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Siregar, Rosi L. Vini
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai Proses pemberdayaan ekonomi Pondok Bina Tani oleh PT. Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk., peran pendamping, dan hambatan-hambatan yang terjadi selama pelaksanaan program. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan teknik pemilihan informan purposive sampling. Metode pengumpulan data melalui studi literatur, wawancara, dan observasi serta teknik penarikan informan dengan menggunakan metode purposif sampling.
Hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan bahwa dalam pelaksanaan program pemberdayaan perusahaan telah berusaha menggunakan pendekatan pemberdayaan untuk mencapai sustainabilitas program. Program Tanggung jawab Sosial Perusahaan (TSP) PT. Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk dalam program Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Pondok Bina Tani masih belum optimal, kelompok sasaran masih belum berdaya, dan program masih belum mencapai sustainabilitas. Sehingga dalam pelaksanaan program berikutnya diperlukan adanya perbaikan dalam pendekatan pemberdayaan.

This thesis discusses the process of economic empowerment in Pondok Bina Tani by PT . Toba Pulp Lestari Tbk.. The role of facilitator, and obstacles that occur during the execution of the program . This study used a qualitative approach and the selection of informants purposive sampling technique. Methods of data collection through literature studies, interviews, and observations and sampling technique informants using purposive sampling method
Results of this study illustrate that in the implementation of development programs the company has tried to use the empowerment approach to achieve sustainability program. CSR program PT. Toba Pulp Lestari Tbk in Economic Empowerment program Pondok Bina Tani is still not optimal , the target group is still powerless, and the program has yet to reach sustainability. So in the implementation of the next program is required for improvement in the empowerment approach
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Grace Esther
"Pada masa sekarang, implementasi tanggung jawab sosial menjadi strategi perusahaan dalam menjawab tuntutan masyarakat. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, penelitian ini memperlihatkan bagaimana reputasi dan hubungan perusahaan dengan masyarakat sekitar setelah PT Toba Pulp Lestari Tbk. melaksanakan tanggung jawab sosial. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah wawancara mendalam dengan teknik analisis tematik. Temuan penelitian ini adalah setelah melakukan CSR reputasi dan hubungan perusahaan dengan masyarakat sekitar membaik. Temuan lain adalah adanya tuntutan terhadap perusahaan melaksanakan komunikasi dua arah dan transparansi dengan masyarakat sekitar mengenai pelaksanaan kegiatan tanggung jawab sosial.

Nowadays, the implementation of corporate social responsibility become a strategy in answering social pressure. Through qualitative approach, this research tries to show how the corporate reputation and its relationship with the society after the implementation of CSR by PT. Toba Pulp Lestari Tbk. In-depth interview is used in collecting data from certain informants. The data will be analyzed by using thematic analysis. The finding of this research is after the implementation of CSR, corporate reputation and its relationship with the society are getting better. Another finding is corporate is asked to do two way communication and transparency.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Respiratori Saddam Al Jihad
Penelitian ini tentang peran kapital sosial dalam UKM pada program CSR
PT.Artajasa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan
pendekatan kualitatif. Data yang dikumpulkan dengan studi dokumentasi,
observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Kesimpulannya adalah bahwa Peran kapital
sosial yang melibatkan berbagai pemangku kepentingan dalam pemberdayaan
UKM di Desa Wancimekar dapat bersinergi melalui Program CSR PT. Artajasa
dan Sinergi antara pemerintah dan PT Artajasa menghasilkan Peraturan Daerah
No.3 Tahun 2015 tentang pemberdayaan Koperasi dan UMKM. Rekomendasi
nya adalah PT.Artajasa perlu melakukan program berkesinambungan yang
konsisten dalam pemberdayaan UKM.

This research is about the role of social capital in SMEs on PT.Artajasa?s CSR
program. This research used qualitative descriptive approach. The data were
collected by documentation study, observation and in depth interview. The
conclusion of this research is the role of social capital that involves various
stakeholders in SMEs empowerment at Wancimekar village can be integrated
throught PT. Artajasa?s CSR program. The synergy between government and
PT.Artajasa results Regional Government Regulation No.3 Year 2015 about
empowerment of cooperatives and SMEs. Accordingly, the recommendations of
this research is PT.Artjasa needs to have a consistent sustainable in SMEs
empowerment program."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ronny Khalishadi Suryanegara
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang Pelaksanaan Program Inovasi Tambak Bagi Kelompok Tani Mina Lestari Sebagai Bagian Pelaksanaan Corporate Social Responsibility (Studi Kasus Program Kemitraan Dan Bina Lingkungan PT. PLN (Persero) PLTU Lontar dengan metode deskriptif dan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini memaparkan tentang pelaksanaan program inovasi tambak bagi kelompok tani mina lestari. Selain itu penelitian ini juga mencoba menggambarkan faktor pendukung dan penghambat pelaksanaan program inovasi tambak bagi kelompok tani mina lestari.

