"[Pemasok merupakan bagian dari suatu rantai pasok perusahaan. Pengukuran kinerja pemasok perlu dilakukan oleh perusahaan secara kontinyu karena berpengaruh terhadap kinerja perusahaan. Beberapa literatur telah menjabarkan pentingnya penilaian terhadap manajemen pemasok, namun belum membahas bagaimana proses perancangan kriteria penilaian pemasok dengan seksama dan menyeluruh. Penelitian ini menjelaskan perancangan kriteria kinerja pemasok berdasarkan
ISO/TS 16949 sehingga diharapkan dapat mempermudah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam industri otomotif dalam melakukan evaluasi terhadap pemasok mereka. ISO/TS 16949 adalah suatu Technical Specification yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan produksi automobile parts dan jasa terkait serta memperkuat kompetisi internasional untuk industri otomotif dan para pemasoknya. Berdasarkan tinjauan literatur dan diskusi dengan para pakar maka ditentukan 5 dimensi kriteria
yaitu “Manajemen Pengembangan Proyek Baru”, “Biaya”, “Kinerja Pengiriman”, “Tanggung Jawab Manajemen”, dan “Manajemen Kualitas dan Perbaikan”. Hasil perancangan kriteria-kriteria penelitian ini adalah 27 kriteria yang memiliki ukuran, target, dan bobot. Proses pembobotan merupakan hasil dari Analytic Hierarchy Process;Suppliers are part of supply chain in a company. Supplier performance measurement needs to be done by the company continuously because it affects the performance of the company. Some literature has outlined the importance of an assessment of supplier management, but has not discussed how the design process supplier assessment criteria thoroughly. This study describes the design criteria for the performance of suppliers based on ISO / TS 16949 which is expected to facilitate a company engaged in the automotive industry in evaluating their suppliers. ISO / TS 16949 is a Technical Specification that aims to increase the production of automobile parts and related services, and
strengthen the international competition for the automotive industry and its suppliers. Based on the literature review and discussions with experts, the five dimensions criteria specified, as follows: "New Project Development Management", "Cost", "Delivery Performance", "Management Responsibility", and "Quality Management and Improvement". The results of the design criteria for this study were 27 criteria that have measurement units, targets, and weight. Weighting process is the result of the Analytic Hierarchy Process.;Suppliers are part of supply chain in a company. Supplier performance
measurement needs to be done by the company continuously because it affects the
performance of the company. Some literature has outlined the importance of an
assessment of supplier management, but has not discussed how the design process
supplier assessment criteria thoroughly.
This study describes the design criteria for the performance of suppliers based on
ISO / TS 16949 which is expected to facilitate a company engaged in the automotive
industry in evaluating their suppliers. ISO / TS 16949 is a Technical Specification
that aims to increase the production of automobile parts and related services, and
strengthen the international competition for the automotive industry and its
suppliers. Based on the literature review and discussions with experts, the five
dimensions criteria specified, as follows: "New Project Development
Management", "Cost", "Delivery Performance", "Management Responsibility",
and "Quality Management and Improvement". The results of the design criteria for
this study were 27 criteria that have measurement units, targets, and weight.
Weighting process is the result of the Analytic Hierarchy Process., Suppliers are part of supply chain in a company. Supplier performance
measurement needs to be done by the company continuously because it affects the
performance of the company. Some literature has outlined the importance of an
assessment of supplier management, but has not discussed how the design process
supplier assessment criteria thoroughly.
This study describes the design criteria for the performance of suppliers based on
ISO / TS 16949 which is expected to facilitate a company engaged in the automotive
industry in evaluating their suppliers. ISO / TS 16949 is a Technical Specification
that aims to increase the production of automobile parts and related services, and
strengthen the international competition for the automotive industry and its
suppliers. Based on the literature review and discussions with experts, the five
dimensions criteria specified, as follows: "New Project Development
Management", "Cost", "Delivery Performance", "Management Responsibility",
and "Quality Management and Improvement". The results of the design criteria for
this study were 27 criteria that have measurement units, targets, and weight.
Weighting process is the result of the Analytic Hierarchy Process.]"