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Ditemukan 130 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Grace Missrani Bangun
Abstrak :
Kebutuhan listrik saat ini semakin meningkat, namun produksi batubara sebagai pembangkit konvensional semakin menipis. Jadi pemerintah sedang menggalakkan penggunaan energi baru dan terbarukan. Sebagai contoh adalah PLTS. Pada penelitian ini akan mengembangkan penelitian sebelumnya dengan fokus pada studi hubung singkat pada sistem tenaga listrik Lombok khususnya pada 3 titik yang berbeda yaitu GI 150 kV Kuta, GI 150 kV Paokmotong, dan 150 kV GI Sengkol. Dimana akan dibandingkan antara tanpa PLTS dan menggunakan PLTS. Beberapa skenario dilakukan dengan memvariasikan kapasitas PV, yaitu 5 MWp, 10 MWp, 15 MWp, dan 20 MWp. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan simulasi dengan bantuan ETAP 12.6.0. Hasil studi yang diperoleh untuk analisis hubung singkat tanpa PLTS adalah 2.546 pada 150 kV GI Kuta; 3.021 di GI Paokmotong; dan 2.861 pada 150 kV GI Sengkol. Pada analisis gangguan hubung singkat menggunakan PLTS didapatkan hasil maksimal sebesar 2.599 pada 150 kV GI Kuta; 3.027 pada 150 kV GI Paokmotong; dan 2.873 pada 150 kV GI Sengkol. Dari hasil yang diperoleh dapat diketahui bahwa tidak ada perubahan yang signifikan pada gangguan hubung singkat.
The demand for electricity is currently increasing, but coal production as a conventional generator is running low. So the government is promoting the use of new and renewable energy. An example is PLTS. This study will develop previous research with a focus on short circuit studies on the Lombok electric power system, especially at 3 different points, namely GI 150 kV Kuta, GI 150 kV Paokmotong, and GI Sengkol 150 kV. Where will be compared between without PLTS and using PLTS. Several scenarios are carried out by varying the PV capacity, namely 5 MWp, 10 MWp, 15 MWp, and 20 MWp. In this study, a simulation was carried out with the help of ETAP 12.6.0. The study results obtained for short circuit analysis without PLTS are 2,546 at 150 kV GI Kuta; 3,021 at GI Paokmotong; and 2,861 at 150 kV GI Sengkol. In the short circuit analysis using PLTS, the maximum result is 2,599 at 150 kV GI Kuta; 3,027 at 150 kV GI Paokmotong; and 2,873 at 150 kV GI Sengkol. From the results obtained, it can be seen that there is no significant change in the short circuit fault.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakhri Rafi Rosyidi
Abstrak :
Limbah elektronik yang dibiarkan secara terus menerus akan menjadi sebuah masalah jika tidak dilakukan tindakan. Permasalahan ini perlu dicari solusinya agar limbah elektronik memiliki manfaat. Nanofluida adalah fluida yang dapat menghantarkan panas yang didalamnya dari partikel nano berukuran sekitar 1 hingga 100 nanometer. Nanofluida  terus menerus mengalami perkembangan karena nanofluida memiliki kelebihan yang lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan fluida lain dengan partikel ukuran tidak nano. Luas area permukaan yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan partikel dengan ukuran yang lebih besar dapat lebih baik menghantarkan panas sehingga nanofluida sangat cocok jika digunakan sebagai media quenching dalam perlakuan panas. Penelitian ini membahas karakterisasi nanofluida yang menggunakan micro-dispersed partikel non-logam yang didominasi oleh kandungan SiO2. Pada penelitian ini, karakterisasi dilakukan pada pengaruh konsentrasi partikel (0; 0,1; 0,3; dan 0,5%) dan konsentrasi surfaktan PEG (0, 3, 5, dan 7%) terhadap viskositas, zeta potensial, dan konduktivitas termal nanofluida. Hasil dari pengujian Particle Size Analysis (PSA) pada partikel menunjukkan terjadinya peningkatan ukuran partikel dari 268,7 d.nm menjadi 1035,6 d.nm (milling 10 jam) dan 572,6 d.nm (milling 20 jam). Dari hasil pengujian, partikel tidak mencapai ukuran nano sehingga partikel tergolong kedalam thermal fluid. Hasil pengujian viskositas pada thermal fluid mengalami peningkatan linier seiring dengan penambahan konsentrasi surfaktan dengan nilai tertinggi pada konsentrasi partikel 0,5% dan konsentrasi surfaktan 5% sebesar 1,29 mPa.s. Hasil pengujian zeta potensial pengalami peningkatan seiring meningkatnya konsentrasi surfaktan dengan nilai tertinggi pada konsentrasi surfaktan sebesar 7% sebesar  39,6 mV.  