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Vidya Sari
"Latar belakang: Terapi kombinasi antiretroviral (ARV) telah meningkatkan angka harapan hidup pasien HIV. Koinfeksi HCV kemudian menjadi penyebab utama morbiditas dan mortalitas terkait hati pada pasien HIV dalam terapi ARV. Aktivasi imun residual dipikirkan berperan penting dalam kondisi ini. Beta-2 mikroglobulin sebagai penanda aktivasi imun kronik dan hubungannya dengan CD4, derajat fibrosis, dan kadar RNA VHC masih harus dieksplorasi pada kelompok pasien HIV-VHC. Metode: Sebanyak 64 pasien yang telah mengalami supresi HIV diikutsertakan pada penelitian ini: 37 pasien koinfeksi HIV-VHC dan 27 pasien HIV. Seluruh pasien koinfeksi belum mendapat terapi VHC. Kadar β2M plasma dianalisis dengan teknik ELISA. Derajat fibrosis diperiksa menggunakan transient elastography. Kadar CD4 dan RNA VHC diperoleh dari rekam medis dalam enam bulan terakhir. Perbedaan rerata β2M dianalisis dengan uji t independen. Korelasi β2M dengan CD4, RNA VHC, dan derajat fibrosis dinilai dengan uji Pearson atau Spearman. Hasil: Kadar plasma β2M didapatkan lebih tinggi pada pasien koinfeksi HIV-VHC (2,75 ± 0,8 mg/L) dibandingkan dengan monoinfeksi HIV (1,93 ± 0,95 mg/L, p <0,001 dan IK95% 0, 37-1,25). Tidak ditemukan korelasi signifikan antara β2M dengan kadar CD4, derajat fibrosis, dan RNA VHC. Kesimpulan: Pasien koinfeksi HIV-VHC dalam terapi ARV menunjukkan derajat aktivasi imun residual yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan HIV monoinfeksi.

Background: Introduction of combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) has improved life expectancy of HIV infected individuals. HCV coinfection then becomes the main cause of liver-related morbidity and mortality. Residual immune activation may play an important role. The level of beta-2 microglobulin as an immune activation marker and its associations with CD4, fibrosis stage, and HCV RNA remain to be explored in HIV/HCV coinfection. Methods: A total of 64 patients having supressed HIV viral load were included: 37 patients with HIV/HCV coinfection and 27 HIV patients. All coinfected patients were naïve to HCV treatment. Plasma levels of β2M were analyzed using ELISA. The fibrosis stage was determined using transient elastography. CD4, HCV RNA levels were obtained from medical records within the last six months. The mean difference of β2M was analyzed using independent t-test. β2M correlations with CD4, HCV RNA, and fibrosis degree were assessed by Pearson or Spearman test. Results: The levels of plasma β2M were higher in HIV/HCV coinfected patients (2.75 ± 0.8 mg/L) compared to HIV monoinfection (1.93 ± 0.95 mg/L, p < 0.001 and 95CI 0.37-1.25). There were no significant correlations of β2M with CD4 level, fibrosis stage, and HCV RNA. Conclusion: HIV/HCV coinfected patients on ART show a higher level of residual immune activation compared to HIV patients."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Atika
"Jumlah kasus infeksi HIV di Indonesia masih mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya. Pada akhir tahun 2017 terdapat 280.623 kasus infeksi HIV di Indonesia dengan DKI Jakarta, Jawa Timur, dan Papua secara berurutan sebagai provinsi dengan jumlah infeksi HIV terbesar. Terapi antiretroviral sebagai pengobatan untuk menekan jumlah virus dalam darah penting diinisiasi secara dini untuk menurunkan risiko penularan infeksi HIV dan menekan progresifitas infeksi oportunistik pada ODHA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan tertundanya inisiasi terapi antiretroviral pada ODHA di Puskesmas Kecamatan Pasar Rebo. Desain studi yang digunakan adalah cross-sectional dengan analisis multivariat regresi logistik ganda. Data yang digunakan adalah ikhtisar perawatan HIV dan ART dengan sampel yaitu pasien HIV yang melakukan inisiasi ART pada periode Januari 2017 sampai April 2019. Faktor yang berhubungan dengan tertundanya inisiasi ART adalah tingkat pendidikan SMA (AOR= 2,804; 95% CI= 1,209-6,503). Pasien yang tidak sekolah/SD merupakan faktor risiko yang paling berpengaruh terhadap tertundanya inisiasi ART setelah dikontrol oleh variabel lainnya (OR= 3,741; 95% CI= 0,776-18,036).

