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"Penelitian ini membahas analisis urgensi pemberian insentif PPN atas BBM kapal. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis faktor-faktor yang menjadi dasar bahwa insentif PPN atas BBM kapal perlu diberikan dan menganalisis implikasi pemberian insentif PPN atas BBM Kapal. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa Faktor-faktor yang menjadi alasan pemberian insentif PPN untuk BBM jalur pelayaran internasional adalah ketidaksesuaian dengan prinsip pemungutan PPN (destination principle) yang dianut Indonesia, kelaziman internasional, disparitas harga, dan equal treatment dengan sektor penerbangan internasional. Sementara faktor-faktor yang menjadi alasan pemberian insentif PPN untuk BBM jalur pelayaran domestik adalah pertimbangan international best practice, substitusi moda transportasi darat, mengurangi biaya operasional kapal, alternatif pengurangan biaya pengangkutan barang, menurunkan harga logistik, kurangnya pengawasan dalam kegiatan pengisian BBM kapal, dan subsidi BBM kapal nasional yang tidak efektif. Dalam jangka panjang penghapusan PPN atas BBM kapal diharapkan dapat meningkatkan penerimaan negara dikarenakan adanya multiplier effects. Implikasi dari pemberian insentif berupa PPN tidak dipungut adalah harga jual BBM yang lebih kompetitif dikarenakan PPN Masukan dapat dikreditkan oleh supplier dan meningkatnya enforcement cost negara terkait dengan kegiatan restitusi. Implikasi dari pemberian insentif berupa PPN dibebaskan adalah harga tidak dapat kompetitif secara penuh dikarenakan supplier BBM akan membebankan PPN Masukan yang tidak dapat dikreditkan kedalam harga jual dan pengeluaran negara akan lebih tinggi dikarenakan negara memberikan subsidi pajak atas PPN yang dibebaskan dan untuk memberikan subsidi pajak tersebut akan timbul enforcement cost lainnya. Dengan demikian insentif yang tepat diberikan sesuai dengan kondisi negara Indonesia adalah PPN terutang tidak dipungut.

This research discusses analysis of the urgency of granting VAT incentives for the marine fuels. The purpose of this research is to analyze the factors that formed the basis of the marine fuels need to be provided by VAT incentives and to analyze the implications of granting incentives VAT for the marine fuels. This study used a qualitative approach and the type of this research is descriptive. Results of the study to conclude that the factors that become the reason of granting VAT incentives for the international marine fuels is a mismatch with the principles of VAT collection (destination principle) that embraced Indonesia, the prevalence of international price disparity, and Equal Treatment with sectors of international flights. While the factors that become the reason of granting VAT incentives for the domestic marine fuels must looking at the experience of other countries, a substitution mode of transportation by land, reducing the operational costs of vessels, alternative cost reduction, lowering the price of haulage logistics, lack of oversight activities in a marine fuel replenishment, and the subsidies of marine fuel that are not effective in the implementation. The conclusion is in the long term condition the elimination of VAT over the marine fuel the income of the State can be increase due to the Multiplier Effects. The implications of granting incentives in the form of VAT Zero-Rate is the selling price of marine fuel is more competitive because of the VAT input can be credited by the supplier and the rising enforcement cost of State due to activities that related to the restitution. The implications of granting incentives in the form of VAT Exempt is the price is not able to fully competitive due to a supplier will charge VAT input into the selling price because the VAT input cannot be credited and the spending cost by the state will be higher because the State subsidizes the VAT on exempt and will spend the other enforcement cost that will arised."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ridho Atma Mulia
"[Bidang pertahanan dan keamanan negara merupakan salah satu aspek yang diperhatikan oleh pemerintah Indonesia. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari upaya Pemerintah dengan memberikan insentif berupa pembebasan PPN atas penyerahan dan impor
komponen atau bahan senjata dan amunisi dan juga atas penyerahan senjata dan amunisi. Diberikannya insentif ini diharapkan mampu memenuhi kebutuhan perlengkapan pertahanan dan keamanan khususnya senjata dan amunisi. Skripsi ini membahas mengenai insentif pembebasan PPN tersebut ditinjau dari manfaatnya bagi PT (Persero) PINDAD selaku pihak produsen yang dilibatkan untuk mencapai tujuan insentif tersebut dan eksternalitasnya di masyarakat (its costs to society). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil
penelitian menemukan bahwa insentif pembebasan PPN ini tidak hanya menimbulkan potensi manfaat bagi PT (Persero) PINDAD tetapi juga menimbulkan costs bagi pihak produsen tersebut.

