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Ditemukan 152 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Leirissa, Richard Zakarias
" History of the economy of Indonesia before and after the independence, 1945 ... "
Yogyakarta: Ombak, 2012
330.992 LEI s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Davidson, Jamie S.
" This Element argues that after twenty years of democratization, Indonesia has performed admirably. This is especially so when the country's accomplishments are placed in comparative perspective. However, as we analytically focus more closely to inspect Indonesia's political regime, political economy, and how identity-based mobilizations have emerged, it is clear that Indonesia still has many challenges to overcome, some so pressing that they could potentially erode or reverse many of the democratic gains the country has ... "
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2018
320.959 8 DAV i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ferguson, Niall
" Niall Ferguson follows the money to tell the human story behind the evolution of finance, from its origins in ancient Mesopotamia to the latest upheavals. To Christians, love of it is the root of all evil. To generals, it's the sinews of war. To revolutionaries, it's the chains of labor. But historian Ferguson shows that finance is in fact the foundation of human progress. What's more, he reveals financial history as the essential backstory behind ... "
London : Penguin Books, 2009
330.9 FER a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Afif Shidqi
" Skripsi ini membahas sejarah perkembangan ekonomi syariah. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan historis, tulisan ini memaparkan konsep ekonomi syariah, perkembangan ekonomi islam dari masa kemasa, serta pemikiran para ekonom islam yang berkontribusi dalam perkembangan sejarah ekonomi islam pada khususnya dan dunia pada umumnya. Hal ini penting dikarenakan adanya great gap dalam sejarah pemikiran ekonomi selama 500 tahun, yaitu masa yangdikenal sebagai dark ages. Masa kegelapan Barat tersebut sebenarnya adalah masa kegemilangan Islam.
This thesis explain about The History ... "
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
" [A reader in the history of economic thought challenges the assumption that today's prevailing economic theories are always the most appropriate ones. It examines the life and work of each of the founders of economics. It maps the various channels of continental economics, particularly from the late-18th through the early-20th centuries. , A reader in the history of economic thought challenges the assumption that today's prevailing economic theories are always the most appropriate ones. ... "
New York: [Springer, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simonin, Louis
" Born in Marseilles, Louis Simonin (1830–86) became a leading mining engineer of his age. He travelled widely on government and private commissions, particularly around the United States, where he was held in very high esteem. His posthumous renown rests primarily on this substantial work on mining, first published in 1867. The book is divided into three parts, dealing with coal mining, metal mining, and the mining of precious stones. It covers metallurgy and mineralogy, the ... "
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
" Buku ini membahas tentang berbagai kesulitan ekonomi yang dihadapi oleh negara pada masa itu. Kesuliatan tersebut antara lain, tingkat penghidupan rakyat tetaprendah sekali, proses inflasi berjalan terus sehingga menekan jiwa rakyat, ekspor menemui kesulitan, anggaran belanja negara senantiasa defisit, dan pembangunan serta produksi tidak ada kemajuan. Kelima kesulitan tersebut dibahas secara singkat, serta dikemukan berbagai saran untuk mengatasi kesulitan dalam jangka pendek dan panjang ... "
Djakarta: [publisher not identified], 1957
K 330.9 SUJ d
Buku Klasik  Universitas Indonesia Library
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