HIV infections in Indonesia keeps increasing every year. At the end of 2017, there were 280,623 cases of HIV infection in Indonesia. DKI Jakarta, East Java, and Papua are the three provinces with high numbers of HIV infection. Antiretroviral therapy is a treatment to reduce the amount of virus in blood in patients with HIV. Therefore, it is important to initiate ART early to reduce the risk of HIV transmission and to reduce the progression of opportunistic infections. This study aimed to determine the factors associated with delayed initiation of antiretroviral therapy in people living with HIV in the Pasar Rebo Health Center (Puskesmas Kecamatan Pasar Rebo). This study was conducted with an observational cross-sectional study. The sample included 167 ART-naive patients enrolled from January 2017-April 2019 reviewed from HIV medical records. Factor associated with delayed initiation of ART was patients with high school education (AOR = 2.804; 95% CI = 1.209-6.503). Patients with no education or were in primary school is the most affecting risk factors to delayed initiation of ART, after being controlled by other variables (OR = 3.741; 95% CI = 0.776-18.036)."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Triana S
Latar Belakang:
Terapi ARV pada ODHA diharapkan dapat menurunkan angka kematian dan
kesakitan serta menekan penularan HIV. Untuk mencapai tujuan MDG’s tahun 2015,
diharapkan 90% ODHA sudah mendapatkan terapi ARV secara teratur. RSUD Arifin
Achmad Pekanbaru telah memberikan terapi ARV sejak tahun 2004 tetapi belum
pernah diteliti pengaruh ARV terhadap survival pasiennya.
Metode :
Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi kohort retrospektif dengan 319 sampel dan
dilakukan selama Mei-Juni 2013. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui data rekam medis
RS. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis survival metode Kaplan-Meier dan
dilanjutkan dengan analisis multivariate
Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pasien yang memakan ARV secara teratur
memiliki survival yang lebih baik. Pasien yang tidak memakan ARV atau memakan
ARV tetapi tidak teratur, memiliki risiko kematian sebesar 42,5 kali lebih besar jika
dibandingkan dengan pasien yang memakam ARV secara teratur. (p=0,01, 95%CI:
13-138). Jumlah kematian selama pengamatan hanya 5,8% pada kelompok yang
teratur memakan ARV, sedangkan pada kelompok yang tidak mencapai 28%. Faktor
lain yang turut meningkatkan survival adalah jumlah CD4 pada awal pengobatan
>100 sel/mm³(p=0,01, HR=4,39, 95% CI(1,8-10,5). Walaupun kurang bermakna
secara statistik, perlu mempertimbangkan pemberian ARV pada stadium klinis awal
sebagai faktor yang turut meningkatkan survival ODHA mengingat stadium klinis
dapat diperiksa di semua layanan kesehatan. (p=0,07, HR=2.3, 95%CI 0,9-5.6).
Faktor pendidikan secara statistik juga bermakna membedakan survival pasien.
Dalam penelitian ini stadium klinis dibuktikan sebagai confounding.
Hal yang disarankan adalah meningkatkan cakupan penemuan dan tatalaksana
dini kasus HIV/AIDS dengan melakukan pelacakan pada semua kasus mangkir,
meningkatkan kepatuhan memakan ARV dan mengupayakan pendampingan kasus
secara maksimal.
ARV for HIV or AIDS patients is a hope to reduce the mortality, morbidity
and to prevent the transmissions. To achieve the MDG the minister of health need to
cover 90% AIDS people with ARV adherently. RSUD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru
have giving the therapy for AIDS patients since 2004, but have never studied the
survival analysis and another factors that contribute to yet.
This study is a cohort retrospective design, with 319 samples. Take place in
Arifin Achmad Hospital Of Pekanbaru, Riau Province in May-June 2013. The
resource are medical record of HIV/AIDS patiens in VCT clinic. Was analyse by
Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and then for further use multivariate analyses.
The study show that the survival of patiens who take ARV adherently is
higher than the other one. The patients who no used ARV adherently will have
mortality rate 42,5 times than the patients that used ARV addherently. (p=0,01,
95%CI: 13-138). The deaths amount only 5,8% on the adherently ARV patients, but
at another side, the deaths amount increase by 28%. Another factor that contribute to
increase the survival are CD4 amounts at the beginning of therapy that >100
sel/mm³(p=0,01, HR=4,39, 95% CI(1,8-10,5). We need to consider the clinical of
AIDS stadium as one of factor that contribute to increase the survival too if use ARV
at the beginner of clinical stadium. (p=0,07, HR=2.3, 95%CI 0,9-5.6). The educations
level has the value statistically to distinguish the survival. In this study, the clinical
stadium is a confounder.
