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Raihannisa Nursyifa Safitri
"Temulawak telah banyak digunakan sebagai obat tradisional oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Tanaman ini berpotensi membantu mengatasi lelah otot karena senyawa utamanya yaitu xantorizol memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang mampu mengurangi radikal bebas berlebih yang terbentuk saat melakukan aktivitas berat. Penelitian ini dirancang untuk mengetahui pengaruh xantorizol terhadap kadar glutation pada mencit diinduksi lelah dengan metode FST. Kontrol positif diberikan taurin (T) dosis 700 mg/kg BB sebagai obat referensi. Kontrol negatif diberikan CMC-Na 1% (C). Kelompok dosis dibagi menjadi tiga, yaitu N10 (ekstrak NADES dosis 10 mg XTZ/kg BB), N25 (ekstrak NADES dosis 25 mg XTZ/kg BB), dan E10 (ekstrak etanol dosis 10 mg XTZ/kg BB). Pemberian dosis dilakukan selama 28 hari. Pada hari terakhir, mencit dilakukan FST untuk selanjutnya dibedah dan diambil jaringan hati untuk pengukuran kadar glutation. Lama waktu berenang setelah perlakuan N10, N25 dan T berbeda signifikan dengan sebelum perlakuan (p<0,05).  Lama waktu berenang setelah perlakuan N10, N25, dan T tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna namun berbeda signifikan dengan C (p<0,05). Kadar GSH N10 dan N25 signifikan lebih tinggi dibandingkan C. Rasio GSH/GSSG N10, N25, dan T signifikan lebih tinggi dibandingkan C (p<0,05). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa xantorizol pada ekstrak NADES temulawak membantu mengatasi lelah otot diinduksi stres oksidatif akibat aktivitas berat dan memiliki efek antilelah yang menjanjikan pada dosis XTZ 10 mg/kg BB dan 25 mg/kg BB.

Javanese Turmeric has been widely used as traditional medicine in Indonesia. This plant has potential to help overcome muscle fatigue because its main compound, xanthorrhizol, have antioxidant activity that reduce excess free radicals formed when the body performs high-intensity activities. The present study was designed to investigate the effect of xanthorrhizol on glutathione levels in fatigue-induced mice using the FST method. Positive control group was given taurine (T) at dose 700 mg/kg BW as a reference drug. Negative control group was administered 1% CMC-Na (C). The dosage groups were divided into three, N10 (NADES extract 10 mg XTZ/kg BW), N25 (NADES extract 25 mg XTZ/kg BW), and E10 (ethanol extract 10 mg XTZ/kg BW). Dose was given for 28 days. On the last day, FST was carried out in mice, then they were dissected and liver tissue was taken to measure glutathione levels. The swimming time after treatment in N10, N25, and T groups was significantly different from before treatment (p<0,05).  The swimming time after treatment in N10, N25, and T groups was significantly different from C group (p<0.05). GSH levels of N10 and N25 groups were significantly higher than C groups. Ratio of GSH/GSSG of N10, N25, and T groups was significantly higher compared to C group (p<0.05). This study concludes that xanthorrhizol in NADES extract can help overcome muscle fatigue induced by oxidative stress due to high-intensity activities and has a promising anti-fatigue effect at XTZ doses of 10 mg/kg BW and 25 mg/kg BW."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fanny Septiani Farhan
Latar belakang: Kelelahan (fatigue) adalah suatu fenomena fisiologis teljedinya
penurunan toleransi terhadap kerja flsik. Penyebabnya sangat spesiflk bergantung pada
karakteristik kerja tersebut. Ada dua pendapat yang menjelaskan timbulnya kelelahan
otot pada olahraga dengan intensitas tinggi dan durnsi singkat. Pertama, bahwa
penimbunan asam laktat merupakan penyebub timbulnya kelelahan otot, hal ini
disebabkan pemenuhan kebutuhan energi bergantung pada sistem fosfagen dan glikolisis
anaerob dan jalur metabolisme int menghasilkan produk samping yaitu asam laktat.
Dengan meningkatnya ketergantungan energi dari gHkolisis anaerob menyebabkan
terjadinya akumulasi asam laktat.
Pada pendapat kedua, kelelahan timbul akibat penimbunan It bebas yang berasal dari
basil Hidrolisis ATP dan glikolisis anaerob pada otot yang aktif. Kedua proses ini
menghasi!kan H+ bebas. Dengan makin meningkatnya intensitas dan kebutuhan akan
ATP, maka proses glikolisis anaerob dan ATP hidrolisis semakin meningkat, maka
akumulasi H+ bebas tersebut akan menimbulkan kelelahan otot.
