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Fera Azrita Khairunura
"Dalam relasinya dengan ranah dunia industri, seni dan segala wujud aktivitas berkesenian tidak lagi dilihat sebatas pada kemampuannya mewujudkan kreasi bentuk dari kualitas-kualitas kehidupan manusia, melainkan sejauh mana ia mampu menciptakan daya konsumsi pasar. Sebagai konsekwensinya, seni pun cenderung kehilangan „aura? sejatinya (kehilangan wibawa/hak aslinya, hingga menjadi sangat bergantung pada kesukaan dan kegemaran massa selaku pihak konsumen). Alienasi dan fethisisme lantas menjadi dilemma sekaligus problematika klasik yang senantiasa menyertai situasi serta kondisi semacam ini. Dari sudut pandang para star, alienasi yang mampu menggeser posisi berbagai bentuk karya musik sebagai objek hasil ciptaan mereka, menjadi subjek yang justru dengan kekuatannya sendiri memiliki “kuasa” untuk mengarahkan pilihan-pilihannya dalam bermusik, akhirnya melahirkan model pemujaan (fetish) terhadap bentuk-bentuk karya tersebut, yang bahkan tidak lagi mencerminkan diri mereka didalamnya. Namun demikian, segenap rangkaian proses perjalanan Storia sebagai satu kelompok musik (band) pendatang baru yang tengah berupaya menapaki rangkaian proses perjalanannya sebagai star di kancah blantika industri musik tanah air, nyatanya menunjukkan bahwa diluar dari dilemma dan problematika khas ranah dunia industri tersebut, tiap-tiap keputusan penting hingga perubahan-perubahan besar di tubuh sang bintang sesungguhnya justru berakar dari beragam konstruksi moda relasi yang terwujud diantara para aktor terkait. Disisi lain, gambaran seperti ini secara tidak langsung juga menegaskan bagaimana perihal orientasi bermusik dari para musisi di realitas ranah dunia industri yang hadir lewat kategori-kategori anonim penanda status maupun peranan mereka terkait klasifikasi bidang pekerjaan/keahlian, seperti; istilah star, sessionist, composer, arranger, vocal director, dan lain sebagainya, sejatinya merupakan imajinasi dari para aktor, yang mewujud ke dalam tindakan maupun proses sosial, melalui relasinya antara satu sama lain. Begitu pula halnya sebagai sebuah sistem gagasan yang besar lagi kokoh, kedudukan kapitalisme sebagai basis logika yang memayungi realitas dunia industri modern saat ini, tetap saja tidaklah ajeg, melainkan sangat luwes, dinamis, serta kontekstual.

Arts and all forms of artistic activities is no longer limited to its ability to materialize the quality of life into the creation of a form, but the extent to which it can create the consumption capacity of the market. This is especially true in its context to the realm of industry. Consequently, arts tend to loose its true 'aura' (loosing its power / basic right, so it is highly dependent on the preferences and craze of the mass as the consumers). Alienation and fetishism then become a dilemma as well as classic problems that usually arise in this kind of situation and conditions. From the star point of view, alienation can shift the position of various forms of musical product as the product of their creations to become a subject precisely that just with its own strength has the "power" to determine his choices in music. This eventually ends up with worship (fetish) against the product, which does not even reflect themselves in it any more. However, the whole processes that Storia has gone through as a new group (Band) crafting its way up in the arena of music industry in the country, in fact, shows that beyond the typical dilemma and problems of the industry, every important decision, even up to major changes in the existence of the star, is actually rooted from the diverse forms or modes of relationships between the stakeholders involved. On the other hand, this picture also indirectly confirms, how musical orientation of the musicians in the industry exists through the anonymous categories, marked by their status as well as roles in relations to the types of work/expertise they do in music. Terms such as star, sessionist, composer, arranger, vocal director, and so forth, are actually the imagination of the actors that manifests into actions and social processs, through their relationships with each other. Similarly, as a great and robust system of ideas, the position of capitalism as the basic logics that overarches the reality of the modern industry today, is still not steady, but very flexible, dynamic and contextual."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aliefia Augustine
