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Keown, Gerard
Abstrak :
This book traces the ideas and aspirations of the revolutionary generation in Ireland, from the 1890s to 1918, who dreamt of an independent Irish state and imagined how an Irish foreign policy might look. It follows attempts to put these ideas into practice during the campaign for Irish independence led by Sinn Fein, 1919-21, and examines how they evolved into the first Irish foreign policy during the first decade of the Irish Free State. Efforts focused on asserting the young Irish states independence as it pushed the boundaries of its British Commonwealth membership, contributed at the League of Nations and forged ties in Europe and America. Many of the ideas that still shape Irish foreign policy-small state and European country; honest broker and international good citizen; mother country with a disapora and bridge between Europe and America-are rooted in this period. A strong vein of internationalism runs through Irish nationalism; from the desire to pursue a policy based on values, to attempts to create an international rationale for independence and an understanding of the influence of public opinion, there is much that was modern about the Irish experience. This experience also shines a light on interwar European relations and how small states manage their affairs in a world system dominated by their larger neighbours. Drawing on a rich vein of archival sources and private papers, this book charts the beginnings of Irish foreign policy and the aspiration to be first of the small nations.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suzie Sri Suparin S. Sudarman
Abstrak :
The relationship of political identities to human interest is complex but it is credible to think that political identities can play such decisive roles. A good example of this is the preception of threats, which is often a function of what others intend to do with their power. In turn these intentions may arise from domestic factors and more deeply seated strategies and cultures. Hence the effects of the relative difference between internal national identities on the way states behave toward one another in the external environment. In this essay I focus on the fact that in a globalized era and the post september 11th tragedy the Bush administration continues to deem important the assertion of American values in order to find security.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ooi Keat Gin
Abstrak :
Malaya attained independence on August 31, 1957 from Britain. However this new nation faced a communist insurgency known today as the ?Malayan Emergency? (1948-1960). Then in 1961, Tunku announced a wider federation of ?Malaysia?, viz. Malaya, British Crown Colonies of Singapore, Sarawak and North Borneo, and the protectorate of Brunei. Countering communism was a principal motive for ?Malaysia?. Sarawak?s leftist elements were rejected with an armed opposition. Malaysia was formed excluding Brunei. Amidst its birth pangs, Malaysia faced hostile neighbors Indonesia and the Philippines; the former objected by way of Konfrontasi (1963-1967) while the latter laid claim to Sabah (formerly North Borneo). Malaya/ Malaysia was borne in the midst of the Cold War (1947?1991), a bipolar world between the US and the USSR. Malaya/Malaysia is utilized as a case of analysis and evaluation in the context of the twin trends of continuities and transformations in tracing the historical developments from the 1950?s to the 1990?s. The risks, motives, and challenges that prompted the shift in foreign relations reveal as much of the personality of the political leadership, the prevailing situations, and conditions from within and circumstances from without.
327 SUV 8:2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Coates, Benjamin Allen
Abstrak :
Legalist Empire explores the intimate connections between international law and empire in the United States from 1898 to 1919. Though many histories treat Woodrow Wilsons plans for the League of Nations as the beginning of Americas substantive engagement with international law, this book demonstrates the broad influence of legal concepts and expertise in the years before World War I. It follows such lawyers as Elihu Root, John Bassett Moore, James Brown Scott, and Robert Lansing as they created an American profession of international law, promoted the creation of international courts, represented corporations with business overseas, and served as high-ranking policymakers in Washington. A widespread belief in the inevitable progress of civilization simultaneously justified American empire and underwrote the claim that international adjudication could bring world peace. Legalist Empire shows how international lawyers justified the conquest of the Philippines, the taking of Panama, and interventions throughout the Caribbean, and also explains why the law of neutrality helped lead the United States into World War I. The book also offers a new history of the origins of the American international law profession. Research in the papers and publications of lawyers and their organizations shows how political, ideological, and cultural assumptions shaped the emerging profession. A conclusion tracing developments to the present further emphasizes that rather than being antagonists, empire and the international rule of law have frequently reinforced each other in American history.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Catur Hadianto
