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Inez Cassandra
"Introduksi: Gangguan cemas merupakan salah satu gangguan yang sering terjadi pada anak dan remaja. Gangguan cemas dapat berdampak terhadap fungsi sosial maupun fungsi akademik seperti penghindaran sekolah, penurunan performa akademis hingga kejadian terhentinya sekolah. Oleh karena itu, sesuai rekomendasi American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, deteksi dini gangguan cemas pada anak dan remaja penting untuk dilakukan, agar tidak menimbulkan dampak negatif yang lebih berat di kemudian hari. Salah satu kuesioner self-report untuk deteksi dini gangguan cemas pada anak dan remaja adalah Screen for Child Anxiety and Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED) Child Version. Kuesioner ini terdiri dari 41 item dengan waktu pengisian 8 – 10 menit, namun saat ini belum tersedia dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Objektif: Memperoleh SCARED Child Version versi Indonesia yang sahih secara isi dan andal. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain potong lintang dengan tujuan uji validitas isi dan uji reliabilitas. Uji validitas isi dilakukan dengan melibatkan sembilan orang ahli. Uji reliabilitas yang dilakukan adalah uji konsistensi internal pada 123 subjek yang terpilih secara random sampling di dua sekolah menengah pertama (SMP) dan dua sekolah menengah atas (SMA). Hasil: Uji validitas isi kuesioner SCARED Child Version versi Indonesia mendapatkan rerata nilai CVR/Ave sebesar 0,88 dan S-CVI/Ave sebesar 0,94. Uji reliabilitas konsistensi internal kuesioner SCARED Child Version versi Indonesia mendapatkan nilai total Cronbach’s Alpha total sebesar 0,927 dan nilai ICC sebesar 0,928. Simpulan: SCARED Child Version versi Indonesia dapat menjadi alat ukur yang memiliki kesahihan isi (validitas isi) dan keandalan (reliabilitas) yang baik untuk mendeteksi dini gangguan cemas pada remaja.

Introduction: Anxiety disorders are one of the most common disorders in children and adolescents. Anxiety disorders can have an impact on social function and academic function, such as school avoidance, decreasing academic performance and drop out of school. Therefore, according to the recommendations of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, early detection of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents is important, to prevent more severe negative impacts. One of the self-report questionnaires for early detection of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents is the Screen for Child Anxiety and Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED) Child Version. This questionnaire consists of 41 items and can be completed in 8 – 10 minutes, but currently it is not yet available in Indonesian. Objective: To obtain a valid and reliable Indonesian version of SCARED Child Version. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study design, with the aim of testing content validity and reliability. Content validity test was performed by involving nine experts. Reliability test was assessed by measurement of internal consistency, carried out on 123 subjects selected by random sampling from two middle schools and two high schools. Results: The content validity test of the Indonesian version of the SCARED Child Version resulted in CVR/Ave value of 0.88 and S-CVI/Ave of 0.94. The internal consistency reliability test of the Indonesian version of the SCARED Child Version resulted in a total Cronbach's Alpha value of 0.927 and an ICC value of 0.928. Conclusion: The Indonesian version of the SCARED Child Version showed a good content validity and good reliability as a measuring tool for early detection of anxiety disorders in adolescents."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wulandari Arumrahayu
"Tujuan: Tujuan dari penelitian ini digunakan untuk menentukkan validitas dan reliabilitas kuesioner C-OIDP pada anak SMP dengan rentang usia 12-15 tahun di Wilayah DKI Jakarta.
Metode: Versi Bahasa dari C-OIDP dibentuk sesuai dengan pedoman proses adaptasi cross-cultural. Penelitian dilakukan pada 502 anak usia 12 - 15 tahun dari enam SMP Negeri di Jakarta yang dipilih secara acak. Tes psikometrik mencakup konsistensi internal, reliabilitas test-retest, validitas diskriminan, dan validitas konvergen.
Hasil: mean usia subyek penelitian adalah 13.3 tahun (SD ± 0.9) dan 54% subyek penelitian merupakan perempuan. Mean C-OIDP dari peserta adalah 3.49, (SD ±5.61). Konsistensi internal dan reliabilitas test-retest C-OIDP dengan nilai Chronbach’s alpha 0.72 dan intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) 0.61. anak-anak dengan decay aktif, PUFA positif, rongga mulut tidak bersih, atau gingivitis memiliki skor C-OIDP yang lebih rendah secara signifikan (P ≤ 0.001). Dua per tiga (64.9%) dari sampel memiliki paling sedikit satu dampak oral yang berpengaruh pada performa keseharian.
Kesimpulan: C-OIDP versi Bahasa Indonesia berhasil dibuat untuk digunakan sebagai instrumen OHRQoL pada anak-anak usia 12-15 di Indonesia.

