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Bayu Suryo Aji
"Latar Belakang: Pengaruh sering kontak dengan white spirit di lingkungan kerja menjadi salah satu hal yang dicurigai sebagai pencetus penurunan atensi/konsentrasi/ingatan para mekanik sehingga terjadinya kecelakaan. Dari toxicological profilenya zat tersebut memiliki efek terhadap susunan saraf pusat yang kronis salah satunya adalah gangguan memori jangka pendek.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang. Subjek penelitian para mekanik kontraktor pertambangan batubara PT.A di Kalimantan Selatan, berjumlah 80 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, pemeriksaan fisik, pemberian kuesioner serta pemeriksaan fungsi memori dengan RAVL dan ROCF test.
Hasil: Dari 80 sampel 57 (71,3%) mengalami gangguan memori jangka pendek. Tingkat pajanan ≥2,64 memiliki risiko 3,1 kali terjadi gangguan memori jangka pendek dibanding tingkat pajanan <2,64 (nilai p=0,048; OR=3,109; CI=1,012-9,551). Secara statistik faktor risiko yang bermakna adalah status gizi (nilai p=0,026; OR=0,276; CI=0,089-0,858) dan usia (nilai p=0,045; OR=0,310; CI=0,099-0,972)
Kesimpulan: Prevalensi gangguan memori jangka pendek para mekanik kontaktor PT.A sebesar 71,3%. Tingkat pajanan ≥2,64 memiliki risiko gangguan memori jangka pendek 3,1 kali lebih besar dari tingkat pajanan <2,64. Secara statisitik status gizi dan usia bermakna dalam risiko gangguan memori jangka pendek.
Kata kunci: gangguan memori jangka pendek, white spirit, tingkat pajanan.

Background: The effect of white spirit chemicals suspected as the cause of
attention/concentration/memories decreasses of mechanics. It can occurs the accidents. Having known of the toxicological profile that these chemicals have chronical effects on the central nervous system. Then one of the disorders examined is something related to the function of the central nervous system is impaired of short-term memory. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design. The subjects are PT.A coal contractor mechanics in South Borneo, totaling 80 people. Data collected through interviews, physical examinations, questionnaires and examination administration with memory function RAVL and ROCF test.
Results: There are 80 samples of 57 (71.3%) experiencing short-term memory impairment. The white spirit exposure level ≥2,64 has risk 3,1 times bigger than white spirit exposure level <2,64 become a short term memory loss (p value=0,048; OR=3,109; CI=1,012-9,551). Statistically the factors that has a significant association are nutritional status (p value=0,026; OR=0,276;
CI=0,089-0,858) and age (p value=0,045; OR=0,310; CI=0,099-0,972)
Conclusion: 57 (71.3%) from 80 people experiencing short-term memory impairment. White spirit exposure level ≥2,64 has risk 3,1 times bigger than white exposure level <2,64 become a short term memory loss There are statistics relations between age dan nutritional status with short term memory loss.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Galoyan, Armen A.
"In addition to presenting a full overview of the neuroimmune system, it emphasizes the antibacterial, neuroprotective, and neuroregenerative properties of proline-rich polypeptides. It investigates the mechanism of galarmin?s action during different infectious processes, where it targets such dangerous pathogens as bacillus anthracis, clostridium perfringens, mycobacterium tuberculosis, and methycillin resistant staphylococcus aureus. This research is important from both a theoretical and a clinical point of view, creating new prospects for the modern pharmaceutical industry and neuroendocrine, neuroimmunological sciences.
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pachner, Andrew R.
"This book is a significant new resource for anyone interested in conditions such as multiple sclerosis(MS), myasthenia gravis, and neurological infections. It is a practical and balanced guide to the diagnosis and treatment of neuroimmunological disease. A primer of neuroimmunological disease distinguishes itself by providing a range of features not generally included in texts on neuroimmunology. These include broad presentation of information in the form of figures and tables, strong cohesion among topics by focusing on a few prototypic neuroimmunological diseases, which serve as a foundation from which to explore other neuroimmunological diseases, a single author perspective, with references across chapters, and a focus on the overlap between neuroimmunological and neuroinfectious diseases. "
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maulana Septanto
Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menjelaskan hubungan antara budaya organisasi dengan semangat kerja spirit at work pada perusahaan startup teknologi PT. XYZ. Dalam penelitian ini, variabel budaya organisasi menggunakan enam dimensi utama, yaitu teamwork and conflicts, climate and morale, information flow, involvement, supervision, dan meetings. Kemudian dimensi yang terdapat pada variabel semangat kerja spirit at work adalah engaging work, spiritual connection, sense of community, dan mystical experience. Pada penelitian ini diambil berdasarkan 30 responden yang merupakan karyawan tetap perusahaan startup teknologi PT. XYZ baik dari level manajerial maupun non-manajerial. Penelitian ini menggunakan uji korelasi spearman untuk mengukur tingkat suatu hubungan antara variabel independen dengan variabel dependen. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan yang sangat kuat antara budaya organisasi dengan semangat kerja spirit at work pada perusahaan startup teknologi PT. XYZ.

