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Kartika Puspa Dewi
"Transportasi berperan penting dalam pertumbuhan kota dan mendukung aktivitas masyarakat serta perkembangan ekonomi dan sosial. Namun, peningkatan kebutuhan transportasi juga membawa dampak negatif seperti kurangnya efisiensi, peningkatan biaya dan waktu tempuh, tingkat kecelakaan yang meningkat, dan emisi gas rumah kaca. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, diperlukan konsep transportasi berkelanjutan yang sejalan dengan tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Di Kota Bogor, permasalahan transportasi meliputi kurangnya integrasi antar moda, waktu tempuh yang lama, kapasitas angkutan yang terbatas, dan kurangnya sarana prasarana untuk pejalan kaki dan pengguna non-motor. Penelitian ini berhasil mengembangkan indikator transportasi berkelanjutan yang relevan untuk mengevaluasi atau menilai sistem transportasi di Kota Bogor. Melalui metode campuran dan uji validitas menggunakan depth interview, indikator yang dihasilkan penelitian ini meliputi aspek-aspek terkait konsep berkelanjutan, yaitu: aspek lingkungan, sosial, dan ekonomi. Hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi dasar pengambilan keputusan dan pengembangan kebijakan yang mendukung transportasi berkelanjutan dan tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan di Kota Bogor.

Transportation plays a crucial role in urban growth by supporting community activities as well as economic and social development. However, the increasing demand for transportation also brings negative impacts such as inefficiency, rising costs and travel time, increasing accident rates, and greenhouse gas emissions. To address these issues, the concept of sustainable transportation aligned with sustainable development goals is necessary. In the case of Bogor City, transportation challenges include limited intermodal integration, long travel times, limited transportation capacity, and inadequate infrastructure for pedestrians and non-motorized users. This research successfully developed relevant indicators for evaluating the transportation system in Bogor City within the framework of sustainable transportation. Through a mixed-method approach and validation using depth interviews, the research generated indicators encompassing the environmental, social, and economic aspects related to sustainable concepts. The findings of this study can serve as a basis for decision-making and policy development that supports sustainable transportation and the overall goals of sustainable development in Bogor City."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alfa Adib Ash Shiddiqi
"Pemerintah telah menyediakan transportasi umum, seperti KRL, bus rapid transit (BRT), MRT, dan LRT namun ternyata proporsi pengguna angkutan umum menurun (JUTPI, 2012,2018). Masalah dirumuskan adanya ketidakseimbangan antarkomponen dalam sistem transportasi. Penelitian bertujuan memodelkan sistem transportasi yang memetakan komponen-komponen pendukung pembangunan berkelanjutan, dan mengevaluasi kinerja komponen supply dan demand. Metode untuk mengkaji komponen-komponen dilakukan melalui desk study dan expert opinion. Terkait komponen supply digunakan metode customer satisfaction index, dan komponen demand digunakan survey stated preference willingness to shift yang diolah dengan perhitungan binomial logit. Penelitian ini memunculkan 22 komponen, diantaranya adalah keselamatan, kualitas transportasi umum, preferensi moda, aksesibilitas, biaya transportasi, dan polusi udara. Meski responden puas terhadap mass transit, namun kapasitas dan dukungan feeder perlu ditingkatkan. Kebijakan fiskal terkait biaya BBM, congestion charging dan kenaikan biaya parkir dapat mendorong perpindahan penggunaan moda. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah penyeimbangan komponen supply dan demand dapat dilakukan dengan cara meningkatkan kinerja angkutan umum dan memberikan disinsentif fiskal untuk pengguna kendaraan pribadi.