Obejctives: The aim of this study is to assess validity and reliability an Indonesian Version of C-OIDP in among 12-15 years old high-school-children in Jakarta.
Method: The Indonesian version of C-OIDP was developed according to the guidelines for the cross-cultural adaptation process. The Indonesian version was tested for reliability and validity on random sample of 502, 12–15 years old school children in Jakarta. Psychometric analysis of the Indonesian Child-OIDP involved construct validity tests as well as internal and test-retest reliability.
Result: Mean age of the participants was 13.3, (SD± 0.9) and 46% of the student are males, 54% are females. Crohnbach’s alpha value was 0.72. In terms of test-retest reliability, the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was 0.61. Two-third (64.9%) of the sample had oral impact affecting one or more performances in the past 3 months. The mean of C-OIDP score was 3.49 (SD±5.61). The construct validity was confirmed by C-OIDP scores being significantly associated with oral health condition.The Spearman’s correlation coefficients significant (all p<0.001).
Conclusion: This study indicates that the Indonesian Child-OIDP index is a valid and reliable measure to be used as an OHRQoL index among 12–15 years old children in Indonesia.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Latifah Nuraini
"Tujuan: Reliabilitas dan validitas kuesioner COHIP-SF 19 versi Bahasa Indonesia.
Metode: Dibuat berdasarkan pedoman proses adaptasi cross-cultural. Penelitian dilakukan pada 548 anak usia 12 - 15 tahun dari enam SMP Negeri di Jakarta yang dipilih secara acak. Tes psikometrik mencakup konsistensi internal, reliabilitas test-retest, validitas diskriminan, dan validitas konvergen.
Hasil: Mean usia subjek penelitian adalah 13,3 tahun (SD 0,9) dan 54% subjek penelitian merupakan perempuan. Mean COHIP-SF 19 adalah 57,8 (SD 8,8) dan mediannya adalah 58 (rentang 27 - 75). Konsistensi internal dan reliabilitas test-retest COHIP-SF 19 sangat baik dengan nilai Chronbach’s alpha 0,83 dan intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) 0,81. Anak-anak dengan decay aktif, PUFA positif, rongga mulut tidak bersih, atau gingivitis memiliki skor COHIP-SF 19 yang lebih rendah secara signifikan (P ≤ 0,030). Korelasi antara skor COHIP-SF 19 dan masing-masing domain, dengan tingkat keparahan klinis dan penilaian diri terhadap kesehatan umum atau kesehatan rongga mulut setelah disesuaikan dengan usia, jenis kelamin, dan sekolah sangat rendah hingga rendah (│rs│ = 0,04 – 0,27, P ≤ 0,028).
Kesimpulan: COHIP-SF 19 versi Bahasa Indonesia berhasil dibuat untuk digunakan sebagai instrumen OHRQoL pada anak-anak usia sekolah di Indonesia. Konsistensi internal, reliabilitas test-retest, validitas diskriminan, dan validitas konvergen COHIP-SF 19 versi Bahasa Indonesia sudah dibuktikan.

Objectives: Assessing reliability and validity of COHIP-SF 19 Indonesian version.
Methods: Developed according to the guidelines for the cross-cultural adaptation process. The instrument was tested among 548 children age 12 – 15 years old, from randomly selected six junior high school in Jakarta. The psychometric test include internal consistency, test-retest reliability, discriminant validity, and convergent validity.
Results: Mean age of the participants was 13,3 years (SD 0,9) and 54% of the participants were girls. The mean score was 57,8 (SD 8,8) and the median was 58 (range 27-75). The internal consistency and test-retest reliability was excellent with Chronbach’s alpha 0,83 and intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) 0,81. Children with active decay, positive PUFA, not clean oral cavity, or gingivitis had significantly lower scores (P ≤ 0,030). Correlation between COHIP-SF 19 score, subscale scores and clinical severity as well as self-rated general or oral health were very low to low (│rs│ = 0,04 - 0,27, P ≤ 0,028), after adjustment for children’s age, gender, and school.
Conclusion: The Indonesian version of COHIP-SF 19 was successfully developed to be used as an OHRQoL instrument for Indonesian school-age children. The internal consistency, test-retest reliability, discriminant validity, and convergent validity of COHIP-SF 19 Indonesian version were confirmed.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ilham Nurdin
"Latar belakang. OCS merupakan instrumen yang dapat digunakan untuk penapisan ganguan fungsi kognitif. Instrumen ringkas, domain spesifik, dan mampu untuk penapisan afasia dan pengabaian. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas OCS-INA.
