Ditemukan 207 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Due to scientific uncertainties and political problems, policymakers rely on socially constructed norms when drafting what they hope to be an efficient patent system.... ...
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
indonesia faces dilemmatic situation, such as drought during dry rainy season. The main problems in occurrence of flood, land slide and water body's sedimentations are rain.. ...
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Sathaporn Satsue
This study investigated the phytochemical screening and biological activity of Sesbania grandiflora ( L. ), locally named as "Khae ban", bark extractions, which were soft and hard barks. The phytochemical screening was carried out on the extraction of each particular bark with 95% Hexane, 95% Ethyl acetate, and 95% Ethanol for Alkaloids, Steroids, Tannins, Flavonoids, and Terpenoids. The anti-inflammatory activity was also evaluated for scavenging of nitric oxide free radicals ( NO), and the collagen ...
Pathum Thani: Thammasat University, 2019
670 STA 24:2 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
The residue from anaerobic digestion of paper mill biological sludge has the potency to be used as organic fertilizer. Physically, organic fertilizer in pellet form has smaller volume and easily stored and transported. The aim of this study is to obtain the appropriate adhesive to make fertilizer pellets from the residue from anaerobic digestion of paper mill biological sludge. The experiment were performed with two variable treatments which are the types of adhesive (sago flour, ...
JS 5:2 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Anggi Gayatri
Background: DLBS1033 is a bioactive protein fraction extracted from Lumbricus rubellus, with fibrinogenolytic, fibrinolytic and anti-aggregation activities reported in an in vitro study. Plasma half-life is an important parameter to calculate its dose. This study was conducted to evaluate the biological half-life of DLBS1033 by measuring serial plasmin-antiplasmin (PAP) complex. PAP complex is a stable and inactive compound as a result of fibrinolysis process. Methods: this was an open-label clinical trial in healthy adult subjects. ...
Jakarta: University of Indonesia. Faculty of Medicine, 2018
610 UI-IJIM 50:3 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Hobbie, Russell K.
This classic text has been used in over 20 countries by advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in biophysics, physiology, medical physics, neuroscience, and biomedical engineering. It bridges the gap between an introductory physics course and the application of physics to the life and biomedical sciences. Extensively revised and updated, the fifth edition incorporates new developments at the interface between physics and biomedicine. New coverage includes cyclotrons, photodynamic therapy, color vision, x-ray crystallography, the electron ...
Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2015
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Song, Seo Woo
This thesis demonstrates a technology that enables pipetting-free high-throughput screening (HTS) on a miniaturized platform, eliminating the need for thousands of one-by-one pipetting and conventional liquid handling systems. This platform enhances accessibility to HTS and enables HTS to be used in small-to-medium scale laboratories. In addition, it allows large-scale combinatorial screening with a small number of valuable cells, such as patients primary cancer cells. This technique will have a high impact for widespread use of ...
Singapore: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Jumlah dan jenis limbah atau polutan dewasa ini semakin meningkat, hal ini tak lepas seiring berkembangnya dunia industri, dampak limbah dan polutan dewasa ini semakin bertambah, banyak laporan terhadap pencemaran yang diakibatkan oleh limbah atau polutan baik pada air, udara maupun tanah, semua itu dikarenakan pengolahan limbah yang tidak efisien.
Sistem pengolahan limbah yang tepat, murah dan efisien sangat diperlukan, dan salah satu teknologi alternatif pengolahan limbah adalah sistem bioremediasi. Bioremediasi adalah sistem pengolahan limbah yang ...
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2003
T 10896
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Waty Darmawaty
Kehadiran manusia di suatu lingkungan akan menimbulkan pengaruh timbalbalik karena kegiatannya memenuhi kebutuhan hidup dasar maupun kebutuhan hidup sampingan, selain itu kegiatan manusia itu sendiri akan menghasilkan limbah yang pada gilirannya akan mempengaruhi lingkungan khususnya air di lingkungannya (Situ Cigayonggong). Dalam membina hubungan timbal-balik dengan lingkungannya, manusia harus mampu beradaptasi. Pengalaman beradaptasi terhadap lingkungannya itu diartikan sebagai kearifan lingkungan (environmental wisdom) yang merupakan mekanisme untuk menjaga keseimbangan lingkungan, sedangkan perilaku manusia dalam kaitannya dengan pemeliharaan ...
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2003
T 12258
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Niza Fitriani
Industri dianggap sebagai penyebab utama kerusakan lingkungan karena pencemaran yang ditimbulkannya. Limbah industri dapat berwujud gas, padat, cair, dan lumpur. Berdasarkan beberapa wujud limbah industri tersebut limbah cair merupakan jenis limbah yang perlu mendapatkan perhatian karena berpengaruh penting terhadap kerusakan lingkungan. Untuk mengantisipasi kerusakan lingkungan akibat limbah industri, pemerintah mengharuskan pihak industri untuk membangun instalasi pengolahan limbah cair.
PT Procter & Gamble Indonesia (PT P&G) merupakan industri makanan (permen), kosmetik dan farmasi yang ada di Jakarta. ...
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library