The field of national defense and security is one aspect that is considered by the Indonesian government. It can be seen from the efforts of the Government by providing incentives in the form of VAT exemption on the transfer and import of components or materials of weapons and ammunition, and also on the transfer of weapons and ammunition. The granting of this incentive is expected to fulfill the needs of defense and security supplies, especially weapons and ammunition. This research discusses about the VAT exemption incentives in terms of benefits for PT (Persero) PINDAD as the producers involved to achieve the purposes of these incentives and externalities on society (its costs to society). This research is
quantitative with descriptive design. The study found that this VAT exemption is not only poses a potential benefits for PT (Persero) PINDAD but also raises the costs.;The field of national defense and security is one aspect that is considered by the
Indonesian government. It can be seen from the efforts of the Government by
providing incentives in the form of VAT exemption on the transfer and import of
components or materials of weapons and ammunition, and also on the transfer of
weapons and ammunition. The granting of this incentive is expected to fulfill the
needs of defense and security supplies, especially weapons and ammunition.
This research discusses about the VAT exemption incentives in terms of benefits for
PT (Persero) PINDAD as the producers involved to achieve the purposes of these
incentives and externalities on society (its costs to society). This research is
quantitative with descriptive design. The study found that this VAT exemption is not
only poses a potential benefits for PT (Persero) PINDAD but also raises the costs.;The field of national defense and security is one aspect that is considered by the
Indonesian government. It can be seen from the efforts of the Government by
providing incentives in the form of VAT exemption on the transfer and import of
components or materials of weapons and ammunition, and also on the transfer of
weapons and ammunition. The granting of this incentive is expected to fulfill the
needs of defense and security supplies, especially weapons and ammunition.
This research discusses about the VAT exemption incentives in terms of benefits for
PT (Persero) PINDAD as the producers involved to achieve the purposes of these
incentives and externalities on society (its costs to society). This research is
quantitative with descriptive design. The study found that this VAT exemption is not
only poses a potential benefits for PT (Persero) PINDAD but also raises the costs., The field of national defense and security is one aspect that is considered by the
Indonesian government. It can be seen from the efforts of the Government by
providing incentives in the form of VAT exemption on the transfer and import of
components or materials of weapons and ammunition, and also on the transfer of
weapons and ammunition. The granting of this incentive is expected to fulfill the
needs of defense and security supplies, especially weapons and ammunition.
This research discusses about the VAT exemption incentives in terms of benefits for
PT (Persero) PINDAD as the producers involved to achieve the purposes of these
incentives and externalities on society (its costs to society). This research is
quantitative with descriptive design. The study found that this VAT exemption is not
only poses a potential benefits for PT (Persero) PINDAD but also raises the costs.]
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sinaga, Pintor Donisura
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai pajak pertambahan nilai atas pemberian cumacuma (hadiah) oleh bank kepada nasabah. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan transaksi-transaksi perbankan yang terdapat pemberian cuma-cuma (hadiah) didalamnya dan pemberian cuma-cuma (hadiah) termasuk pemberian Barang Kena Pajak. Penelitian ini juga menjelaskan implikasi pengenaan PPN atas pemberian cumacuma pada transaksi perbankan terhadap status Bank sebagai PKP atau bukan PKP dan menunjukan adanya hambatan yang dikarenakan adanya perbedaan pendapat antara Bank dan Dirjen Pajak.

