ABSTRAKPenelitian ini berhubungan dengan perilaku auditor dan konsultan
sebagai knowledge worker. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk meneliti faktorfaktor
yang mempengaruhi job satisfaction, pengaruh job satisfaction
terhadap turnover intention dan peran nutrient information dan information
consciousness dalam memoderasi hubungan antara job satisfaction dan
turnover intention. 1.015 kuesioner dikumpulkan dari professional staff
yang bekerja di 46 Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP). Data diolah dengan
Structural Equation Modelling ? Lisrel.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa nutrient information pada semua
KAP belum berpengaruh pada kepada job satisfactiondan tidak berperan
dalam memoderasi hubungan negatif antara job satisfaction dan turnover
intention. Information consciousness pada KAP Menengah belum
berpengaruh pada job satisfaction, tetapi pada KAP Big 4 dan Kecil terbukti
berpengaruh secara signifikan pada kepuasan kerja. Pada KAP Big 4 dan
Menengah information consciousness berperan mengurangi hubungan buruk
antara job satisfaction dan turnover intention.
Hasil penelitian ini memberikan saran pada KAP bahwa umpanbalik
(feedback) sangat penting bagi knowledge worker supaya nutrient
information memberikan kepuasan kerja. Information consciousness yang
diukur dari pelatihan dan kemudahan untuk mengakses informasi
merupakan hal yang penting, karena berperan untuk mengurangi niat staf
untuk mengundurkan diri.
ABSTRACTThis research is in relation to behavior of auditors and consultants as
knowledge workers. The research objective was to examine factors affecting
job satisfaction, the effect of job satisfaction on turnover intention and the
impact of nutrient information and information consciousness in moderating
the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intention. 1,015
questioners were collected from professional staffs working in 46
accounting firms. Data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling -
The results of this research showed that in all accounting firms,
nutrient information has not affected job satisfaction and has no influence in
moderating negative relationship between job satisfaction and turnover
intention. In medium-sized accounting firms, information consciousness has
not affected job satisfaction, however, it has a significant influence in Big-4
and small accounting firms. In Big-4 and medium-size accounting firms,
information consciousness also reduces unfavorable relationship between
job satisfaction and turnover intention.
The results of this research suggest, for all accounting firms, that
feedback is essential for knowledge workers so that nutrient information can
promote job satisfaction. Information consciousness, measured by training
and ease of access to information, is crucial because it reduces staffs? turn
over intention."