"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara motivasi kerelawanan dan generalized self-efficacy pada relawan Indonesia tahapan perkembangan emerging adult. Partisipan penelitian adalah 1954 orang warga negara Indonesia yang sedang atau pernah mengikuti kegiatan kerelawanan dan berada dalam rentang usia 18-29 tahun. Motivasi kerelawanan diukur menggunakan alat ukur Volunteer Functions Inventory VFI yang terdiri dari 6 enam dimensi dan generalized self-efficacy diukur menggunakan New General Self-Efficacy Scale. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan negatif antara generalized self-efficacy dengan dimensi protective motives r= - 0,01; p>0,05, hubungan positif dengan dimensi social r=0,04, p>0,05, dan dimensi enhancement r=0,06; p=0,05 serta hubungan positif signifikan dengan dimensi values r=0,12.
......This study seeks to examine the relationship between volunteer motivation and generalized self efficacy in Indonesian emerging adult volunteers. Participants of this study are 1954 Indonesian citizens who are or have been involved in volunteering activities and within the age range of 18 29 years. Six dimensional Volunteer Functions Inventory VFI is used to measure volunteering motivation and generalized self efficacy was measured using the New General Self Efficacy Scale. The result of this study shows that there is a negative correlation between generalized self efficacy and protective motives r 0,01 p 0,05, positive correlations between social motives r 0,04, p 0,05 and enhancement motives r 0,06 p 0,05 and significant positive correlations between values motives r 0,12."