Hasil pengujian konduktivitas  thermal pengalami penurunan seiring meningkatnya konsentrasi partikel dan konsentrasi surfaktan melewati titik optimum pada konsentrasi partikel 0,5% dan konsentrasi surfaktan 7% sebesar 0,652 W/mK. ......Electronic waste that is left unattended continuously will become a problem if no action is taken. This issue needs to be addressed in order for electronic waste to have a beneficial purpose. Nanofluids are fluids that can conduct heat due to the presence of nano-sized particles, typically ranging from 1 to 100 nanometers. Nanofluids continue to undergo development because they offer superior advantages compared to non-nano-sized particle fluids. The larger surface area of the nanoparticles allows for better heat conduction, making nanofluids suitable as quenching media in heat treatment processes. This study focuses on the characterization of nanofluids that utilize micro-dispersed non-metallic particles predominantly composed of SiO2. In this research, characterization was conducted to analyze the influence of particle concentration (0, 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5%) and PEG SDBS surfactant concentration (0, 3, 5, and 7%) on the viscosity, zeta potential, and thermal conductivity of the nanofluids. The Particle Size Analysis (PSA) test results indicate an increase in particle size from 268.7 d.nm to 1035.6 d.nm (after 10 hours of milling) and 572.6 d.nm (after 20 hours of milling). Based on these test results, the particles did not reach the nano size range and are classified as thermal fluids. The viscosity test results for the thermal fluid showed a linear increase with the addition of surfactant concentration, reaching the highest value at a particle concentration of 0.5% and a surfactant concentration of 7%, which was 0.627 mPa.s. The zeta potential test results exhibited an increase with the increasing surfactant concentration, reaching the highest value at a surfactant concentration of 7%, which was 39.6 mV. The thermal conductivity test results showed a decrease with the increasing particle and surfactant concentrations, reaching an optimum point at a particle concentration of 0.5% and a surfactant concentration of 7%, which was 0.652 W/mK.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alvin Hariman
Abstrak :
Di era pandemi ini, banyak sekali kegiatan yang mengharuskan kita untuk dilakukan secara online. Kegiatan bisnis yang awalnya dilakukan secara tunai juga telah berubah menjadi non tunai, seperti menggunakan switching bill payment. Akan tetapi, jika terdapat banyak pengguna yang melakukan request, maka biller dapat mengalami overloaded dan menjadi tidak responsif. Oleh karena itu, penulis ingin membuat sebuah circuit breaker yang dapat menentukan kondisi dari biller kemudian memutuskan koneksi antara switching dengan biller jika biller tersebut dalam kondisi yang kurang baik. Circuit breaker yang ada akan diimplementasi menggunakan 2 service, dimana service pertama akan memiliki sebuah library circuitbreaker dalam bentuk decorator yang memiliki fungsi memutuskan atau menyambungkan koneksi antara switching dan biller. Service lainnya dari circuit breaker yaitu service model yang berfungsi sebagai penentu apakah suatu biller sedang berada dalam kondisi normal atau tidak. Cara service tersebut menentukan kondisi biller adalah dengan menggunakan sebuah dataset dummy yang kemudian dilakukan transformasi menggunakan Sequence Graph Transform (SGT). Kemudian, dataset yang telah ditransformasi tersebut akan dilakukan training menggunakan tensorflow untuk menghasilkan suatu model yang dapat melakukan prediksi terhadap kondisi biller. Penerapan circuit breaker ke sebuah switching bill payment dapat memberikan kenyamanan kepada pengguna dalam melakukan transaksi pembayaran berupa layanan yang cepat dari switching tersebut. ......In this pandemic era, there are a lot of activities that requires us to do it online. Business activity that is done by using cash has now become cashless, like for example by using switching bill payment. However, if there is a lot of users making a request, there is a chance that the switch will be overloaded and it will become unresponsive. As a result, the author tried to create a circuit breaker that is able to determine biller's condition and if it is in bad condition then the circuit breaker will cut off the connection. The circuit breaker will be implemented using 2 services in which one of the services will have a circuitbreaker library in a shape of decorator . The other service is a service model where it will decide if a biller is in a normal condition or not. The way it determines biller's condition is by using a dummy dataset that is transformed using Sequence Graph Transform (SGT). Then, the transformed dataset will be trained using TensorFlow to produce a model that can be used to predict biller's condition. Implementing a circuit breaker into a switching bill payment gives convenience to the user in doing payment transactions by giving them a fast service from the switching.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salmana Iffat
Abstrak :
Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi dapat meningkatkan kebutuhan akan logam, namun ketersediaan sumber daya primer mineral logam akan semakin menipis sehingga diperlukan sumber daya sekunder atau alternatif seperti Printed Circuit Board (PCB) yang memiliki kandungan logam tembaga, besi, dan timah dengan konsentrasi yang tinggi. Proses ekstraksi limbah elektronik haruslah ramah lingkungan, sehingga pada penelitian kali ini akan menggunakan proses hidrometalurgi dengan pelarut organik yaitu Deep Eutectic Solvent (DES) Ethaline. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perilaku elektro-kimia dari Printed Circuit Board (PCB) dengan sampel kontrol berupa Printed Circuit Board (PCB) sintetis, pengaruh variasi temperatur, dan penambahan iodine terhadap perilaku elektro-kimia dari Printed Circuit Board (PCB) serta Printed Circuit Board (PCB) sintetis. Pada Cyclic Voltammogram dari sampel Printed Circuit Board (PCB) dan Printed Circuit Board (PCB) sintetis terdapat Ep pada potensial -0,4 V yang merupakan nilai potensial untuk reaksi anodik dengan reaksi oksidasi Cu+/Cu2+. Pada temperatur yang lebih tinggi nilai ∆Ep akan semakin kecil dan nilai peak current (ip) akan semakin tinggi karena transfer elektron yang semakin cepat. Penambahan iodine pada sampel mengakibatkan lebih banyak reaksi redoks yang terjadi sehingga terlihat potential peak untuk reaksi anoda dan katoda. Dengan mengetahui perilaku elektro-kimia dari Printed Circuit Board (PCB) didapatkan nilai potensial dan parameter optimal untuk proses elektrodeposisi logam tembaga, besi, dan timah. ......The rapid development of technology can increase the need for metal, but the availability of primary metal mineral resources will be depleting so that secondary or alternative resources are needed such as Printed Circuit Board (PCB) which contain copper, iron, and tin with high concentration. The electronic waste extraction process must be environmentally friendly, so in this study we will use a hydrometallurgical process with an organic solvent, namely Deep Eutectic Solvent (DES) Ethaline. This study aims to determine the electrochemical behavior of the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) with a control sample in the form of a synthetic Printed Circuit Board (PCB), the effect of temperature variations, and the addition of iodine to the electrochemical behavior of the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) and the synthetic Printed Circuit Board (PCB). In the Cyclic Voltammogram of the synthetic Printed Circuit Board (PCB) and Printed Circuit Board (PCB) samples, there is Ep at a potential of -0.4 V which is the potential value for the anodic reaction with the Cu+/Cu2+ oxidation reaction. At higher temperatures, the value of ∆Ep will be smaller, and the value of peak current (ip) will be higher because of the faster electron transfer. The addition of iodine to the sample resulted in more redox reactions that occurred so that potential peaks was seen for the anode and cathode reactions. By knowing the electrochemical behavior of the Printed Circuit Board (PCB), the potential values ​​and optimal parameters for the electrodeposition process of copper, iron, and tin metals are obtained.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Ilham Wiratama
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini dibuat untuk merancang demodulator QPSK untuk perangkat modem power line communication yang disusun dari rangkaian logika dengan menggunakan simulator Multisim 10. Rangkaian demodulator QPSK tersebut terdiri atas beberapa modul, seperti rangkaian sinusoidal to square wave, clock recovery, phase shifter, comparator, dan sampling. Keseluruhan modul rangkaian tersebut disimulasikan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Multisim 10. Proses pertama yang dilakukan di dalam rangkaian demodulator ialah mengubah modulated signal QPSK analog dari pre-amp receiver menjadi berbentuk pulsa (square wave). Proses berikutnya ialah mensinkronkan clock generator pada bagian demodulator dengan sinkronisasi clock yang dikirim oleh far end modulator dengan menggunakan rangkaian clock recovery. Rangkaian dasar QPSK adalah phase shifter, yang berfungsi untuk membangkitkan sinyal carrier dan menggeser fase sinyal sebesar 900. Modulated sinyal QPSK tersebut dibandingkan dengan sinyal carrier dengan rangkaian comparator. Proses terakhir ialah menggabungkan sinyal dari kanal I dan Q menjadi data serial, dengan menggunakan rangkaian sampling. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis untuk menunjukkan cara kerja dari rangkaian demodulator QPSK ini, kestabilan rangkaian, hasil keluaran dari setiap proses rangkaian, dan hasil data QPSK yang dapat didemodulasikan menjadi data awal.