Tujuan: Bagaimanakah pengaruh 1-F dan laktat terhadap timbulnya kelelahan otot yang
ditandai dengan menurunnya kekuatan kontraksi dari otot rangka tersebut?
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan 3 kelompok perlakuan. Otot gastrocnemius Rana
sp di rendarn dalam larutan perlaknan yang berbada yaitu sodium laktat (kelompok 1),
asam laktat (kelompok 2) dan asam sitrat (kelompok 3) selama 30 menit. Otot yang Ielah
direndam kemudiao dirangsang dengan kontraksi submaksimal dengan frekuensi 5 Hz
dan voltase 20 volt. Gambatan kontraksi direkam dengan menggunakan
mekanomiogram. Dihitung durasi mulai awal konttaksi hingga timbulnya penurunan
kekuatan kontraksi 50%. Data dianalisis dengan uji ANOVA.
Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara waktu kelelahan yang ditimbulkan
oleh sodium laktat dibandingkan dengan asam laktat (P<0,0T32809-Fanny septiani farhan5), Terdapat perbedaan yang
bermakna aot:ara waktu kelelahao yang ditimbulkan oleh sodium laktat dibandingkan
dengan asam sitrat (P<0,05), dan terdapat perbedaan yang bennakna ant:ara waktu
kelelahan yang ditimbulkan oleh asam laktat dibaodingkan dengan asam sitrat (P<0,05),
sehingga urutan timbulnya kelelahan dari yang tereepat hingga yang terlarna adalah asam
sitrat, asam laktat dan natrium laktat.
Kesimpulan: H+ merupakan faktor utama terhadap timbulnya kelelahan otot pada otot
rangka Rana sp.

Background: Fatigue describes a condition in which a muscle is no longer able to
generate or sustain the expected power output. Fatigue is influenced by the intensity and
duration of the contractile activity. Multiple factors have been proposed to play a role in
fatigue. The popular opinion says that the accumulation of lactic acid as the main cause
of fatigue. During intense exercise, muscle and blood lactate can rise to very high levels.
Lactic acid becomes accumulated, has a direct detrimental effect on muscle performance.
The second opinion show that an increase concentration of hydrogen ions and a decrease
in pH (increase in acidity) within muscle or plasma, causes fatigue. The accumulation of
hydrogen ion release from glycolysis and ATP hydrolysis. The cell buffering capacity is
exceeded and fatigue developed.
Aims: The present study was designed to evaluate the role of W and lactate· in causing
muscle fatigue.
Design: the research uses 3 groups of treatment. Gastrocnemius muscle of Rana sp is
submerge in 3 different solutions. Sodium lactate (group 1), lactic acid (group 2) and
citric acid (group 3) for 30 minutes. The muscle is being stimulated using stimulator in
sub maximum contraction with frequency 5 Hz and 20 volt. the duration of fatigue is
observed from the initiation of contraction until 50% reduction of the muscle
contraction. Data is analyzed with ANOVA.
Result: The result of analysis showed that there were statistical differences on duration
of fatigue between sodium lactate and lactic acid, between lactic acid and citric acid, and
between lactic acid and citric acid (P
Conclusion: W accumulation plays big role in emerging muscle fatigue."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agnes Putri Ayu Rosalia
"Pendahuluan: Ekstrak temulawak telah dilaporkan memiliki efek inhibisi dan eradikasi in vitro terhadap C. albicans. Setiap obat dalam pengembangannya harus melalui uji standar stabilitas biologis, fisika, dan kimia. Salah satu uji kestabilan biologis obat adalah pengujian kontaminasi mikroba pada obat selama 4 minggu
Tujuan: Mengetahui kestabilan biologis obat tetes ekstrak etanol temulawak menggunakan TPC untuk menghitung, menganalisis dan membandingkan perubahan jumlah koloni dengan satuan Colony Forming Unit (CFU).
Metode: Obat tetes ekstrak etanol temulawak temulawak disimpan dalam 3 suhu (suhu rendah 4±2oC; suhu ruangan 28±2oC; dan suhu tinggi 40±2oC). Obat tetes ekstrak etanol temulawak diencerkan dengan serial dilution dan ditumbuhkan pada medium nonselektif Plate Count Agar (PCA) dengan metode Spread Plate. Pada setiap sampel pengujian dilakukan duplo. Media yang telah dikultur dengan obat tetes ekstrak etanol temulawak kemudian yang telah ditumbuhkan, diinkubasi selama 48 jam pada suhu 37oC. Perhitungan koloni pada setiap agar dilakukan secara manual, kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam rumus penghitungan koloni sehingga didapatkan satuan CFU/mL. Pengujian baseline dan Pengulangan uji kontaminasi dilakukan setiap 2 minggu selama 1 bulan.