Metode. Proses adaptasi dan translasi OCS sesuai kaidah WHO, kemudian dilakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas OCS-INA. Populasi penelitian subjek berumur > 18 tahun dengan fungsi kognitif normal menggunakan Moca-INA. Penelitian dilakukan di panti sosial dan fasilitas kesehatan yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi.
Hasil. 104 subjek memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Sebagian besar laki-laki (51,92%). Usia berkisar antara 20 sampai 87 tahun dengan prevalensi usia tertinggi > 60 tahun (60%), tingkat pendidikan Sekolah Menengah Atas (35,58%) dan kebanyakan tidak bekerja (62,5%). Uji validitas menggunakan rumus koefisien korelasi spearman, nilai valid pada hampir semua domain yaitu nilai r hitung > r tabel (0,1927). Uji reliabilitas Kappa p didapatkan interpretasi kesepakatan dominan sangat baik pada 6 tugas pemeriksaan, yaitu tugas semantik (0,874), orientasi (0,842) memori verbal (0,822), memori episodik (0,870) dan tes lapang pandang (1,000). Nilai baik didapatkan pada tes penamaan gambar (0,774), membaca (0,726) dan kalkulasi (0,774).
Kesimpulan. OCS-INA valid dan reliabel sebagai instrumen untuk penapisan gangguan kognitif dan bisa melengkapi instrumen yang sudah digunakan sebelumnya.

Background. OCS is an instrument that can be used to screen impaired cognitive function. This is a compact, domain specific and capable instrument for aphasia and neglect screening. This study aims to test the validity and reliability of OCS-INA.
Method. The process of adaptation and translation of OCS according to WHO rules, then tested the validity and reliability of OCS-INA. The study population was subjects > 18 years old with normal cognitive function using Moca-INA. The study was conducted in social institutions and health facilities that met the inclusion criteria.
Results. 104 subjects met the inclusion criteria. Most of the subjects were men (51.92%). Age of subjects ranged from 20 to 87 years with the highest age prevalence > 60 years (60%), high school education level (35.58%) and most of them were not working (62.5%). The validity test uses the Spearman correlation coefficient formula, the valid value in almost all domains is the calculated r value > r table (0.1927). Kappa p reliability test showed that the dominant agreement interpretation was very good on 6 examination tasks: semantic (0.874), orientation (0.842) verbal memory (0.822), episodic memory (0.870) and visual field test (1,000). Good scores were obtained in the picture naming test (0.774), sentence reading (0.726) and calculation (0.774).
Conclusion. OCS-INA is valid and reliable instrument for cognitive impairment screening and can complement the instruments that have been used previously.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Givenchy Eunike Semen
"Pendahuluan: WHO menetapkan Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder (CSBD) sebagai diagnosis baru yang dikelompokkan dalam klasifikasi gangguan kontrol impuls. CSBD merupakan masalah klinis yang signifikan, namun penelitian epidemiologi secara luas masih terbatas. Prevalensi diperkirakan berkisar 3%-6% di USA. Saat ini kebutuhan akan panduan skrining dan diagnosis mendesak. Di Indonesia, meski belum ada data resmi tentang CSBD, meningkatnya akses ke situs pornografi dan perilaku seksual pada kelompok usia muda menunjukkan potensi masalah. Peneliti tertarik untuk menguji validitas instrumen Compulsive Sexual Behavior Inventory-13 (CSBI-13) versi Bahasa Indonesia, sebagai langkah awal dalam memahami dan menangani CSBD di Indonesia. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan instrumen Compulsive Sexual Behavior Inventory-13 yang valid secara isi dan konstruks, serta reliabel dalam Bahasa Indonesia.
Metode: Penelitian ini dimulai dengan proses forward and backward translations antara bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia. Dilanjutkan dengan uji validitas isi dan konstruks serta reliabilitas konsistensi internal dan test retest. Uji validitas isi dilakukan oleh 3 pakar psikiatri di Rumah Sakit Ciptomangunkusumo, dan pengukuran item content validity ratio (CVR), content validity index (I-CVI) dan scale content validity index (S-CVI). Responden untuk uji validitas konstruks dan reliabilitas konsistensi internal adalah 112 orang, sedangkan untuk uji reliabilitas test-retest adalah 30 orang, yang diambil dari pasien dan keluarga pasien yang datang ke Poli Kulit Kelamin, Urologi, dan Pokdisus (HIV/AIDS) RSUPN dr Cipto Mangunkusumo pada bulan Oktober-November 2023. Analisis dari uji validitas konstruks dilakukan dengan exploratory factor analysis. Uji reliabilitas dinilai menggunakan konsistensi internal Cronbach’s alpha dan test-retest. Uji reliabilitas test-retest diuji dari dua kali pengukuran dengan jarak pemeriksaan 30 hari.