We sugest to improve the early detection and prompt treatment by tracking
the lost of follow up patients, increase the adherent of ARV and by mentoring
or”buddy” programe for all HIV cases."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Qurratu Ayunin
"Jumlah infeksi baru HIV di Indonesia masih tinggi yaitu mencapai 46.000 dan jumlah kematian yang disebabkan oleh HIV sejumlah 38.000 kematian pada Tahun 2018. Koinfeksi Hepatitis C pada pasien HIV cukup tinggi yaitu berkisar 2-15%.  Penelitian ini bertujuan meneliti pengaruh koinfeksi Hepatitis C terhadap kesintasan pasien HIV yang mendapatkan terapi antiretroviral di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Tebet pada tahun 2015-2020. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan desain kohort retrospekstif dengan analisis kesintasan. Pengambilan data dilakukan secara total sampling yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi sebesar 284 sampel. Data dianalisis secara univariat untuk melihat distribusi frekuensi dari masing-masing variabel penelitian yang diteliti. Analisis bivariat dilakukan untuk melihat hubungan masing-masing variabel independen dengan kesintasan pasien HIV dengan menggunakan Regresi Cox. Analisis multivariat dilakukan untuk mendapatkan model yang robust dan parsimonius dengan analisis Regresi Cox. Hasil penelitian menjukkan kesintasan kumulatif pasien HIV yaitu 85,4 %. Pengaruh koinfeksi Hepatitis C terhadap kesintasan pasien HIV yang mendapatkan terapi ARV di RSUD Tebet Tahun 2015-2020 didapatkan HR 1,94 (95% CI 0,81-4,6) dengan nilai p: 0,13 setelah dikontrol oleh variabel indeks massa tubuh dan status kerja. Tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik dari koinfeksi Hepatitis C terhadap kesintasan pasien HIV yang mendapatkan terapi ARV di RSUD Tebet Tahun 2015-2020.

The number of new HIV infections in Indonesia is still high, reaching 46,000 and number of deaths caused by HIV is 38,000 in 2018. Hepatitis C coinfection in HIV patients is high, ranging 2-15%. This study aims to examine the effect of Hepatitis C coinfection on survival of HIV patients receiving antiretroviral therapy at RSUD Tebet in 2015-2020. This research used retrospectif cohort design with survival analysis. This study used total sampling as much as 284 HIV patient. Data were analyzed univariately to see the frequency distribution of each variable studied. Bivariate analysis was performed to see the relationship of each independent variable with the survival of HIV patients using Cox Regression. Multivariate analysis was performed to obtain robust and parsimonius models with Cox Regression. The results of research found cumulatif survival of HIV patients in RSUD  Tebet were 85,4 %. The Effect of Hepatitis C Coinfection on Survival HIV Patients Who Receive Antiretroviral Therapy in RSUD Tebet from 2015-2020 had HR 1,94  (95% CI 0,81-4,6) after adjusted with body mass index and working status. There were no corelation from Hepatitis C Coinfection on Survival HIV Patients Who Receive Antiretroviral Therapy in RSUD Tebet from 2015 until 2020."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Winona Andrari Mardhitiyani
"Infeksi Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV yang menyebabkan AIDS sampai saat ini masih menjadi salah satu penyebab kematian tertinggi di dunia. Pengobatan infeksi HIV kemudian menjadi sangat penting untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup dari penderita. Pengobatan infeksi HIV pada anak-anak khususnya sering menemui hambatan dalam hal kepatuhan, baik dari anak itu sendiri maupun dari pengasuh. Dalam penelitian ini dianalisis mengenai hubungan latar belakang pengasuh terhadap kepatuhan minum obat anak terinfeksi HIV di RSCM. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah cross-sectional dengan jumlah sampel sebesar 94. Pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner kepatuhan minum obat yang diambil dari Development of Multi-Method Tool to Measure ART Adherence in Resource-Constrained Settings: The South Africa Experience yang diterbitkan oleh Center for Pharmaceutical Management, Management Sciences for Health pada tahun 2007 yang dikembangkan di Afrika Selatan. Hasil yang ditemukan adalah tidak ada hubungan antara tingkat pendidikan, tingkat pendapatan, status pengasuh, dan keterlibatan pada Kelompok Dukungan Sebaya KDS dengan kepatuhan minum obat p >0,05.