Hasil: Pada minggu kedua tidak terdapat kontaminasi mikroba pada obat tetes ekstrak etanol temulawak. Sedangkan pada minggu keempat, terlihat koloni sebanyak 5x10 CFU/mL yang terbentuk pada media dengan kultur obat tetes ekstrak etanol temulawak pada suhu tinggi (40±2oC).
Kesimpulan: Temperatur penyimpanan mempengaruhi kestabilan biologis obat tetes ekstrak etanol temulawak. Pada penelitian ini, sediaan obat tetes ekstrak etanol temulawak tetap stabil bebas kontaminasi mikroba setelah penyimpanan selama 4 minggu pada suhu rendah dan suhu ruang. Sedangkan pada penyimpanan selama 4 minggu pada suhu tinggi, terjadi kontaminasi minimal.

Introduction: Curcuma extract has been reported to have effect on inhibition and eradication in vitro of C. albicans. Every drug during its development must pass biological, physical and chemical stability. One of the biological stability tests of drugs is testing for microbial contamination of drugs in 4 weeks.
Objective: To know the biological stability of oromucosal drops containing Curcuma xanthorrhiza ethanoic extract drugs using TPC to count, analyze and compare changes in the number of colonies with Colony Forming Units (CFU).
Methods: Oromucosal drops containing Curcuma xanthorrhiza ethanoic extract is stored at 3 temperatures (low temperature 4 ± 2oC; room temperature 28 ± 2oC; and high temperature 40 ± 2oC). Oromucosal drops containing Curcuma xanthorrhiza ethanoic extract is diluted with serial dilution and plated on nonselective medium Plate Count Agar (PCA) using the spread plate method. Duplo testing was carried out for each sample. Medium that has been cultured with oromucosal drops containing Curcuma xanthorrhiza ethanoic extract then incubated for 48 hours at 37oC. Colony counting for each agar is done manually, then entered into the colony counting formula to obtain CFU/mL units. Baseline test and repeated contamination tests were carried out every 2 weeks for 1 month.
Results: In the second week, there is no microbial contamination in oromucosal drops containing Curcuma xanthorrhiza ethanoic extract. Then, in the fourth week, it can be count 5x10 CFU/mL that formed on medium that has been cultured with oromucosal drops containing Curcuma xanthorrhiza ethanoic extract which stored in high temperature (40±2oC).
Conclusion: Storage temperature affects the biological stability of oromucosal drops containing Curcuma xanthorrhiza ethanoic extract. In this research, oromucosal drops containing Curcuma xanthorrhiza ethanoic extract remained stable and free of microbial contamination after 4 weeks of storage at low and room temperature. Meanwhile in storage for 4 weeks at high temperature, there was minimal contamination.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Puji Ariany
"Temulawak dan temu mangga merupakan tanaman obat yang sering digunakan dalam pengobatan tradisional. Kedua tanaman ini sudah diteliti dan berpotensi sebagai penghambat aktivitas radikal bebas. Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan standarisasi simplisia terhadap Rimpang Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) dan Rimpang Temu Mangga (Curcuma mangga), meliputi beberapa parameter yaitu kadar air, kadar abu total, kadar abu tak larut asam,kadar sari terlarut air, kadar sari terlarut etanol, pola kromatogram, kadar kurkuminoid. Simplisia yang sudah diuji berbagai parameter ini dikombinasikan menjadi sediaan teh herbal dalam berbagai perbandingan (10:0, 7:3, 5:5, 3:7 dan 0:10) dan dilakukan uji penghambatan aktivitas antioksidan secara in vitro dengan menggunakan standard kuersetin sebagai pembanding. Seduhan teh dari Rimpang Temulawak tunggal memiliki aktivitas penghambatan terhadap radikal DPPH lebih baik daripada Rimpang Temu Mangga tunggal, dengan Nilai IC50 seduhan rimpang temulawak (356,23 μg/mL), seduhan rimpang temu mangga (403,231 μg/mL), seduhan kombinasi 7:3 (424,495 μg/mL), seduhan kombinasi 5:5 (449,493 μg/mL), dan seduhan kombinasi 3:7 (461,888 μg/mL). Aktivitas antioksidan terbaik didapatkan pada teh herbal rimpang temulawak, dengan IC50 356,23 μg/mL. Rimpang Temulawak memiliki aktivitas penghambatan yang paling baik dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 356,23 μg/ml walaupun kurang berpotensi sebagai antioksidan.

