ABSTRAKSalah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas hidup adalah kesehatan gigi dan mulut. Keadaan gigi dan mulut anak usia 12 tahun sangat rentan. Tujuannya menganalisis status kesehatan gigi dan mulut dihubungkan dengan kualitas hidup anak menggunakan COHIP-SF versi Indonesia. Penelitian analitik dengan desain cross-sectional, pada 300 anak usia 12 tahun, wawancara dan pemeriksaan. Diketahui rerata DMF-T 2,51, rerata PUFA 0,49 gigi perorang, dan OHI-S 1,70. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara DMF-T dengan COHIP-SF versi Indonesia(rs=-0,1, p=0,017), PUFA(rs=-0,16, p=0,005) dan OHI-S(rs=-0,16, p=0,004) dengan COHIP-SF versi Indonesia. Kesimpulannya semakin baik status kesehatan gigi anak maka kualitas hidup anak akan semakin baik.
ABSTRACTOne the factors that affect the quality of life is the dental oral health. Especially the condition of teeth and mouth child 12 years of age are particularly vulnerable. Objective:To analyze the dental health status linked to the quality of life of children using COHIP-SF Indonesian version. Methods:The study analytic with cross-sectional design, the 300 children, interview and examination. Results:The mean DMF-T 2.51, PUFA 0.49, OHI-S 1.70. There is a significant association between the DMF-T (rs=-0.1;p=0.017), PUFA(rs=-0.16;p=0.005), OHI-S (rs=- 0,16;p=0.004) with COHIP-SF Indonesian version. Conclusion:The better the dental health status of children, is the quality of life the children will be better., One the factors that affect the quality of life is the dental oral health. Especially the condition of teeth and mouth child 12 years of age are particularly vulnerable. Objective:To analyze the dental health status linked to the quality of life of children using COHIP-SF Indonesian version. Methods:The study analytic with cross-sectional design, the 300 children, interview and examination. Results:The mean DMF-T 2.51, PUFA 0.49, OHI-S 1.70. There is a significant association between the DMF-T (rs=-0.1;p=0.017), PUFA(rs=-0.16;p=0.005), OHI-S (rs=- 0,16;p=0.004) with COHIP-SF Indonesian version. Conclusion:The better the dental health status of children, is the quality of life the children will be better.]"