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Muhammad Taufiq Suryantoro
"In 2016, the mandatory use of biodiesel as a substitute fuel by up to 20%, as introduced by the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, forced vehicle manufacturers to invent suitable engines that would accept biodiesel. The use of biodiesel in such a large proportion is highly risky, particularly due to the formation of deposits in the combustion chamber engines. The previous method of fuel droplets are placed on a hot plate approach produces deposits are slightly different from those generated by a real engine, therefore to obtain realistic deposits it is necessary to modify this method so temperatures as hot as those in a real engine. In this study, the potential deposit formation of biodiesel fuel was examined by conducting the deposition process and the evaporation of fuel on a stainless-steel plate (SS), which was placed in a closed space. Deposit characterization was carried out on a hot plate using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The test results showed differences in the structures of the deposits produced by biodiesel and diesel fuel; fine structures were seen in the former, while those of the latter were rougher and more porous. Deposit results that are similar to what is seen in a real engine will be very helpful for knowing the patterns, structures, and mechanism of the formation of deposits in such an environment."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI-IJTECH 7:4 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Taufiq Suryantoro
"In 2016, the mandatory use of biodiesel as a substitute fuel by up to 20%,
as introduced by the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources,
forced vehicle manufacturers to invent suitable engines that would accept
biodiesel. The use of biodiesel in such a large proportion is highly risky,
particularly due to the formation of deposits in the combustion chamber
engines. The previous method of fuel droplets are placed on a hot plate
approach produces deposits are slightly different from those generated by a
real engine, therefore to obtain realistic deposits it is necessary to modify
this method so temperatures as hot as those in a real engine. In this study,
the potential deposit formation of biodiesel fuel was examined by conducting
the deposition process and the evaporation of fuel on a stainless-steel plate
(SS), which was placed in a closed space. Deposit characterization was carried out
on a hot plate using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The test results showed
differences in the structures of the deposits produced by biodiesel and diesel
fuel; fine structures were seen in the former, while those of the latter were
rougher and more porous. Deposit results that are similar to what is seen in a
real engine will be very helpful for knowing the patterns, structures, and mechanism
of the formation of deposits in such an environment."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muchammad Taufiq Suryantoro
"Kewajiban penggunaan biodiesel sebesar 20 pada tahun 2016 oleh Kementerian ESDM memaksa pabrik kendaraan menyiapkan mesin yang cocok untuk bahan bakar biodiesel. Karena penggunaan biodiesel dengan prosentase besar >20 sangatlah beresiko, khususnya pembentukan deposit di ruang bakar mesin diesel. Riset awal dilakukan dengan membandingkan IBF dan BS50 dalam sisi pertumbuhan deposit, komposisi deposit, serta efek deposit terhadap kualitas kerja mesin.
Riset dengan menggunakan mesin single silinder selama 200 jam menunjukan bahwa biodiesel menghasilkan deposit yang lebih banyak, akan tetapi belum menunjukkan penurunan performa yang signifikan. Dan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan secara detail, metode droplet pada pelat panas digunakan pada bahan bakar biodiesel FAME dan Solar murni. Karena pembentukan deposit di mesin sangat komplek penggunaan metode droplet sangat membantu melihat lebih detail setiap faktor yang berperan dalam pertumbuhan deposit.
Berdasarkan data riset faktor temperatur permukaan komponen memegang peran dominan dalam pertumbuhan deposit. Karakterisasi deposit pada plat dilakukan dengan menggunakan FTIR, SEM dan mikroskop elektron. Berdasarkan data SEM dan mikroskop electron struktur deposit tergantung dari suhu permukaan pelat. Semakin tinggi suhunya semakin banyak pori dan permukaan deposit cenderung kasar. Selain itu hasil analisa unsur pada deposit mampu menjadi finger print kondisi mesin. Hasil FTIR deposit biodiesel sawit menunjukkan adanya kemiripan gugus fungsi bila dibandingkan dengan deposit yang terbentuk pada injektor dari data referensi. Variasi aditif antioksidan pada biodiesel dilakukan untuk mengetahui efek yang ditimbulkan terhadap pembentukan deposit.