"Temulawak" and "Temu Mangga" are a medicinal plant commonly used in traditional medicine. Both of these plants have a potential inhibitor of free radical activity. In this research, standardization of botanicals against rhizome temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) and Rhizome temu mangga (Curcuma manga)were done, includes several parameters such as moisture content, total ash, acid insoluble ash, water soluble extract levels, levels of dissolved ethanol extract, chromatogram patterns, levels of curcuminoids. Simplicia various parameters that have been tested are combined into herbal tea preparation in a variety of comparisons (10:0, 7:3, 5:5, 3:7 and 0:10) and the inhibition test in vitro antioxidant activity using quercetin as standard comparison. Steeping tea from a single rhizome Curcuma have inhibitory activity against DPPH radicals better than any single rhizome Temu Mangga, with IC50 value steeping ginger rhizome (356.23 mg / mL), steeping rhizome Intersection mango (403.231 mg / mL), steeping a combination of 7: 3 (424.495 mg / mL), steeping a combination of 5:5 (449.493 mg / mL), and steeping a combination of 3:7 (461.888 mg / mL). Best antioxidant activity was found in herbal tea ginger rhizome, with IC50 356.23 mg / mL. Ginger rhizome has the best inhibitory activity with IC50 values of 356.23 ug / ml, although less potential as an antioxidant.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yasinta Ayuning Dyah
"Latar Belakang: Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) adalah tanaman berkhasiat obat asli Indonesia dan merupakan tanaman obat unggulan untuk dikembangkan menjadi obat herbal terstandar. Pada beberapa penelitian, ekstrak etanol temulawak (EET) telah terbukti berkhasiat sebagai antimikroba, namun belum diketahui keamanannya terhadap jaringan mukosa mulut. Tujuan: Mengetahui sitotoksisitas ekstrak etanol temulawak (EET) terhadap sel fibroblas gingiva manusia (in vitro). Metoda: Model sel fibroblas gingiva diperoleh dari kultur primer jaringan gingiva manusia. Ekstrak etanol temulawak (1%, 2,5%, 5%, 10%, 20%, 40%) dipaparkan pada sel fibroblas gingiva dengan durasi paparan 1 jam, 3 jam, dan 24 jam. Viabilitas sel pasca paparan EET dianalisis dengan uji MTT (3-(4,5-dimethyl-thiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide) dan sitotoksisitas ditetapkan berdasarkan Inhibition Concentration 50% (IC50). Sedangkan, jumlah sel pasca paparan EET dievaluasi dengan metoda exclusion dye/trypan blue. Hasil: Model sel fibroblas gingiva dapat diperoleh dari kultur primer jaringan gingiva dan secara morfologi teridentifikasi sebagai sel fibroblas. Berdasarkan nilai IC50, EET pada konsentrasi >20% pasca paparan 1 dan 3 jam dan konsentrasi ≥10% pasca paparan 24 jam sitotoksik terhadap sel fibroblas gingiva. Jumlah sel fibroblas gingiva menurun sesuai dengan peningkatan konsentrasi pada durasi paparan 24 jam. Kesimpulan: Ekstrak etanol temulawak memiliki efek sitotoksik terhadap sel fibroblas gingiva. Sitotoksisitas ekstrak etanol temulawak dipengaruhi oleh konsentrasi dan durasi paparan.