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV infection causes AIDS, and is still one of the most frequent cause of death in the world. HIV medication then becomes highly important to improve the patients'quality of life, and to expand their life expectancies. HIV medication in children, however, is especially problematic in terms of adherence, whether the problems are from the children themselves or from the caregivers. This research was meant to analyze the correlation between caregiver's background and HIV infected children's adherence in RSCM, a hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia. This research used cross sectional method with 94 caregivers as the sample. The data was collected using an adherence questionnaire that was adapted from Development of Multi Method Tool to Measure ART Adherence in Resource Constrained Settings The South Africa Experience which was published by Center for Pharmaceutical Management, Management Sciences for Health in 2007. This questionnaire was developed in Southern Africa. After collection, the data was analyzed statistically using chi square or Kolmogorov Smirnov if using chi square was not possible. The results reveal that there is no correlation between caregiver's background educational background, income per month, caregiver's relation with the child, and caregiver's involvement in an HIV related support groups and HIV infected children's adherence to antiretroviral therapy p 0,05."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Kepatuhan terapi ARV adalah hal terpenting bagi penderita HIV agar keberhasilan manajemen terapi dapat tercapai, dimana dapat dipengaruhi beberapa faktor diantaranya sosiodemografi (usia, jenis kelamin, tingkat pendidikan, dan pekerjaan), tingkat pengetahuan HIV, dan pengetahuan ARV. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kepatuhan terapi ARV pada penderita HIV/AIDS. Menggunakan cross sectional, analisa data menggunakan uji chi-square, pada 90 responden penderita HIV yang mengkonsumsi ARV di Kota Depok.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kepatuhan terapi ARV diantaranya Usia (p: 0,000 , α: 0,05), Tingkat pendidikan (p: 0,000 , α: 0,05), Pengetahuan HIV (p: 0,000 , α: 0,05), dan Pengetahuan ARV (p: 0,006 , α: 0,05). Sementara jenis kelamin (p: 0,729 , α: 0,05),dan Pekerjaan (p: 0,119 , α: 0,05) tidak berhubungan.

The adherence towards ARV therapy plays the most important role for HIV infected patients in order to achieve successful management of therapy, which various factors are presumed to affect such as sociodemographic factors (age, sex, education, and occupation), knowledge HIV and ARV. This research is conducted to find out the factors, which are affecting the obedience of the HIV infected people toward ARV therapy. The criss sectional design is used in the research, to analyze data , the author uses chi-square consecutive sampling and total samples from 90 correspondents, HIV infected patients who are currently consuming ARV in Depok.
The result of the research condusted in this thesis shows factors associated with adherence toward ARV therapy among age (p: 0,000 , α: 0,05), education (p: 0,000 , α: 0,05), knowledge HIV (p: 0,000 , α: 0,05), and knowledge ARV (p: 0,006 , α: 0,05). While sex (p: 0,729 , α: 0,05), and occupation (p: 0,119 , α: 0,05) are not associated.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bryany Titi Santi
"Laporan Kemenkes RI mengenai angka kejadian HIV & AIDS di Indonesia sampai September menyatakan 92.251 kasus HIV dan 39.434 kasus AIDS. ODHA memerlukan ARV untuk menekan replikasi virus. Paduan pengobatan dimulai dari lini pertama yang terdiri atas 2 Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor (NRTI) dan 1 Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor (NNRTI). Nevirapin adalah ARV golongan NNRTI yang paling sering digunakan karena efektif dan efisien. Evaluasi pengobatan ARV dan data mengenai substitusi ARV masih kurang. Substitusi dapat menggambarkan isu penting berkaitan dengan keberhasilan program pengobatan HIV dan efek samping obat. Desain penelitian ini kasus kontrol dengan data berasal dari rekam medis. Kasus adalah mereka yang mengalami sustitusi nevirapin. Analisis univariat, bivariat dan multivariat logistik regresi dilakukan. Didapatkan faktor-faktor dominan yang berhubungan dengan substitusi nevirapin adalah tingkat pendidikan OR=3,31(CI95%=1,27-8,63) dan kondisi awal terapi yaitu stadium klinis OR=0,37 (CI95%=0,13-1,11), kadar SGOT OR=2,15 (CI95%=0,83-5,57), kadar SGPT dengan OR=1,41 (CI95%=0,61-3,26), dan CD4 dengan OR ==1,80 (CI95%=0,56-5,83). Edukasi kepada pasien dengan tingkat pendidikan rendah mengenai manfaat dan cara minum obat perlu lebih ditekankan dan monitoring keluhan efek samping secara teratur melalui pemeriksaan fisik dan pemeriksaan laborarium secara berkala kepada seluruh penderita HIV/AIDS yang mendapat ARV disertai CD4 dan enzim hati diawal terapi yang tinggi.