"Penelitian ini mengenai agensi perempuan dalam industri musik independen di Indonesia. Penulis berargumen bahwa musisi perempuan mempraktikkan otonomi dalam tatanan dunia patriarkis–di mana perempuan memiliki sedikit kesempatan untuk angkat bicara (Yab et al., 2022)--dan kapitalis–di mana industri jasa secara umum dan musik secara khusus terpusat di pulau Jawa dan Bali (Resmadi & Batari, 2020). Meskipun literatur akademik dan temuan riset menunjukkan bahwa musisi dari kelompok budaya non-dominan sulit berpartisipasi dalam industri musik, penulis berargumen bahwa musik independen memberikan bukti sebaliknya. Dengan mengambil kasus kelompok musik perempuan asal Lombok, The Dare. Kelompok musik perempuan ini mempraktikkan feminisme di tengah komersialisasi musik independen Indonesia yang didominasi laki-laki. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami praktik feminisme dalam karya The Dare dengan menggunakan data sekunder. Penulis meminjam konsep reproduksi ideologi feminisme dan partisipasi audiens (Keltie, 2017) untuk mencapai tujuan ini. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa The Dare mempraktikkan agensi melalui partisipasi audiens, dan mempromosikan feminisme melalui pertunjukan dan citra yang mereka bangun di dalam jaringan maupun di luar jaringan.  

This journal is about women musicians’ agency in Indonesia’s independent music industry. In this journal, the author argues that women musicians practice autonomy in a patriarchal world–where there is only a small opportunity for women to speak up (Yab et al., 2022)–and a capitalist world–where service industry in general and specifically music industry focused in Java and Bali (Resmadi & Batari, 2020). Even though many literature and academic findings show that musicians who come dari marginalized cultures find it hard to participate in the music industry, the author argues that independent music proves the opposite. By looking at The Dare, a girl group from Lombok. This girl group practices feminism amidst the commercialization of Indonesia’s independent music industry which is dominated by men. This research aims to understand the feminism practice by The Dare with secondary data. The author uses feminism ideology reproduction and audience participation concept (Keltie, 2017) to achieve the result. This research finds that The Dare practice agency through audience participation and promoting feminism through their act and online-offline branding."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vitorio Mantalean
Kemapanan major label yang notabene pihak paling berpengaruh dalam industri musik populer mengalami guncangan akibat demokratisasi akses yang disebabkan oleh revolusi digital, tak terkecuali di Indonesia. Hal tersebut membuat major label perlu mencari berbagai sumber pemasukan baru sejak bisnis music sales tak lagi dapat diandalkan sebagai tumpuan pendapatan. Grup band Nidji yang masuk pada saat industri musik populer Indonesia tengah limbung rupanya tetap mampu bertahan di saat banyak grup band seusianya lenyap tertelan ganasnya ombak industri. Melalui pendekatan kualitatif, penelitian studi kasus ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana Nidji sanggup mempertahankan diri sebagai grup band yang tetap populer dan produktif pada era keterpurukan industri musik populer Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesediaan Nidji menjadi ujung tombak pemasukan Musica Studio dalam bisnis manajemen artis membuat Nidji tetap dapat produktif dan populer selagi menguntungkan Musica Studio sebagai major label yang menaunginya. Selain itu, Musica Studio sebagai major label juga menerapkan sejumlah strategi guna menciptakan efisiensi produksi karya musik seraya melakukan ekspansi bisnis ke bidang-bidang lain.