This thesis discusses abou the implementation of innovative pond programs for farmer groups mina farm sustainably as part of Corporate Social Responsibility (A Case Study of the Partnership and Community Development PT. PLN (Persero) PLTU Lontar). This research is qualitative with descriptive interpretive. The data were collected by means depth interview. The results showed process of program implementation and the factors supporting and inhibiting the implementation program.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Girsang, Benny Parlindungan
"Tesis ini merupakan hasil penelitian tentang pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui kelompok dalam Program Kredit Taskin Inkra. Juga dibahas tentang faktor pendukung dan penghambat proses pemberdayaan. Program Kredit Taskin Inkra untuk mengatasi kemiskinan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kegiatan usaha ekonomi produktif keluarga-keluarga yang tergabung dalam kelompok Taskin lndustri Kecil dan kerajinan rakyat guna meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarganya. Peraksanaan Program Kredit Taskin Inkra di Kecamatan Porsea merupakan hasil kerjasama antara Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Toba Samosir dengan PT. Bank Sumatera Utara dengan memberikan kredit modal usaha kepada kelompok taskin berdasarkan tanggung jawab bersama (tanggung renteng).
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang menghasilkan data deskriptif yang diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam dengan para informan, observasi dan studi kepustakaan. Pemilihan informan dilakukan secara purposive dan snowball sampling terhadap aparat pemerintah daerah, tim teknis, petugas pendamping, kepala desa, tokoh masyarakat dan Kelompok Tenun Siragi dengan jumlah 20 orang. Hasil penelitian dianalisa dengan mengaitkan kebijakan program dan kerangka pemikiran tentang kemiskinan, pembangunan daerah, industri kecil, pemberdayaan masyarakat serta partisipasi.
Dalam tahap sosialisasi, peserta tidak hanya mendengar namun diberi kesempatan untuk bertanya apabila ada hal yang kurang dimengerti. Selanjutnya peserta sosialisasi ikut berpartisipasi untuk mensosialisasikan program di desa masing-masing, membantu tugas dari tim teknis, sehingga tujuan sosialisasi dapat tercapai. Dalam tahap pelaksanaan, peran petugas pendamping memberdayakan kelompok terlihat pada kegiatan pembinaan tehnis dan manajemen usaha, khususnya pengajuan usulan kredit dan pelaporan.
Pelaksanaan proses pemberdayaan masyarakat terlihat sejak awal, pembentukan kelompok merupakan syarat utama untuk memperoleh kredit taskin inkra, diserahkan sepenuhnya kepada para pengusaha industri kecil dan pengrajin tanpa campur tangan dari pihak manapun. Dalam tahap pelaksanaan kegiatan pembinaan tehnis dan manajemen usaha dilakukan petugas pendamping dengan cara diskusi kelompok, anggota kelompok memperoleh penambahan pengetahuan dan keterampilan tentang ragam ulos untuk souvenir dan pemasaran ulos secara bersama-sama. Variasi ulos untuk meningkatkan pendapatan mereka dan pemasaran bersama dapat mengurangi waktu pemasaran yang dapat dipergunakan untuk mempercepat pembuatan ulos. Dalam kegiatan penyusunan usulan kredit dan pelaporan, petugas pendamping turut membantu diminta oleh anggota kelompok, namun pada dasarnya, sepenuhnya diserahkan kepada kelompok.
Dalam pelaksanaan Program Kredit Taskin Inkra masih terdapat faktor penghambat baik dari anggota kelompok maupun dari petugas pendamping. Faktor penghambat dari anggota kelompok adalah rendahnya tingkat pendidikan yang didominasi tamatan SD dan SLTP, usia diatas 40-an juga berpengaruh terhadap rendahnya motivasi belajar bidang admisnistrasi serta pembuatan laporan. Untuk mengatasinya petugas mengadakan kunjungan rumah dan mengingatkan pentingnya laporan untuk perbaikan kebijakan atau pengembangan program. Faktor penghambat yang lain adalah kurangnya koordinasi petugas pendamping dalam pembagian tugas serta proses administrasi (pengisian formulir) yang cenderung menyulitkan anggota kelompok.