Hasil: Validitas isi instrumen CSBI-13 versi Bahasa Indonesia, baik I-CVI dan S-CVI bernilai 1,00, dan CVR bernilai 1 di setiap butirnya. Hasil dari explaratory factor analysis didapatkan 3 faktor yang terbentuk. Nilai reliabilitas konsistensi interna baik dengan Cronbach’s alpha 0.872. Uji reliabilitas test-retest menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan (r = 0.975; p<0.001).
Simpulan: Instrumen CSBI-13 versi bahasa Indonesia sahih secara isi dan konstruks serta reliabel untuk digunakan di Rumah Sakit Ciptomangunkusumo sebagai skrining terhadap gangguan perilaku seksual kompulsif. Diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk menilai uji sensitivitas dan spesifisitas instrumen ini.

Background: WHO defines Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder (CSBD) as a new diagnosis, in impulse control disorders group. Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder is a significant clinical problem, but epidemiological research is limited. The prevalence is estimated from 3%-6% in the USA. Currently, the need for screening and diagnosing are urgent. In Indonesia, although there is no official data on CSBD, increasing access to pornography content and sexual behavior among young adult indicates a potential problem. There are several instruments that have been developed to screen or diagnose this disorder and CSBI-13 is one of the instrument that has been adapted into several languages. This study aims to evaluate the validity and reliability of Compulsive Sexual Behavior Inventory-13 in Indonesian version.
Method: This research was started by forward and backward translation process between English and Bahasa Indonesia, followed by content and construct validity tests as well as internal consistency and test retest reliability. The content validity was carried out by 3 psychiatrist as experts in Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital, to measure item content validity ratio (CVR), content validity index (I-CVI) and scale content validity index (S-CVI). Around 112 respondents filled the CSBI-13 Indonesian Version that has been finalized, to get the construct validity and internal consistency reliability, while 30 respondent filled the instrument in two different times, for the test-retest reliability. Respondent were from patients and patient families who came to the Dermatology, Urology and Pokdisus (HIV/AIDS Patient Care) Outpatient at RSUPN Dr Cipto. Mangunkusumo in October-November 2023. Analysis of the construct validity was completed by exploratory factor analysis. The reliability was assessed using internal consistency and test-retest. Test-retest reliability was completed from two measurements with 30 days interval.
Results: The content validity of the Indonesian version of the CSBI-13 instrument I-CVI and S-CVI is 1.00, and CVR has a score of 1 for each item. From explaratory factor analysis, there are three factors were formed. The internal consistency reliability is reliable (Cronbach's alpha 0.872). The test-retest reliability showed a significant relationship (r = 0.975; p<0.001).
Conclusion: CSBI-13 Indonesian version is valid, in content and construct, and also reliable for use in Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital as a screening for compulsive sexual behavior disorders. Further research is needed to assess the sensitivity and specificity test of this instrument.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andira Larasari
Latar Belakang. Gangguan cemas menyeluruh (GCM) merupakan salah satu bentuk gangguan ansietas tersering pada populasi epilepsi yang dapat menurunkan kualitas hidup, sehingga deteksi dini sangatlah penting. Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) merupakan instrumen penapis GCM satu-satunya yang pernah divalidasi pada pasien epilepsi, yaitu di Korea dengan titik potong ≥7. Instrumen GAD-7 dapat dikerjakan pasien sendiri kurang dari 3 menit, sehingga cocok digunakan di poliklinik neurologi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kuesioner GAD-7 versi bahasa Indonesia yang valid, reliabel dan akurat untuk menapis GCM pada pasien epilepsi dewasa.
Metode Penelitian. Penelitian dibagi menjadi 2 tahap. Tahap pertama meliputi adaptasi lintas budaya berdasarkan ketentuan World Health Organization (WHO), uji validitas isi berdasarkan penilaian pakar mengenai relevansi butir pertanyaan GAD-7 hasil adaptasi, dilanjutkan uji validitas interna, reliabilitas interna dan reliabilitas test-retest pada 30 pasien epilepsi yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Tahap kedua adalah uji diagnostik. Hasil GAD-7 dengan titik potong ≥7 dibandingkan dengan wawancara Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview International Classification of Diseases-10 (MINI ICD-10) sebagai baku emas.
