ABSTRAKPenelitian ini mengenai pengaruh keberadaan Taman Nasional terhadap pengetahuan keanekaragaman hayati dan nilai pelajaran biologi siswa SMU. Pelaksanaannya dilakukan di SMUN-SMUN sekitar Taman Nasional Way Kambas pada tahun 1995/1996.
Pengumpulan data untuk pengetahuan keanekaragaman hayati dilakukan melalui angket yang sebeiumnya sudah diujicobakan di SMUN-SMUN Kodya Bandar Lampung, sedangkan data pelajaran biologi berasal dari catur wulan 1,11,111. Penelitian terhadap 212 siswa menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata pengetahuan keanekaragaman hayati adalah 6,3 (nilai terendah 5,9 dan tertinggi 6,8). Nilai rata-rata paling tinggi berasal dari siswa SMUN Kota Gajah. Niiai rata-rata siswa seluruh SMUN dikategorikan sedang.
Kunjungan yang dilakukan secara pribadi oleh siswa tidak berpengaruh terhadap pengetahuan keanekaragaman hayati siswa. Niiai rata-rata pelajaran biologi adalah 6,3 (nilai terendah 5,8 dan tertingg 6,8) dan nilai paling tinggi diperoleh siswa SMUN Way Jepara. Nilai rata-rata seluruh siswa SMUN dikategorikan sedang. Kunjungan siswa secara pribadi oleh siswa berpengaruh terhadap prestasi pelajaran biologi. Kunjungan secara ekstrakurikuler tidak terlaksana. Tidak ada korelasi antara pengetahuan keanekaragaman hayati dengan nilai pelajaran biologi.
ABSTRACTIndonesia is a megadiversity country (KLH, 1993). However, species extinction has been concern, among others due to primary forest exploitation (Turner et al. 1994). National parks are the last refuges of primary forest. Therefore, through the formal education. processes the sustainbility of biodiversity is hopely guaranteed (Walhi, 1995). This research has been conducted on the highschool (SMU) surrounding the Way Kambas National Park, Central Lampung province. The questionnaries have been used to gather the knowledge on biodiversity among students of the SMU, while the grades on biology have been gathereed through their quarterly points (reported by teachers).The results showed that ;There is-no corelation between the biology grades and the knowledge on biodiversity among the 212 students. There is no relation on distance of the school to the national park and the knowledge on biodiversity and the grades on biology. The is no organized visit by the school to the park.It is recommended that :The schools must used more properly the Way Kambas National Park to increase and improve the quality of their formal educational programs. The Way Kambas National Park management must make extension program more effectively, especially for the surrounding schools. The research must be extended to other national park of the country, for more understanding of the value of national park to the nations."