Disamping faktor penghambat juga terdapat faktor pendukung seperti prilaku masyarakat yang terbuka, ikatan kekeluargaan antara anggota kelompok serta lokasi yang strategis. Merujuk kepada faktor penghambat di atas, dikemukakan saran yang sekiranya dapat diterapkan pada program yang akan datang yakni ; kepada pemerintah daerah, diperhatikan peran masing-masing petugas pendamping serta dilakukan pemantauan dan pembinaan oleh tim teknis, di masa mendatang para suami hendaknya ikut diberdayakan dengan memantapkan peran pendamping dari BKKBN, sekiranya memungkinkan dibentuk lebih dari satu kelompok pada program yang akan datang karena tampaknya dana dapat dikembangkan; kepada anggota kelompok, direncanakan pengembangan usaha; kepada petugas pendamping, secara berkata mengawasi pembuatan ulos agar kualitas dan motif ulos tetap terjaga, pendamping dari Kantor Koperasi berperan dalam pemasaran dan pembentukan Koperasi.
ix + 6 bab + 134 halaman + 3 lampiran + Bibliograf 48 buku + 8 Peraturan Perundang-undangan dan lain-lain (1977 s/d 2002)"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"In Indonesia corporate social responsibility concept (CSR) has been adopted by a large part of big companies and intermediate, include demestic,national and also multinational
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elis Fauziyah
"The pressure from non marketing to the company getting bigger as public society and world awareness about big part of the company to human life getting higher. This pressure in later on push the development of application of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) concept as one of company's strategy to guarantee its business. The development of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) has been assumed to existed along time ago but the definition of its concept start in 1950 (Carol], 1999). The development of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) create Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) definition that has its meaning from carivative activities to the one that integrated to business. But there are some similarities which is balance between looking for the profit and concerning social activities and environment (SWA 2005; 46). The development of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) in Indonesia has been in discussion since 1995.
The purpose of this research are to know: (I) company's understanding of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) ; (2) how far CSR application has been implemented, (3) factors that influenced CSR implementation. This research is expected to catch diversity of pattern of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) that can contribute to the knowledge in mapping of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) practice in Indonesia.
Type of research in Qualitative research method is explorative with study case research strategy. Companies that being researched are four companies with different industry background but all of them been operated in Indonesia as also the main player in each industry. Four companies that been selected are PT. NEWMONT INDONESIA in mining field, PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk in agriculture business, PT PLN Jakarta and Tangerang (Persero) and KOMPAS-GRAMEDIA Group in services. Data that been collected is analized by using comparative study to see comparative to see the similarities and differencies in CSR implementation between companies.
The result of this research shown that the four companies have different pattern in understanding and maintain CSR implementation. Newmont understood CSR as a form of responsibility for having privilege to operate and develop (threatened demand). PT PLN and AAL understood as a care form to the society around the company in order to be part of the society as in the end they can support its operation (profit). Different that the three companies earlier, KKGN not really take CSR to company's profit. KKG understood CSR as a form of care that comes from moral obligation and to answer society expectation (moral).
The similarities from the four companies are they realize the importance of CSR implementation in their operation process. Generally, the companies understood the CSR concept as an effort of the company to have society support by giving them positive contribution to external stakeholder company. There is a similarity in Respondent definition in four companies, confidence in existence of take and give law.
CSR definitions in four companies in general have three propositions where CSR are:
1. Company's obligation, which can be seen from company's commitments in its policy, programs, resources allocation (funding, human resources, time and energy), organizational structure, evaluation and reporting process as a responsible manner to its operation to society.
2. To improve the welfare of society, for example through improvement in economic, education, health, infrastructure, etc.
3. To support company's operation, such as resources supply, asset protection, consumer creation, etc.
From CSR implementation side, this research concluded that (I) CSR policy still in general form of company's Code of Conduct; (2) trend to choose CSR issues that appropriate with company's competency and resources. (3) trend to use CSR in charity form; (4) put CSR in external relation function; (5) except Kompas, company use internal funding for CSR initiatives; (6) CSR evaluation and reporting tend to be internally conducted. Based on Malkasian (2004) Newmont has the higher level of commitment then the other three companies.
Factor that seem to be influencing CSR understanding and implementation are context, operational impact, and internal condition of company.
Suggestions for managerial in implementing CSR are (I) give attention on internal CSR; (2) give attention also in minimalize negative impact on operation; (3) integrating CSR with business process; (4) increasing transparency in evaluating and reporting CSR to external stakeholders.
