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Ditemukan 20278 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Bambang Sapta Purwoko
Bogor: Penerbit IPB Press, 2022
641.3 BAM k
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Djakarta: Lembaga Penjelidikan Ekonomi dan Masjarakat, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Indonesia, 1961
381.41 PEM
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mardlotillah Asma Amanina
"Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian strain Nostoc CPG8, CPG24, dan CIM7 terhadap pertumbuhan vegetatif dan generatif padi varietas Ciherang. Data dianalisis secara statistik dengan uji ANOVA dan LSD, kecuali data jumlah daun, dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian strain Nostoc CPG24 dan CIM7 berpengaruh nyata meningkatkan tinggi tanaman akhir (P < 0,05). Strain Nostoc CPG8 dan CPG24 berpengaruh nyata menurunkan jumlah buah kosong (P < 0,05). Pemberian ketiga strain Nostoc tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap parameter vegetatif panjang akar dan parameter generatif jumlah bulir, jumlah buah berisi, berat basah dan berat kering tanaman tanpa buahbuahh total buah per rumpun, jumlah buah bernas per rumpun, jumlah buah kosong per rumpun, berat basah tanaman, dan berat basah, serta berat basah dan berat kering buah.

This experiment was conducted to see the effect of Nostoc strains CPG8, CPG24, and CIM7 to vegetative and generative growth of Ciherang varieties of rice. Data was analyzed used statistics, with ANOVA and LSD, except for leaf total was used descriptive. The result showed that Nostoc strains of CPG24 and CIM7 increased plant height (P < 0,05). Nostoc strains of CPG8 and CPG24 decreased the number of filled out grains (P < 0,05). Those three Nostoc strains had not affect increase root length, the number of panicles, the number of filled grains, fresh and dry weight plants without grain, and fresh and dry weight grains."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nababan, Marvel Hasiholan
"Padi mampu menggunakan protein ferritin untuk melindungi diri dari toksisitas besi. Protein ferritin merupakan suatu protein berbentuk sferis yang dapat mereduksi besi sehingga menghilangkan potensi toksisitas besi. Padi yang tahan toksisitas besi telah ditemukan di antaranya padi INPARA2, Mahsuri, Pokkali, dan Siam Saba. Penelitian mengenai analisis sekuen gen ferritin diperlukan untuk membentuk strategi pemuliaan varietas padi yang tahan toksisitas besi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis sekuen gen OsFer1 dan OsFer2 pada padi varietas Ciherang, Cibogo, dan INPARA 8. Sekuen gen ferritin berupa kromatogram yang didapat adalah sekuen gen OsFer1 dan sekuen gen OsFer2 Sekuen OsFer1 ditemukan pada ketiga varietas dan ditemukan sekuen OsFer2 pada padi varietas Ciherang dan Cibogo. Sekuen yang ditemukan berupa sekuen parsial yang terdapat pada ekson1, intron 1 dan ekson 2 dengan sekuen OsFer1 yang sepanjang 530 dan 568 pasang basa. Sekuen OsFer2 ditemukan sepanjang 212 pasang basa. Sekuen OsFer1 dan Sekuen OsFer2 ditemukan memiliki kemiripan sekuen yang tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan sekuen referensi. Sekuen OsFer1 dan OsFer2 ditemukan menunjukkan banyak mismatch yang berbentuk mutasi subtitusi. Sekuen OsFer2 menunjukkan adanya 14 mutasi deep intronic dan 2 mutasi proximal intronic. Sekuen OsFer1 menunjukkan adanya 1 mutasi exonic.

Rice is capable of utilizing ferritin in response to iron toxicity. Ferritin is a spherical protein that can reduce iron thus neutralizing its toxicity. Several rice varieties have been found to show considerable tolerance to iron toxicity such as INPARA2, Mahsuri, Pokkali, and Siam Saba. Sequence analysis studies focusing on ferritin genes is important for future rice breeding programs. This study is aimed to analyze OsFer1 and OsFer2 gene sequence in Ciherang, Cibogo, and INPARA 8. The sequences obtained in this study are chromatograms showing partial sequences from OsFer1 and OsFer2. The length of OsFer1 sequences are 530 and 568 base pairs and OsFer2 with 212 base pairs. OsFer1 sequences are recovered from the three rice varieties and OsFer2 are found from Ciherang and Cibogo. OsFer1 and OsFer2 showed high similarity when compared to reference sequence. OsFer1 and OsFer2 showed high alignment with exon 1, intron 1 and exon 2. Mismatches were found in both sequences that are base subtitutions. Intronic mutations are found in OsFer2 sequence and exonic mutations are found in OsFer1. "
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Baehaki S. E.
