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"The topics treated in this handbook cover all areas of games and entertainment technologies, such as digital entertainment; technology, design/art, and sociology. The handbook consists of contributions from top class scholars and researchers from the interdisciplinary topic areas. The aim of this handbook is to serving as a key reference work in the field and provides readers with a holistic picture of this interdisciplinary field covering technical issues, aesthetic/design issues, and sociological issues. At present, there is no reference work in the field that provides such a broad and complete picture of the field. Engineers and researchers who want to learn about this emerging area will be able to find adequate answers regarding technology issues on digital entertainment. Designers and artists can learn how their skills and expertise can contribute to this emerging area. Also researchers working in the field of sociology and psychology will find how their experience and knowledge are connected to other areas such as technology and art/design. Although topics are written by foremost experts from the field, the description for each topic has been intended to be easily understandable but yet comprehensive enough so that it caters not only for the experts but also beginners and students in the field."
Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Steimle, Jurgen
"This book provides the first theoretical interaction model of pen-and-paper user interfaces and an integrated set of interaction techniques for knowledge workers. The model proposes a ‘construction set’ of core interactions that are helpful in designing solutions that address the diversity of pen-and-paper environments. The interaction techniques, concrete instantiations of the model, provide innovative support for working with printed and digital documents. They integrate well-established paper-based practices with concepts derived from hypertext and social media.
Berlin: [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Johannes Fromme
"This handbook aims to reflect the relevance and value of studying digital games.
As an overview of the current state of research into digital gaming, the 42 papers included in this handbook focus on the social and cultural relevance of gaming. The contributions, which range from theoretical approaches to empirical studies, cover various topics including analyses of games themselves, the player-game interaction, and the social context of gaming. In addition, the educational aspects of games and gaming are treated in a discrete section. With material on non-commercial gaming trends such as ‘modding’, and a multinational group of authors from eleven nations, the handbook is a vital publication demonstrating that new media cultures are far more complex and diverse than commonly assumed in a debate dominated by concerns over violent content."
Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mochammad Kresna Noer
Terdapat suatu model teori media entertainment yang menempatkanpengalaman kenikmatan ketika mengonsumsi media hiburan sebagai intinya,namun sayangnya model yang ada belum sepenuhnya mengakomodasi mediainteraktif terutama pada sisi motifnya. Padahal saat ini sedang gencar-gencarnyaperkembangan teknologi komunikasi dan informasi yang interaktivitasnyasemakin tinggi. Penelitian ini melihat bahwa ada motif lain untuk mengonsumsimedia interaktif khusunya video game demi mendapatkan enjoyment yangberdasarkan teori determinasi diri. Adapun variabelnya adalah competence,autonomy relatedness. Populasi penelitian ini adalah remaja tahap akhir yangmenempuh studi di beberapa universitas di Jakarta. Asumsinya adalah remajapada tahap akhir kemampuan kognitifnya sudah berkembang dengan baik,memiliki kontrol terhadap pengeluarannya namun melemahnya pengawasan orangtua karena menganggap sudah bertanggung jawab terhadap dirinya sendiri.Remaja pada tahap ini juga mengalami problematika hidup yang semakinkompleks. Hal tersebut yang menjadi pemicu seorang remaja menjadi heavygamers, dalam hal ini dibuktikan melalui motif escapism. Keraguan lain yangdijawab melalui penelitian ini adalah terdapat asumsi yang dikemukakan olehPoels et. al. bahwa terdapat kemungkinan pengalaman kenikmatan yang terjadiketika bermain video games berbanding terbalik setelah selesai memainkan videogames, yang hal tersebut juga terkait dengan entertainment effect. Asumsi tersebutdidasarkan pada rasa penyesalan yang muncul karena telah membuang waktudengan bermain video games, bukan melakukan kegiatan yang lebih bermanfaatseperti bekerja atau belajar. Pada akhirnya berdasarkan literatur dari lintas disiplinlain peneliti mengajukan saran untuk melengkapi persyaratan dari sisi media danpenggunanya.Kata Kunci: motif media interaktif, media hiburan, permainan game digital

