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Ditemukan 11 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Kendar Umi Kulsum
Abstrak :
Lengger merupakan salah satu jenis tarian seni tradisi yang menonjolkan citra seksualitas perempuan hingga menimbulkan polemik di masyarakat luas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kesenian tersebut dari sudut pandang si pelaku, yaitu bagaimana lengger mendefinisikan kehidupan dan profesi yang mereka jalani. Oleh karena itu perspektif reflekti f kritis diharapkan mampu mengangkat fenomena kehidupan perempuan penari lengger. Melalui observasi dan wawancara yang disertai dokumentasi foto dan rekaman video peneliti mencoba mengungkapkan temuan tentang penari lengger dalam kajian estetika . feminis. Peneliti membagi temuan lapangan dalam dua bab, yang pertama adalah persoalan perempuan penari lengger, dan kesenian lengger itu sendiri. Kedua, kebebasan penari lengger dalam menampilkan citra tubuhnya menjadikan tubuh mereka otonom dan isu suballeterni. Ketiga, tesis ini mengeskplorasi hilangnya dikotomi subyek dan obyek antara penari dengan audiens. Marginalisasi terhadap perempuan disebabkan oleh penampilan penari yang menggoda. Tesis ini akhirnya mengungkapkan perempuan yang mampu memberdayakan diri mereka sendiri.
Lengger is one of the traditional dance which expose women sexuality. Many women issue arises in this topic. Mainly, the voice of lengger's existence, their way of life and thought are being questioned and streghthened. The phenomena of lengger's reality is depicted through feminist estethics with critical prespective. The method used are depth interviews, filming presentation and photos. Lengger's discourse in this thesis is divided in two chapter, first, setting problem of women dancers and existence of lengger it self. Second, the freedom question of body autonomy, and lengger subaltern issues. Third, this theses explore the vanishing dichotomy of subjected and object between dencer and audience. Finally, desire and seduction presented by lengger dancers is heavily discussed. Lengger performances has always been trivilized because of their seductress appearence, therefore being marginalized. This thesis concludeds that lengger dancers are powerfull women.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pamela Allen
Abstrak :
Starting out as a column in the Bali Post, Oka Rusmini’s alter ego Men Coblong offers, among other things, a feminist perspective on mothers and women and the social relations and cultural practices that confine them. Men Coblong fearlessly voices her view on religious sensitivities, culture, politics and, especially, everyday life. In Men Coblong, the self-titled collection of her columns, the (re) claiming of power operates on two levels. First, we have the journalist Oka Rusmini using words as power to challenge the injustices and absurdities she witnesses in contemporary Indonesia. Second, Oka’s alter ego Men Coblong engages in acts of everyday agency, using a range of strategies, to assert her power as a woman. This analysis of Men Coblong is informed by notions of power, resistance, and agency as conceived by James Scott, Anthony Giddens, and Laura Ahearn. The power that Oka Rusmini is (re)claiming through Men Coblong is the right to confront, protest, and resist through words. Men Coblong reclaims power not through political activism but through enacting everyday agency.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
909 UI-WACANA 24:1 (2023)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cut Cinta Rimandya Marezi
Abstrak :
Film Ini Kisah Tiga Dara merupakan karya adaptasi dari film drama musikal klasik di tahun 1956, Tiga Dara karya Usmar Ismail. Dengan latar cerita yang serupa, produser dan sutradara Nia Dinata mengemas filmnya menyesuaikan dengan konteks zaman ini. Nia Dinata menggambarkan adanya ketegangan antara kehidupan perempuan muda abad 21 di Indonesia dan nilai-nilai tradisi, khususnya dalam soal perjodohan, pernikahan dan kebebasan perempuan untuk memilih hidupnya. Film ini dianggap cukup kontroversial bagi masyarakat Indonesia karena mengangkat soal seks pranikah. Dari kacamata feminis, Ini Kisah Tiga Dara menawarkan wacana/ diskursus positif bagi representasi perempuan. Penelitian ini melihat bagaimana film Ini Kisah Tiga Dara adalah sebuah karya yang mengandung nilai estetika dan film feminis. Estetika feminis mengdepankan konsep-konsep teori film feminis antara lain: kritik terhadap