This research elucidates about the value added tax ("VAT") of the free gift by the bank to the customer. The approach method of this thesis is descriptive qualitative. The results of this research explains that the free gift policy of the banking transactions is categorized as a taxable goods. This research also explains the VAT imposition implications on the free gift policy of the banking transactions againts the bank status as VAT enterprise or non-VAT enterprise and this research indicate the existence of barriers due to disagreements between the Bank and the Directorate General of Taxation."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purba, Gromy Philipi Pranata
"PTPN V sebagai perusahaan yang menghasilkan minyak kelapa sawit memiliki beberapa proses produksi, antara lain memproduksi hasil perkebunan (tandan buah segar) dan proses pabrikasi. Bagi PTPN V keduanya merupakan satu proses yang terintegrasi, sedangkan Direktorat Jendral Pajak menganggap kedua hal tersebut adalah proses yang berbeda karena menurut Direktorat Jendral Pajak tandan buah segar adalah non barang kena pajak sehingga pajak masukan yang diperoleh tidak dapat dapat diperhitungkan terhadap pajak keluaran dari minyak kelapa sawit. Perbedaan interpretasi ini menimbulkan sengketa yang diajukan ke pengadilan pajak, dan berdasarkan kajian yang mendetail dari peraturan yang terkait, didapati bahwa kasus ini merupakan satu proses sehingga pajak masukan atas tandan buah segar dapat dikreditkan.

PTPN V as a company that produces palm oil has some production processes, such as producing crops (fresh fruit bunches) and the manufacturing process. For PTPN V are both single integrated process, while the Tax Auditor considers both of these is a different process because, according to the tax auditor of fresh fruit bunches are non taxable goods thus acquired input tax can not be counted against the output tax of palm oil. This different interpretations has led to the dispute submitted to the tax court, and based on a detailed study of the relevant regulations, it was found that this case is a process that input tax on fresh fruit bunches can be credited."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Awalia Rizky
"Penelitian skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis praktik pengenaan PPN kegiatan membangun sendiri pada peraturan pelaksana yakni PMK-163/PMK.03/2012 di KPP Pratama Bekasi Selatan dan Bekasi Utara. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data berupa studi kepustakaan dan wawancara mendalam. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah asas kemudahan administrasi dan netralitas masih belum diterapkan dalam beberapa aspek pada peraturan PPN atas kebijakan membangun sendiri. PMK-163/PMK.03/2012 tidak berefek pada penambahan jumlah obyek pajak PPN atas kegiatan membangun sendiri namun berdampak pada jumlah penerimaan PPN kegiatan membangun sendiri.

The aim of this research is to analyze practice of tax imposition on self constructing activity as regulated in PMK-163/PMK.03/2012 at KPP Pratama South Bekasi and North Bekasi. This research applies qualitative approach, and occupies literature study as well as in depth interview for data collection. The research concludes that the principles of good tax administration and neutrality have not been implemented in several aspects of the regulation. The application of PMK-163/PMK.03/2012 does not give effect to adding object of VAT on self constructing activity, yet has quite significant result on VAT on self constructing activity revenue amount."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hanifah Puspita Sari
"Penetapan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 81 Tahun 2015 tentang Impor Dan/Atau Penyerahan Barang Kena Pajak Tertentu Yang Bersifat Strategis Yang Dibebaskan Dari Pengenaan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai telah menghilangkan barang hasil pertanian (tidak termasuk perikanan dan kelautan) sebagai barang strategis, sehingga atas impor dan penyerahannya saat ini menjadi dikenakan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai. Dampak yang telah dirasakan oleh para pelaku usaha dan eksportir barang pertanian, termasuk pertanian kopi, adalah menambah beban administrasi dan menganggu arus kas perusahaan. Permasalahan ini telah disikapi oleh Pemerintah dengan salah satunya yaitu mengeluarkan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan-39/PMK.03/2018 tentang Tata Cara Pengembalian Pendahuluan Kelebihan Pembayaran Pajak.
Tujuan pemerintah mengeluarkan PMK 39/PMK.03/2018 tersebut adalah memberikan kemudahan agar semua pelaku usaha dapat tergolong sebagai Pengusaha Kena Pajak yang dapat memanfaatkan fasilitas pengembalian pendahuluan kelebihan pembayaran pajak. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisa dampak pemanfaatan fasilitas pengembalian pendahuluan kelebihan pembayaran Pajak Pertambahan Nilai terhadap arus kas dan biaya kepatuhan pajak perusahaan eksportir kopi, serta menganalisa kendala dalam pemanfaatan fasilitas pengembalian pendahuluan kelebihan pembayaran Pajak Pertambahan Nilai oleh perusahaan eksportir kopi. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan post-positivist.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dampak pemanfaatan fasilitas pengembalian pendahuluan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai pada arus kas perusahaan eksportir adalah dapat mempercepat uang diterima dan dana yang diterima lebih cepat dapat digunakan untuk menambah aset, membayar hutang, atau ditabung. Dampak pada beban kepatuhan tergolong minim daripada ketika melakukan restitusi biasa, namun untuk memenuhi persyaratan harus memiliki administrasi pembukuan perpajakan yang baik. Terdapat banyak faktor yang menyebabkan eksportir kopi saat ini belum banyak yang memanfaatkan fasilitas pengembalian pendahuluan. Kesimpulannya menunjukkan fasilitas pengembalian pendahuluan belum mampu menyelesaikan masalah PPN pada sektor pertanian karena belum banyak yang mampu untuk memanfaatkannya.