The government has provided public transportation, such as KRL, bus rapid transit (BRT), MRT, and LRT, but in fact the proportion of public transport users has decreased (JUTPI, 2012, 2018). The problem is formulated as an imbalance between components in the transportation system. The aim of the research is to model the transportation system which maps the components supporting sustainable development, and analyzes the performance of the supply and demand components. The method for assessing the components is carried out through a desk study and expert opinion. Regarding the supply component, the customer satisfaction index method was used, and the demand component used a stated preference willingness to shift survey which was processed using binomial logit calculations. This research raises 22 components, including safety, quality of public transportation, mode preference, accessibility, transportation costs, and air pollution. Respondents are satisfied with the mass transit service, but are not satisfied with the feeder capacity and support. Fiscal policies such as increasing fuel costs, congestion charging and increasing parking fees can encourage a shift in mode use. The conclusion of the study is that balancing the supply and demand components can be done by increasing the performance of public transport and providing fiscal disincentives for private vehicle users."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bellanti Nur Elizandri
"Minat penglaju perempuan pada penggunaan moda transportasi Kereta Rel Listrik (KRL) Jabodetabek masih rendah. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah desain kereta dan stasiun KRL Jabodetabek yang belum sepenuhnya merepresentasikan kebutuhan mobilitas ulang-alik harian dari penglaju perempuan. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan desain kereta dan stasiun KRL Jabodetabek yang ramah kepada perempuan, khususnya penglaju perempuan pengguna KRL Jabodetabek. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode gabungan dengan teknik pengumpulan data terdiri atas kuesioner tertutup (kuantitatif) serta kuesioner terbuka, observasi, dan wawancara mendalam (kualitatif). Data hasil keusioner—tertutup dan terbuka—dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif, sedangkan data hasil wawancara dianalisis menggunakan koding. Pada hal ini, data hasil analisis deskriptif kuesioner terbuka dan koding dikomparasikan dengan data hasil observasi dan FGD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa desain kereta dan stasiun KRL ramah perempuan ditentukan oleh enam indikator, yaitu biaya tarif, aksesibilitas, ketepatan waktu, lingkungan alami, kenyamanan, dan keamanan. Hal tersebut menyimpulkan bahwa desain ramah perempuan terwujud melalui keselarahan ketiga pilar keberlanjutan—lingkungan, sosial, dan ekonomi.

The interest of woman commuters in using Jabodetabek’s commuter line rail (KRL) is still low. One of the reason is the design of it’s waggons and stations that do not fully represent the daily commute mobility needs of woman commuters. Based on these problems, this study aims to create a design for the KRL waggons and station that are friendly to woman—woman commuters using KRL. The method used is a mix method with data collection technique are closed questionnaires (quantitative) and opened questionnaires, observations, and deep interview (qualitative). Questionnaire data—closed and opened—are analyzed using descriptive statistics, while interview data were analyzed using coding. In this case, the data from descriptive analysis of the open questionnaire and coding were compared with the data from the observation and FGD. The results show that the design of woman-friendly KRL waggon and stations is determined by six indicators, namely fare costs, accessibility, punctuality, natural environment, comfort, and safety. It concludes that woman-friendly design is realized through the alignment of the three pillars of sustainability—environmental, social, and economic."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Univeristas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yoel Priatama
"Kebijakan pembatasan akses kendaraan angkutan barang pada tahun 2011 memberikan dampak terhadap kinerja sistem Jalan Tol Dalam Kota Jakarta. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis dampak penerapan kebijakan ini pada sistem Jalan Tol Dalam Kota Jakarta sebelum dan setelah penerapan kebijakan serta menganalisis dampak yang terjadi tanpa penerapan kebijakan dengan menggunakan indikator transportasi berkelanjutan sebagai parameter penelitian. Hasil penilaian parameter waktu tempuh, jumlah konsumsi bahan bakar minyak, biaya konsumsi bahan bakar minyak, tingkat fatalitas, biaya korban kecelakaan, jumlah emisi CO2, biaya polusi karbon, dan tingkat kebisingan menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan ini berdampak positif terhadap kelancaran dan keselamatan lalu lintas namun tidak mendukung keberlanjutan transportasi kota secara keseluruhan. Selain itu, penerapan kebijakan ini memberikan dampak yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan tanpa penerapan kebijakan ini.