Hasil. Koefisien validitas isi berdasarkan metode Martuzua dari GAD-7 hasil adaptasi bahasa Indonesia adalah 0,847. Hasil uji validitas interna dengan korelasi Spearman didapatkan koefisien korelasi 0,648 hingga 0,800 (p<0,01). Uji reliabilitas konsistensi interna dengan Cronbach?s Alpha 0,867. Perbedaan nilai koefisien korelasi dan Cronbach?s Alpha antara pemeriksaan pertama dan retest menunjukkan reliabilitas test-retest yang baik. Dari 146 subyek uji diagnostik, prevalensi GCM hasil pemeriksaan MINI ICD-10 sebesar 16,4%. Dengan titik potong ≥7, GAD-7 memiliki sensitivitas 100% dan spesifisitas 84,4%.
Kesimpulan. Kuesioner GAD-7 versi Indonesia terbukti valid dan reliabel sehingga dapat digunakan untuk menapis GCM. Dengan titik potong ≥7, GAD-7 memiliki nilai akurasi yang tinggi untuk menapis GCM pada pasien epilepsi dewasa.ABSTRACT
Background. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is one of the most common type among anxiety disorders in epilepsy population that can impaired patients quality of life. The Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) is a screening tool for detecting GAD that has been validated in epilepsy patients in Korea with cut-off point ≥7. The GAD-7 could be filled by the patients themselves in less than three minutes; hence, it is appropriate to be used in the neurology outpatient setting. The objective of this study is to obtain a valid, reliable, and accurate GAD-7 in Indonesian language as a screening tool of GAD in adult epilepsy patients.
Method. The study was conducted in two phases. The first phase included transcultural adaptation based on World Health Organization standards, content validity test based on expert consideration regarding the relevance of GAD-7 question items, followed by internal validity test, internal reliability test and test-retest in 30 epilepsy patients. The second phase was diagnostic test, in which, the GAD-7 with cut off point ≥7 will be compared with Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview International Classification of Diseases-10 (MINI ICD-10) as the gold standard examination for diagnosing GAD.
Results. Content validity coefficient of GAD-7 adapted version based on Martuzua method was 0.847. Internal validity test with Spearman correlation obtained the correlation coefficient 0.648 to 0.800 (p< 0.01). Internal consistency reliability test with Cronbach?s Alpha was 0.867. The difference of correlation coefficient and Cronbach?s Alpha between the first and the retest showed good test-retest reliability. Out of 146 subjects of diagnostic test, the prevalence of GAD using MINI ICD-10 was 16.4%. With cut off point >7, GAD-7 had sensitivity 100% and specificity 84.4%.
Conclusion. The Indonesian version of the the GAD-7 was proven to be valid and reliable, also was found to be accurate as a screening tool for GAD in adult epilepsy patient with cut off point ≥7.;Background. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is one of the most common type among anxiety disorders in epilepsy population that can impaired patients quality of life. The Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) is a screening tool for detecting GAD that has been validated in epilepsy patients in Korea with cut-off point ≥7. The GAD-7 could be filled by the patients themselves in less than three minutes; hence, it is appropriate to be used in the neurology outpatient setting. The objective of this study is to obtain a valid, reliable, and accurate GAD-7 in Indonesian language as a screening tool of GAD in adult epilepsy patients.
Method. The study was conducted in two phases. The first phase included transcultural adaptation based on World Health Organization standards, content validity test based on expert consideration regarding the relevance of GAD-7 question items, followed by internal validity test, internal reliability test and test-retest in 30 epilepsy patients. The second phase was diagnostic test, in which, the GAD-7 with cut off point ≥7 will be compared with Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview International Classification of Diseases-10 (MINI ICD-10) as the gold standard examination for diagnosing GAD.
Results. Content validity coefficient of GAD-7 adapted version based on Martuzua method was 0.847. Internal validity test with Spearman correlation obtained the correlation coefficient 0.648 to 0.800 (p< 0.01). Internal consistency reliability test with Cronbach?s Alpha was 0.867. The difference of correlation coefficient and Cronbach?s Alpha between the first and the retest showed good test-retest reliability. Out of 146 subjects of diagnostic test, the prevalence of GAD using MINI ICD-10 was 16.4%. With cut off point >7, GAD-7 had sensitivity 100% and specificity 84.4%.
Conclusion. The Indonesian version of the the GAD-7 was proven to be valid and reliable, also was found to be accurate as a screening tool for GAD in adult epilepsy patient with cut off point ≥7.;Background. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is one of the most common type among anxiety disorders in epilepsy population that can impaired patients quality of life. The Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) is a screening tool for detecting GAD that has been validated in epilepsy patients in Korea with cut-off point ≥7. The GAD-7 could be filled by the patients themselves in less than three minutes; hence, it is appropriate to be used in the neurology outpatient setting. The objective of this study is to obtain a valid, reliable, and accurate GAD-7 in Indonesian language as a screening tool of GAD in adult epilepsy patients.