Determination of Government Regulation Number 81 of 2015 concerning Imports and / or Submission of Strategic Taxable Goods Released from Imposition of Value Added Tax has eliminated agricultural products (excluding fisheries and maritime) as strategic goods, so that imports and surrender are currently become subject to Value Added Tax. The impact that has been felt by business people and exporters of agricultural goods, including coffee farming, is to add to the administrative burden and disrupt the company's cash flow. This problem has been addressed by the Government with one of them, namely issuing the Minister of Finance Regulation-39 / PMK.03 / 2018 concerning the Procedure for Returning the Preliminary Excess of Payment of Taxes.
The aim of the government to issue PMK 39 / PMK.03 / 2018 is to provide facilities so that all business actors can be classified as Taxable Entrepreneurs who can take advantage of the facility of overpayment of excess tax payments. The aim of the study was to analyze the impact of utilizing the facility of the return of excess value added tax payments on cash flows and the tax compliance costs of the coffee exporter company, as well as analyzing the constraints in utilizing the facility a return of excess value added tax payments by the coffee exporter. The approach used in this study is a post-positivist approach.
The results of the study show that the impact of the utilization of the facility of introducing Value Added Tax on the exporter's cash flow is that it can accelerate the money received and the funds received faster can be used to add assets, pay debts, or save. The impact on the burden of compliance is quite minimal compared to when performing ordinary restitution, but to fulfill the requirements must have a good tax accounting administration. There are many factors that make coffee exporters at present not many utilize the return facility. The conclusion shows that the preliminary return facility has not been able to resolve the VAT problem in the agricultural sector because not many have been able to use it."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ria Setyowati
"Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh adanya uji materi PP No. 31 Tahun 2007 yang diajukan oleh Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia (KADIN) tahun 2014 kepada Mahkamah Agung (MA) atas barang hasil pertanian karena bertentangan dengan UU PPN Pasal 4A, dimana pada UU PPN barang hasil pertanian tidak termasuk barang yang dikecualikan dari pengenaan PPN (terutang PPN). Pada akhirnya uji materil ini dikabulkan oleh MA melalui putusan MA nomor 70p/hum/2014 mengenai pajak pertambahan nilai atas barang hasil pertanian yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan usaha di bidang pertanian, perkebunan, dan kehutanan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dampak dari pengenaan PPN tersebut pada kapasitas lahan perkebunan kopi Indonesia, nilai ekspor biji kopi dan kopi olahan (hilirisasi) serta dampak hilirisasi kopi terhadap perekonomian Indonesia dilihat dari penciptaan output, tenaga kerja dan pendapatan.
Dengan menggunakan metode Ordinary Least Square dan Analisis Input Output, penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pengenaan PPN berdampak negatif pada luasan lahan perkebunan kopi Indonesia. Pada saat terjadi pengenaan PPN, lahan perkebunan kopi Indonesia berkurang, dan semakin bertambah ketika terjadi pembebasan PPN. Sedangkan dampak pengenaan PPN terhadap nilai ekspor biji kopi adalah negatif namun tidak signifikan, tetapi berdampak negatif dan signifikan terhadap kegiatan hilirisasi yang dilihat dari pengurangan nilai ekspor kopi olahan. Adapun penurunan nilai ekspor biji olahan tersebut akan berpotensi mengurangi output perekonomian dalam negeri, mengurangi tingkat pendapatan rumah tangga dan penyerapan lapangan kerja di sektor yang terkait dengan industri hulu dan hilir tanaman kopi.

