ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan bentuk program kemitraan bagi
mitra binaan, mengukur efektivitas program kemitraan bagi usaha kecil mitra
binaan. Serta menggambarkan faktor yang mendukung tercapainya efektivitas
program CSR PT. Jamsostek Kacab Depok melalui program kemitraan. Penelitian
ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa
program kemitraan bersifat mandatory dan minim dalam segi pendampingan.
Dengan metode executing dalam pelaksanaan kemitran memberikan manfaat bagi
pihak perusahaan, koperasi dan mitra binaan. Diantaranya penilaian positif terkait
kinerja perusahaan, kemudahan mengontrol angsuran, kredibilitas koperasi dan
dana stimulan bagi usaha mitra binaan. Dari segi efektivitas program kemitraan,
dapat dikatakan efektif karena mitra binaan mengalami peningkatan usaha.
Sedangkan faktor yang mendukung tercapainya efektivitas program diantaranya
terdapat faktor pendidikan, lama menjalankan usaha, keterlibatan pada usaha
sejenis, jaringan sosial serta pengorganisasian program kemitraan.
ABSTRACTThis research aims to describe a form of partnership program for assisted partner,
to measure the effectiveness of partnership program for small businesses assisted
partner, and also to describe the factors that support the achievement of the
effectiveness of CSR program at PT. Jamsostek branch office Depok through
partnership programs. This research is qualitative research. The result of this
research indicates that partnership program is mandatory and scanty in terms of
mentoring. With executing method in the implementation of partnership program
give the benefit for companies, cooperatives and assisted partner. Such as positive
assessment regarding the company's performance, the ease of installment control,
the credibility of the cooperatives and funds to provide stimulation for assisted
business partners. In terms of the effectiveness of the partnership program, it can
be said to be effective because there is a business improvement of the assisted
business partner. Meanwhile, the supporting factors of program effectiveness are
education, the age of doing business, engagement in similar business, social
networks and organizing of the partnership program."