There iscertain media entertainment theory model placing pleasure experience whenconsuming entertainment media as its core. But unfortunately the existing modelstill unable to completely accommodate interactive media especially on itsmotives side. Even though nowadays communication and information technologywith its escalating interactivity are getting even more popular. This researchobserve that there are other motives to consume interactive media especially videogame for the sake of enjoyment according to self determination theory. Itsvariable are competence, autonomy relatedness. Research of this populationwere final stage adolescent studying in various universities in Jakarta. Theassumption were, adolescent in their final stage had their cognitive abilities welldeveloped, having control for their expenditures, but accompanied with theparents control weakening as they were considered able for self responsibility.Adolescent in this stage also face more complicated life problems. Those becometrigger for adolescent to become heavy gamers which in this matter evidencedthrough escapism motives. Other question answered through this research werethe existence of assumption explained by Poels et. al. that there is possibility ofpleasure experience occur when playing video games are inversely proportionalafter playing video games, which also related with entertainment effect. Suchassumption made based on guilty feeling emerged for wasting time by playingvideo games, instead of conducting more useful activities such as working orstudying. Finally, based on literature from across discipline researcherrecommended to complete other requirements from media side and its user.Keywords interactive media motives, media entertainment, video gamesviii"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book focuses on the human aspects of wearable technologies and game design, which are often neglected. It shows how user centered practices can optimize wearable experience, thus improving user acceptance, satisfaction and engagement towards novel wearable gadgets. It describes both research and best practices in the applications of human factors and ergonomics to sensors, wearable technologies and game design innovations, as well as results obtained upon integration of the wearability principles identified by various researchers for aesthetics, affordance, comfort, contextual-awareness, customization, ease of use, ergonomy, intuitiveness, obtrusiveness, information overload, privacy, reliability, responsiveness, satisfaction, subtlety, user friendliness and wearability. The book is based on the AHFE 2018 Conference on Human Factors and Wearable Technologies and the AHFE 2018 Conference on Human Factors in Game Design and Virtual Environments , held on July 21–25, 2018 in Orlando, Florida, and addresses professionals, researchers, and students dealing with the human aspects of wearable, smart and/or interactive technologies and game design research."
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Browne, Dermot P.
New York : Prentice-Hall, 1994
005.12 BRO s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sharon, Tomer
Boston: Elsevier , 2012
005.437 SHA i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yunita Riris Widawaty
"Antarmuka perpustakaan digital menjadi jembatan yang menghubungkan kebutuhan informasi pemakai dengan sumber-sumber dan layanan yang ada di perpustakaan. Oleh sebab itu pengembangan antarmuka perpustakaan digital harus melibatkan pemakai secara aktif sejak perencanaan sampai evaluasi. Salah satu cara mengevaluasi antarmuka dikenal dengan nama uji ketergunaan atau usability testing. Uji ketergunaan adalah mengukur kemudahan digunakan, kemudahan dipelajari, efsiensi dan kepuasan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat ketergunaan antarmuka AtmaLib, mengidentifikasi masalah-masalah yang ditemui pemakai sewaktu menggunakan AtmaLib, dan mengetahui perubahan-perubahan yang harus dilakukan pada AtmaLib. Kriteria ketergunaan yang diujikan meliputi kemudahan digunakan, kemudahan dipelajari (langkah-langkah, istilah yang digunakan, kecepatan sistem, waktu, dan konsistensi), kesalahan, dan bahasa yang sebaiknya digunakan AtmaLib.
Enam orang responden dipilih dengan memperhatikan latar belakang, keaktifan, pengetahuan, ketrampilan, dan frekuensi penggunaan Internet dan AtmaLib. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan meminta keenam responden mengerjakan soal-soal yang berkaitan dengan setiap menu dan sub menu di AtmaLib, wawancara mendalam dan catatan pengamatan. Perekaman data dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak CamStudio t8 dan tape recorder. Data yang didapatkan dianalisis secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif.
Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan, adalah :
1. Terdapat 12 menu dan 7 sub menu yang termasuk dalam kategori yang mudah digunakan, yaitu Pencarian (berdasarkan subyek), melakukan Login, Usulan pembelian buku (Request New Collection), Daftar buku yang diusulkan (My Book Resquest), Daftar file yang telah dimasukkan atau di-upload (My Uploaded Collection), Profil pemakai (My User Profile), Mengubah password (Change My Password), Profil Perpustakaan (About Us), Berita-berita terbaru di perpustakaan (News), Pencarian buku di perpustakaan lain (Links), Most Wanted Collections, Most Popular Collections, Most Active Students, Most Active Employees, The Largest Collections by Departments, The Largest Collections by Subjects, The Largest Collections by'Authors.