Indonesian Ministry of Health reported that there are 92.251 cases HIV and 39.434 cases AIDS until September 2012. Those people need ARV to suppress viral load dan enhaced their immunity. Based on guideline therapy, starting ARV should from first line which consisted of 2 NRTI (nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor) dan 1 NNRTI (non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor). Nevirapin is a NNRTI and more prescribe because its effectiveness and efficiency. In Indonesia, there are less data about antiretroviral evaluation, especially substitution. These data are important to identify some issues such as effectiveness antiretroviral therapy and toxicity. Toxicity that induced by antiretroviral effect nonadherence. This study is using case control design which source of data is medical records. Cases are those who experienced nevirapine substitution. Univariat, bivariat and multivariate logistic regression are using to analyze these data. Result shows that significant factors associated with nevirapine substitution are education level OR=3,31(CI95%=1,27-8,63), clinical staging OR=0,37 (CI95%=0,13-1,11), SGOT level at baseline OR=2,15 (CI95%=0,83-5,57), SGPT level at baseline OR=1,41 (CI95%=0,61-3,26), and CD4 at baseline OR ==1,80 (CI95%=0,56-5,83). This result recommend to educate those who are low education with comprehensive information about antiretroviral and monitoring regularly patients who have elevated level of liver enzime on baseline therapy."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yosephine Yossy
Latar Belakang. Penderita HIV/AIDS di Indonesia semakin meningkat, sedangkan infeksi HIV/AIDS maupun terapi ARV dapat menyebabkan penurunan kadar testosteron yang sangat memengaruhi kualitas hidup penyandang HIV/AIDS. Gejala dan tanda penurunan kadar testosteron pada pria dengan HIV sangat tidak spesifik, sedangkan pemeriksaan laboratorium sangat mahal, sehingga perlu diketahui faktor-faktor pada pasien yang dapat memprediksi penurunan kadar testosteron.
Tujuan. Mengetahui apakah jumlah CD4 awal, lamanya terapi ARV, jenis ARV, lipodistrofi dan besarnya lingkar pinggang memengaruhi kadar testosteron bebas pada pria dengan HIV yang mendapat ARV.
Metode. Penelitian potong lintang dilakukan pada bulan Maret 2015 di Unit Pelayanan HIV Terpadu RSCM, Jakarta. Subjek adalah pria dengan HIV berusia 18-40 tahun, mendapat ARV teratur sekurangnya dalam 1 tahun terakhir. Pemeriksaan meliputi anamnesis, pengukuran lingkar pinggang dan lipodistrofi, pemeriksaan kadar testosteron total, SHBG dan testosteron bebas (Free Testosteron Index: FTi). Uji regresi linier digunakan untuk menilai faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kadar testosteron bebas pada penelitian ini.
Hasil. Dari 54 subjek, didapatkan median usia 35,11 tahun (21-40), median lamanya ARV 59 bulan (16-129), median CD4 awal 57/mm3 (3-443), rerata lingkar pinggang 82,4cm (SB 10,33). Subjek yang mengalami lipodistrofi sebanyak 17 orang (32%). Subjek yang menggunakan ARV lini pertama 48 orang. Median kadar testosteron bebas 30,87% (9,78-85,64) dan subjek yang memiliki kadar testosteron bebas rendah sebanyak 32 orang(59%). Terdapatnya lipodistrofi (p=0,003, OR= -12,25) dan lamanya menggunakan ARV (p=0,002, OR=-0,182) berhubungan dengan kadar testosteron bebas pada penelitian ini.
Simpulan : Pada pria dengan HIV yang mendapat terapi ARV, adanya lipodistrofi dan lamanya terapi ARV berhubungan dengan kadar testosteron bebas. Kadar CD4 awal, jenis ARV dan lingkar pinggang tidak berhubungan dengan kadar testosteron bebas.