This research bases on the matter PP no. 31 in 2007 submitted by Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) 2014 to the Supreme Court (MA) of the agricultural products as opposed to the (VAT) Law, Article 4a, where law VAT of the agricultural products, not including goods, that is excluded from the imposition of the owed VAT. In the end the materil granted by Supreme Court through the award of Supreme Court Number 70p/hum/2014 on taxes increase in value over the agricultural products which resulting from agriculture, plantation, and forestry. The purpose of this research is to find the impact of the imposition of VAT the land on the capacity of coffee plantations, export of coffee and the export of coffee processed (downstream process) and the impacts of downstream process of coffee on the economy Indonesia seen from the creation of output, labor and income.
By Using Ordinary Least Square and Input Output methods, the result of this research concluded the VAT has a negative impact on the capacity of coffee land in Indonesia. In the event of the imposition of VAT, Indonesian coffee are reduced, and has been increased when the VAT exemption. While the impact the imposition of VAT on the export value of coffee beans is negative but insignificant, but have a negative impact and significant of the downstream process viewed from reduction value the export of coffee processed. As for reduction in the value of export of processed is to be potential to decrease output domestic economy, reduce the household income and absorption of employment opportunities in sectors related with the the upstream and downstream industries coffee plant.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purba, Ronny Johannes
"The imposition of VAT on the transfer of ownership of recording products is by the redemption of VAT paid-stamp. VAT is imposed at the recording product producer stage, before those products being sold. The distribution channel of the recording product is started from the distributor, agents, the distributor is no longer charged with VAT. In the VAT regulations the principle of the imposition is a multi stage tax. Which means VAT is collected at every stage of production chain and distribution. Under this VAT levy policy, the tax payer is obliged to redeem the indebted VAT to acquire the VAT paid-stamp of the recording products. The tax imposition bases used to calculate the VAT is the average selling price of the recording products.
The important point in this thesis is the grounds and laws on which the government to base the VAT levy policy on the recording products. In relation to the policy implementation is also questioned the level to which it influences the produce of recording products.
The research method used in this thesis is quantitative description with: frequency percentage. The respondents of this research stem from the representative: of recording products producer?s associations trough questionnaires and interviews. The above-mentioned associations consist of 4 (four) associations appointed to recommend the VAT paid-stamp redemption. As comparison, the research also involved some interviews with several Senior Official at The Directorate General of Tax.
The result of the research reveals that most of the recording product producers have no objection to the VAT imposition policy on the recording products. Nevertheless the service to provide the VAT paid-stamp must be improved. The conclusion of this research shows that there is no adequate laws on which the VAT is based to regulate the VAT levy on the voice recording products. The basic consideration to charge VAT on the voice recording products is merely in order to increase revenue from VAT, the simplicity of Administration and the supervision of the voice recording products tax payer.
Based on the result of the research it is suggested that the government should provide laws as foundation for the VAT regulation regarding to VAT levy on the voice recording products. The service provided for the redemption of the VAT paid-stamp needs to be improved. To improve supervision on the price of voice recording products in the market. Procedures on the excessive unused VAT paid-stamps management. The handling and control on the selling of counterfeited VAT paid-stamp.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Subandono Rachmadi
"The submission of recording products which include video and/or audio recording is regarded as submission of Tax Payable Goods that are imposed or payable of Value Added Tax. That provision is implicitly regulated in The Law No.8/1983 regarding Value Added Tax, as was last changed by Law No. 18/2000. Even though the alteration of the provision was regulated within different chapter, substantially the provision of Value Added Tax imposition on the submission of Video and/or audio recording products remains unchanged.
Further guidance toward the implementation of the Law was issued by The Minister of Finance and The Director General of Tax for its realization. The guidance of implementation is periodically modified to meet with particular condition. Up to this time, the guidance that has become the support for the implementation of VAT collection on video and/or audio recording products is The Decision of The Minister of Finance No.KMK-251/KMK.04/2002 dated May 31,2002 regarding the Alteration of the Decision of the Minister of Finance No.567/KMK.04/2000 concerning Other Value as Tax Assessment Base; The Decision of the Finance Minister No.KMK-86/KMK.03/2002 dated March 8,2002 concerning The System of Sticker Application in collecting and paying of VAT on the Submission of Video Recording products; The Decision of The Minister of Finance No.KMK-174/KMK.03/2004 dated April 2,2004 regarding Value Added Tax on the Submission of Audio Recording Products; The Decision of Director General of Tax No.KEP-81/PJ./2004 dated April 24,2004 and July 20,2004 concerning the determination of shape, size, color, contents, value text of VAT-PAID sticker and Assessment Base to calculate VAT on the Submission of Video Recording Products and the Pointing-out of Association that gives recommendation to the payment settlement of VAT-PAID sticker and system of settlement and its report; The Circular of The Director General of Tax No. SE-08/PJ.51/2003 dated April 2,2003 concerning the Value Added Tax on the Submission of Audio Recording products or Video Recording Products by distributor or agency or such; and the Circular ofthe Director General of Tax No. SE-05/PJ.51/2004 dated July 20, 2004, Issuance of Correction of the Decision by The Director General of Tax No.KEP-81/PJ./2004 regarding Value Added Tax on the submission of Audio Recording Products.