The democratization of access caused by digital revolution shook the status quo of major label as the most influencing and decisive player in the pop music industry, including in Indonesia. It urged major labels to search for new sources of revenue since music sales business was no longer reliable. Music group Nidji, that stepped in at the time of Indonesia 39 s pop music industry was unsteady, apparently are still able to survive until now while other groups their age are drowning. Using qualitative approach, this case study research aims to find out how Nidji could maintain themselves as productive and popular music group in the adversity era of Indonesia pop music industry. The result shows that Nidji rsquo s willingness to be the spearhead of Musica Studio rsquo s revenue in artist management business kept themselves productive and popular while at the same time helped Musica Studio securing their revenue stream. In the other hand, Musica Studio as the major label also applied some strategies to create production efficiency while expanding their business to another sectors. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Forbes, Clark
Autralia: Hutchinson, 1989
927.816 7 FOR w
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Santana, Carlos
An intimate account by the rock music artist traces his hardscrabble youth in Mexico and early days as a promising guitarist through his influential collaborations with fellow Latin stars."
New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2014
782.421 SAN u
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rian Isidoro
Skripsi ini menjelaskan tentang cerita hidup seorang penyanyi solo yang bernama Kartika Jahja. Dalam cerita hidup nya ia mengalami beberapa peristiwa traumatis yang menciptakan teror dalam dirinya. Musik memiliki fungsi untuk menyampaikan pesan sebagai bentuk penggambaran pengalaman teror yang dialaminya. Selain itu dalam karyanya yang bertransformasi ia juga mengisyaratkan kebangkitan dari teror. Musik dijadikan sebagai sebuah katarsis untuk mengobati luka dalam jiwa dan tubuhnya yang diakibatkan oleh peristiwa traumatis yang menciptakan teror. Teknik partisipan observasi dan wawancara mendalam dilakukan dalam penelitian untuk melihat peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi dalam kehidupannya. Melihat narasi-narasi pengalaman hidup berguna untuk mengetahui bagaimana kejadian-kejadian dalam kehidupan musisi mempengaruhi pembentukan karyanya begitu pula sebaliknya.

This undergraduate thesis explain about life of a soloist named Kartika Jahja. Along Her life story, she had several traumatic moment that create the “terror”. Music had function to deliver message as a methaphor for her experience of terror that she had. Then, on her transformed music, she tried to tell about her struggle to stand back against terror. Music was made as a catarsist to heal the wound on her body and mind that was created by trauma which in turn shape the terror. Participant observation and in-depth interview was done in this research for viewing events that happens on her life. Viewing this series of events is used for knowing how in her life as a musician some events affects her pieces of an art and vice versa.;`This undergraduate thesis explain about life of a soloist named Kartika Jahja. Along Her life story, she had several traumatic moment that create the “terror”. Music had function to deliver message as a methaphor for her experience of terror that she had. Then, on her transformed music, she tried to tell about her struggle to stand back against terror. Music was made as a catarsist to heal the wound on her body and mind that was created by trauma which in turn shape the terror. Participant observation and in-depth interview was done in this research for viewing events that happens on her life. Viewing this series of events is used for knowing how in her life as a musician some events affects her pieces of an art and vice versa., `This undergraduate thesis explain about life of a soloist named Kartika Jahja. Along Her life story, she had several traumatic moment that create the “terror”. Music had function to deliver message as a methaphor for her experience of terror that she had. Then, on her transformed music, she tried to tell about her struggle to stand back against terror. Music was made as a catarsist to heal the wound on her body and mind that was created by trauma which in turn shape the terror. Participant observation and in-depth interview was done in this research for viewing events that happens on her life. Viewing this series of events is used for knowing how in her life as a musician some events affects her pieces of an art and vice versa.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kelik M Nugroho
Jakarta: Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia, 2020
780.598 KEL d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Norris, Frank
New York: Grove Press, 1956
813.54 NOR p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
A. F. Kau Besin
Djakarta: Soeroengan, 1958
780.940 KAU s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Glennon, James.
Adelaide : Rigby, 1968
780.922 GLE a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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