Suggestions for next research are (1) conduct explanative study in proofing factors that influence CSR understanding and implementation; (2) deep research in the real process of CSR in the field; (3) historical study to find CSR motives; (4) deeper examination about CSR and business process and value chain management.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cynthia Permatasari
Nama : Cynthia Permatasari Program Studi : Magister IlmuKesejahteraanSosial ndash; FISIP UI Judul : PerananPT. Persero Bank Negara Indonesia, TbkdanKoperasiDalamMenujuKemandirianEkonomi. StudiDeskriptif: KoperasiCaturMakaryo di Kampoeng BNI Imogiri di DesaKarangtengah, Imogiri, Bantul, D.I. Yogyakarta PembentukanKoperasiCaturMakaryo dan hadirnya PKBL BNI,dilatarbelakangiolehketerpurukanhidupwargaDesaKarangtengahkarenahadirnyarenteniratau lsquo;bank plecit yang merajalela di wilayahtersebutdanketerbatasan modal yang dibutuhkanuntukmengembanganusaha yang dijalaniolehwargasetempat.Penelitianinidilakukandenganmenggunakanmetodekualitatifdeskriptif. Adapunpenelitianinibertujuanuntukmenjelaskanperanankoperasicaturmakaryodan PKBL BNI dalampenanggulanganpinjamanberbunga di kalanganpetanimiskin. Hasilpenelitianmenunjukkanbahwa PKBL BNI danKoperasiCaturMakaryomemiliki lima peranan yang telahdijalankan, yaitu: menyelamatkanDesadari lsquo;bank plecit rsquo;; memfasilitasianggotakoperasiuntukmemperolehpinjamandanpelatihan; menjalinkerjasamaantara BNI danKoperasi; meningkatkantarafhidupdankesejahteraanwargaDesaKarangtengah; danmelakukan monitoring usahaanggotakoperasidanevaluasiperkembangankoperasi. Kata Kunci: Koperasi, KemandirianEkonomi, PKBL BNI.
Name Cynthia Permatasari Study Program Magister IlmuKesejahteraanSosial ndash FISIP UI Title The Role of PT. Persero Bank Negara Indonesia, Tbk with the cooperative to Economic Independences. Study Description CaturMakaryo Cooperatives at Kampoeng BNI Imogiri in DesaKarangtengah, Imogiri, Bantul, D.I. Yogyakarta The formation of CSR BNI and CaturMakaryoCooperative is motivated by the deterioration of the life of the Karangtengah rsquo s villagers due to the presence of loan sharks or lsquo bank plecit rsquo in the region and the limited capital needed to develop money businesses undertaken by local residents. This research was conducted by qualitative desciptive method. As for this study aims to explain the role of CaturMakaryoCooperative in the direction of economic independence in the Vilage of Karangtengah, Imogiri, Bantul, Special Region of Yogyakarta and to know the supporting and inhibiting factors of CaturMakaryoCooperative role. The results of the study show that CaturMakaryoCooperative have five roles that have been implemented, consisting of saving villages from lsquo bank plecit rsquo facilitating members of cooperative to obtain loans and training bridging between members cooperative with BNI improving living standards and welfare of rural villagers and monitoring cooperative members rsquo business and evaluation of cooperative development. Keywords Cooperative, Economic Independences PKBL BNI."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irma Welliani Ridwan
"Penelitian ini membahas implementasi, tahapan kemitraan dan manfaat kemitraan rantai pasokan Program Pengembangan Petani Kedelai Hitam (P3KH) terhadap program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) PT. Unilever Indonesia, Tbk. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, pertama dalam melakukan implementasi kemitraan rantai pasokan sebagai program CSR tahapan need assesment pemetaan sosial penerima manfaat dan potensi wilayah menentukan keberhasilan dan keberlanjutan program. Kedua, terjadinya pergeseran paradigma CSR ke Creating Share Value. Ketiga, kehadiran P3KH di Pringkuku dirasakan manfaatnya bagi sebagian besar petani kedelai hitam, meskipun belum signifikan pada peningkatan pendapatan para petani tetapi tetap dapat menjadi penghasilan tambahan selain pendapatan utamanya. Manfaat bagi Unilever adalah terjaminannya ketersediaan rantai pasokan.

This study discusses the implementation stages of partnership and the benefits of supply chain partnerships Black Soybean Farmers Development Program (P3KH) on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) PT Unilever Indonesia, Tbk. This study used descriptive qualitative approach. The results showed, first in implementing supply chain partnerships as CSR program needs assessment stage of social mapping areas of potential beneficiaries and determine the success and sustainability of the program. Second, a paradigm shift CSR to Creating Share Value. Third, the presence P3KH in Pringkuku perceived benefits for the majority of black soybean farmers, although not significant in increasing farmers' income, but still can be an extra income in addition to its main income. Benefits for Unilever is availability guaranteed of the supply chain.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This study tries to explain some of the basic reasons behind the Porsean local community's strong demand to close PT Indorayon (now Toba Pulp Lestari- TPL) located in Porsea. The larger community are aware in the past Indorayon had afforded great financial gain to Indorayon's shareholders but the local community has had no such access to these financial gains despite the fact that mill is based on their own land. Wrong management has also contributed to the Indorayon's conflict and consequently, the local community has been greatly antagonised and the antipathy towards Indorayon has slowly but intensively grown. Another finding is the existence of numerous NGO's founded by the Tobanese society's intellectuals which have differing vested interests but all exploit the Indorayon problem as the sole reason for their existence. The research was conducted using the qualitative method. The data in the study was obtained by using participant observation and in depth consultation with certain interviews. For data analysing, the study the descriptive and the triangulation techniques."
340 JEPX 24:1 (2004)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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