The mechanism of Value Added Tax collection on recording products as regulated in the above-said provisions has many controversial factors, for example, the collection of Value Added Tax that are imposed only to manufacturer level. Compared to the mechanism of Value Added Tax collection commonly applied, the so many controversial factors resulting will create problems to the neutrality of Value Added Tax as tax on consumption and also to the calculation of payable tax.
Problems over the imposition of Value Added Tax on the submission of video and/or audio recording products are analysed using descriptive-research analysis method. Justifying the Law of Value Added Tax 1984 and footing on the theory about Value Added Tax, there are some findings that the provisions regulating the mechanism of Value Added Tax collection on the submission of these recording products have given negative impacts to the Nation?s income in its implementation. Value Added Tax collection applied only to the producers' level and the Tax Assesment based on the given average Selling Price changes Value Added Tax to become single stage tax that potentially causes the loss of value added objects appearing within the distributors level and multiple-tax imposition. Viewed from the side of the yuridical formal and material justification, the said provisions not only deform the neutrality of Value Added Tax as tax on consumption, but also are in defiance ofthe Law of Value Added Tax of 1984.
The conclusion of the analysis over the problems is that the mechanism of VAT imposition on the submission of recording products has not achieved the targeted goal as mentioned in the VAT Law and the philosophy of VAT imposition as tax on consumption. The neglected neutrality in this tax imposition shall give influence toward the Tax Payers in calculating their payable tax that can also affect to the Nation?s Income. It is therefore proposed that improvement efforts be made by changing current implementation guidance with a new one that yuridical formal cmd material are not against VAT Law and in conformance with the philosophy of VAT as tax on consumption, but the improvement of the system shall be endeavored not to cause signiticant loss to the Nation."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Made Laksmi Sena Hartini
"Kegiatan usaha perbankan meliputi kegiatan penghimpunan dana, penyaluran dana dan kegiatan usaha perbankan lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengenaan PPN pada Bank Umum pasca amandemen ketiga UU PPN dan terbitnya SE-121/PJ/2010 dan untuk mengetahui sistem pengenaan PPN pada industri perbankan di negara lain yaitu Australia dan New Zealand. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yang bersifat eksplorasi dan deskriptif. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi literatur dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, pengenaan PPN pada sektor industri perbankan pasca amandemen ketiga UU PPN mengalami perubahan yang material yang mengakibatkan terdapatnya ketidakpastian hukum. Terbitnya Surat Edaran Dirjen Pajak Nomor SE-121/PJ/2010 mengenai penegasan perlakukan pajak pertambahan nilai atas kegiatan usaha perbankan belum dapat berlaku efektif sepenuhnya. Modifikasi sistem pengecualian yang diterapkan di Australia dan New Zealand belum dapat diterapkan di Indonesia karena diperkirakan akan dapat mengakibatkan tergangunya penerimaan pajak negara dan dapat memberatkan administrasi.

Banking activities include fund raising activities, disbursement of funds and other banking activities. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in the imposition of VAT on Commercial Bank after the third amendment of the VAT Act and the publication SE-121/PJ/2010 and to determine the VAT system in the banking industry in other countries like Australia and New Zealand. This study uses an approach that is exploratory and descriptive. The research method used is a literature study with a qualitative approach. Based on the research, the imposition of VAT on the banking sector after the third amendment of the VAT Act are material changes that result in the presence of legal uncertainty. Publication SE-121/PJ/2010 concerning affirmation treatment VAT on banking activities can not be fully effective. Modification of exemption system that apply in Australia and New Zealand can not be applied in Indonesia as expected may result disturb state tax revenue and administrative burden.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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