Background. There are increasing numbers of people living with HIV/AIDS in Indonesia. HIV/AIDS infection could cause a decrease in testosterone level which affect patients? quality of life. Symptoms of decreasing testosterone level in HIV infected male are very unspecific, while laboratory tests are costly. Therefore it is important to know factors that could predict a decrease in HIV patient?s testosterone level.
Purpose. To know the correlation between initial CD4 count, duration and type of ARV, lipodystrophy, size of waist circumference with free testosterone level of HIV infected male on ARV.
Method. A cross-sectional study was conducted March 2015 in HIV Integrated Clinic, RSCM, Jakarta. The subjects were 18-40 years old, got regular ARV therapy for at least 1 year. Examination includes measuring waist circumference, presence of lipodystrophy, examination of total testosterone, SHBG and free testosterone level (Free Testosterone Index:FTi). Linear regression used to analyze factors associated with free testosterone level in this study.
Results. Of 54 subjects examined, the median age was 35.11 years (21-40), median duration of antiretroviral therapy was 59 months (16-129), mean of waist circumference was 82.4 cm (SB 10.33), median of initial CD4 level was 57/mm3 (3-443). Total subjects with lipodystrophy were 17 subjects (32%), subjects who used first-line combination were 48 and 6 subjects used a second line combination. Median level of free testosterone levels was 30.87% (9.78-85.64) and there were 32 subjects with a low free testosterone level (59%). The presence of lipodystrophy (p=0,003, OR=-12,225) and duration of antiretroviral therapy (p=0,002, OR=-0,182) are associated with free testosterone level.
Conclusions. Among HIV infected male who receiving antiretroviral therapy, the presence of lipodystrophy and duration of antiretroviral therapy are associated with free testosterone levels. There were no association between initial CD4 count, type of antiretroviral therapy and waist circumference with free testosterone levels.;Background. There are increasing numbers of people living with HIV/AIDS in Indonesia. HIV/AIDS infection could cause a decrease in testosterone level which affect patients? quality of life. Symptoms of decreasing testosterone level in HIV infected male are very unspecific, while laboratory tests are costly. Therefore it is important to know factors that could predict a decrease in HIV patient?s testosterone level.
Purpose. To know the correlation between initial CD4 count, duration and type of ARV, lipodystrophy, size of waist circumference with free testosterone level of HIV infected male on ARV.
Method. A cross-sectional study was conducted March 2015 in HIV Integrated Clinic, RSCM, Jakarta. The subjects were 18-40 years old, got regular ARV therapy for at least 1 year. Examination includes measuring waist circumference, presence of lipodystrophy, examination of total testosterone, SHBG and free testosterone level (Free Testosterone Index:FTi). Linear regression used to analyze factors associated with free testosterone level in this study.
Results. Of 54 subjects examined, the median age was 35.11 years (21-40), median duration of antiretroviral therapy was 59 months (16-129), mean of waist circumference was 82.4 cm (SB 10.33), median of initial CD4 level was 57/mm3 (3-443). Total subjects with lipodystrophy were 17 subjects (32%), subjects who used first-line combination were 48 and 6 subjects used a second line combination. Median level of free testosterone levels was 30.87% (9.78-85.64) and there were 32 subjects with a low free testosterone level (59%). The presence of lipodystrophy (p=0,003, OR=-12,225) and duration of antiretroviral therapy (p=0,002, OR=-0,182) are associated with free testosterone level.
Conclusions. Among HIV infected male who receiving antiretroviral therapy, the presence of lipodystrophy and duration of antiretroviral therapy are associated with free testosterone levels. There were no association between initial CD4 count, type of antiretroviral therapy and waist circumference with free testosterone levels.;Background. There are increasing numbers of people living with HIV/AIDS in Indonesia. HIV/AIDS infection could cause a decrease in testosterone level which affect patients? quality of life. Symptoms of decreasing testosterone level in HIV infected male are very unspecific, while laboratory tests are costly. Therefore it is important to know factors that could predict a decrease in HIV patient?s testosterone level.
Purpose. To know the correlation between initial CD4 count, duration and type of ARV, lipodystrophy, size of waist circumference with free testosterone level of HIV infected male on ARV.
Method. A cross-sectional study was conducted March 2015 in HIV Integrated Clinic, RSCM, Jakarta. The subjects were 18-40 years old, got regular ARV therapy for at least 1 year. Examination includes measuring waist circumference, presence of lipodystrophy, examination of total testosterone, SHBG and free testosterone level (Free Testosterone Index:FTi). Linear regression used to analyze factors associated with free testosterone level in this study.
