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Ditemukan 170048 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Mareta Amanda
"Lempung serpih merupakan salah satu jenih tanah yang memiliki daya dukung buruk, sehingga mengakibatkan konstruksi yang dibangun diatasnya mudah rusak atau rubuh akibat dari proses kembang susut yang berulang setiap perubahan musim kemarau ke musim hujan atau sebaliknya.Sudah banyak dilakukan penelitian untuk memperbaiki sifat tanah lempung serpih dengan mencampur bahan kimia namun hal tersebut tidak ramah terhadap lingkungan sekitar. Bahan alam merupakan alternative yang ramah lingkungan. Dalam penelitian ini bahan stabilisasi ialah Pasir tras yaitu bahan alam yang bisa digunakan sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan batu batako, industri semen dan campuran bahan bangunan. Ada 5 variasi persentase pasir tras yang ditinjau untuk mendapatkan persentase yang efektif. Persentase efektif ini akan digunakan sebagai campuran untuk melihat seberapa besar pengaruh pasir tras terhadap kekuatan tanah melalui pengujian CBR

Clay Shale is one of the soil types that has low bearing capacity, so that the construction built on it easly collapsed or damaged by swelling and shrinkage processes every time dry season changes into rainy season also the opposite. Many researchs have been conducted to improve the properties of clay shale by mixing chemicals but it is not friendly to the environtment. Natural materials are environmentally friendly alternatives. In this research stabilization material is sand tras, which is natural material that can be ingredients of brick making, cement industry and a mixture of building materials. There are 5 variation in the percentage of sand trass covered for an effective percentage. This effective percentage will be used as an alloy to see how much sand tras affects the forces of the clay shale soils through the CBR test."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan BIsnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adzhani Prabaningrum
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh dari tanggung jawab sosial terhadap aktivitas manajemen laba akrual dan riil di Indonesia. Penelitian ini berargurmen bahwa tanggung jawab sosial memiliki pengaruh terhadap manajemen laba (baik akrual maupun riil). Penelitian ini juga berargumen bahwa perusahaan yang melakukan tanggung jawab sosial memiliki hubungan negatif dengan trade-off strategi manajemen laba.
Pemilihan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling dan sampel penelitian terdiri atas 79 perusahaan non-keuangan yang terdaftar di BEI dan termasuk dalam daftar Saham Kompas 100 periode Agustus 2014 - Januari 2015 dengan rentang penelitian pada tahun 2012 ? 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode regresi ordinary least square. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa tanggung jawab sosial berpengaruh negatif terhadap manajemen dan tidak berpengaruh terhadap trade-off strategi manajemen laba.

This study aims to investigate the influence of corporate social responsibility against accrual and real earnings management activity in Indonesia. This study argues that corporate social responsibility can affect the overall earnings management activity done by the company. This study also argues that a company which perform corporate social responsibility is less likely to get involved in earnings management through real activities than accruals.
The sample used in this research is selected using purposive sampling method and it is consist of 79 companies which are listed in BEI from 2012 - 2014 and included in "Saham Kompas 100" during August 2014 - January 2015 period. This study is using ordinary least square method to run the regressions. The results of this study prove that corporate social responsibility has a negative effect on overall earnings management and does not effect the trade-off between earnings mangement strategies.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Magreta Kailla Adenta Sutarto
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang penerapan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Lingkungan oleh perusahaan subsidiary di Indonesia dalam rangka memenuhi Pasal 74 UU No. 40 Tahun 2007 Tentang Perseroan Terbatas. Skripsi ini juga melihat Tanggung Jawab Sosial Lingkungan (TJSL) dari kacamata pemerintah Amerika Serikat, Inggris, dan Tiongkok sebagai negara asal dari perusahaan subsidiary yang dibahas, dimana ketiga negara tersebut memiliki pemahaman dan peraturan yang berbeda mengenai Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Dalam pembahasannya skripsi ini akan melihat pertentangan peraturan yang dihadapi oleh perusahaan multinasional, dan bagaimana penerapan TJSL di Indonesia di tengah-tengah perbedaan peraturan ini. Selain itu skripsi ini juga akan menelaah mengenai hubungan pemerintah negara asal dengan perusahaan subsidiary yang ada di Indonesia, secara khusus dalam hal CSR. Terakhir pada skripsi ini juga akan dibahas mengenai kesamaan dan perbedaan konsep TJSL dan CSR, serta kelebihan dan kelemahan TJSL di Indonesia. Penulisan ini menggunakan penelitian yuridis normatif.

