to have place attachment to their neighborhood. Factors influencing place attachment on residents born in the neighborhood with length of stay 10 years or longer and having house are family factor for residents living in non flood area and physical factor as well as social factor for residents in flood area. This research concludes that place attachment on neighborhood is formed because dimension of place is interpreted not merely physically but also socially, namely the existence of family ties and social relationship with people in the neighborhood."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sherley Ika Christanti
"Kampung Pelangi adalah salah satu dari trend mendandani kampung di tengah kota untuk dipamerkan sekaligus meningkatkan taraf hidup dan membantu masyarakat mengembangkan potensi pada kampung tersebut. Bagian ruang publik dari Kampung di cat warna warni untuk mengundang wisatawan datang dan berfoto disana, menyebabkan kampung kota menjadi suatu objek tontonan (spectacle) bagi kalayak umum. Spectacle berarti situasi unik, menarik atau tidak biasa yang menarik perhatian banyak orang. Di dalam spectacle tercipta dua realitas dalam ruang/chora, yang dipertontonkan, dan realitas yang ingin disembunyikan dibaliknya. Aktor warga kampung dan pemerintah berlaga di dalam setting warna-warni kampung dan khalayak umum memberikan nilai terhadap spectacle melalui media. Riset ini mendiskusikan sejauh mana makna spectacle yang di ciptakan pada renovasi Kampung Pelangi di Semarang. Metode penelitian didapatkan dengan mengkonstruksikan pemahaman mengenai spectacle dan proses pembentukan ruang/chora, kemudian mencari makna dari ruang-ruang yang diciptakan melalui image yang tersebar di media maupun yang didapatkan ketika penelitian di tempat. Makna yang muncul dari image Kampung Pelangi, hanya sekedar kosmetik di luar saja sehingga chora yang tercipta tidak selaras dengan kebutuhan masyarakat. Hal ini menyebabkan spectacle Kampung Pelangi hanya bertahan selama beberapa tahun saja setelah aktor pemerintah dan media menarik diri.

Kampung Pelangi is one of the trends of dressing up a village in the middle of the city to be exhibited while improving living standards and helping people develop the potential of the village. Part of the public space of the village is painted in colorful colors to invite tourists to come and take pictures there, causing the urban village to become a spectacle object for the general public. A spectacle means a unique, interesting, or unusual situation that attracts the attention of many people. In the spectacle, there are two realities in space/chora, which are displayed, and the reality that you want to hide behind them. Villagers and government actors competed in colorful village settings and the general public gave value to the spectacle through the media. This research discusses the extent to which the meaning of the spectacle was created in the renovation of Kampung Pelangi in Semarang. The research method is obtained by constructing an understanding of the spectacle and the process of forming space/chora, then looking for meaning from the spaces created through images spread in the media or those obtained during on-site research. The meaning that emerges from the image of Kampung Pelangi is only cosmetic on the outside so the chora that is created is not in harmony with the needs of the community. This caused the Kampung Pelangi spectacle to only last for a few years after the government and media actors withdrew."
Jakarta: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Ratna Asri
"Staycation merupakan bentuk rekreasi yang umumnya dilakukan di sebuah penginapan, seperti hotel, dengan memaksimalkan aktivitas di dalam penginapan tersebut. Meskipun dilakukan dalam durasi yang cenderung singkat, namun pastinya setiap orang ingin mendapat kenyamanan, keamanan, dan kesenangan ketika melakukan staycation. Untuk itu, diperlukan sebuah ikatan agar manusia bisa merasakan perasaan-perasaan positif tersebut di suatu tempat yang baru. Ikatan itu disebut place attachment, yang merupakan ikatan berlandaskan kognitif dan emosional dimana ikatan tersebut tercipta dari perasaan positif yang didapat manusia ketika berada di suatu tempat. Dalam konteks staycation, pengalaman wisata dan kualitas tempat yang baik dapat memberikan perasaan positif bagi pengunjung yang kemudian dapat memicu terbentuknya place attachment.
Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui lebih dalam tentang konsep place attachment, dan faktor-faktor pembentuk place attachment, serta mengetahui bagaimana proses pembentukan place attachment dalam kegiatan staycation. Metode analisis dalam penulisan ini diawali oleh studi literatur tentang place attachment dan staycation, kemudian diperdalam dengan studi kasus dalam bentuk observasi dan wawancara.
Hasil dari penulisan ini adalah pembentukan place attachment dipicu oleh emosi positif yang didapat dari dua faktor, yaitu faktor fisik tempat dan faktor personal pengunjung, dimana setiap orang akan memiliki proses pembentukan yang berbeda-beda karena ikatan ini bersifat personal antara manusia dengan tempat tersebut.