Background: Javanese turmeric (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) is a herbal plant native to Indonesia and is a superior herbal plant to be developed into a standardized herbal medicine. In some studies, Curcuma xanthorrhiza ethanolic extract (CXEE) had been reported to have antimicrobial effect. However, its safety has not been evaluated for oral mucosal tissue. Objective: To evaluate the cytotoxicity of Curcuma xanthorrhiza ethanolic extract to human primary gingival fibroblast cells (in vitro). Method: Gingival fibroblast cells model were cultured from human primary gingival tissues. CXEE (1%, 2,5%, 5%, 10%, 20%, 40%) was added into gingival fibroblast culture for 1 h, 3 hrs, and 24 hrs. Cells viability after treatment of EET was analized with the 3-(4,5-dimethyl-thiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay and determined by Inhibition Concentration 50% (IC50). Meanwhile, cell density of treated cells was determined by exclusion dye/Trypan Blue. Result: Primary culture of human gingival tissue was able to produce gingival fibroblast cells model that was morphologically identified. Based on IC50, CXEE was cytotoxic againts gingival fibroblast cells at >20% of final concentration after 1 hr and 3 hrs treatment and at ≥10% of final concentration after 24 hrs treatment. Cell density of gingival fibroblast cells showed reduction as the increase of extract concentration in 24 hrs treatment. Conclusions: Curcuma xanthorrhiza ethanolic extract shows cytotoxic effect againts gingival fibroblast cells and is affected by concentration and duration of treatment."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Athaya Syaharani Putri Kusumowardhani
"Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) merupakantanaman obat Indonesia yang mengandung senyawa kurkuminoid dan xantorizol yang memiliki aktivitas biologis yang luas. Natural Deep Eutectic Solvent (NADES) merupakan pelarut hijau alternatif yang memiliki dampak minimal untuk lingkungan karena sifatnya yang biodegradable.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kemampuan menarik senyawa kurkuminoid dan xantorizol yang memiliki polaritas berbeda dengan pelarut NADES menggunakan metode ekstraksi berbasis utrasonik (UAE) yang dibandingkan dengan ekstraksi maserasi menggunakan pelarut etanol. Setelah dilakukan pengujian terhadap 3 kombinasi NADES, kombinasi NADES terpilih diekstraksi dengan 3 variabel bebas hingga dicapai kondisi optimum menggunakan rancangan Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Variabel bebas pada RSM yaitu penambahan air pada NADES (10, 20, 30%), waktu ekstraksi (10, 20, dan 30 menit), dan rasio pelarut terhadap serbuk (15, 20, 25 mL/g). Penetapan kadar kurkuminoid dan xantorizol dilakukan dengan Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi (KCKT) dengan fase gerak 0,07% asam format–asetonitril (45:55 v/v) lalu dideteksi pada panjang gelombang 425 nm untuk kurkuminoid dan 275 nm untuk xantorizol. Dari hasil analisis, kondisi ekstraksi optimal dihasilkan dari kombinasi NADES kolin klorida-gliserol (1:1) pada variasi 8 dengan kondisi penambahan air pada NADES sebanyak 10%, waktu ekstraksi 20 menit, dan rasio pelarut terhadap sampel 25 mL/g. Kondisi tersebut menghasilkan kadar kurkuminoid sebesar 7,32 mg/g dan kadar xantorizol sebesar 2,01 mg/g. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, UAE-NADES lebih efektif dalam menarik senyawa kurkuminoid sebesar 7,32 mg/g dan maserasi-etanol lebih efektif dalam menarik senyawa xantorizol sebesar 12,61 mg/g. Kondisi optimum dipilih berdasar solusi RSM dengan kadar kurkuminoid sebesar 4,952 mg/g dan kadar xantorizol sebesar 0,694 mg/g.

Javanese turmeric contains curcuminoid and xanthorrhizol that have wide range of biological activities. Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents (NADES) is an alternative green solvent that has minimal impact on the environment due to its biodegradable nature. This study aimed to evaluate the ability to extract curcuminoids and xantorizol that have different polaritieswith NADES using Ultrasound-Asissted Extraction (UAE) compared to conventional maceration extraction using ethanol. After testing 3 NADES combinations, the selected NADES was extracted with 3 independent variables until the optimum conditions were achieved using the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) design.The independent variables used were the addition of water to NADES (10, 20, 30%), extraction time (10, 20, and 30 minutes), and the ratio of solvent to powder (15, 20, 25 mL/g). The levels of curcuminoids and xanthorrhizol were determined using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with a mobile phase of 0.07% formic acid–acetonitrile (45:55v/v) then detected at a wavelength of 425 nm for curcuminoids and 275 nm for xanthorrhizol. From the analysis results, the optimal extraction conditions resulted from the combination of NADES choline chloride-glycerol (1:1) at run 8 with the conditions of adding 10% of water to NADES, 20 minutes extraction time, and solvent to sample ratio 25 mL/g. This condition resulted in curcuminoid levels of 7.32 mg/g and xantorizol levels of 2.01 mg/g. Based on the results of the study, UAE-NADES was more effective in attracting curcuminoid of 7.32 mg/g and maceration-ethanol was more effective in attracting xanthorizolof 12.61 mg/g. The optimum conditions were selected based on the RSM solution, with curcuminoid levels of 4.952 mg/g and xanthorizol levels of 0.694 mg/g."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hary Anwar Laksono