Abstrak :
Krisis di selat Taiwan merupakan peristiwa yang dapat membawa hubungan antara dua negara besar di kawasan Asia Pasifik mengarah ke dalam konflik. Kedua negara tersebut yakni Amerika Serikat -- yang merupakan satu-satunya kekuatan global dan negara adi daya yang masih tersisa pasca perang dingin -- dan RRC -- yang merupakan kekuatan regional yang mulai tumbuh menjadi negara yang mempunyai potensi menjadi negara adi daya. Karena itu, isu Taiwan merupakan salah satu isu yang dapat mempengaruhi hubungan kedua negara besar tersebut, selain masalah-masalah lainnya seperti, hak-hak asasi manusia, proliferasi senjata nuklir dan senjata pemusnah massal lainnya, perdagangan dan sebagainya. Taiwan secara de facto merupakan negara berdaulat tetapi secara de jure bukanlah negara yang merdeka, karena Taiwan tidak mendapat pengakuan intemasional sebagai negara yang merdeka dan berdaulat, terutama dari PBB. Ditambah lagi, Amerika Serikat telah memutuskan hubungan diplomatik dengan Taiwan dan pindah ke RRC, walaupun tetap mempertahankan hubungan informalnya dengan Taiwan melalui Taiwan Relations Act. Sebagai negara adi daya, Amerika Serikat mempunyai peranan dalam menentukan masa depan Taiwan. Tetapi politik domestik Amerika Serikat yang mempunyai banyak kelompok kepentingan yang selalu berusaha mempengarnhi proses pengambilan kebijakan luar negeri Amerika Serikat sehingga turut menentukan apa yang akan terjadi di lintas selat Taiwan. Di lain pihak, RRC juga ikut menentukan masa depan Taiwan dengan menyatakan bahwa Taiwan merupakan "bagian" dari wilayah RRC dan untuk mempertahankannya bila perlu dengan menggunakan kekuatan militer, Krisis di selat Taiwan pada tahun 1995/1996 dan tahun 1999/2000 mendapat reaksi yang berbeda dari pemerintah Amerika Serikat. Dalam krisis pertama, pemerintah Amerika Serikat menempatkan dua kapal induknya ke lokasi krisis sehingga dapat memicu perang terbuka, sedangkan pada krisis yang kedua pemerintah Amerika Serikat hanya menyampaikan keprihatinannya saja kepada RRC. Dalam dua krisis tersebut, pemerintah Amerika Serikat mengarnbil tindakan yang bertolak belakang, di mana pada krisis pertama tindakannya menyampaikan pesan lebih tegas kepadaRRC sedangkan yang kedua lebih lunak. Pengaruh dari dalam negeri Amerika Serikat seperti Kongres, Media Massa, Civil Society, Lobby Taiwan dan kepentingan kelompok lainnya yang tentunya mempengaruhi perbedaan tersebut. Selain itu, kondisi domestik RRC sendiri turut pula mempengaruhi kebijakan yang diambil pemerintah Amerika Serikat terhadap RRC dalam menghadapi dua krisis yang terjadi di selat Taiwan tersebut Penulis menerapkan kerangka pemikiran dari Kegley dan Wittkopf mengenai proses pengambilan kebijakan luar negeri Amerika Serikat. Menurut Kegley dan Wittkopf, proses pengambilan kebijakan luar negeri Amerika Serikat dipengaruhi faktor-faktor internal (domestik) dan faktor-faktor ekstemal. Kedua sumber tersebut merupakan input yang masuk ke dalam Decision Making Process politik luar negeri Amerika Serikat. Kemudian, dari input tersebut akan keluar output berupa kebijakan Amerika Serikat terhadap RRC. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa faktor-faktor internal (domestik) seperti KCongres, Media Massa, Civil Society, Lobby Taiwan, kepentingan kelompok lainnya dan sebagainya, ditambah faktor-faktor eksternal yakni perubahan yang terjadi di RRC telah merubah sikap pemerintah Amerika Serikat pada krisis yang terjadi di selat Taiwan 1999-2000. Karena pada krisis tahun 1995/1996, pemerintah Amerika Serikat berani berisiko terjadi konflik dengan RRC.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arief Rachman Kunjono
Abstrak :
Tesis ini menganalisis tentang Kerjasama Pertahanan dan Keamanan Australia - Indonesia (1995-1999): Studi Kasus Pembatalan Persetujuan Pemeliharaan Keamanan Hubungan bilateral Australia dengan Indonesia mencapai titik terendah dan sempat memanas karena masalah Timor Timur pada masa pemerintahan Howard (Australia) dan Habibie (Indonesia), yang antara lain berakibat pada pembatalan secara sepihak oleh Indonesia, Persetujuan Pemeliharaan Keamanan Australia - Indonesia pada 16 September 1999. Pembatalan persetujuan keamanan tersebut disebabkan oleh faktor yang berasal dari dalam negeri sendiri (internal) dan faktor-faktor yang berasal dari luar (eksternal). Sejauh mana faktor tersebut berpengaruh, dalam studi kasus pembatalan persetujuan keamanan Australia - Indonesia, adalah permasalahan pokok yang diangkat dalam tesis ini. Persetujuan pemeliharaan keamanan tersebut temyata tidak dapat berfungsi dan tidak dapat digunakan