A staycation is a form of recreation generally carried out in an inn, such as a hotel, by maximizing activities in the inn. Even though it is done in a short duration, everyone still wants to get comfort, security, and pleasure when doing a staycation. Therefore, a bond is needed so that humans can feel these positive feelings in a new place. That bond is called place attachment, a cognitive and emotionally based bond created from the positive feelings humans get when they are in a place. In the context of staycation, a good tourism experience and place quality can provide positive feelings for visitors, which can trigger the formation of place attachment.
This study aims to know more about the concept of place attachment, the factors that form place attachment, and how the process of forming place attachment in staycation activities. The method of analysis in this paper begins with a literature study on place attachment and staycation, then deepens with a case study in the form of observations and interviews.
The result of this paper is that the formation of place attachment is triggered by positive emotions obtained from two factors, namely physical factors of the place and personal factors of visitors, where each person will have a different formation process because this bond is personal between humans and the place.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Citra Auliyaputri
"Kebutuhan dan gaya hidup masyarakat kelas menengah-atas Jakarta secara umum bermobilitas tinggi. Hal ini menjadi salah satu pemicu terjadinya krisis akan sense of place. Krisis ini dalam jangka panjang akan menyebabkan tumpulnya kemampuan sensori individu dalam mengalami ruang. Hal ini akan bermuara pada menurunnya kemampuan individu dalam memaknai eksistensinya, karena ketika individu tidak mampu merasakan keberadaannya, ia tidak memiliki identitas. Skripsi ini kemudian membahas bagaimana peran arsitektur, yaitu melalui desain dalam merespon isu tersebut. Peran desain dalam hal ini adalah sebagai medium untuk melibatkan individu dengan ruang. Spatial engagement akan membuat individu mencapai sense of placenya?diawali dengan membuat individu merasa terlibat dalam suatu ruang, hingga ia memaknai keterlibatannya dengan merasakan keberadaannya?sehingga ruang akan dimaknai menjadi suatu tempat. Melalui studi kasus, yaitu kafe, skripsi ini membahas bagaimana desain melaksanakan perannya dan bagaimana fenomena spatial engagement dalam mencapai sense of place itu terjadi. Dari pengamatan tersebut didapatkan bahwa kuncinya adalah mendesain dengan menghargai konteks dan diimbangi dengan memprioritaskan bagaimana ruang tersebut dialami, dalam hal ini melalui pendekatan sensibilitas.

Needs and lifestyle of upper-middle class community of Jakarta in general is high mobility. It is one of the triggers of the crisis of a sense of place. This crisis in the long term will lead to dulling of sensory abilities of individuals in experiencing space. This will lead to a decreased ability of individuals to make sense of his existence, because when the individual is not able to feel its existence, it has no identity. This thesis then examines how the role of architecture, through design can respond to these issues. The role of design in this case is as a medium to engage individuals with the space. Spatial engagement will make individuals achieve a sense of place?starting with making people feel involved in a space, until he interpret his involvement with the feeling of existence so that the space will be interpreted into a place. Through case studies, the cafe, the thesis examines how design exercise its role and how the phenomenon of spatial engagement in achieving a sense of place that happens. From these observations it was found that the key is to design by appreciate the context and offset by prioritizing how space is experienced, in this case through sensibility approach."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Niken Prawestiti
Taman lingkungan, sebagai salah bentuk ruang terbuka hijau (RTH) sekaligus
sebagai ruang publik, yang berfungsi memenuhi kebutuhan warga kota dalam
melakukan kegiatan sosial di waktu luang sehingga karakteristik taman
lingkungan seharusnya sesuai dengan kebutuhan sosial penggunanya. Penelitian
ini bertujuan mendalami perilaku pengguna dalam pemanfaatan 4 (empat) taman
lingkungan yang berlokasi di kecamatan Pasar Minggu dan Jagakarsa, Jakarta
Selatan, untuk mengetahui karakteristik taman yang dipilih warga dalam
berkegiatan. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan menggunakan
metode evaluasi pasca huni. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik
fisik taman, yang meliputi lokasi, konteks lingkungan taman, dan desain/fitur
taman mempengaruhi karakter pengunjung, jenis kegiatan, dan perilaku
pengunjung yang pada akhirnya berdampak pada faktor non-fisik yang dirasakan
pengunjung dalam berkegiatan di taman, yakni kenyamanan, keamanan dan
keselamatan, dan aksesibilitas. Karakteristik taman yang menarik kegiatan warga
di taman antara lain pemenuhan kebutuhan terhadap suasana alami melalui ruang
yang keteduhan dan hamparan rumput, dan pemenuhan kontak sosial dengan
adanya fasilitas permainan anak, dan kegiatan komunitas.