"Senyawa curcuminoid dan xanthorrhizol merupakan kandungan senyawa terbesar dalam rimpang temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) yang bersifat non-polar. Ionic liquid (IL) merupakan salah satu pelarut alternatif yang dapat menarik senyawa yang bersifat polar maupun non-polar dan memiliki potensi yang tinggi dalam ekstraksi bahan alam. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan kondisi optimal dalam ekstraksi rimpang temulawak menggunakan pelarut IL 1-Tetradesil-3-metilimidazolium klorida ([C14mim][Cl]) dengan metode Ultrasound Assisted Extraction (UAE), yang kemudian dibandingkan dengan hasil ekstraksi dengan metode maserasi menggunakan pelarut etanol 96%. Optimasi dilakukan menggunakan variabel bebas, yaitu konsentrasi pelarut (0,05; 0,1; dan 0,15M), waktu ekstraksi 10; 12,5; dan 15 menit), dan rasio sampel:pelarut (1:15; 1:20; dan 1:25) yang didapatkan dari uji pre-optimasi sebelumnya menggunakan IL [C16mim][Br] dengan garam salting-out NaCl. Optimasi dilakukan menggunakan Respon Surface Methodology (RSM) dengan metode Box- Behnken. Penetapan kadar senyawa Curcuminoid dan Xanthorrhizol dilakukan menggunakan metode Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi (KCKT) dengan detektor UV-Vis dan sistem gradien dengan fase gerak asetonitril:asam format 0,07% dalam air (45-85%) selama 0-60 menit pada panjang gelombang 425 dan 275 nm. Kondisi ekstraksi optimal yang didapatkan untuk metode UAE-IL [C14mim][Cl] menunjukan hasil terbaik pada garam salting-out Na2SO4, konsentrasi IL 0,15 M, waktu ekstraksi 15 menit, dan rasio sampel:pelarut 1:20 dengan hasil kadar per serbuk sebesar 9,14±0,02 mg/g curcuminoid dan 21,41±0,08 mg/g xanthorrhizol. Hasil tersebut lebih besar dari ekstraksi dengan metode maserasi-etanol 96% yaitu sebesar 4,92±0,03 mg/g curcuminoid dan 12,47±0,09 mg/g xanthorrhizol.

Curcuminoid and xanthorrhizol are the most significant and non-polar chemical compounds in Javanese turmeric (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.). Ionic liquid (IL) is an alternative solvent that can attract polar and non-polar compounds and has a high potential for extracting natural products. This study aimed to obtain optimal conditions for Javanese turmeric rhizome extraction using IL 1-Tetradecyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ([C14mim][Cl]) as a solvent with Ultrasound Assisted Extraction (UAE) method, which was then compared with the results of maceration extraction using ethanol 96% as a solvent. Optimization was carried out using the independent variables of solvent concentration (0.05, 0.1, and 0.15 M), extraction time (10, 12.5, and 15 minutes), and the sample:solvent ratio (1:15, 1:20, and 1:25) obtained from the previous pre-optimization test using IL [C16mim][Br] with salting-out salt NaCl. Optimization was carried out using the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) with the Box-Behnken method. Curcuminoid and xanthorrhizol content determined using gradient system High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method with UV-Vis detector and a mobile phase of acetonitrile:formic acid 0.07% in water (45-85%) for 0-60 minutes at 425 and 275 nm wavelengths. The optimal extraction condition obtained for UAE-IL [C14mim][Cl] showed that salting-out salt Na2SO4, IL concentration 0.15 M, extraction time 15 minutes, sample:solvent ratio 1:20 with concentration per powder 9.14±0.02 mg/g curcuminoid and 21.41±0.08 mg/g xanthorrhizol. The results were greater than the extraction using maceration-ethanol 96% that showed 4.92±0.03 mg/g curcuminoids and 12.47±0.09 mg/g xanthorrhizol."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dinar Meltiara