This paper explains the design of QPSK demodulator which is proposed for communication via power line networks. As already known that communication via power-line network needs suitable modulation, since power-line networks are very noisy and originally were not designed for communication. The QPSK modulation technique had been chosen, since it is one of the effective modulation methods to be implemented in the high noisy communication channel such as power-line networks. QPSK modulation is a well-known modulation technique in telecommunication field. One makes design different from existing design is the use of the electronic discrete components. In this research, it is shown that QPSK demodulator can be built up from discrete digital TTL integrated circuits which are enormously available in the market. This QPSK demodulator was designed by using simulation software called Multisim 10 Simulator. The QPSK demodulator consists of several blocks functions, such as sinusoidal to square-wave converter, phase shifter, clock recovery, clock generator, comparator and sampling circuit. This QPSK demodulator is designed to work in 250 KHz carrier frequency and having speed of about 60 kbps. Analysis has been made based on how the circuit works and comparison to the existing standard. This designed QPSK demodulator is concluded to be able to work and support for PLC system and in the future can be improved to obtain a better PLC modem performance.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irfa Hambali
Abstrak :
Pada perkembangan teknologi saat ini, banyak mempergunakan beban-beban nonlinier seperti komputer, printer, juga motor-motor listrik yang menyebabkan timbulnya harmonik. Harmonik dapat mempengaruhi sistem tenaga listrik yang dirancang untuk beroperasi pada frekuensi 50 Hz, sehingga mengakibatkan munculnya arus / tegangan yang frekuensinya menjadi perkalian bulat dari 50 Hz. Frekuensi 50 Hz merupakan frekuensi fundamental sedangkan jika terjadi perkalian bulat dari frekuensi 50 Hz disebut harmonik. Harmonik dapat mempengaruhi mekanisme kerja pada Circuit Breaker seperti abnormalnya proses pemutusan rangkaian sehingga fungsinya sebagai alat proteksi menjadi kurang sempurna untuk memproteksi instalasi tenaga lisrik dan peralatan listrik lainnya. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan pengujian mengenai pengaruh harmonik terhadap Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) dengan menggunakan beban non linier berupa kombinasi antara lampu pijar dan lampu fluorescent ballast elektronik untuk mendapatkan variasi nilai THD (Total Harmonic Distortion). Arus yang dialirkan sebesar 1,5 x In pada MCB. Dari pengujian yang telah dilakukan, ternyata distrorsi harmonik (THD) yang dihasilkan dapat mempengaruhi mekanisme kerja pada MCB dimana semakin besar nilai distorsi harmoniknya (THD) mengakibatkan waktu pemutusan MCB menjadi lebih cepat dalam melakukan pemutusan rangkaian.
Currently, technology development used to nonlinear loads such as computers, printers, electric motors which affected to emerge harmonic. Harmonics could affect the electrical power system designed to operate at a frequency of 50 Hz, that resulted in the emergence of the current / voltage to frequency with multiple of 50 Hz. Frequency of 50 Hz is the fundamental frequency multiplication whereas in case of a round of 50 Hz frequency called harmonics. Harmonic frequency could affect the working mechanism of the Circuit Breaker like abnormal tripping process so that its function as a protection device become imperfect to protect the installation of electricity power and other electrical equipments. In this study, there was done a test about the effect of harmonics on Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB), used by nonlinear load such as a combination of incandescent and fluorescent lamp ballast electronic to gain variation value of THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) with given operating current as 1.5 x In on the MCB. From the testing that has been done, apparently, the result of THD could affect the working mechanism of the MCB when the value THD increased the tripping process of MCB would be faster.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Calvin Huang
Abstrak :
Menggunakan “sirkuit kebudayaan” (circuit of culture) sebagai kerangka analisis, artikel ini meneliti perubahan di dalam Netflix saat beradaptasi dalam era “perang antar-platform streaming” serta dampaknya terhadap konsumsi masyarakat. Kehadiran Netflix di dunia maya telah membantu berbagai penduduk dunia dengan memudahkan akses menonton film dan serial televisi. Akan tetapi, ketika para kompetitor baru mulai bermunculan sehingga menyebabkan lingkungan pasar ekonomi yang menjenuhkan dan naiknya pembajakan ilegal, Netflix harus mengatur ulang katalog serta identitas mereka agar memiliki ciri khas yang berbeda dari situs-situs saingan. Selain itu, berbagai faktor tertentu menyebabkan sulitnya untuk memperoleh hak siar streaming. Sekitar awal-hingga-pertengahan 2010-an, Netflix menemukan sebuah langkah krusial yang akan mengubah operasi bisnisnya secara permanen dan menjadikan mereka sebagai perusahaan streaming yang paling ternama. Dengan melihat Netflix dari tiga aspek sirkuit kebudayaan, fokus analisis akan terbagi menjadi tiga bagian: keadaan Netflix sebelum perang antar-platform streaming dan gagasan yang