Method. The study was conducted in two phases. The first phase included transcultural adaptation based on World Health Organization standards, content validity test based on expert consideration regarding the relevance of GAD-7 question items, followed by internal validity test, internal reliability test and test-retest in 30 epilepsy patients. The second phase was diagnostic test, in which, the GAD-7 with cut off point ≥7 will be compared with Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview International Classification of Diseases-10 (MINI ICD-10) as the gold standard examination for diagnosing GAD.
Results. Content validity coefficient of GAD-7 adapted version based on Martuzua method was 0.847. Internal validity test with Spearman correlation obtained the correlation coefficient 0.648 to 0.800 (p< 0.01). Internal consistency reliability test with Cronbach?s Alpha was 0.867. The difference of correlation coefficient and Cronbach?s Alpha between the first and the retest showed good test-retest reliability. Out of 146 subjects of diagnostic test, the prevalence of GAD using MINI ICD-10 was 16.4%. With cut off point >7, GAD-7 had sensitivity 100% and specificity 84.4%.
Conclusion. The Indonesian version of the the GAD-7 was proven to be valid and reliable, also was found to be accurate as a screening tool for GAD in adult epilepsy patient with cut off point ≥7.;Background. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is one of the most common type among anxiety disorders in epilepsy population that can impaired patients quality of life. The Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) is a screening tool for detecting GAD that has been validated in epilepsy patients in Korea with cut-off point ≥7. The GAD-7 could be filled by the patients themselves in less than three minutes; hence, it is appropriate to be used in the neurology outpatient setting. The objective of this study is to obtain a valid, reliable, and accurate GAD-7 in Indonesian language as a screening tool of GAD in adult epilepsy patients.
Method. The study was conducted in two phases. The first phase included transcultural adaptation based on World Health Organization standards, content validity test based on expert consideration regarding the relevance of GAD-7 question items, followed by internal validity test, internal reliability test and test-retest in 30 epilepsy patients. The second phase was diagnostic test, in which, the GAD-7 with cut off point ≥7 will be compared with Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview International Classification of Diseases-10 (MINI ICD-10) as the gold standard examination for diagnosing GAD.
Results. Content validity coefficient of GAD-7 adapted version based on Martuzua method was 0.847. Internal validity test with Spearman correlation obtained the correlation coefficient 0.648 to 0.800 (p< 0.01). Internal consistency reliability test with Cronbach?s Alpha was 0.867. The difference of correlation coefficient and Cronbach?s Alpha between the first and the retest showed good test-retest reliability. Out of 146 subjects of diagnostic test, the prevalence of GAD using MINI ICD-10 was 16.4%. With cut off point >7, GAD-7 had sensitivity 100% and specificity 84.4%.
Conclusion. The Indonesian version of the the GAD-7 was proven to be valid and reliable, also was found to be accurate as a screening tool for GAD in adult epilepsy patient with cut off point ≥7."
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gerry Sanjaya
"Latar Belakang: Gangguan psikologis pada pekerja dapat berdampak pada gangguan kesehatan fisik, penurunan produktivitas kerja hingga kecelakaan kerja. Kuesioner yang digunakan di beberapa dunia untuk menilai gangguan psikologis adalah kuesioner Brief Symptom Rating Scale-5 (BSRS-5). Namun kuesioner tersebut masih belum ada versi Bahasa Indonesia. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan validitas transkultural (adaptasi lintas budaya), uji validitas dan reliabilitas agar kuesioner dapat digunakan sebagai instrumen penilaian gangguan psikologis pada pekerja di Indonesia.
Metode: Penelitian ini diawali dengan penerjemahan dan penyesuaian kultural dari kuesioner asli. Tim peneliti melakukan modifikasi kuesioner asli yang berbahasa asing diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia agar kuesioner dapat digunakan di lingkungan kerja. Penelitian dilanjutkan dengan pengumpulan data menggunakkan kuesioner BSRS-5 versi Bahasa Indonesia yang sudah melewati validitas transkultural kemudian dilanjutkan dengan melakukan uji validitas konstruk, validitas eksternal dengan Depression, Anxiety dan Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21), analisa faktor dan uji reliabilitas.
Hasil: Kuesioner BRS-5 dihasilkan dari validasi transkultural dengan metode ISPOR. Hasil dari uji validitas konstruk semua pertanyaan (0.634-0.781) dengan tingkat signifikansi < 0.05. Kemudian dilakukan analisa faktor semua pernyataan > 0.3 dan didapatkan kelima item dengan nilai Eigenvalue 1. Cronbach's Alpha adalah 0.770. Nilai Corrected Item Total Correlation semua pernyataan antara 0.634-0.781. Hasil uji validitas eskternal dengan DASS-21 didapatkan BSRS-5 berkolerasi dengan DASS-21 dimensi depresi dan dimensi stres dengan nilai korelasi 0.397 dan 0.399. Sedangkan untuk BSRS-5 dengan DASS-21 dimensi anxiety menunjukkan tidak adanya korelasi dengan nilai korelasi 0.237. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan penilaian kuesioner gold standard lainnya apabila terbukti mengalami gangguan psikologis dari setiap komponen yang terdapat di BSRS-5.