The Mandatory from the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources about an implementation to blend of 20 biodiesel in diesel fuel forced the vehicle manufacturers to prepare suitable mesins for biodiesel fuel. Due to the use of biodiesel with a large percentage more than 20 is extremely risky, particularly the formation of deposits inside the combustion chamber of diesel mesins. The initial research was done by comparing the IBF and BS50 in the growth of the deposit, the composition of the deposit, as well as the effect of a deposit to the performance of mesin.
Research using single cylinder mesin during 200 hours showed that biodiesel generates a lot of deposit, but has not shown a decrease in the performance.The droplets on hot plate method used to know the growth of deposit in detail, on biodiesel fuel FAME and pure diesel fuel. Due to the complexity of deposits formation on the mesin, the use of the droplets method is very helpful to see more detail each of the faktors that play a role in the growth of the deposit.
Based on this research, the surface temperature of component became dominant faktor in the deposits growth. Characterization of deposits on the plate is performed using FTIR, SEM and electron microscopy. The result of elemental analysis on the deposit is able to become finger print to mesin condition. FTIR results of palm biodiesel deposits indicate a similarity of functional groups if compared with deposits formed on injektors. Variations of antioxidant aditifs were carried out to determine the effects of deposition.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Frans Setiawan
"Bahan bakar biodiesel adalah mono alkyl esters dengan rantai asam lemak panjang yang diturunkan dari sumber lemak yang dapat diperbarui. Biodiesel yang diproyeksikan sebagai pengganti bahan bakar yang berasal dari minyak bumi mempunyai beberapa keuntungan, di antaranya adalah lebih bersih dalam menghasilkan gas buang, pelumasan yang lebih baik, dan tidak diperlukannya modifikasi mesin ataupun infrastruktur ya. Penelitian ini diawali dengan pengujian bahan bakar solar dan campuran 70 % solar dengan methyl ester sawit 30 % (MES-30) sebagai referensinya, kemudian melakukan pengujian terhadap campuran 70 % solar dengan methyl ester jarak 30 % (MET130). Ketiga kelompok bahan bakar ini diuji dengan menggunakan mesin diesel Hydra, silinder tunggal indirect injection (1 )1). Pengujian dilakukan di Test Cell 1 BTMP-BPPT, PUSPIPTEK - Serpong. Studi kali ini berusaha untuk mempelajari emisi dan heat release biodiesel minyak sawit dan minyak jarak untuk kemudian dibandingkan dengan solar. Dan basil penelitian didapatkan emisi gas buang MES-30 dan MFJ-30 membentuk trend yang serupa dengan solar, menghasilkan emisi smoke, hidrokarbon, dan CO lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan solar. Untuk emisi NOx tidak berbeda jauh nilainya dengan solar dan tidak dapat didefinisikan dengan balk kecenderungannya. Laju heat release memperlihatkan MES-30 dan ME]-30 lebih cepat waktu ignition delay-nya dan lebih panjang di fase premixed dan mixing-controlled combustion, hat ini mengindikasikan pembakaran lebih sempuma dibandingkan dengan solar.

Biodiesel is the mono alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from renewable lipid sources. Biodiesel as a substitute of petroleum fuel has some advantages: it produces cleaner exhaust gas, better in lubrication, and doesn't need engine modification. This research beginning in test of diesel fuel that used in Indonesia, called solar and the blending of solar 70 % - oil palm methyl ester 30 % (MES-30) as references, then test the blending of solar 70 % - physic nut methyl ester 30 1(M 7-30). All of these fuels are tested using Hydra diesel engine, single cylinder indirect injection (IDI)_ Experiment was doing at Test Cell 1 BTMP BPFT, PUSP1TEK - Serpong.
This study focuses in emission and heat release of biodiesel palm and physic nut oil and then, compare with solar. From this experiment, the exhaust emissions of MES-30 and MFJ--30 have similar trend with solar, but lower emission in smoke, hydrocarbon, and CO. For NOx emission, it is not large differences with solar and the trend is not well defined Heat release rate shows the MES-30 and MF.J--3o faster in ignition delay but longer in premixed and mixing-controlled combustion, that indicate more complete combustion than solar.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mochammad Ilham Attharik
"Pada penelitian ini, pembentukan deposit dari biodiesel B20-NA dengan penambahan Bioaditif Atsiri dengan variasi berbeda, yaitu B20 Atsiri 1:2000, B20 Atsiri 1:3000, B20 Atsiri 1:4000 dan B20 Atsiri 1:5000 yang dilakukan dengan metode tetes plat panas untuk mengetahui karakteristik dan mekanisme pembentukan deposit pada masing-masing variasi bahan bakar. Penelitikan dilakukan dengan proses deposisi dan evaporasi bahan bakar Diesel yang dilakukan secara berulang pada sebuah pelat panas. Pelat dipanaskan dengan variasi temperatur di dalam ruang tertutup sehingga kondisinya mendekati kondisi riil pada engine. Pengujian ini menggunakan hot chamber test rig. Penggunan bioaditif essential oil atsiri yang memiliki kandungan terpentin berperan mengikat kadar air dan residu pada bahan bakar biodiesel diharapkan dapat mempercepat proses terjadinya pelepasan deposit yang berlebih didalam ruang bakar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan variasi bahan bakar dan temperatur yang optimal agar proses pelepasan deposit dapat dipercepat.