male gaze, menguatkan suara perempuan, dan teknologi gender. Selain aspek teknis film, tesis ini menggunakan metode analisis wacana kritis, feminist stylistics dari Sara Mills. Feminist stylistics, Mills membongkar wacana bias gender melalui enam tahap yaitu: genre dan teks, gender dan penulisan, gender dan teks, gender dan butir bahasa, gender dan level kalimat, gender dan wacana. Pembuktian bahwa film ini merupakan karya feminis juga dilengkapi dengan pembahasan teori feminisme tentang seksualitas, otonomi, dan subjektivitas perempuan. Film ini adalah karya estetika dan film feminis yang memiliki tujuan melakukan perubahan sosial menuju masyarakat yang berkeadilan gender. ......Ini Kisah Tiga Dara Three Sassy Sisters is a musical drama film inspired by Usmar Ismail rsquo s classical movie, Tiga Dara Three Maidens in 1956. With a similiar setting and background story, producer and director, Nia Dinata made her film by adjusting the context of the film in this modern era. Nia Dinata confronts the tension between women rsquo s being in the 21th century in Indonesia and traditional values in particular issues in marriage, women rsquo s autonomy and women rsquo s rights to choose her own life. This film is controversial because it discusses premarital sex which is still a taboo in the Indonesian context. This research looks at Ini Kisah Tiga Dara Three Sassy Sisters from a feminist perspective. This film offers a positive and empowered representation of women. This research discusses in depth feminist aesthetics and film and discusses feminist concepts for example, male gaze, female voice, and gender technology. This research also uses feminist critical discourse analysis method, and Sara Mills rsquo s six steps feminist stylistics genre and text, gender and writing, gender and reading, gender and individual lexical items, gender and clause level sentence level, gender and discourse level. This research uses feminist theory to look at feminist issues such as sexuality, women rsquo s autonomy, and women rsquo s subjectivity. I conclude that this film Ini Kisah Tiga Dara Three Sassy Sisters is a feminist film with a feminist project for social change.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Smith, Bernard
Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1989
759.994 SMI c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jones, Amelia
New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994
709.2 JON p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gracias, Fatima da Silva
Goa, India: Fundacao Oriente, 2014
701.18 GRA f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harris, Jonathan
London : Routledge, 2001
709.04 HAR n
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sapardi Djoko Damono, 1940-2020
Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2018
709.034 SAP a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Charting over 45 years of feminist debate on the significance of gender in the making and understanding of art, this archival anthologyh gathers together 88 indicative texts from North America, Edurope and Australasia, and elsewhere. -- The volume embraces a broad range of threads and perspectives, from diverse national and global approaches, lesbian and queer theory, and postmodernism to education and aesthetics. The writings of artists and activists are juxtaposed with those of academics, creating an entertaining and provacative web of ideas. Some of the texts are now regarded as classic, but the anthology is particulary notable for its inclusion of rare and significant material not reprinted elsewhere. -- The scale and structure of the volume make it a uniqauely flexible resource for study and research. Each of the seven sections focuses on a specific area of debate and is introduced by a descriptive summary. The texts within each chapter are then presented in chronological order, indexing differing positions as they developed over time. -- Hilary Robinson is Dean of the School of Art and Design and Professor of Visual Culture at Middlesex University London, having previously held positions at Carnegie Mellon University, USA, and the University of Ulster, Norhern Ireleand. --Book Jacket.
Chichester : Wiley Blackwell, 2015
704.042 FEM
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
St. Lucia, Queenland: University of Queenland Press, 1990
759.994 NOR
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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