"Perubahan prevalensi Covid-19 menyebabkan banyak penyesuaian regulasi sebagai upaya penanggulangan wabah global terlebih pada sektor kesehatan yang berkaitan dengan persediaan obat. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan persediaan obat mengalami deadstock, stockout maupun overstock obat. Sehubungan dengan itu, perlu dilakukan analisis untuk mengetahui perubahan pola persediaan obat dan metode yang dapat diterapkan untuk efisiensi persediaan obat. Analisis perencanaan persedian obat dengan menggunakan matriks Always, Better, Control-Vital, Essential, Non essential (ABC-VEN) dan Minimum Maximum Stock Level (MMSL) dapat digunakan untuk menentukan prioritas pengadaan, jumlah, dan batas minimum melakukan pemesanan obat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan perolehan data dilakukan secara retrospektif menggunakan data sekunder berupa harga pembelian, lead time, dan data pemakaian persediaan obat pada periode 2021—2022. Hasil analisis perubahan pola persedian obat diketahui terdapat beberapa perbedaan pada jumlah pemakaian obat pada periode 2021 dan 2022. Berdasarkan hasil klasifikasi ABC-VEN dari 1063 obat yang dianalisis diperoleh 3 kategori, kategori A sebanyak 180 item (16,93%), kategori B sebanyak 495 item (46,57%), dan kategori C sebanyak 388
item (36,50%). Hasil interpretasi MMSL terdapat penurunan sebesar 15,64% yaitu pada sebelum intervensi Rp1.972.759.117,06 dan setelah intervensi Rp1.664.293.361,17. Selain itu, hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan signifikan antara nilai Inventory Turnover Ratio sebelum intervensi dan setelah intervensi metode MMSL (p = 0,001). Terdapat perbedaan jumlah pemenuhan kebutuhan obat antara analisis Rancangan Umum Pengadaan (RUP) dengan hasil perhitungan MMSL sebanyak 175 item obat. Selanjutnya berdasarkan analisis Customer Service Level diperoleh nilai rata-rata 85,43%. Oleh sebab itu, metode ABC-VEN dan MMSL dapat diterapkan dalam manajemen persediaan obat.
Changes in the prevalence of COVID-19 have caused numerous regulatory changes to deal with global epidemics, particularly in the health sector regarding medicine supply. As a result, medicine supplies may undergo deadstock, stockout, or overstock. In connection with that, it is necessary to analyze changes in drug supply patterns and methods that can be applied for drug supply efficiency. Analysis of drug supply planning using the matrix Always, Better, Control - Vital, Essential, Non-essential (ABC-VEN), and Minimum Maximum Stock Level (MMSL) can be used to determine procurement priorities, quantities, and minimum limits for ordering drugs. This was an observational study with data collected retrospectively from secondary sources in the form of purchase prices, lead times, and drug inventory usage data for the years 2021—2022. The analysis of variations in drug supply patterns indicated that there were some differences in drug usage between the years 2021 and 2022. Based on the results of the ABC-VEN classification of 1063 drugs analyzed, three categories were obtained: category A had 180 items (16,93%), category B had 495 items (46.57%), and category C had 388 items (36.50%). The MMSL interpretation results showed a 15.64% decrease, specifically before the intervention of Rp1,972,759,117.06 and after the intervention of Rp1,664,293,361.17. Furthermore, the results showed a significant difference in the Inventory Turnover Ratio value before and after the MMSL method intervention (p = 0.04). There was a difference in the amount of fulfilment of drug needs between the analysis of the General Procurement Plan (RUP) and the results of the MMSL calculation of 175 drug items. Moreover, an average value of 85.43% was obtained from the Customer Service Level analysis. Therefore, the ABC-VEN and MMSL methods can be applied to manage drug inventories."