"Ionic liquid merupakan salah satu jenis pelarut hijau yang sudah banyak diuji keberhasilannya dalam mengekstraksi berbagai senyawa bahan herbal. IL merupakan designer solvent, dimana kation dan anion pada IL bersifat fleksibel menyesuaikan dengan sifat zat aktif target, membuat IL efisien dalam menarik senyawa polar maupun non-polar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu memperoleh kondisi optimum ekstraksi kurkuminoid dan xantorizol dari rimpang temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza roxb.) menggunakan 1-Heksadesil-3-metilimidazolium bromida secara UAE (Ultrasonic Assisted Extraction) serta mengetahui perbandingannya dengan maserasi menggunakan etanol 96%. Variabel-variabel bebas yang digunakan dalam optimasi yaitu konsentrasi IL (0.05; 0.1; 0.15M), waktu ekstraksi (10; 12.5; 15 menit) dan rasio sampel-pelarut (15; 20; 25 mL/g). Semua variabel di desain menggunakan metode Response Surface Methodology. Kuantifikasi senyawa kurkuminoid dan xantorizol dilakukan menggunakan KCKT UV-Vis menggunakan fase gerak asetonitril (A) dan asam format 0.007% dalam air (B) dengan program elusi gradien 45–85% (A): 0-60 menit dan dideteksi pada panjang gelombang 425 nm dan 275 nm. Hasil kadar senyawa kurkuminoid terbesar diperoleh pada konsentrasi IL 0.05M; waktu ekstraksi 12 menit dan rasio sampel-pelarut 25 mL/g dengan perolehan sebesar 8.709 mg/g. Sementara, kadar xantorizol optimum diperoleh sebesar 14.099 mg/g pada konsentrasi IL 0.05M; waktu ekstraksi 14 menit dan rasio sampel-pelarut 1:24.5 mL/g. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disimpulkan bahwa kadar senyawa kurkuminoid dan xantorizol yang diekstraksi secara IL-UAE memberikan nilai lebih tinggi dibandingkan metode konvensional. Maserasi temulawak menggunakan etanol 96% hanya mampu menghasilkan kadar kurkuminoid dan xantorizol berturut-turut sebesar 4,92 mg/g dan 12,467 mg/g.

Ionic liquid is one of the green solvents studied in relation to its success in extracting natural compounds. Ionic liquids are considered to be designer solvents due to its ability to alter cation and anion combination adapting to the compounds target, making it efficient for extraction on polar and non-polar compounds. The purpose in this study is to find the optimum extraction of curcuminoid and xanthorrhizol from rhizome of javanese turmeric using ionic liquid 1-Hexadecyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide based UAE (Ultrasonic Assisted Extraction) and to compare the effectiveness of the extraction with 96% ethanol by maceration method. Independent variables used for optimization are IL concentration (0.05; 0.1; 0.15M), time extraction (10; 12.5; 15 minutes) and ratio of solvent to powder (15; 20; 25 mL/g). All variables were designed by using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Curcuminoid and xanthorrhizol quantification was done using HPLC UV-Vis with mobile phase composition of acetonitrile (A) and 0.07% formic acid on water (B) with gradient elution program 45–85% (A): 0-60 min, 65 – 100% (A): 60-75 min, 100% (A): 75-80 min and was detected on a wavelength of 425 (curcuminoid) and 275 (xanthorrhizol). The results showed that the highest curcuminoid content obtained was 8.709 mg/g with IL concentration 0.05M; time extraction 12 minutes and a ratio of solvent to powder 1:25 g/mL. While the highest xanthorrhizol content obtained was 14.099 mg/g with IL concentration 0.05M; time extraction 14 minutes and a ratio of solvent to powder 1:24.5 g/mL. Based on the result, IL-UAE is more effective to attract curcuminoid and xanthorrhizol than the conventional method. Maceration using 96% ethanol of javanese turmeric rhizome only gave results of 4.92 mg/g for curcuminoid and 12.467 mg/g for xanthorrhizol."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Viandra Salsabilla Arif Tjokroadiredjo
"Background: One of the major challenges in developing an antifungal against Candida albicans as a therapeutic strategy for oral candidiasis is its resistance towards antimicrobial agents. Currently, medicinal plants are continuously being developed as a therapeutic agent, including Javanese turmeric (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.), an Indonesian plant widely used as a traditional medicine. Its main active compound, xanthorrhizol, as well as the Javanese turmeric Ethanol Extract (EET) had been reported to have antifungal properties. However, extract quality as well as cultivation site of a medicinal plant may affect its’ effectivity as a therapeutic agent. Objective: To analyze the influence of Javanese turmeric cultivation site against its’ ethanolic extract effectivity in inhibiting C. albicans biofilms. Methods: 2 Javanese turmeric ethanolic extract were collected from different cultivation sites, which were Bogor, West Java and Malang, East Java. The extracts were tested for inhibitory activity against C. albicans biofilm using OD600, TPC, and MTT assay measurements. Results: There were concentration differences of xanthorrhizol content in between the two extracts. Despite so, both extracts showed insignificant MBIC50 differences at roughly 0,10 µg/mL, while their MBIC90 were measured to be constant at all biofilm development phases, at 0,30 µg/mL. Conclusion: The different cultivation site of Javanese turmeric in Java island does not influence the effectivity of JtET in inhibiting C. albicans biofilm.