2. Mudah dipelajari.
a. Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan oleh seluruh responden terhadap 12 menu yang dikerjakan dengan benar adalah sama yaitu dengan meng-klik menu yang dimaksudkan.
b. Terdapat 10 istilah yang tidak dapat dimengerti oleh para responden, meliputi Type, Fulltext, Borrowable, My Upload, Ask Librarians, Most wanted collections, dan Most popular collections.
c. Seluruh responden menyatakan kecepatan AtmaLib sudah cukup dalam memberikan respons kepada setiap perintah yang diberikan.
d. Sebagian besar soal dikerjakan lebih cepat oleh pemakai terampil (pencarian berdasarkan subyek dan Profil perpustakaan (About us).
e. Hanya terdapat satu ketidak-konsistenan yang ditemukan oleh responden, yaitu pada nama menu dan tajuk pada menu tersebut (My Resume).
3. Terdapat enam kesalahan dilakukan AtmaLib sewaktu pengujian, yaitu tidak dapat melihat fulltext, tidak berhasil melakukan login, tidak muncul halaman konfirmasi usulan buku (Request new collection), tidak muncul halaman konfirmasi Upload, tidak muncul halaman User profile, dan tidak muncul halaman Most popular collections.
4. Tiga responden mengusulkan untuk menggunakan dua bahasa (Indonesia dan inggris) di AtmaLib. Sedangkan tiga lainnya mengusulkan hanya dalam bahasa Inggris saja.
5. Masalah-masalah yang terdapat di AtmaLib adalah :
a. Istilah yang digunakan.
b. Cara penggunaan menu dan sub menu.
c. Ketidaktahuan responden pada penggunaan menu tertentu.
d. Letak menu.
6. Usulan-usulan perbaikan yang diberikan responden adalah :
a. Memberikan keterangan pada tiap-tiap menu.
b. Meningkatkan kecepatan AtmaLib dalam memberikan respons.
c. Menghilangkan kesalahan (error) pada AtmaLib.
d. Meningkatkan konsistensi . pada menu-menu yang terdapat di AtmaLib.
e. Memberikan pilihan bahasa Indonesia, selain bahasa inggris yang telah digunakan AtmaLib.
f. Menambahkan menu yang memberitahukan status buku yang sedang diperbaiki

Digital library interface is a mean that relates users information needs with resources and services available in the library. It's therefore necessary to involves users in the development of digital library interface, i.e. from planning to evaluation. One of the ways to evaluate interface is by using usability testing. Usability testing measures usability, learnability, and efficiency of the user's satisfaction.
The objective of this research is to find usability of AtmaLib interface, to identify problems facing users when use AtmaLib, and to see the change must be done in AtmaLib. Usability criterion included easy to use, easy to learn (the steps that taken, terms used, system speed, time, and consistency), errors, and language that must be used by AtmaLib.
Six respondents were chosen based on their background, knowledge, skills, and the use of Internet and AtmaLib. They were required to perform several tasks regarding .to menu and submenu of AtmaLib. They were encourage to ask and speak out the problems they found. Interviews were also carried out to find the problems they face and solutions to make. The data recorded by using CamStudio 1.8 software and tape recorder. The data that has been obtained then was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively.
The result of the research shows that:
1. Easy to use. There is 12 menus and 7 submenus classified into usability, that is Search (based on subject), Login, Request New Collection, My Book Request, My Uploaded Collection, My User Profile, Change My Password, About Us, News, Links, Most Wanted Collections, Most Popular Collections, Most Active Students, Most Active Employees, The Largest Collections by Departments, The Largest Collections by Subjects, The Largest Collections by Authors.
2. Easy to learn.
a. The steps taken by all respondents on 12 menus that is easy to use is same, that is by clicking menu intended.
b. There are 10 terms unknown by respondents: Type, Fulltext, Borrowable, My, Upload, Ask Librarians, Most Wanted Collections, and Most Popular Collections.
c. All respondents stated that AtmaLib is fast enough in responding every request.
d. Most of questions are completed faster by expert users (searching by subjects and library profil About Us).
e. Only one inconsistency found by respondents, that is menu name and heading of that menu (My Resume)
3. There are six errors made by AtmaLib during the test: fulltext did not show up, login could not be done, book confirmation page (Request New Collection) did not show up, Upload confirmation page did not show up, User Profile page could not be loaded, Most Popular Collections page did not show up.
4. Three respondents recommend using two languages (Indonesia and English) in AtmaLib, whereas the other three recommend using only English.
5. Problems found with AtmaLib were:
a. The use of terms.
b. How to use menu and submenu
c. Respondent that is unfamiliar with certain menus.
d. Location of menus
6. Solution suggestions were:
a. To give short explanation on every menu.
b. To increase AtmaLib speed in responding.
c. To omit errors in AtmaLib.
d. To increse consistency in menus on AtmaLib.
e. To provide Indonesian, in addition to English.
f. To add menu showing book
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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