Kesimpulan: Penelitian menghasilkan kuesioner Brief Symptom Rating Scale-5 (BSRS-5) yang valid dan reliable untuk digunakan oleh pekerja khususnya tenaga medis umum di Indonesia. Namun, untuk menindaklanjuti gangguan psikologis yang didapat setelah mengisi kuesioner BRSS-5 versi Bahasa Indonesia diperlukan gold standard kuesioner lain atau bantuan profesional untuk evaluasi lebih lanjut.

Background: Psychological distress in workers is associated with physical health problems and decreased work productivity costing the impact of workplace accidents. One of the questionnaires used in several countries to assess psychological distress is the Brief Symptom Rating Scale - 5 (BSRS-5). However, the BSRS-5 is not available in the Indonesian version. In this study, researchers do transcultural (cross-cultural adaptation), construct validity, external validity and reliability tests. To make BSRS-5 provide an instrument for assessing psychological distress for workers in Indonesia. Methods: This study started with the cultural adaptation of the original questionnaire. The research team modified the original questionnaire in a foreign language and translated it into Indonesian language so that the questionnaire could use in the work environment. The study continued with data collection using the Indonesian version of the BSRS-5 questionnaire, which had passed transcultural validity. Then it continued with construct validity tests, factor analysis, external validity with Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21), and reliability testing. Results: The BSRS-5 questionnaire was produced from transcultural validation using the ISPOR method. The results of the construct validity test for all questions between (0.634-0.781) with a significance level < 0.05. The factor analysis values for all statements > 0.3 were all items having Eigenvalues > 1. The Corrected Item Total Correlation value for all statements is between 0.634-0.781. Cronbach's Alpha score is 0.770. The external validity test results with DASS-21 showed that BSRS-5 correlated with the DASS-21 dimensions of depression and stress with correlation values of 0.397 and 0.399. In opposition to correlated BSRS-5 with the dimension of anxiety in DASS-21 showed no correlation with a correlation value of 0.237. Therefore, another standard gold questionnaire is required to evaluate physiological distress based on each item in BSRS-5. Conclusion: The absence of correlation with anxiety in this assessment tool need another gold standard questionnaire or professional assistance is required for further evaluation to follow up on psychological disorders. "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Veronika Prescillia Hartanuh
"Latar Belakang: Delirium adalah perubahan status mental berupa gangguan atensi, kesadaran, dan kognisi yang akut dan fluktuatif. Referensi standar mendiagnosis delirium pada anak dan dewasa menggunakan kriteria DSM-5 atau ICD-10. Populasi anak memiliki tahap perkembangan dan gambaran gejala delirium yang berbeda dibandingkan dewasa sehingga diagnosis delirium anak mengalami keterbatasan dan membutuhkan kemampuan klinis dan kompetensi. Telah dikembangkan instrumen pCAM-ICU untuk membantu diagnosis delirium anak usia minimal lima tahun yang memiliki sensitivitas dan spesifisitas yang tinggi. Saat ini pelayanan kesehatan anak di Indonesia belum memiliki instrumen membantu diagnosis delirium dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Oleh karena tingginya kebutuhan pelayanan, maka dilakukan validitas isi dan reliabilitas konsistensi internal instrumen pCAM-ICU versi Bahasa Indonesia Metode: Dilakukan proses forward translation dan back translation hingga didapatkan instrumen pCAM-ICU versi Bahasa Indonesia. Uji validitas isi pCAM-ICU versi Bahasa Indonesia melibatkan 10 orang ahli di Ilmu Kesehatan Jiwa dan Ilmu Kesehatan Anak yang pernah menangani kasus delirium pada anak dan remaja. Uji reliabilitas konsistensi internal dilakukan pada 30 pasien anak yang berusia 5 – 17 tahun di layanan RSCM. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang dengan membandingkan pemeriksaan pCAM-ICU dengan kriteria DSM-5. Hasil: Instrumen pCAM-ICU versi bahasa Indonesia memiliki nilai I-CVI dan S-CVI sebesar 1,00 pada uji validitas isi dan Cronbach’s alpha keseluruhan 0,959 pada uji reliabilitas konsistensi internal. Instrumen pCAM-ICU versi Bahasa Indonesia memiliki nilai sensitivitas 85% (95% CI, 68-100%) dan spesifisitas 96% (95% CI, 86-100%) Simpulan: Instrumen pCAM-ICU versi Bahasa Indonesia dinilai valid dan reliabel dalam membantu penegakkan diagnosis delirium pada anak minimal usia lima tahun.