"Pengembangan program pengelolaan hama terpadu (PHT) nasional sejak 1989 mampu meningkatkan produksi padi di Indonesia. Namun produksi padi tahun 2001-2006 mengalami pelandaian, berada di sekitar 54 juta ton per tahun. Pada tahun 2007 pemerintah melaksanakan program Peningkatan Produksi Beras Nasional (P2BN) dengan target meningkatkan produksi 5% per tahun (2 juta ton/tahun). Salah satu upaya mencapai target produksi tersebut adalah dengan melaksanakan program Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu (PTT) melalui 60.000 unit sekolah lapang PTT (SL-PTT). Hasil evaluasi pada 2008 dan 2009 menunjukkan, produksi padi melonjak dari 54,45 juta ton pada tahun 2006 menjadi 57,16 juta ton pada 2007, dan pada tahun 2008 dan 2009 produksi masing-masing mencapai 60,33 dan 64,4 juta ton. PHT bertujuan untuk mencapai stabilitas produksi, sedangkan PTT untuk meningkatkan produksi, efisiensi penggunaan input, dan nilai ekonomi tanaman. PTT terdiri atas beberapa komponen, yaitu pengelolaan varietas padi terpadu, pengelolaan nutrisi tanaman terpadu, pengelolaan hama terpadu, pengendalian gulma terpadu, pengelolaan air terpadu, pengelolaan pestisida terpadu, sosial ekonomi, mesin pertanian, dan pascapanen. Dalam era pembangunan pertanian tangguh pada koridor otonomi daerah, diperlukan sinkronisasi antara pusat dan daerah dalam implementasi Permentan No. 45/2011 dan sinergisme antardisiplin ilmu dalam upaya meningkatan produksi dan kesejahteraan petani."
Kementerian Pertanian RI, 2013
630 PIP 6:4 (2013)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hafif Dafiqurrohman
"Rice husk is one of the most abundant biomass wastes in Indonesia. One way to convert it into an alternative source of energy is biomass gasification. This is a thermochemical process which converts biomass feedstock into fuel gas or chemical feedstock gas (producer gas). The gasification type which is developed in this study is fixed bed downdraft type due to its low tar content and compatibility in microscale implementation. One major problem with the implemented biomass gasification reactor was ruggedness of the partial oxidation process due to the absence of air in the reactor’s middle section, which consequently affected the pyrolysis zone. Several experiments were conducted previously using coconut shells and rice husks as solid feedstock, where an equivalence ratio (ER) of 0.4 was obtained. Therefore, in order to optimize the pyrolysis zone, the modification conducted involves adding a circular air intake into the gasifier. Experiments were conducted in a pyrolysis temperature range of 300–700oC with ER variation of 0.19, 0.24, 0.27 and 0.31. The results show that a good quality producer gas is produced at an ER value of 0.24. This value shows a promising result because the ER value of biomass gasification standard is 0.25."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI-IJTECH 7:8 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ibrahim Hasan
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia, 1976
338.1 IBR
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Leon A. Mears
Jakarta: Pembangunan Djakarta, 1975
338.175 MEA r
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"An F2 rice population developed from a cross between a backcross inbred line (BIO-148) and its recurrent parent (IR64) was used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for awn, panicle exertion and total spikelet number. BIO-148 is a BC2F8 line derived from a cross between IR64 (a high-yielding lowland rice variety) and Gajah Mungkur (an upland tropical japonica rice variety). Two hundred plants were grown in the greenhouse, and their DNAs were isolated for genotyping using SSR markers. Panicle exertion was observed during the grain-filling stage. The awn length of the seed and the total spikelet number per panicle were observed after harvesting. A total of four QTLs were identified using single-marker regression with LOD>3, explaining 8.4-18.1% of phenotypic variation. A QTL for awn was identified on Chromosome 8. A QTL for incomplete panicle exertion was identified on Chromosome 4. Two QTLs for total spikelet number were identified on Chromosome 4, in which the BIO-148 allele contributed to a higher number of spikelets per panicle. The QTLs identified in this study will be useful in the improvement of yield potential for modern lowland indica rice varieties by harnessing the hidden useful alleles from upland tropical japonica rice varieties."
[Faculty of Agriculture, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Faculty of Agriculture], 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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