Tesis ini membahas pencapaian program prioritas bidang transportasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta tahun 2013-2016 dengan menggunakan data rencana strategis yang dibandingkan dengan data realisasi anggaran. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa realisasi program prioritas bidang transportasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta tahun 2013-2016 tidak sesuai dengan rencana strategis. Oleh karena itu disarankan untuk menggunakan Balanced Scorecard untuk memperbaiki pencapaian realisasi atas program prioritas bidang transportasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta perlu menyusun
This thesis discusses the DKI Jakarta Government priority program in transportation 2013-2016 using the strategic plan data that compares with budget realization data. This research is a case study research. The results of the study showed how the priority programs for the transportation sector of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in 2013-2016 were not in accordance with the strategic plan. Therefore it is recommended to use the Balanced Scorecard to improve the assessment of priority program areas prepared by the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta
In 2016, DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has launched Transjakarta Cares as a special service for people with disabilities in accessing Transjakarta services. Transjakarta Cares service act as the fulfillment of accessibility to transportation in DKI Jakarta which is known to be very minimal (LBH Jakarta, 2015). Nevertheless, in its implementation, the Transjakarta Cares service received complaints from people with disabilities regarding the difficulty of getting access to the Transjakarta Cares services. This thesis analyzes the access of Transjakarta Cares services for people with disabilities in DKI Jakarta Province by adopting the theory of access proposed by Peters et al. (2008). The research approach used is post-positivist. The data collection techniques used are in-depth interviews conducted with various key stakeholders, including local governments, PT Transjakarta, and individuals and community disabilities as the primary data, as well as direct observation of the Transjakarta Cares service process and literature study as the secondary data. The results of this study show that the complex issues found greatly affect the failure of 8 of the 12 measured indicators, namely physical distance affordability indicators, fleet availability indicators, availability of supporting equipment indicators, the availability of service guidance indicators, economic consequences for service users indicator, economic consequences for service providers indicator, and acceptance indicator for Contact Center services, and service characteristics indicators. With the forenamed problems, operational governance, resource capacity, and economic policy frameworks to the scope of Transjakarta Cares services need improvement.