Freight vehicle access restriction policy in 2011 has had an impact on the performance of Jakarta Intra Urban Tollway system. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of the implementation of this policy in Jakarta Intra Urban Tollway system before and after the implementation of the policy and to analyze the impact that occurs without the implementation of the policy by using the sustainable transportation indicators as the research parameters. The assessment results of the parameters travel time, amount of fuel consumption, cost of fuel consumption, fatality rate, cost of accident victim, amount of CO2 emissions, cost of carbon pollution, and noise level indicate that this policy has a positive impact on traffic smoothness and safety but does not support overall urban sustainable transportation. In addition, implementation of this policy has a better impact than without the implementation of this policy."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Evan Buwana
Sektor transportasi di Kota Kasongan saat ini menyumbangkan 53,33% dari total emisi CO2 yang dihasilkan. Pembangunan infrastruktur jalan yang terus berkembang justru berbanding terbalik dengan pengembangan transportasi sungai. Kondisi ini memperlihatkan strategi pengembangan sistem transportasi yang ada belum berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kriteria dan pilihan alternatif yang tepat dan tidak menimbulkan kerugian di masa yang akan datang bagi pengembangan sistem transportasi di Kota Kasongan. Metode analisis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) berdasarkan persepsi masyarakat, akademisi, dan pemerintah sebagai pemangku kepentingan. Penelitian ini memperlihatkan alternatif yang paling tepat adalah optimalisasi sistem transportasi yang terpadu antara transportasi darat dan sungai dengan tingkat keamanan dan kenyamanan sebagai kriteria yang paling penting. Implementasi alternatif tersebut diwujudkan melalui program pengembangan lokasi transit di Kota Kasongan. Program ini memberikan rasa aman dan nyaman sebagai keuntungan sosial, memberikan aksesibilitas dan mobilitas yang lebih baik sebagai keuntungan ekonomi, dan memberikan keuntungan dari aspek lingkungan karena dapat mereduksi emisi CO2.

Transportation sector in Kasongan City currently contributes about 53.33% of the total CO2 emissions produced per year. Construction of road infrastructure is continues to grow but there is no activities to improve river transportation. This situation shows that transport systems development strategy not linked each other and far from there environmentally friendly and unsustainable. This study aimed to analyze the criteria and choose the appropriate alternatives for the transportation systems development in the Kasongan City. The analytical method used Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) based on the community, academia, and government perception. This research shows that the most appropriate alternatives is to optimize the integrated transport systems between land and river transport modes with safety and amenities as the most important criteria. Implementation of the strategy is realized through integrated transit locations program development surrounding pier territories in Kasongan City, because it can increase the use of public transport. This program ensure safety and comfortability as social advantage, providing better accessibility and mobility as economic benefit, and this program could reduce CO2 emission., Transportation sector in Kasongan City currently contributes about 53.33% of the total CO2 emissions produced per year. Construction of road infrastructure is continues to grow but there is no activities to improve river transportation. This situation shows that transport systems development strategy not linked each other and far from there environmentally friendly and unsustainable. This study aimed to analyze the criteria and choose the appropriate alternatives for the transportation systems development in the Kasongan City. The analytical method used Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) based on the community, academia, and government perception. This research shows that the most appropriate alternatives is to optimize the integrated transport systems between land and river transport modes with safety and amenities as the most important criteria. Implementation of the strategy is realized through integrated transit locations program development surrounding pier territories in Kasongan City, because it can increase the use of public transport. This program ensure safety and comfortability as social advantage, providing better accessibility and mobility as economic benefit, and this program could reduce CO2 emission.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dio Reyhan Fardizsa
