"Munculnya pandemi COVID-19 menyebabkan masyarakat kesulitan dalam mengakses pelayanan kesehatan. Berdasarkan statistik JKN, kunjungan FKTP tahun 2019 mencapai 337,69 juta kemudian menurun menjadi hanya 193,03 juta kunjungan pada Agustus 2021. Telekonsultasi, salah satu jenis telemedicine, dikatakan dapat menjadi solusi yang tepat agar masyarakat tetap dapat mengakses pelayanan kesehatan yang dibutuhkan sekaligus menjaga diri dari penularan COVID-19. Terdapat peningkatan penggunaan beberapa aplikasi telekonsultasi di Indonesia saat pandemi, dari 4 juta menjadi lebih dari 15 juta orang. Tetapi, angka ini hanya 7,63% dari penduduk pengguna internet di Indonesia dan 5,6% dari total populasi Indonesia. Karena itu, peningkatan akses pelayanan kesehatan melalui telemedicine masih terbilang sulit untuk dicapai. Penelitian di Indonesia yang menganalisis penyebab masyarakat masih belum ingin menggunakan telekonsultasi dan hal apa yang berhubungan dengan intensi mereka untuk menggunakan telekonsultasi pun masih sedikit. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran serta faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan intention-to-use layanan telekonsultasi di masa pandemi COVID-19 pada penduduk Jabodetabek usia 19-49 tahun. Kriteria tersebut dipilih berdasarkan pertimbangan jumlah kasus COVID-19, tingkat mobilitas, keluhan kesehatan dan kebutuhan akan pelayanan kesehatan, serta tingkat penggunaan internet. Penelitian kuantitatif ini menggunakan desain cross-sectional dan metode analisis data PLS-SEM. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada Januari 2022 dengan sampel sejumlah 222 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan signifikan antara pengaruh sosial, perceived usefulness, trust in provider, dan trust in internet terhadap intention-to-use layanan telekonsultasi. Intention-to-use juga terbukti berhubungan signifikan dengan penggunaan sesungguhnya dari layanan telekonsultasi. Selain itu, ditemukan pula hubungan signifikan antara perceived need dengan trust in provider, serta perceived health risk dan perceived ease of use terhadap perceived usefulness. Untuk itu, penyedia layanan perlu memastikan bahwa dokter yang mengelola telekonsultasi kredibel, mampu mendiagnosis dengan baik, dan dapat menjalankan service excellence berbasis teknologi. Sistem keamanan aplikasi penunjang juga harus ditingkatkan agar tidak terjadi pencurian data. Pemerintah pun perlu mempromosikan penggunaan telekonsultasi ke masyarakat terutama pada masa pandemi, menegakkan larangan penyebarluasan data pribadi pasien, serta meningkatkan digitalisasi fasyankes dan mengintegrasikannya agar tercapai cakupan pelayanan kesehatan yang luas dan merata, baik daring atau pun luring.
The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has made it difficult for people to carry out their activities, even to access health services. According to JKN statistics, FKTP visits in 2019 reached 337.69 million, then decreased to only 193.03 million visits in August 2021. Teleconsultation, a type of telemedicine, could be the right solution so that people can still access the health services they need and protect themselves from the spread of COVID-19. There was an increase in the use of several teleconsultation applications in Indonesia during the pandemic, from 4 million to more than 15 million people. However, this rate is only 7.63% of the internet users population in Indonesia and 5.6% of the total population of Indonesia. This issue makes increasing access to health services through telemedicine is still challenging to achieve. There is still limited research in Indonesia that analyzes why people still do not want to use teleconsultation and what is related to their intentions to use it. Therefore, this study aims to determine the description and factors related to the intention to use health teleconsultation services during the COVID-19 pandemic among Jabodetabek residents aged 19-49. These criteria were chosen based on consideration of COVID-19 cases, mobility level, health problems and the need for health services, and internet use. This quantitative study used a cross-sectional design and PLS-SEM data analysis method. Data collection was carried out in January 2022 with 222 samples. The results showed a significant relationship between social influence, perceived usefulness, trust in providers, and trust in the internet on the intention to use teleconsultation services. Intention-to-use was also significantly related to the use of teleconsultation services. In addition, a significant relationship was found between perceived need with trust in the provider, and perceived health risk and perceived ease of use with perceived usefulness. Therefore, providers need to ensure physicians who manage teleconsultation are credible, able to diagnose correctly, and skillful in carrying out technology-based service excellence. Supporting application security systems must also be improved to prevent cyber crimes such as data theft. The government must continue promoting teleconsultation to the public, especially during the pandemic, enforce the prohibition on the dissemination of patients’ data, and increase the digitization of health facilities, and integrate them to achieve more coverage and equal health services both online and offline."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022