Neighborhood park has both function as urban green space and public space,
which has role to promoting social activities for urban society in their leisure
time, so that the park‟s characteristics should meet the social necessity of the
society. The objective of this research is to have deep understanding what
physical as well as non physical characteristics of the park which afford social
activity or social interaction behavior, located in 4 (four) neighborhood parks in
Pasar Minggu and Jagakarsa district, South Jakarta. This research is qualitative
with post-occupancy evaluation, a systematic evaluation of a designed and
occupied setting from perspective of space user. The result showed that physical
characteristics, including location, neighborhood context, design and park
amenities influencing profile user, type of activities, and user behavior, thus have
impact to the non physical aspect which perceived by user, who seek comfort,
safety and security, and accessibility. The most favorable park‟s characteristics
that attracting people are nature environment which fulfill urban society‟s desire
to contact with nature though shade of trees and lawn; also, playground amenities
and community activity which lead to further social interaction among park user;Neighborhood park has both function as urban green space and public space,
which has role to promoting social activities for urban society in their leisure
time, so that the park‟s characteristics should meet the social necessity of the
society. The objective of this research is to have deep understanding what
physical as well as non physical characteristics of the park which afford social
activity or social interaction behavior, located in 4 (four) neighborhood parks in
Pasar Minggu and Jagakarsa district, South Jakarta. This research is qualitative
with post-occupancy evaluation, a systematic evaluation of a designed and
occupied setting from perspective of space user. The result showed that physical
characteristics, including location, neighborhood context, design and park
amenities influencing profile user, type of activities, and user behavior, thus have
impact to the non physical aspect which perceived by user, who seek comfort,
safety and security, and accessibility. The most favorable park‟s characteristics
that attracting people are nature environment which fulfill urban society‟s desire
to contact with nature though shade of trees and lawn; also, playground amenities
and community activity which lead to further social interaction among park user, Neighborhood park has both function as urban green space and public space,
which has role to promoting social activities for urban society in their leisure
time, so that the park‟s characteristics should meet the social necessity of the
society. The objective of this research is to have deep understanding what
physical as well as non physical characteristics of the park which afford social
activity or social interaction behavior, located in 4 (four) neighborhood parks in
Pasar Minggu and Jagakarsa district, South Jakarta. This research is qualitative
with post-occupancy evaluation, a systematic evaluation of a designed and
occupied setting from perspective of space user. The result showed that physical
characteristics, including location, neighborhood context, design and park
amenities influencing profile user, type of activities, and user behavior, thus have
impact to the non physical aspect which perceived by user, who seek comfort,
safety and security, and accessibility. The most favorable park‟s characteristics
that attracting people are nature environment which fulfill urban society‟s desire
to contact with nature though shade of trees and lawn; also, playground amenities
and community activity which lead to further social interaction among park user]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alvina Olivia Jeanette
"Penulisan ini membahas tentang pengalaman adaptasi yang dialami oleh pengguna ruang ketika berada di ruang liminal. Ruang liminal merupakan titik transisi yang menghubungkan dua area yang berbeda sehingga memiliki karakter ambigu yang membuat pengguna bisa kebingungan ketika berada di dalamnya. Penulisan ini bertujuan menjelaskan kemungkinan tindakan adaptasi yang dilakukan oleh pengguna untuk merespon kebingungan di titik-titik tertentu. Penulisan ini menggunakan kasus Stasiun MRT bundaran HI untuk menganalisis proses adaptasi pengguna melalui tindakan proses penyebaran indra ke sekitar (diffuse), meluangkan waktu sejenak untuk merenungkan kondisi (pause) dan menyatu dengan ruang (merge). Melalui penulisan ini, didapati bahwa transformasi bisa terjadi di dalam ruang liminal itu sendiri berupa tindakan proses adaptasi dalam berbagai macam gerakan dan urutannya. Hal itu bergantung pada rasa familiaritas kita yang diakibatkan faktor frekuensi dan jangka waktu pengguna dalam ruang, serta kepekaan terhadap kebutuhan pengguna dan karakter spasial ruang liminal pada tiap titik adaptasi.

This paper discusses the experiences of adaptation encountered by users in liminal spaces. Liminal spaces serve as transitional points that connect two different areas, resulting in an ambiguous nature that can confuse users when they are inside. The purpose of this writing is to explain the possible adaptive actions taken by users to respond to confusion at specific points. The case of Bundaran HI MRT Station is used to analyze the user adaptation process through actions such as sensory diffusion to the surroundings, taking a momentary pause to reflect on the conditions, and merging with the space. Through this writing, it is found that transformations can occur within the liminal space itself through various adaptive actions and sequences of movements. This depends on our sense of familiarity, influenced by factors such as the frequency and duration of the user's presence in the space, as well as awareness of user needs and the spatial characteristics of the liminal space at each point of adaptation."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pita Asih Bekti Cahyanti
"Bersepeda merupakan transportasi hemat energi, bebas emisi karbon, dan merupakan active transportation sebagai perwujudan dari healthy lifestyle. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memahami proses terjadinya place attachment pada destinasi tertentu dalam jalur bersepeda. Sasaran dari penelitian ini adalah panduan perancangan jalur sepeda baru yang atraktif, meningkatkan minat bersepeda warga kota, dan menuju penurunan emisi karbon di ruang kota. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif menggunakan pendekatan teori place attachment dan analisis naratif deskriptif. Penemuan faktor-faktor pembentuk place attachment pada ruang dan destinasi bersepeda diharapkan mampu berkontribusi dalam studi mengenai kemampuan ruang dalam mengakomodir pesepeda atau bikeability di perkotaan. Penerapan konsep tersebut juga diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat dari sektor ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan.