The purpose of this research is to explain the relationship between organizational culture with spirit at work on a technology startup company PT. XYZ. In this research, organizational culture variables using six main dimensions, namely teamwork and conflicts, climate and morale, information flow, involvement, supervision, and meetings. Then the dimensions contained in the variable spirit at work are engaging work, spiritual connection, sense of community, and mystical experience. In this research were taken by 30 respondents who are permanent employees of technology startup company PT. XYZ from managerial level, and non managerial. This research used Spearman correlation test to measure the level of a relationship between the dependent and independent variables. The result from this research obtained that there is a very strong relationship between the organization culture with spirit at work on a technology startup company PT. XYZ."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reinhart Greglorio
"Puasa Ramadan dapat menyebabkan perubahan pola tidur dan makan yang memengaruhi pasien dengan penyakit neurologis kronis. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi kualitas tidur pasien selama puasa Ramadan. Studi potong lintang ini melibatkan 40 pasien dengan penyakit neurologis kronis di Poliklinik Saraf RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo dari Februari hingga Juni 2023. Kualitas tidur diukur menggunakan Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), dan STOP-BANG. Hasil menunjukkan 77,5% subjek mengalami gangguan tidur setelah puasa, dengan perubahan signifikan pada tingkat insomnia (ISI) dan risiko obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Namun, tidak terdapat perubahan signifikan pada kualitas tidur menurut ESS dan PSQI. Mayoritas subjek (75%) adalah perempuan dengan usia rata-rata 40,25 tahun. Kesimpulannya, meskipun puasa dapat memicu gangguan tidur, manajemen yang tepat memungkinkan pasien menjalankan puasa tanpa dampak buruk yang signifikan terhadap kualitas tidur. Hal ini memberikan harapan bagi pasien dengan penyakit neurologis kronis untuk tetap menjalankan puasa secara aman.

Ramadan fasting can lead to changes in eating and sleeping patterns that affect patients with chronic neurological diseases. This study aimed to evaluate the sleep quality of patients during Ramadan fasting. A cross-sectional study was conducted involving 40 patients with chronic neurological diseases at the Neurology Clinic of RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo from February to June 2023. Sleep quality was measured using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), and STOP-BANG. The results showed that 77.5% of the subjects experienced sleep disturbances after fasting, with significant changes in insomnia severity (ISI) and the risk of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). However, there were no significant changes in sleep quality as measured by ESS and PSQI. The majority of subjects (75%) were female, with an average age of 40.25 years. In conclusion, while fasting may trigger sleep disturbances, proper management enables patients to fast without significant adverse effects on sleep quality. This finding provides hope for patients with chronic neurological diseases to safely observe Ramadan fasting."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Latar belakang: EE dan/atau latihan fisik dapat meningkatkan memori spasial dan menginduksi peningkatan ekspresi Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) pada hipokampus tikus Wistar jantan usia 7 bulan. BDNF berikatan dengan reseptor tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TrkB) menyebabkan TrKB terfosforilasi, menghasilkan perekrutan protein yang mengaktifkan tiga kaskade transduksi sinyal. BDNF dapat meningkatkan kadar dan aktivitas reseptor NMDA sehingga terjadi perubahan jangka panjang pada aktivitas sinaps. Belum diketahui bagaimana pengaruh pemberian kombinasi EE dan latihan aerobik terhadap ekspresi pTrkB dan pNMDAR.
Tujuan: Menganalisis ekspresi reseptor pTrkB dan ekspresi pNMDAR yang dipicu oleh persinyalan BDNF pada hipokampus tikus yang diberikan model EE dan/atau latihan fisik aerobik.
Metode: Penelitian eksperimental menggunakan 24 tikus Wistar jantan usia 7 bulan, berat badan 250–350 gr, dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok: Kontrol (K), Aerobik (A) diberi latihan fisik 5x/mimggu treadmill kecepatan 20 m/menit 30 menit/hari, EE, dan kombinasi latihan fisik EE (AEE). Perlakuan diberikan selama 8 minggu dan dilakukan pengukuran ekpresi pTrkB dan pNMDAR dengan western blot, memori spasial diukur dengan forced alteration Y-maze.