This thesis focuses on the implementation of Tanggung Jawab Sosial Lingkungan (TJSL) done by multinational companies in Indonesia to meet the obligation set out in The Law of Republic of Indonesia No. 40 of 2007 Concerning Limited Liability Company. This thesis also recognizes the different interpretation of the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) adopted by the United States, United Kingdom, and the People’s Republic of China Government.
This thesis will then analyze how does that different interpretation plays out in the implementation of TJSL done by its subsidiary companies. This thesis will also cover the relationship between home countries and its subsidiary companies in Indonesia. The last issue covered in this thesis will talk about similarity and difference between TJSL and CSR, as well as the strength and weakness of TJSL in Indonesia. The research uses normative judicial study.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Helmi Fauzan
"Fokus dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji efek dari Corporate Social Responsibility CSR terhadap Citra Perusahaan dan Ekuitas Merek di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilengkapi dengan contoh studi kasus Bank BRI sebagai perusahaan bank terbesar di Indonesia. Selain itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur mana konstruk yang mempengaruhi citra perusahaan dan ekuitas merek dan untuk mensimulasikan langkah strategis yang dapat diimplementasikan untuk meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan. Convenience sampling digunakan untuk penelitian ini dan sampel terdiri sekitar wilayah Jabodetabek. Hipotesis diuji dengan menggunakan software Statistical Package for Social Science SPSS versi 23. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa memang CSR dan kepuasan pelanggan mempengaruhi citra perusahaan dan ekuitas merek.

The focus of this study is to examine the effects of Corporate Social Responsibility CSR on Corporate Reputation and Brand Equity Role of BRI Peduli in Indonesia. This research is completed with a case study example of BRI as the largest banking in Indonesia. Moreover, this research aims to measure a construct that affect corporate reputation and brand equity and to simulate the strategic move that may be implemented to improve the company rsquo s performance. Convenience sampling was used for this research and the samples consist around Jabodetabek area. The hypotheses are tested using Statistical Package for Social Science SPSS version 23. The results show that indeed CSR and customer satisfaction influences corporate reputation and brand equity."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Asia Pacific Philanthropy Consortium, 1999
361.74 PHI t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andita Emirania Husain
"Skripsi ini membahas perkembangan konsep, regulasi, dan pelaksanaan regulasi Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan di Indonesia dan Belanda. Aspek-aspek tersebut akan dianalisa sebagai studi perbandingan regulasi Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan di kedua negara tersebut. Di akhir skripsi ada kesimpulan-kesimpulan dari analisa tersebut, yang akan menyebutkan kesamaan dan perbedaan dari regulasi Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan di Indonesia dan Belanda, serta rekomendasi untuk kedua Negara tersebut.

This undergraduate thesis discusses the development of the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility, the regulations of Corporate Social Responsibility, and also the enforcement of said regulations of Corporate Social Responsibility in Indonesia and the Netherlands. The aforementioned aspects will then be analyzed as a comparative study of the regulations on Corporate Social Responsibility of both countries. At the end of this thesis are the conclusions of the analysis, which state the similarities and differences of the regulations on Corporate Social Responsibility of the countries, and suggestions for Indonesia rsquo s regulations in the future.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desy Maritha
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi dampak yang timbul dari
penerapan Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Produktivitas perusahaan manufaktur yang
terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia dengan periode penelitian dari 2004 sampai
dengan 2013. Tanggung Jawab Sosial (CSR) dikenal sebagai salah satu elemen
penting dari laporan keberlanjutan, menyampaikan informasi krusial yang
menyangkut dengan aspek social, dampak lingkungan, keselamatan kerja, hak
asasi manusia, dan pemanfaatan energi oleh perusahaan yang bersangkutan.
Variable control yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ukuran perusahaan,
kesempatan pertumbuhan, tingkat pengembaian asset (ROA) dan rasio leverage.
Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan manufaktur
yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada periode 2004-2013. Data yang
digunakan adalah laporan tahunan dan laporan keuanganndari setiap perusahaan
yang di kumpulkan dari Bursa efek Indonesia dan Indonesia Capital Market
Directory (ICMD).
Berdasarkan dari hasil statistik, hanya variable Tanggung Jawab Sosial
(CSR) yang berpengaruh secara positif signifikan terhadap produktivitas yang
dicapai perusahaan. Sementara itu, variabel kontrol lainnya berpengaruh secara
bervariasi baik positif maupun negatif, tetapi tidak signifikan.