In this study, the deposit formation of B20 NA biodiesel with the addition of bioadditive Essential Oil with different variations, B20 Essential Oil 1 2000, B20 Essential Oil 1 3000, B20 Essential Oil 1 4000 and B20 Essential Oil 1 5000 method of hot plate drops to know the characteristics and mechanisms of deposit formation on each variation of fuel. The research is carried out by the deposition process and evaporation of Diesel fuels carried out repeatedly on a hot plate. The plate is heated with temperature variations inside the enclosed space so that the conditions are close to the real conditions of the engine. This test uses a hot chamber test rig. The use of bioadditive essential oils atsiri which have turpentine contents bind water content and residues in biodiesel fuel is expected to accelerate the process of excessive deposit release in the combustion chamber. This study aims to find the optimum fuel and temperature variations so that the deposit release process can be accelerated."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aulia Rifai
"Energi adalah aspek terpenting dalam hidup manusia. Dengan semakin meningkatnya pertumbuhan populasi, kebutuhan energi akan meningkat secara eksponensial. Menurut International Energy Agency (IEA) terjadi pertumbuhan kebutuhan energy yang dihasilkan dari bahan bakar fossil sebesar 45% atau 1,6% per tahun. Hal ini menjadi permasalahan dikarenakan bahan bakar fossil merupakan energi yang tidak terbarukan dan kebutuhan akan energi terus meningkat. Untuk mengatasi krisis energi tersebut, dibutuhkan energi terbarukan seperti biodiesel B-30. Namun, permasalahannya adalah biodiesel memiliki kecenderungan mengalami degradasi kualitas dan memiliki efek terhadap proses pembakaran mesin. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh temperatur penyimpanan biodiesel sehingga dapat mengetahui kondisi ideal untuk meminimalisir terjadinya deposit. Hal ini dilakukan dengan melakukan uji penyimpanan yang dikondisikan selama 3 bulan, kemudian melakukan uji tetes menggunakan Hot Chamber Test Rig untuk mensimulasikan ruang katup, ruang pembakaran, dan ring piston serta mengetahui jumlah deposit yang terbentuk dari pengondisian biodiesel. Berdasarkan studi ini, ditemukan adanya hubungan temperatur penyimpanan dengan pertumbuhan deposit biodiesel, semakin rendah temperature penyimpanan akan mengakibatkan deposit yang terbentuk semakin banyak.