mendorong perubahan strategi Netflix (produksi), kegiatan Netflix dalam mempromosikan karya serial yang mereka produksi sendiri (representasi), serta reaksi pengguna terhadap promosi tersebut (konsumsi). Analisis ini berargumen bahwa di luar kapabilitas Netflix untuk mendapatkan lisensi acara yang pernah tayang sebelumnya dengan cara memproduksi serial mereka sendiri, mereka sukses meningkatkan angka keuntungan dan popularitas meskipun di tengah persaingan antar-layanan streaming yang sengit. ......Using the analytical framework “circuit of culture”, this article examines the changes within Netflix as the company adapts into the age of “streaming wars”, and the impact of it towards public consumption. The existence of Netflix online has significantly helped people across the world to gain easier accessibility towards movies and TV series, but as new competitors emerge in recent times which cause market saturation and the rise of piracy, Netflix has to reconfigure their catalog and identity in order to distinguish themselves from other similar sites. Moreover, several reasons have also made obtaining streaming rights to be much harder. In the early-to-mid 2010s, Netflix found a pivotal venture that would completely alter their business operation permanently, and they would become the most well-known streaming company. By looking into Netflix through three processes of circuit of culture, the focus shall be divided into three main sections: the state of Netflix before the streaming wars and the idea that prompts Netflix to change their strategy (production), a look into Netflix’s effort to market their own shows (representation), and the users’ reaction to their effort (consumption). This analysis argues that by flexing their capability beyond licensing pre-existing shows through producing their original series, Netflix successfully gains more revenue and recognition despite the fierce nature of streaming wars.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tiziano Villa, editor
Abstrak :
The problem of the unknown component : theory and applications addresses the issue of designing a component that, combined with a known part of a system, conforms to an overall specification. The authors tackle this problem by solving abstract equations over a language. The most general solutions are studied when both synchronous and parallel composition operators are used. The abstract equations are specialized to languages associated with important classes of automata used for modeling systems. The book is a blend of theory and practice, which includes a description of a software package with applications to sequential synthesis of finite state machines. Specific topologies interconnecting the components, exact and heuristic techniques, and optimization scenarios are studied. Finally the scope is enlarged to domains like testing, supervisory control, game theory and synthesis for special omega languages. The authors present original results of the authors along with an overview of existing ones.
New York: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bindal, Ahmet
Abstrak :
This textbook provides semester-length coverage of computer architecture and design, providing a strong foundation for students to understand modern computer system architecture and to apply these insights and principles to future computer designs. It is based on the authors decades of industrial experience with computer architecture and design, as well as with teaching students focused on pursuing careers in computer engineering. Unlike a number of existing textbooks for this course, this one focuses not only on CPU architecture, but also covers in great detail in system buses, peripherals and memories.This book teaches every element in a computing system in two steps. First, it introduces the functionality of each topic (and subtopics) and then goes into from-scratch design of a particular digital block from its architectural specifications using timing diagrams. The author describes how the data-path of a certain digital block is generated using timin g diagrams, a method which most textbooks do not cover, but is valuable in actual practice. In the end, the user is ready to use both the design methodology and the basic computing building blocks presented in the book to be able to produce industrial-strength designs.
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This book is based on the 18 invited tutorials presented during the 27th workshop on Advances in Analog Circuit Design. Expert designers from both industry and academia present readers with information about a variety of topics at the frontiers of analog circuit design, including the design of analog circuits in power-constrained applications, CMOS-compatible sensors for mobile devices and energy-efficient amplifiers and drivers. For anyone involved in the design of analog circuits, this book will serve as a valuable guide to the current state-of-the-art. Provides a state-of-the-art reference in analog circuit design, written by experts from industry and academia; Presents material in a tutorial-based format; Covers the design of analog circuits in power-constrained applications, CMOS-compatible sensors for mobile devices and energy-efficient amplifiers and drivers.
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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