"Salah satu tantangan yang kita hadapi saat ini adalah menghubungkan kinerja keberlanjutan proyek infrastruktur dengan SDGs. Insinyur sipil perlu memiliki alat yang praktis untuk menilai dampak pada proyek yang layak untuk kemudian dilakukan pengambilan tindakan terkait sustainabilitas. Saat penelitian ini dibuat, masih belum ada kerangka penilaian sustainabilitas yang berbasis SDGs yang secara khusus diarahkan untuk mengevaluasi proyek infrastruktur transportasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisi kesenjangan tersebut dengan mengusulkan kerangka sistem untuk menilai dampak infrastruktur transportasi pada tahap perencanaan serta mengembangkan model machine learning yang mampu memprediksi hasil penilaian berdasarkan indikator dari kerangka yang diberikan. Melalui serangkaian studi literatur, diusulkan kerangka sistem penilaian dengan 15 indikator yang merepresentasikan empat pilar sustainabilitas, sosial, ekonomi, lingkungan, dan institusional. Indikator merefleksikan 25 target dari 12 tujuan SDGs. Berdasarkan pembobotan indikator dengan metode Analytic Hierarchy Process, didapatkan indikator persentase pekerja disabilitas memiliki bobot kepentingan terbesar, yaitu 8.08%, dan indikator jumlah pengaduan yang diajukan oleh masyarakat setempat memiliki bobot kepentingan terkecil sebesar 5.30%. Indikator sosial memiliki tingkat kepentingan yang paling tinggi, dilanjutkan dengan indikator lingkungan, ekonomi, dan institusional. Model machine learning yang dihasilkan menggunakan tiga algoritma pengklasifikasi, Naïve Bayes, ANN/Deep Learning, dan Decision Tree. Model dengan algoritma Naïve Bayes memiliki akurasi sebesar 64.7%, algoritma ANN/Deep Learning memiliki akurasi sebesar 86.7%, dan algoritma Decision Tree memiliki akurasi sebesar 75.3%.

One of the challenges we face today is linking the sustainability performance of infrastructure projects with the SDGs. Civil engineers need to have a viable practical tool for assessing impacts on a project to be able to take sustainable actions. At the time this research was conducted, there was no framework for SDG-based sustainability assessment that was specifically directed at evaluating transportation infrastructure projects. This study aims to fill this gap by proposing a system framework to assess the impact of transportation infrastructure at the planning stage and develop a machine learning model that can predict the results of the assessment based on indicators from the given framework. Through a series of literature studies, a scoring system framework with 15 indicators is proposed, representing the four pillars of sustanability, social, economic, environmental, and institutional. The indicators reflect 25 targets of the 12 SDGs goals. Based on the weighting of the indicators using the Analytic Hierarchy Process method, it was found that the percentage of disabled workers indicator has the largest importance weight, which is 8.08%, and the indicator of the number of complaints submitted by the local community has the lowest importance with a weight of 5.30%. Social indicators have the highest importance, followed by environmental, economic, and institutional indicators. The resulting machine learning model uses three classifier algorithms, Naïve Bayes, ANN/Deep Learning, and Decision Tree. The model with Naïve Bayes algorithm has an accuracy of 64.7%, the ANN/Deep Learning model has an accuracy of 86.7%, and the Decision Tree model has an accuracy of 75.3%."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Ikhsan Asa Pambayun
"Biskita Trans Pakuan Bogor merupakan salah satu layanan angkutan umum berbasis Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) di Kota Bogor yang dikelola oleh oleh Badan Pengelola Transportasi Jabodetabek (BPTJ) Kementerian Perhubungan dan diselenggarakan oleh operator PT Kodjari Tata Angkutan berdasarkan standar pelayanan yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah. BPTJ Kementerian Perhubungan telah membuat sebuah sistem informasi transportasi umum yang terintegrasi berbasis mobile untuk Biskita Trans Pakuan Bogor dengan nama aplikasi Biskita. Aplikasi Biskita ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi jadwal, rute, berita, serta notifikasi terkini terkait Biskita Trans Pakuan. Namun sayangnya pengguna aplikasi Biskita menilai aplikasi masih memiliki banyak kekurangan berdasarkan ulasan aplikasi yang diberikan pada Google Play Store dan juga Apple App Store. Berdasarkan wawancara dengan representatif BPTJ, membenarkan kondisi tersebut dan menambahkan bahwa saat ini aplikasi Biskita telah dihentikan yang menyebabkan pengembangan aplikasi pada iOS menjadi terhenti. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memberikan masukan aplikasi alternatif Biskita yang memiliki desain antarmuka yang lebih baik dengan mengedepankan user friendliness, arsitektur dengan response time yang rendah, serta dapat menjadi aplikasi yang multiplatform. Pengembangan desain antarmuka aplikasi alternatif Biskita akan menggunakan pendekatan User Centered Design (UCD) dengan evaluasi usability testing serta system usability scale. Sedangkan untuk pengembangan aplikasi Biskita serta arsitekturnya akan menggunakan pendekatan pengembangan waterfall. Untuk mencapai multiplatform, pengembangan aplikasi alternatif Biskita menerapkan Progressive Web App. Sementara itu untuk mendapatkan response time yang rendah, pengembangan arsitektur aplikasi alternatif Biskita menerapkan model microservice. Dalam penelitian ini dipaparkan bagaimana penulis merancang, menganalisis, serta mengembangkan aplikasi Biskita dengan desain antarmuka yang mengedepankan user friendliness, menerapkan multiplatform, serta memiliki response time yang rendah.