ketika terjadi krisis di Timor Timur. Padahal dalam kesepakatan tersebut kedua belah pihak telah sepakat akan mengadakan konsultasi bila salah satu pihak menghadapi kesulitan yang menyangkut kepentingan keamanan bersama dan bila perlu mengambil tindakan bersama atau sendiri-sendiri sesuai dengan proses pads masing-masing pemerintahnya. Hal ini jugs menunjukkan tidak berfungsinya forum menteri kedua negara, khususnya . antar Menteri Pertahanan kedua negara dalam mendiskusikan masalah Timor Timur. Untuk membahas permasalahan dalam tesis ini menggunakan teori-teori politik internasional mengenai konsep kebijakan luar negeri dari KJ.Holsti, }toward Lentner, Lloyd Jensen, Harold dan Margaret Sprout, serta Stephen L.Spiegel. Juga dicoba menggunakaan konsep persepsi dari Bruce Russet dan Harvey Starr untuk menganalisa persepsi para aktor politik kedua negara dalam konteks hubungan internasional kedua negara dalam masalah Timor Timur. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dengan pendekatan kualitatif melalui studi kepustakaan (library research) dengan mengandalkan data dan informasi yang dianggap relevan dengan penelitian ini.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembatalan persetujuan keamanan tersebut sebagai reaksi atas aksi dan sikap Australia terhadap Indonesia yang berlebihan dalam masalah Timor Timur. Namun sikap dan tindakan Australia tersebut berawal dari adanya anarkis dan pelanggaran HAM di Timor Timur pasca jajak pendapat.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Badan Pembinaan Hukum Nasional, Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Republik Indonesia, 20101
342.041 2 IND a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Martin, Dick
Abstrak :
Anti-American feeling is at an all-time high. Other nations and cultures have singled out our businesses, government, and way of life for harsh scorn, widespread resentment, even violence. This book is an exploration of this phenomenon, from its causes and earliest manifestations to current efforts by businesses and other organizations to mitigate it. Based on a deep understanding of anti-Americanism's roots, "Rebuilding Brand America" is a call to action that will help U.S.-based companies prosper in global markets.
New York: American Management Association, 2007
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Contents : - Foreword - Who will be Indonesian President in 2014? by By Maxwell Lane (Guest Writer) - The seventh plenum of the communist party of Vietnam: the gains of the central committee by Ha Hoang Hop - The struggle to amend Thailand's constitution by Michael J. Montesano - Whither China's Myanmar stranglehold? by Stephanie Shannon and Nicholas Farrelly - Malaysia's BN stays in power, but deep changes have nevertheless occurred by Ooi Kee Beng - The significance of China-Malaysia industrial parks by Khor Yu Leng - Steadily amplified rural votes decide Malaysian elections by Lee Hock Guan - The rise of Chinese power and the impact on Southeast Asia by Rodolfo C. Severino - The China-Myanmar energy pipelines: risks and benefits by Zhao Hong - Moving ASEAN+1 FTAs towards an effective RCEP by Sanchita Basu Das - Ethnic insurgencies and peacemaking in Myanmar by Tin Maung Maung Than - Japan's growing angst over the South China Sea by Ian Storey - Taking the income gap in Southeast Asia seriously by Aekapol Chongvilaivan - Indonesian parties struggle for electability by Ulla Fionna - Rohingya boat arrivals in Thailand: from the frying pan into the fire? by Su-Ann Oh - APEC's model of green growth is a move forward by Lee Poh Onn - China's FDI into Southeast Asia by Zhao Hong - Hidden counter-revolution: a history of the centralisation of power in Malaysia by Francis Hutchinson - The dominance of Chinese engineering contractors in Vietnam by Le Hong Hiep - RCEP and TPP: comparisons and concerns by Sanchita Basu Das - Implications of demographic trends in Singapore by Saw Swee-Hock - Big power contest in Southeast Asia by Daljit Singh - The resurgence of social activism in Malaysia by Ooi Kee Beng - Pivoting Asia, engaging China-American strategy in East Asia by Daljit Singh - Towards a code of conduct for the South ChinaSea by Rodolfo C. Severino - List of ISEAS perspective issues
Singapore : Institute of Southeast Asian Studies , 2014
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sudo, Sueo
Abstrak :
The central puzzle in the study of Japanese foreign policy has been why Japan has continued to play a passive role in international affairs, despite its impressive economic and political power. Challenging this central puzzle, the core argument of this study is to present an alternative path for the study of Japanese foreign policy. In fact, in recent years Japanese foreign policy has become less dependent on the United States, more strategic towards Asia, and more energetic towards international.
Singapore : Institute of Southeast Asian Studies , 2015
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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