Ditemukan 139 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Siti Utami Dewi Ningrum
Mothers of the Nation or ibuism is a term that is often considered negative in the study of womens history. This is related to the nations political journey, during which the New Order regime took power, the terminology was used to control and dominate women in Indonesia. Further explored, in the 19205, the spirit of nationalism are grew, including among the (priayi) noble women. They formed an association and held the Indonesian Womens Congress I ...
Jakarta: Yayasan Jurnal Prempuan, 2018
305 JP 23:3 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
POL 3(1-2)2013
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Guido Benny Sunardi
The implementation of economic integration under the ASEAN Community is accelerated to 2015. Many observers argued that Indonesian businesses were not ready to compete. Then, a study was conducted to examine how Jakarta consumers perceived the competitiveness of domestic shoes products, a leading Indonesian export products, against similar products made in some ASEAN and other developed and newly industrialized countries. The study employed six dimensions of Country Image for shoes products in revealing consumers? perception ...
Depok: University of Indonesia, Bussiness Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences,, 2009
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Dikha Ayu Kurnia, examiner
This study aims at examining the historicity of petik laut (a maritime tradition) as part of the local genius of cultural hybridization between Islam and ancestral beliefs. Sense of belonging possessed by the Puger community has become the start of the foundation of a multicultural society in the community. This multicultural spirit eventually strengthens nationalism in the country. The methods used in this historical study are respectively (1) heuristics, namely the collection of ...
D.I. Yogyakarta: Yayasan Jurnal Perempuan, 2018
400 JANTRA 13:2 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Asyiqah Binti Mohamad Jamil
The misrepresentation of Southeast Asians throughout history was often the results of the White Man’s burden doctrine practiced by Western colonialists, which clouded their perceptions of Southeast Asians, resulting in claims that Southeast Asians were inferior. This Eurocentric idea has distorted the representation of colonized nations in general. However, the worst Eurocentric fallacy is regarding Muslim women in Southeast Asia. They were not only misrepresented but also intimidated by the patriarchal nature of orientalism. Muslim ...
Jakarta: UIII Press, 2022
297 MUS 1:2 (2022)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"In the 1950s and 1960s most African countries gained their independence. Architecture became one of the principal means by which the young nations expressed their national identity. Parliament buildings, central banks, stadiums, convention centers, universities and independence memorials were built with often heroic and daring designs. This book investigates for the first time the relationship between architecture and nation building in Ghana, Senegal, Kenya, Côte d'Ivoire and Zambia. It features around eighty buildings with descriptive ...
Zurich: Park Books, 2016
725.1 AFR
Buku Teks SO Universitas Indonesia Library
Keadaan pergerakan nasional pada tahun 1930-an berbeda dengan keadaan sebelumnya. Keadaan tersebut terutama disebabkan oleh sikap pemerintah kolonial yang sangat menakan gerakan nasional, khusunya gerakan yang menganut azas perjuangan non-koperasi. PNI yang didirikan pada tahun 1927, pada tahun 1931 pecah menjadi Partindo yang dipimpin oleh Sukarno dan PNI Baru yang dipimpin oleh Mohammad Hatta. Baik Partindo maupun PNI-Baru dinilai pemerintah, membahayakan. Ditekanlah kedua partai itu melalui berbagai cara, seperti pembatasan kebebasan berbicara dalam rapat-rapat, ...
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1994
UI - Laporan Penelitian Universitas Indonesia Library
Hasan, Mushirul
In its most brutal form, the prison in British India was an instrument of the colonial state for instilling fear and dealing with resistance. Exploring the lived experience of select political prisoners, this volume presents their struggles and situates them against the backdrop of the freedom movement. From Mohamed Ali, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the Nehru family, and Gandhi, to communists like M.N. Roy, we get a vivid glimpse of their lives within the confines ...
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Faktor yang mendorong untuk memperjuangkan sistem ketatanegaraan dalam bentuk bernegara yang demokratis dalam hal ini dihadapkan pada kenyataan bahwa Indonesia berstatus sebagai negara kolonial, sehingga perjuangan mencapai negara merdeka menjadi tujuan utama dalam sejarah pergerakan nasional Indonesia.
Permasalahan yang hendak dijawab dalam tesis ini adalah : Apakah latar belakang perjuangan bernegara demokrasi H.O.S. Tjokroaminoto, Bagaimana bentuk negara demokrasi dalam pemikiran H.O.S. Tjokroaminoto dan mengapa negara demokrasi menjadi pilihan dalam perjuangan bernegara, Bagaimana bentuk negara merdeka yang ...
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Ardiansyah
Kebijakan luar negeri Iran era Khatami memasuki suatu face baru, bergerak dari konfrontasi ke konsiliasi. Dalam gagasan kebijakan luar negerinya, tidak terdapat "benturan antar kebudayaan", dia lebih memilih "dialog antar kebudayaan". Kebijakan "detente" Khatami telah menciptakan suatu atmosfir yang mendukung untuk meningkatkan hubungan dengan dunia luar. Teheran tengah meningkatkan upayanya untuk memainkan peranan yang lebih besar di kawasan Teluk dan sekitarnya. Sekarang kebijakan "detente" menjadi "cornerstone" dalam Kebijakan Luar Negeri Iran.
Masalah ini menarik untuk dikaji ...
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library