Biskita Trans Pakuan Bogor is one of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) based public transport services in Bogor City managed by the Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency (BPTJ) of the Ministry of Transportation and organised by operator PT Kodjari Tata Angkutan based on service standards set by the government. BPTJ of the Ministry of Transportation has created a mobile-based integrated public transport information system for Biskita Trans Pakuan Bogor called the Biskita application. The Biskita application aims to provide information on schedules, routes, news, and the latest notifications related to Biskita Trans Pakuan. But unfortunately Biskita application users assess the application still has many shortcomings based on application reviews given on the Google Play Store and also the Apple App Store. Based on interviews with BPTJ representatives, they confirmed this condition and added that currently the Biskita application has been discontinued which has caused the development of applications on iOS to be stopped. Based on these problems, this research was conducted to provide input for an alternative Biskita application that has a better interface design by prioritising user friendliness, architecture with low response time, and can be a multiplatform application. The development of Biskita’s alternative application interface design will use a user-centered design (UCD) approach with usability testing and system usability scale evaluation. Meanwhile, the development of the Biskita application and its architecture will use the waterfall development approach. To achieve multiplatform, Biskita’s alternative application development applies Progressive Web App. Meanwhile, to get a low response time, the development of Biskita’s alternative application architecture applies the microservice model. This research presents how the author designs, analyses, and develops the Biskita application with an interface design that promotes user friendliness, applies multiplatform, and has a low response time."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Athaya Sekar Ayu
"Kemacetan lalu lintas dan polusi udara merupakan masalah transportasi di Jakarta yang sudah lama tidak kunjung usai. Oleh karena itu, Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta mulai mengubah paradigma Car Oriented Development menjadi Transit Oriented Development dalam mencapai transportasi berkelanjutan. Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta pun kemudian mengamanatkan PT MRT Jakarta sebagai pengelola kawasan TOD, salah satunya di Blok M. Dalam penyelenggaraannya, PT MRT Jakarta dapat menerapkan manajemen strategis. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah menganalisis hasil dari manajemen strategis dalam penyelenggaraan transportasi umum berbasis sustainable transportation melalui TOD di Blok M. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori manajemen strategis oleh Wheelen dan Hunger (2012). Berlandaskan pendekatan post-positivist, verifikasi teori pada penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan pengumpulan data kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam terhadap 7 informan, observasi, dan studi kepustakaan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, hasil dari manajemen strategis penyelenggaraan transportasi umum berbasis sustainable transportation melalui transit oriented development di kawasan TOD Blok M masih belum optimal. Strategi dan program yang telah dilakukan dinilai sebagai upaya yang cukup baik, akan tetapi belum sesuai dengan prinsip sustainable transportation dan TOD. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dari kualitas beberapa transportasi umum yang kurang baik, kurang memadainya jalur pejalan kaki dan jalur sepeda beserta fasilitasnya, dan kurangnya hunian terjangkau.