This study aims to investigate the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility CSR and Productivity of the manufacturing corporations that is listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2007 2013 Corporate Social Responsibility CSR known as the element of sustainability reporting provides crucial information relating social aspect environmental impact occupational safety human rights and energy utilization of the corporations The control variables are used in this study are size growth opportunity Return on Assets ROA and Leverage ratio The samples are manufacturing corporations which are listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX period 2004 2013 The data are the Annual Report and Financial Report from each corporation and collected from Indonesia Stock Exchange and Indonesia Capital Market Directory ICMD Based on the statistical result of the study only CSR variable that significantly affects the productivity in positive sign However other control variables give various sign but not significantly influence ;This study aims to investigate the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility CSR and Productivity of the manufacturing corporations that is listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2007 2013 Corporate Social Responsibility CSR known as the element of sustainability reporting provides crucial information relating social aspect environmental impact occupational safety human rights and energy utilization of the corporations The control variables are used in this study are size growth opportunity Return on Assets ROA and Leverage ratio The samples are manufacturing corporations which are listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX period 2004 2013 The data are the Annual Report and Financial Report from each corporation and collected from Indonesia Stock Exchange and Indonesia Capital Market Directory ICMD Based on the statistical result of the study only CSR variable that significantly affects the productivity in positive sign However other control variables give various sign but not significantly influence.;This study aims to investigate the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility CSR and Productivity of the manufacturing corporations that is listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2007 2013 Corporate Social Responsibility CSR known as the element of sustainability reporting provides crucial information relating social aspect environmental impact occupational safety human rights and energy utilization of the corporations The control variables are used in this study are size growth opportunity Return on Assets ROA and Leverage ratio The samples are manufacturing corporations which are listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX period 2004 2013 The data are the Annual Report and Financial Report from each corporation and collected from Indonesia Stock Exchange and Indonesia Capital Market Directory ICMD Based on the statistical result of the study only CSR variable that significantly affects the productivity in positive sign However other control variables give various sign but not significantly influence ;This study aims to investigate the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility CSR and Productivity of the manufacturing corporations that is listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2007 2013 Corporate Social Responsibility CSR known as the element of sustainability reporting provides crucial information relating social aspect environmental impact occupational safety human rights and energy utilization of the corporations The control variables are used in this study are size growth opportunity Return on Assets ROA and Leverage ratio The samples are manufacturing corporations which are listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX period 2004 2013 The data are the Annual Report and Financial Report from each corporation and collected from Indonesia Stock Exchange and Indonesia Capital Market Directory ICMD Based on the statistical result of the study only CSR variable that significantly affects the productivity in positive sign However other control variables give various sign but not significantly influence , This study aims to investigate the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility CSR and Productivity of the manufacturing corporations that is listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2007 2013 Corporate Social Responsibility CSR known as the element of sustainability reporting provides crucial information relating social aspect environmental impact occupational safety human rights and energy utilization of the corporations The control variables are used in this study are size growth opportunity Return on Assets ROA and Leverage ratio The samples are manufacturing corporations which are listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX period 2004 2013 The data are the Annual Report and Financial Report from each corporation and collected from Indonesia Stock Exchange and Indonesia Capital Market Directory ICMD Based on the statistical result of the study only CSR variable that significantly affects the productivity in positive sign However other control variables give various sign but not significantly influence ]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Risca Valennia
"Skripsi ini menjelaskan pengaruh dari pengungkapan tanggung jawab sosial yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan publik Indonesia kepada peringkat obligasi yang diterbitkannya untuk periode 2011 sampai 2015. Skripsi ini ingin mengetahui jika aktivitas tanggung jawab sosial yang baik (superior) akan berdampak kepada baiknya kredit rating dari obligasi yang diterbitkan perusahaan tersebut. Berdasarkan sampel dari 94 obligasi berbeda yang diterbitkan oleh 35 perusahaan di Indonesia, skripsi ini menemukan bukti yang kuat bahwa peforma yang superior dari Corporate Social Performance menghasilkan rating obligasi yang lebih baik dengan menggunakan OLS model dalam mengregresikan nilai tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan berdasarkan GRI Index dan variable-variabel controlnya (ratio leverage, tanggal jatuh tempo obligasi, dan nilai terbit obligasi).

This thesis discusses the impact of disclosure from Corporate Social Responsibility activities performed by public listed companies in Indonesia to their bond credit ratings for period of 2011 to 2015. This thesis is interested whether superior performance in CSR results in greater bond credit ratings of the company. Based on a sample of 94 different bonds issued by 35 companies in Indonesia, this thesis finds strong evidence that superior corporate social performance results in greater bond credit rating by using OLS model in regressing CSR score based on GRI index and the control variables (Leverage, Bond Maturity and Bond Issue Size)."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tandry Whittleliang Hakki
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki: Pertama, pengaruh pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) pada keputusan stock split. Kedua, pengaruh keputusan stock split pada Struktur terkonsentrasi. Menggunakan Two Stage Least Square (2SLS), peneliti mendapatkan terdapat hubungan negatif antara pengungkapan CSR dan stock split. Kemudian, peluang stock split rendah akan mengurangi jumlah pemegang saham individu, dan meningkatkan proporsi kepemilikan terkonsentrasi. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini berkontribusi pada literatur dengan CSR memiliki pengaruh tidak langsung positif pada struktur kepemilikan.

The aim of this study is to replace: First, the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) disclosure on stock split decisions. Second, the effect of stock split decisions on concentrated structures. Using Two Stage Least Square (2SLS), researchers get a negative relationship between CSR disclosure and stock split. Then, a low stock split opportunity will reduce the number of individual shareholders, and increase the proportion of concentrated ownership. Thus, this study contributes to the literature with CSR having a positive indirect contribution to the ownership structure."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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