Energy is the most important aspect in human life. With the population growth, the need of energy will exponentially increasing. According to International Energy Agency (IEA) there’s a 45% growth or 1,6% growth per year and 80% of the energy generated by fossil based fuel. This become a problem because the fossil based fuel is non-renewable energy and the demand of energy is keep on increasing. The world needs renewable based fuel to overcome this problem such as Biodiesel B-30. The only problem is, the biodiesel prone to degradation of its quality and have combustion effect to the engine. The purpose of this study was to determine the temperature effect of biodiesel storage to determine what’s the best condition to store biodiesel to minimize deposit. The methodology used was conditioning the biodiesel for 3 months, and using Hot Chamber Test Rig to simulate valve, combustion chamber, and piston’s ring, also to determine the deposit formed from conditioning the biodiesel. Based on this test, there’s a correlation between temperature and deposit growth on biodiesel, the lower the temperature will create more deposit on biodiesel storage."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Ma`Ruf
"Pada penelitian ini, potensial pembentukan deposit dari bahan bakar biodiesel dengan formulasi berbeda dikaji dengan melakukan proses deposisi dan evaporasi bahan bakar secara berulang pada plat panas stainless steel (SS). Variasi aditif antioksidan dan bahan baku biodiesel dilakukan untuk mengetahui efek yang ditimbulkan terhadap pembentukan deposit. Antioksidan yang digunakan adalah PG, BHA dan BHT, sedangkan bahan baku biodiesel yang divariasikan adalah biodiesel sawit dan biodiesel jarak. Karakterisasi deposit pada plat dilakukan dengan menggunakan FTIR.
Hasil FTIR deposit biodiesel sawit menunjukkan adanya kemiripan gugus fungsi bila dibandingkan dengan deposit yang terbentuk pada injektor dari data referensi. Biodiesel sawit yang memiliki ikatan tidak jenuh dan angka asam lebih kecil menghasilkan deposit yang jauh lebih sedikit bila dibandingkan dengan biodiesel jarak dengan ikatan tak jenuh dan angka asam yang tinggi. Penambahan aditif antioksidan pada biodiesel dengan kadar 1000 ppm tidak menyebabkan perubahan beberapa sifat fisik biodiesel secara berarti, meningkatkan stabilitas oksidasi & cenderung menurunkan jumlah deposit yang terbentuk pada plat SS. Biodiesel sawit dan aditif antioksidan BHT dipilih untuk dilakukan pengujian pada engine yang dilakukan selama 70 jam (10 jam perhari) dengan beban konstan  70% load. Efek penambahan aditif BHT pada engine mampu menurunkan emisi smoke sebesar 24%, sedangkan efek terhadap pembentukan deposit bervariasi tergantung komponen tempat terbentuknya deposit. Penurunan deposit terjadi pada piston, silinder head dan exhaust valve berturut turut : 32%, 8% dan 23% , kenaikan deposit terjadi pada intake valve sebesar 11%, dan pada injektor tip berdasarkan data fotografi.

In this study, the potential of deposits formation of biodiesel fuels with different formulation studied by conducting the repetitive process of fuel deposition and evaporation on stainless steel (SS) hot plate. Variation of antioxidant additives and biodiesel feedstock was conducted to determine the effects on the deposits formation. Antioxidants used were PG, BHA and BHT, while the biodiesel feedstocks were Palm biodiesel and Jathropha biodiesel. Characterization of the deposit on the plate has been done by using FTIR.
The result of FTIR showed that deposits of Palm biodiesel on hot plate have similar functional groups compared to deposits on the injector based on the literature data. Palm biodiesel with low unsaturated bond & acid number produced fewer deposits than Jathropa biodiesel with high unsaturated bond & acid number. The addition of 1000 ppm antioxidant were increasing the oxidation stability and reducing the amount of deposits that form on the plate, but not altering the physical properties of biodiesel significantly. Palm biodiesel and antioxidant BHT were selected for testing on the engine which performed for 70 hours (10 hours per day) with a constant load  70% load. BHT additive could reduce smoke emissions by 24%, while the effect on the formation of deposits was varied depend on the component where deposit formed. The decrease deposits formation occurred on the piston, cylinder head and exhaust valve respectively: 32%, 8% and 23%, whereas the increase ones occurred on the intake valve by 11%. There was also an increase deposit occured on the injector tip based on photography data."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ary Budi Mulyono