Traffic congestion and air pollution are transportation problems in Jakarta that have not been resolved for a long time. Therefore, the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta has begun to change the paradigm of Car Oriented Development to Transit Oriented Development in achieving sustainable transportation. The Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta then mandated PT MRT Jakarta as the manager of the TOD area, one of which is in Blok M. In its implementation, PT MRT Jakarta can apply strategic management. The purpose of this study is to analyze the results of strategic management in the implementation of sustainable transportation-based public transportation through TOD in Blok M. This research uses strategic management theory by Wheelen and Hunger (2012). Based on a post-positivist approach, theory verification in this study was carried out based on collecting qualitative data through in-depth interviews with 7 informants, observation, and literature study. Based on the results of the research, the results of the strategic management of public transportation based on sustainable transportation through transit oriented development in the TOD Blok M area are still not optimal. The strategies and programs that have been carried out are considered a fairly good effort, however, they are not yet in accordance with the principles of sustainable transportation and TOD. This is shown by the poor quality of some public transportation, inadequate pedestrian and bicycle paths and their facilities, and lack of affordable housing."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tumlin, Jeffrey
"As transportations-related disciplines of urban planning, architecture, landscape architecture, urban economics, and social policy have undergone major internal reform efforts in recent decades Written in clear, easy-to-follow language, this book provides planning practitioners with the tools they need to achieve their cities' economic development, social equity and ecological sustainability goals. Starting with detailed advice for improving each mode of transportation, the book offers guidance on balancing the needs of each mode against each other, whether on a downtown street, or a small town neighborhood, or a regional network"--
"Written in clear, easy-to-follow language, this book provides planning practitioners with the tools they need to achieve their cities' economic development, social equity and ecological sustainability goals. The book begins with criticism of conventional transportation practice, noting how the profession's usual tools have exacerbated rather than solved the congestion problems they were designed to address. More importantly, past practice has made transportation the biggest single producer of CO2 emissions in North America."
Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 2012
388.4 TUM s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mahdi Haris
"Penelitian ini menggambarkan pemenuhan kualitas hidup yang mengacu pada Sustainable Development Goals SDGs pada tujuan ke-11 dengan melihat kaitan antara Bus Rapid Transit BRT dengan keamanan dan kenyamanan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif dengan analisis Statistika Binomial dan uji Z. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan TOD Standar yang terdiri dari walk, cycle, dan connect dalam menunjang infrastruktur untuk berjalan kaki dan bersepeda untuk aksesibilitas halte. Dari BRT Scorecard, indiktaor yang digunakan terdiri dari Infrastruktur, Kendaraan, dan Sistem.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan berdasarkan indikator dari BRT Scorecard, layanan Transjakata yang dianggap paling baik oleh pengguna adalah halte yang aman dan nyaman. Layanan Transjakarta yang paling dianggap belum memadai bagi pengguna adalah lahan parkir di sekitar halte untuk berpindah moda dari kendaraan pribadi yang merupakan bagian dari parkir sepeda di angkutan umum pada TOD Standar dan parkir sepeda dalam BRT Scorecard. Meskipun disimpulkan bahwa keberadaan BRT di Jakarta telah memenuhi indikator penilaian berdasarkan BRT Scorecard dan TOD Standar, namun hasil penelitian menunjukkan rendahnya hubungan antara pemenuhan dimensi BRT dan peningkatan rasa aman dan nyaman para penggunanya.

This study aims to explain the eligibility for safe and convenient transportation as part Sustainable Development Goals in Goal 11. The research was conducted by examining the relationship between Bus Rapid Transit BRT and the safety and convenience for the passengers. The method used in the study is descriptive quantitative research with table Z in Binomial Statistic. Research instrument taken from TOD Standard which consists of walk, cycle, and connect to promote walk and cycling infrastructure for station accessibility. Another instrument used is from BRT Scorecard which consists of Infrastructure, Bus, and System.
The result shows that passenger experience from Transjakarta service, based on BRT Scorecard, is good in safe and comfortable station. Passenger also experienced bad Transjakarta service in providing park lane near the stations for transport mode change from private vehicle that part of bicycle park lane at public transport station on TOD Standard and bicycle lane on BRT Scorecard. Eventhough the conclusion shows that the BRT system in Jakarta has fulfilled the indicators based on the BRT Scorecard and TOD Standard, hypothesis examination shows poor relationship between the fulfillment of BRT indicators and the improvement of the safety and convenience for the passengers.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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