Background: Delirium is defined as an acute and fluctuating altered mental status in the form disruption of attention, consciousness, and cognition. DSM-5 and ICD-10 criteria are used as a standardized reference to diagnose delirium. Pediatric population has a different developmental stage and clinical manifestation compared to adult population, hence diagnosing delirium in pediatric population is limited and requires further clinical skill and competence. pCAM-ICU has been developed to help diagnosing delirium for children at least 5 years old with high sensitivity and specificity. Pediatric healthcare service in Indonesia does not have an instrument to help diagnosing delirium in Bahasa Indonesia. Due to the need of such instruments, content validation and internal consistency reliability test for Indonesian version of pCAM-ICU is carried out.
Methods: Forward translation and back translation is carried out to obtain the Indonesian version of pCAM-ICU. Content validity of Indonesian pCAM-ICU involves 10 experts in Psychiatry and Pediatric who have managed delirium cases in children and adolescent. Internal consistency reliability test is done to 30 pediatric populations from the age of 5-17 years old in RSCM. This research is a cross sectional research which compares pCAM-ICU with DSM-5 criteria.
Results: Indonesian version of pCAM-ICU has I-CVI and S-CVI score of 1,00 at content validity test and overall Cronbach’s alpha of 0,959 for internal consistency reliability test. Indonesian version of pCAM-ICU has 85% (95% CI, 68-100%) sensitivity and 96% (95% CI, 86-100%) specificity.
Conclusion: Indonesian version of pCAM-ICU is considered valid and reliable to held diagnosing delirium in children of at least 5 years old.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ryan Aditya
"Latar belakang: Teori attachment telah terbukti menjadi suatu dasar dalam mempelajari regulasi emosi dan kesehatan jiwa. Pola attachment yang tidak aman merupakan suatu keadaan yang berisiko dan rentan untuk terjadi gangguan jiwa, sedangkan peningkatan keamanan dalam attachment memberikan dampak perbaikan terhadap psikopatologi yang dimiliki seseorang. Pengenalan terhadap pola attachment ini penting untuk menentukan intervensi yang tepat untuk pasien. Pengenalan ini dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara psikiatri yang mendalam atau dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Menilai pola attachment menggunakan kuesioner membantu psikiater mengetahui pola attachment pasien lebih cepat.
Tujuan: Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan instrumen Relationship Questionnaire RQ versi Bahasa Indonesia serta menguji kesahihan dan keandalan instrumen Relationship Questionnaire dalam Bahasa Indonesia.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan disain uji validitas isi dan uji validitas konstruksi. Uji reliabilitas yang dilakukan adalah reliabilitas konsistensi internal dengan mengukur koefisien korelasi dengan nilai Cronbach's ?.
Hasil: Koefisian validitas isi instrumen RQ versi Bahasa Indonesia adalah 1.00. Keandalan instrumen Relationship Questionnaire versi Bahasa Indonesia menurut nilai Cronbach's ? untuk keseluruhan butir instrumen adalah 0,577. Nilai Cronbach's ? untuk pola A secure adalah 0,279; untuk pola B preoccupied adalah 0,619, untuk pola C fearful adalah 0,659, dan untuk pola D dismissing adalah 0,615.
Simpulan: Instrumen RQ versi Bahasa Indonesia memiliki kesahihan yang baik dan dinilai cukup andal.

Background: Attachment theory has proven as one basic to learn emotional regulation and mental health. Insecure attachment styles were risky and vulnerable condition to grow become mental illness, meanwhile attachment security improvement have good healing effect in psychopathology. Detection for someone's attachment styles is important so a psychiatrist can decide which intervention fit the best for the patients. We can know someone's attachment styles through detail psychiatic interview or use an instrument. Using an instrument can help psychiatrist to know the patients'attachment styles faster.
Aims: We did this research to get and to evaluate validity and reliability of Relationship Questionnaire in Bahasa Indonesian version.
Methods: This research use content validity test and construct validity test to evaluate validity of the questionnaire and use Cronbach's to evaluate the reliability.
Results: Construct validity coefisien of the RQ in Bahasa Indonesia version is 1.00. The reliability according to Cronbanch's values for whole item is 0,577 for secure attachment is 0,279 for preoccupied attachment 0,619, for fearful attachment is 0,659, and for dismissing attachment is 0,615.
Conclusion: Relationship Questionnaire in Bahasa Indonesia version have good validity dan reliability.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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