Indonesia memiliki potensi besar dalam mengembangkan produk minyak sawit olahan, terutama biodiesel. Pemerintah telah mengeluarkan Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral No. 12/2015 untuk mendorong penggunaan biodiesel sebagai bahan bakar alternatif. Peraturan ini mengatur penggunaan biofuel (bioetanol dan biodiesel) di Indonesia. Untuk Biodiesel 30 (B30) adalah mandat dari konsumsi energi nasional yang ditetapkan untuk tahun 2020. Namun penggunaan Biodiesel 30 dalam mesin diesel masih menyisakan beberapa masalah dengan penurunan kualitas bahan bakar biodiesel dan pembentukan endapan di ruang bakar dan injektor. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan bahan bakar biodiesel (B30) Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI), bahan bakar biodiesel (B30) kelas ekspor, dan bahan bakar biodiesel (B30) hydrotreated vegetable oil menggunakan metode tetesan bahan bakar (hot chamber deposition test rig) untuk mengamati karakteristik dari pembentukan deposit setiap bahan bakar biodiesel pada setiap komponen di ruang bakar. Variasi suhu pelat dan ruang yang digunakan dalam Hot Chamber Deposition Test Rig mendekati dengan kondisi engine aktual. Bahan bakar biodiesel (B30) hydrotreated vegetable oil memiliki viskositas yang lebih rendah daripada bahan bakar biodiesel SNI, bahan bakar biodiesel kelas ekspor sehingga karakteristik dari bahan bakar biodiesel hydrotreated vegetable oil akan lebih baik dan mengurangi pembentukan endapan dalam mesin.


Indonesia has great potential in developing refined palm oil products, especially biodiesel. The government has issued Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 12/2015 concerning National Energy Policy to encourage the use of biodiesel as an alternative fuel. This regulation regulates the use of biofuels (bioethanol and biodiesel) in Indonesia. For Biodiesel 30 (B30) is the mandate of national energy consumption set for 2025. But the usage of Biodiesel 30 in diesel engines still leaves some problems with the decline of biodiesel fuel quality and the formation of deposits in combustion chamber and injectors. The purpose of this study is to compare Indonesian National Standard (SNI) biodiesel fuel (B30), export grade biodiesel fuel (B30), and hydrotreated biodiesel fuel (B30) using fuel droplet method (hot chamber deposition test rig) to observe the characteristic of deposit formation of each biodiesel fuel on each component in the combustion chamber. Variation of plate and chamber temperature used in the hot chamber deposition test rig are close to the actual engine conditions. Hydrotreated biodiesel has lower viscosity than SNI biodiesel fuel and export grade biodiesel  so that the characteristics of the fuel hydrotreated biodiesel fuel will be better and reduce the formation of deposits in engine.


UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Timotius Halomoan
"Pada penelitian kali ini, pembentukan deposit dibentuk dari dua jenis bahan bakar, yaitu B0 solar dan B100 biodiesel murni dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode plat panas untuk mengetahui karakteristik dan mekanisme pembentukan deposit, terbentuk melalui proses deposisi dan evaporasi yang dilakukan berulang kali pada tiap jenis bahan bakar. Pertumbuhan deposit dilihat dengan melakukan dua pengujian yaitu pengujian single droplet dan pengujian multi droplet. Melalui kedua pengujian tersebut, waktu evaporasi dan massa deposit dapat ditemukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan temperatur untuk pengendalian pertumbuhan deposit.

In this study, forming of deposits from biodiesel with different variation, that are diesel B0 and biodiesel B100 will be observed with hot surface plate method to find their characteristics and growth mechanisms, formed through repetitive process of deposition and evaporation that were done to every fuel variation. Growth was observed by using two methods of droplet testing, single droplet test and multi droplet test. This study program was created to finding the optimum temperature in order to control the forming of deposits in combustion chamber."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Danniel Christian
"Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan proses deposisi dan evaporasi bahan bakar Diesel yang dilakukan secara berulang pada sebuah pelat panas. Pelat dipanaskan dengan variasi temperatur di dalam ruang tertutup sehingga kondisinya mendekati kondisi riil pada engine. Pengujian ini menggunakan hot room temperature test rig. Dari pengujian ini, pengaruh temperatur terhadap pertumbuhan dan karakteristik deposit dapat diamati. Penelitian ini lebih mengarah ke struktur deposit. Struktur deposit yang berbeda di setiap temperatur dapat menunjukkan temperatur yang optimal untuk mengendalikan pertumbuhan deposit.

Repetitive process of diesel fuel deposition and evaporation on hot plate are done in this study. The plate was heated at various temperature in closed systems for approaching the real engine condition. This process was done in hot room temperature test rig. Effect of temperature to deposits growth and characteristic could be observed through this repetitive process. Then, the aim of this study is more likely to deposits structure. Different deposits structure at every temperature could show the optimum temperature to control the deposits growth."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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