Results. Of 54 subjects examined, the median age was 35.11 years (21-40), median duration of antiretroviral therapy was 59 months (16-129), mean of waist circumference was 82.4 cm (SB 10.33), median of initial CD4 level was 57/mm3 (3-443). Total subjects with lipodystrophy were 17 subjects (32%), subjects who used first-line combination were 48 and 6 subjects used a second line combination. Median level of free testosterone levels was 30.87% (9.78-85.64) and there were 32 subjects with a low free testosterone level (59%). The presence of lipodystrophy (p=0,003, OR=-12,225) and duration of antiretroviral therapy (p=0,002, OR=-0,182) are associated with free testosterone level.
Conclusions. Among HIV infected male who receiving antiretroviral therapy, the presence of lipodystrophy and duration of antiretroviral therapy are associated with free testosterone levels. There were no association between initial CD4 count, type of antiretroviral therapy and waist circumference with free testosterone levels.;Background. There are increasing numbers of people living with HIV/AIDS in Indonesia. HIV/AIDS infection could cause a decrease in testosterone level which affect patients? quality of life. Symptoms of decreasing testosterone level in HIV infected male are very unspecific, while laboratory tests are costly. Therefore it is important to know factors that could predict a decrease in HIV patient?s testosterone level.
Purpose. To know the correlation between initial CD4 count, duration and type of ARV, lipodystrophy, size of waist circumference with free testosterone level of HIV infected male on ARV.
Method. A cross-sectional study was conducted March 2015 in HIV Integrated Clinic, RSCM, Jakarta. The subjects were 18-40 years old, got regular ARV therapy for at least 1 year. Examination includes measuring waist circumference, presence of lipodystrophy, examination of total testosterone, SHBG and free testosterone level (Free Testosterone Index:FTi). Linear regression used to analyze factors associated with free testosterone level in this study.
Results. Of 54 subjects examined, the median age was 35.11 years (21-40), median duration of antiretroviral therapy was 59 months (16-129), mean of waist circumference was 82.4 cm (SB 10.33), median of initial CD4 level was 57/mm3 (3-443). Total subjects with lipodystrophy were 17 subjects (32%), subjects who used first-line combination were 48 and 6 subjects used a second line combination. Median level of free testosterone levels was 30.87% (9.78-85.64) and there were 32 subjects with a low free testosterone level (59%). The presence of lipodystrophy (p=0,003, OR=-12,225) and duration of antiretroviral therapy (p=0,002, OR=-0,182) are associated with free testosterone level.
Conclusions. Among HIV infected male who receiving antiretroviral therapy, the presence of lipodystrophy and duration of antiretroviral therapy are associated with free testosterone levels. There were no association between initial CD4 count, type of antiretroviral therapy and waist circumference with free testosterone levels.;Background. There are increasing numbers of people living with HIV/AIDS in Indonesia. HIV/AIDS infection could cause a decrease in testosterone level which affect patients? quality of life. Symptoms of decreasing testosterone level in HIV infected male are very unspecific, while laboratory tests are costly. Therefore it is important to know factors that could predict a decrease in HIV patient?s testosterone level.
Purpose. To know the correlation between initial CD4 count, duration and type of ARV, lipodystrophy, size of waist circumference with free testosterone level of HIV infected male on ARV.
Method. A cross-sectional study was conducted March 2015 in HIV Integrated Clinic, RSCM, Jakarta. The subjects were 18-40 years old, got regular ARV therapy for at least 1 year. Examination includes measuring waist circumference, presence of lipodystrophy, examination of total testosterone, SHBG and free testosterone level (Free Testosterone Index:FTi). Linear regression used to analyze factors associated with free testosterone level in this study.
Results. Of 54 subjects examined, the median age was 35.11 years (21-40), median duration of antiretroviral therapy was 59 months (16-129), mean of waist circumference was 82.4 cm (SB 10.33), median of initial CD4 level was 57/mm3 (3-443). Total subjects with lipodystrophy were 17 subjects (32%), subjects who used first-line combination were 48 and 6 subjects used a second line combination. Median level of free testosterone levels was 30.87% (9.78-85.64) and there were 32 subjects with a low free testosterone level (59%). The presence of lipodystrophy (p=0,003, OR=-12,225) and duration of antiretroviral therapy (p=0,002, OR=-0,182) are associated with free testosterone level.