Background: One of the major challenges in developing an antifungal against Candida albicans as a therapeutic strategy for oral candidiasis, an opportunistic oral fungal infection, is its resistance towards antimicrobial agents. Currently, medicinal plants are being developed as a therapeutic agent, including Javanese turmeric (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.), an Indonesian plant widely used as a traditional medicine. Its main active compound, xanthorrhizol, is known to have antifungal properties. However, extract quality as well as cultivation site of a medicinal plant may affect its’ effectivity as a therapeutic agent. Up until now, there hasn’t been any datas that explain how these factors affect Javanese turmeric ethanolic extract as a C. albicans strategy. Objective: To analyze the effect of Javanese turmeric cultivation site against its’ ethanolic extract ability to inhibit C. albicans biofilms. Methods: 2 Javanese turmeric ethanolic extract were collected from different cultivation sites, which were Bogor, West Java and Malang, East Java. The extracts were tested for inhibitory activity against C. albicans biofilm using OD600, TPC, and MTT assay measurements. Results: There were concentration differences of xanthorrhizol between the extracts. Despite so, both extracts’ MBIC50 differences were insignificant at roughly 0,10 µg/mL, while their MBIC90 were measured to be constant at all biofilm development phases, at 0,30 µg/mL. Conclusion: There were no significant differences between the MBICs of both extracts against C. albicans biofilm. More research needs to be done to confirm the role of other factors such as storage time on their MBIC."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Basalamah, Ahmad Muhammad
"Kanker ovarium merupakan kanker ginekologi tersering kedua, setelah kanker serviks dan juga merupakan salah satu jenis kanker dengan angka insidensi tertinggi pada wanita Indonesia. Cisplatin adalah salah satu jenis kemoterapi yang sering digunakan dalam terapi kanker ovarium. Cisplatin bekerja dengan memproduksi oksidatif stress untuk melawan sel kanker, akan tetapi mekanisme ini berpotensi untuk membahayakan tubuh, seperti menyebabkan toksisitas pada organ seperti hati dan ginjal, maupun toksisitas sistemik. Untuk mengurangi efek samping dari cisplatin, curcumin dapat ditambahkan. Curcumin juga dapat meningkatkan efek anti kanker cisplatin, akan tetapi bioavailabilitas curcumin masih cukup rendah. Oleh karena itu, kelompok penelitian kami mengembangkan curcumin dalam bentuk nano partikel, atau Nanocurcumin dengan ukuran 11,5 nm, yang sudah terbukti meningkatkan bioavailabilitas kurkurmin dalam tubuh. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian in vivo pada tikus Wistar betina. Penelitian ini mengobservasi efek anti kanker kemoterapi terhadap stress oksidatif yang dihasilkan oleh efek samping pengobatan kemoterapi dengan melihat konsentrasi SOD, GSH dan MDA dari sampel darah yang diambil dari vena di ekor tikus. Hasil yang diperoleh peneliti adalah tidak signifikan secara statistik, sehingga disimpulkan bahwa bahwa curcumin dan nanocurcumin tidak memodulasi SOD, GSH dan MDA pada terapi kanker ovariaum yang mendapat terapi cisplatin.

Ovarian cancer is the second most common gynaecological cancer, and is also one of cancer that has the highest incidence level in Indonesian women. One of the main chemotherapy that is used to treat ovarian cancer therapy is cisplatin. Cisplatin works by generating oxidative stress to fight the cancer, however this would act as double edged knife. While generating oxidative stress is good for the therapeutic purpose, it would cause harm to the body, such as causing organ toxicity and systemic toxicity. To reduce the side effect of cisplatin, curcumin can be used. Curcumin also has an anti-cancer effect that can enhance the therapeutic effect of cisplatin. However, curcumin has a low bioavailability. To overcome this, our research group developed a nanosized curcumin, called Nanocurcumin, with the size of 11,5 nm, it has been proven to increase the bioavailability of curcumin in the body. This research is in an in vivo experiment on female Wistar rats. This research will observe the effect of anticancer co-chemotherapy on oxidative stress, by looking into GSH, SOD and MDA concentration from blood samples that were collected from the vein of the rat's tail. Results obtained for GSH, SOD and MDA were statistically insignificant (p>0,05). In conclusion, curcumin and nanocurcumin don't modulate GSH, SOD and MDA in ovarian cancer model in rats treated with cisplatin.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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