"Tuberkulosis adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh Mycobacterium tuberculosis dan menjadi sangat berbahaya karena kemudahannya untuk menginfeksi orang lain. Rifampisin merupakan salah satu OAT lini pertama yang menjadi dasar obat tuberculosis dan terjadinya resistensi terhadap rifampisin menjadi salah satu kendala pemberantasan TB di Indonesia.
Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan pola resistensi M. tuberculosis terhadap Rifampisin serta mengetahui perbandingan monoresisten rifampisin, multi drug resistance (MDR), serta multiresisten lain tuberkulosis. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menganalisis data sekunder sebanyak 676 sampel dengan kultur positif dari Departemen Mikrobiologi FKUI pada September 2005 sampai Desember 2007 dan telah menjalani pemeriksaan resistensi sesuai dengan panduan WHO/IUATLD.
Dari hasil analisis didapatkan pola resistensi terhadap rifampisin sebanyak 23.96% dimana monoresisten rifampisin sebesar 7,24%, MDR TB sebesar 8,73%, serta multiresisten lain sebesar 7,99%.
Tuberculosis is a disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and becomes very dangerous because its potency to infect other people. Rifampisin is one of the first line tuberculosis? drugs and its resistance will be the obstacle of reducing Tuberculosis cases in Indonesia.
This research aimed to determine the resistance of rifampisin and also the comparison between monoresistance to rifampicin, multi-drug resistance (MDR), and also the other multiresistance of tuberculosis. This research was done by collecting and analyzing 676 secondary samples which culture results are positive from Microbiology Department Medical Faculty University of Indonesia in September 2005 until December 2007 and had undergone resistance tests based on WHO/IUATLD guidelines.
The results of the analysis were obtained that the resistance of rifampisin was 23.96% where the percentage of monoresistance to rifampicin is 7,24%, MDR TB is 8,73%, and the other multiresistance is 7,99%."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2008