Hasil: Fosforilasi TrkB pada situs Tyr705 dan fosforilasi NMDA pada situs Tyr 1336 kelompok kombinasi lebih baik dari kontrol namun peningkatan tidak bermakna secara statistik. Fungsi memori spasial jangka pendek kelompok EE lebih baik daripada kelompok kontrol.
Kesimpulan: EE kontinu dapat meningkatkan fungsi memori spasial jangka pendek tikus, kombinasi EE dan latihan aerobik cenderung meningkatkan pTrkB dan pNMDAR namun tidak bermakna secara statistik.

Background: EE and/or aerobic exercise can improve spatial memory and induce increased expression of Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the hippocampus of male Wistar rats aged 7 months. BDNF binds to the tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TrkB) induce phosphorilating of TrKB, resulting the recruitment of a protein that activates three signal transduction cascades. BDNF can increase the levels and activity of the NMDA receptors, resulting in long-term changes in synaptic activity. The effect of combination of continuous EE and aerobic exercise on hippocampus pTrkB and pNMDAR expression is not yet known.
Objective: To analyze pTrkB receptor expression and pNMDAR expression induced by BDNF signaling in the hippocampus of mice given EE models and / or aerobic exercise.
Methods: Experimental study using 24 male Wistar rats aged 7 months, weight 250–350 gr, divided into 4 groups: Control (K), Aerobics (A) given 5x physical exercise/week with treadmill speed 20 m/min 30 minutes/day, EE, combination of physical exercise and EE (AEE). Treatment was administered for 8 weeks and the phosphorylation of TrkB and NMDA receptors measured with Western blot, spatial memory measured by forced alteration of Y-maze.
Result:The combination group of TrkB phosphorylation at Tyr705 site and NMDA phosphorylation at the Tyr 1336 site were better than the control group but the increase was not statistically significant. The EE group's short-term spatial memory function was better than the control group.
Conclusion: Continuous EE can improve mouse short-term spatial memory function, combination of EE and aerobic exercise tends to increase pTrkB and pNMDAR but not statistically significant.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Connerton, Paul
"How is the memory of traumatic events, such as genocide and torture, inscribed within human bodies? In this book, Paul Connerton discusses social and cultural memory by looking at the role of mourning in the production of histories and the reticence of silence across many different cultures. In particular he looks at how memory is conveyed in gesture, bodily posture, speech and the senses - and how bodily memory, in turn, becomes manifested in cultural objects such as tattoos, letters, buildings and public spaces. It is argued that memory is more cultural and collective than it is individual. This book will appeal to researchers and students in anthropology, linguistic anthropology, sociology, social psychology and philosophy."
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011
155.937 CON s
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Connerton, Paul
"Machine generated contents note: 1. The birth of histories from the spirit of mourning; 2. Seven types of forgetting; 3. Silences; 4. Spatial orientation; 5. Tradition as conversation and tradition as bodily re-enactment; 6. Tattoos, masks, skin; 7. Emphatic, mimetic and cosmic projection."
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2011
155.937 CON s
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Laila Tri Nurachma
"Autism spectrum disorder ASD adalah gangguan neurologis yang menghambat kemampuan komunikasi sosial. Pada individu dengan ASD, mereka mengalami hambatan kognitif sehingga kesulitan dalam mengelola informasi yang ditangkap dari lingkungan, hambatan dalam tata bahasa syntax dan pemahaman bahasa semantic, serta rendah dalam theory of mind. Kondisi ini lebih parah ketika ASD komorbid dengan intellectual disability ID.
Pelatihan sentential complements diketahui dapat meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa dan theory of mind yang penting dalam proses komunikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efektivitas Pelatihan sentential complements terhadap peningkatan kemampuan bahasa dan theory of mind pada anak dengan ASD komorbid dengan ID.
Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah single-subject. Data diperoleh dari hasil inspeksi visual pada grafik hasil tugas sentential complements dan tugas false belief serta perbandingan hasil pre-post tes pada alat ukur Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale ranah komunikasi.
Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan pada kemampuan syntax dan semantic sebesar 87.5 dan peningkatan ini stabil selama periode pelatihan. Kemampuan komunikasi reseptif dan ekspresif juga meningkat sebesar 12 dan 16.5. Di samping itu, terdapat peningkatan pada kemampuan theory of mind sebesar 52, namun tidak stabil selama periode pelatihan.
Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelatihan sentential complements mampu meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa pada anak dengan ASD komorbid dengan ID. Adapun peningkatkan kemampuan theory of mind yang belum stabil membutuhkan tidak hanya pengembangan kemampuan bahasa, tapi juga kemampuan lainnya yang berkaitan dengan theory of mind, seperti kemampuan kognitif, sosial, dan emosional.

Autism spectrum disorder ASD is a neurological disorder that inhibits social communication skills. Individual with ASD experience cognitive disruption resulting difficulties in managing information captured from the environment, language grammatical syntax and language comprehension semantic, and low in theory of mind. This condition is more severe when ASD is comorbid with intellectual disability ID.
Sentential complements training is known to improve language skills and theory of mind that are important in the communication process. This study aims to see the effectiveness of sentential complements training on enhancing language skills and theory of mind in a child with ASD comorbid with ID.
This study is single subject A B B1 B2 design. Data were obtained from visual inspection result of sentential complements task graph and false belief task graph and than comparison between pre post test of Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale communication domain.
The results show that there is an increase in syntax and semantic skills score of 87.5 and this increasing is stable over training period. Receptive and expressive communication skills are increasing in 12 and 16.5 . Besides that, there is an 52 of increas in theory of mind skills score, but this increasing was not stable over training periods.
It conclud that sentential complements training can improve language skills in child with ASD comorbid with ID. The unstable increasing in theory of mind requires not only language skills, but also other abilities related to theory of mind, such as cognitive, social, and emotional abilities."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edi Supriyatna
"Latar Belakang dan pennasalahan :
Hasil pemeriksaan darah petani padi di satu kecamatan Kabupaten Bekasi oleh Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Bekasi tahun 2009 menunjukkan, 3% mengalami keracunan berat, 15,5% keracunan sedang, 3l,5% keracunan ringan. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan adanya petani yang mengalami keracunan akut akibat penggunaan pestisida golongan organophosfat dan atau karbamat Dampak keracunan organophosfat karbamat jangka panjang, antara lain adalah gangguan memori jangka pendek Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui, apakah kadar kolinesterase darah dapat digunakan sebagai prediktor risiko gangguan memori jangka pendek.
Desain Penelitian menggunalcan Cross sectional, penelitian dilakukan di satu kecamatan dengan I02 responden dari 200 orang petani padi. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan kuesioner, pemeriksaan darah, tes pengingatan selelctif, pengamatan dan data sekunder hasil pemeriksaan aktivitas kolineslerase darah. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji Chi-square dan Logistik Regresi.
Didapatkan prevalensi gangguan memori jangka pendek 20,6%. Dari analisis multivariat ditemukan bahwa kadar kolinestemse tidak ada hubungan bermakna dengan gangguan memori jangka pendek. Faktor risiko yang bermakna meningkatkan risiko gangguan memori jangka pendek adalah faktor perilaku personal hygiene dengan nilai OR suaian sebesar 4,20 (p=0,0l5, 95%CI=l,32-135)
Kesimpulan dan Saran:
Pemeriksaan kadar kolinestcrasc tidak dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi adanya efek jangka panjang. Upaya promosi kesehatan untuk meningkatkan perilaku personal hygiene disarankan untuk diimplementasikan.

Background and problem statement:
Results of blood tests among rice farmers in a subdistrict conducted by Bekasi District Public Health Department in year 2009; showed that 3% have obtained severe poisoning, lS,5% had medium level poisoning and 3l,5% had mild level poisoning. Those results showed that farmers had acute poisoning due to use of organophosfat and or carbamat. Long term effect of organophosfat carbamat poisoning among other is short tcm: memory loss. The main objective of this study is to know if blood cholinesterase levels can be used as predictor for risk of short term memory loss.
This Research used Cross sectional design, study location was a district using 102 respondents from 200 farmers. Data was obtained through interviews using a questionare, physical examination, selective memory tests, observation and examination of secondary data of cholinesterase activity in blood. Data analysis was done using Chi-square and Logistic Regression.
The prevalence of short-term memory loss was 20.6%. Multivariate analysis showed that there is no significant relation between blood cholinesterase levels and short term memory loss. Signiticant risk factors that increase the risk of short term memory disorder is personal hygiene behavior with the value of adjusted OR 4,20 (p=0,015, 95%CI=l,32-13,32).
Conclusion and Recommendation :
Blood cholinesterase levels can not be used to predict the risk short term memory loss. Implementation of health promotion efforts to improve personal hygiene behavior is suggested."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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