ABSTRAKSkripsi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan corporate governance PT
Bank Pundi Indonesia Tbk baik selama proses dan pasca akuisisi. Evaluasi
tersebut mencakup perlindungan stakeholders saat proses akuisisi, perbandingan
governance structure selama proses dan pasca akuisisi, serta implementasi
prinsip-prinsip corporate governance pada pasca akuisisi. Hasil analisis
menunjukkan bahwa PT Bank Pundi Indonesia Tbk telah melindungi kepentingan
stakeholders pada proses akuisisi, memiliki governance structure yang membaik
serta telah menerapkan prinsip-prinsip terkaitgood corporate governance pada
pasca akuisisi. Disimpulkan pula bahwa akuisisi berperan sebagai salah satu
governancemechanism yang akhirnya berhasil membuat bank tidak lagi diawasi
intensif oleh Bank Indonesia, karena PT Bank Eksekutif Internasional Tbk
(identitas bank sebelum akuisisi) mengalami masalah permodalan dan kredit
macet sebelumnya.
ABSTRACTThis study analyzes the corporate governance implementation in both process and
post-acquisition of PT Bank Pundi Indonesia Tbk. It includes the analysis on the
protection of stakeholders? right during acquisition, comparing the governance
structure during the process and post-acquisition, and the implementation of
corporate governance principles post acquisition. The result indicates that PT
Bank Pundi Indonesia Tbk has given the necessary treatment to protect the
stakeholders? right, has improved the governance structure and also has
implemented the corporate governance principles. The study also concludes that
acquisition has the role as a governance mechanism that leads the bank out of the
intensive supervision by Bank Indonesia, since PT Bank Eksekutif Internasional
Tbk (bank?s identity before acquisition) had a capital adequacy and bad debts
problem earlier."
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014