Cycling is energy-efficient transportation, free of carbon emissions, and is an active transportation embodiment of a healthy lifestyle. This study aims to understand the process of place attachment in cycling spaces. The objective of this research is to guide the design of attractive new bicycle point destinations and paths, increase the interest in cycling among city residents, and contribute to reducing carbon emissions in urban spaces. The research was conducted using a qualitative method with a place attachment theory approach and descriptive narrative analysis. Primary data collection was carried out by observing cyclists, cyclists' destinations, and interviews with cyclists & other actors. In addition, we do active participation as cyclists to get hands-on experience. This study reveals aspects of interaction, activity, memory, and experience as elements that play a role in place attachment at destination points and cycling routes in Yogyakarta."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
""The global financial and economic crisis that hit the world since 2008 has affected the lives of many people all over the world and resulted in declining incomes, rising unemployment, foreclosures, forced residential moves, and cut-backs in government expenditure. The extent to which the crisis has affected urban neighborhoods and has led to rising intra-urban inequalities, has not yet received much attention. The implemented budget cuts and austerity programs of national and local governments are likely to have hit some neighborhoods more than others. The authors of this this book, which come from a variety of countries and disciplines, show that the economic crisis has affected poor neighborhoods more severely than more affluent ones. The tendency of the state to retreat from these neighborhoods has negative consequences for their residents and may even nullify the investments that have been made in many poor neighborhoods in the recent past. This book was originally published as a special issue of Urban Geography."--Provided by publisher."
London; New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
307.336 2 NEI
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aritonang, Monica Karunia
"Provinsi DKI Jakarta sebagai ibu kota negara Indonesia memiliki peran sentral dalam segala aspek kehidupan. Namun, pertumbuhan penduduk yang pesat dan kepentingan masyarakat menyebabkan kepadatan penduduk dan terbatasnya ruang terbuka hijau. Hal ini membuat warga kelurahan, khususnya anak-anak, kesulitan mencari tempat bermain. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, pemerintah provinsi telah mendirikan Ruang Publik Terpadu Ramah Anak (RPTRA). Akses fasilitas RPTRA harus mudah diakses oleh seluruh warga DKI Jakarta yang membutuhkan, dengan mengedepankan fairness dan inclusion. Studi kasus RPTRA Dursa Bersatu, RPTRA Cibesut, dan RPTRA Citra Permata menunjukkan bahwa pengunjung, terutama anak-anak, umumnya tidak menemui kendala dalam mengakses fasilitas tersebut. Namun, ada keluhan dari beberapa gadis yang kurang mendapat kesempatan bermain sepak bola. Wawancara mengungkapkan bahwa sebagian besar anak tidak mengetahui fasilitas untuk penyandang disabilitas. Hanya RPTRA Citra Permata yang memiliki fasilitas terbatas untuk penyandang disabilitas. Kesimpulannya, RPTRA Dursa Bersatu, RPTRA Cibesut, dan RPTRA Citra Permata belum sepenuhnya mewujudkan fairness dan inclusion.

DKI Jakarta Province, as the capital city of Indonesia, plays a central role in all aspects of life. However, rapid population growth and public interest have led to population density and limited green open spaces. This has created difficulties for urban village residents, especially children, in finding places to play. To address this issue, the provincial government has established Child-Friendly Integrated Public Space (Ruang Publik Terpadu Ramah Anak/RPTRA). Access to RPTRA facilities should be easily available to all DKI Jakarta residents in need, emphasizing fairness and inclusion. Case studies of RPTRA Dursa Bersatu, RPTRA Cibesut, and RPTRA Citra Permata showed that visitors, particularly children, generally face no obstacles in accessing the facilities. However, there were complaints from some girls who lacked opportunities to play football. Interviews revealed that most children were unaware of facilities for people with disabilities. Only RPTRA Citra Permata had limited facilities for disabled individuals. In conclusion, RPTRA Dursa Bersatu, RPTRA Cibesut, and RPTRA Citra Permata have yet to fully embody fairness and inclusion."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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