ABSTRAKDalam mengintegrasikan diri dengan masyarakat Amerika, imigran Jepang menghadapi hambatan yang berhubungan dengan masalah sosial, budaya dan politik. Diskriminasi ras terhadap imigran Jepang memuncak pada Perang Dunia II sehingga mereka harus masuk ke kamp relokasi. Namun segera setelah Perang Dunia II usai, imigran Jepang berhasil menyesuaian diri dengan budaya Ameria. Oleh karena itu saya ingin meneliti apakah relokasi berperan dalam proses akulturasi tiga generasi Issei, Nisei dan Sansei.
Untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian saya menggunakan metoda kualitatif yaitu mengumpulkan data-data dari primary source dan secondary source. Primary source terdiri dari tiga memoar - Farewell To Manzanar (1973), Beyond Manzanar (1983) dan Turning Japanese (1991) yang masing-masing ditulis oleh Houston, Wakatsuki dan Mura.
Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa dari ketiga memoar ada delapan nilai yang dapat dicermati untuk memperlihatkan adanya perubahan sikap dan penerapan dalam kehidupan lssei, Nisei dan Sansei. Kedelapan nilai tersebut adalah: shikata ga nai, psychological privacy, on dan girl, Nilai Patriarkhi, adat-istiadat, agama, daya tarik antarlawan jenis dan identitas wanita. Pada kedelapan nilai budaya tersebut terlihat bahwa relokasi berperan sebagai pendorong dalam perubahan sikap dan penerapan semua nilai kecuali on dan gin serta identitas wanita.
ABSTRACTThe fact that the Japanese immigrant having well-integrated with the host society shows their ability in overcoming many barriers put up against them. During the period of World War II the immigrants had to be relocated into barbed wire-camps because they were accused of being disloyal to the American government. However, no sooner was the World War II finished than they were successful in integrating with the American society. This phenomenon leads me to study the role of relocation in the acculturation process of these generations - lssei, Nisei and Sansei.To achieve the objective I use qualitative method - collecting data from Primary and Secondary Sources. The Primary Source consists of three memoirs, Farewell To Manzanar (1973) by Houston, Beyond Manzanar (1984) by Wakatsuki and Turning Japanese (1991) by Mura.The outcome of the research makes evident there are eight observable values which can be considered playing the role of relocation in acculturation-process in the life of the three generations. Those values are shikata ga nai, psychological privacy, on & girl, patriarchy, capacity to appeal between inter-sexes, as a well as women's identity. It is obviously seen that the three generations had gradually changed practicing all of the values in their life but on & girl and women's identity. They still practice the same concept of the two values mentioned."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1995