Conclusions. Among HIV infected male who receiving antiretroviral therapy, the presence of lipodystrophy and duration of antiretroviral therapy are associated with free testosterone levels. There were no association between initial CD4 count, type of antiretroviral therapy and waist circumference with free testosterone levels., Background. There are increasing numbers of people living with HIV/AIDS in Indonesia. HIV/AIDS infection could cause a decrease in testosterone level which affect patients? quality of life. Symptoms of decreasing testosterone level in HIV infected male are very unspecific, while laboratory tests are costly. Therefore it is important to know factors that could predict a decrease in HIV patient?s testosterone level.
Purpose. To know the correlation between initial CD4 count, duration and type of ARV, lipodystrophy, size of waist circumference with free testosterone level of HIV infected male on ARV.
Method. A cross-sectional study was conducted March 2015 in HIV Integrated Clinic, RSCM, Jakarta. The subjects were 18-40 years old, got regular ARV therapy for at least 1 year. Examination includes measuring waist circumference, presence of lipodystrophy, examination of total testosterone, SHBG and free testosterone level (Free Testosterone Index:FTi). Linear regression used to analyze factors associated with free testosterone level in this study.
Results. Of 54 subjects examined, the median age was 35.11 years (21-40), median duration of antiretroviral therapy was 59 months (16-129), mean of waist circumference was 82.4 cm (SB 10.33), median of initial CD4 level was 57/mm3 (3-443). Total subjects with lipodystrophy were 17 subjects (32%), subjects who used first-line combination were 48 and 6 subjects used a second line combination. Median level of free testosterone levels was 30.87% (9.78-85.64) and there were 32 subjects with a low free testosterone level (59%). The presence of lipodystrophy (p=0,003, OR=-12,225) and duration of antiretroviral therapy (p=0,002, OR=-0,182) are associated with free testosterone level.
Conclusions. Among HIV infected male who receiving antiretroviral therapy, the presence of lipodystrophy and duration of antiretroviral therapy are associated with free testosterone levels. There were no association between initial CD4 count, type of antiretroviral therapy and waist circumference with free testosterone levels.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alif Fakhtur Ramadhan
"Saat ini Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) merupakan satu-satunya tatalaksana pada pasien HIV yang dilakukan untuk mengendalikan atau menekan replikasi virus di dalam darah. Setelah tes HIV dinyatakan positif, orang dengan HIV harus mendapatkan informasi dan bimbingan yang akurat dan tepat untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan mereka tentang HIV, termasuk pencegahan, dan keyakinan diri untuk memulai ARV. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keyakinan pasien baru positif HIV untuk memulai minum obat ARV di masa pasca pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik dengan desain cross sectional melalui pendekatan survei, dengan menggunakan instrumen berupa kuesioner pada 109 responden. Hasil uji statsitik didapatkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan tentang ARV (p value = 0,000, α = < 0,05), cemas (p value = 0,000, α = < 0,05), spiritual (p value = 0,001, α = < 0,05), dan dukungan keluarga (p value = 0,001, α = < 0,05) dan ke empat variabel ini memiliki interaksi yang kuat (p va-lue=0,000; <0,05) dengan keyakinan pasien baru positif HIV untuk memulai obat ARV. Keyakinan diri memiliki peran penting dalam mengelola situasi secara efektif, memoti-vasi diri, dan mengontrol emosi sehingga tahu apa yang harus dilakukan, oleh karena itu pengkajian secara komprehensif pada awal diagnosa pasien sangat penting agar tindakan yang dilakukan dapat tepat sasaran.

Currently Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) is the only treatment for HIV patients that is carried out to control or suppress viral replication in the blood. After testing positive for HIV, people living with HIV must receive accurate and appropriate information and guidance to increase their knowledge about HIV, including prevention, and the confidence to start ARVs. The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that influence the confidence of new HIV positive patients to start taking ARV drugs in the post-Covid-19 pandemic. This study used a descriptive analytic method with a cross sectional design through a survey approach, using an instrument in the form of a questionnaire on 109 respondents. Statistical test results found that there was a significant relationship between knowledge about ARVs (p value = 0.000, α = <0.05), anxiety (p value = 0.000, α = <0.05), spiritual (p value = 0.001, α = <0.05), and family support (p value = 0.001, α = <0.05) and these four variables have a strong interaction (p value = 0.000; <0.05) with new HIV positive patients' beliefs about starting ARV drugs. Self-confidence has an important role in managing situations effectively, motivating yourself, and controlling emotions so you know what to do, therefore a comprehensive assessment at the initial diagnosis of a patient is very important so that the actions taken can be right on target."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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