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Andong Tri Setyonegoro
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Karya akhir ini bertujuan untuk mengukur besarnya risiko kredit khususnya untuk scgmen karlu kredit Bank X di tahun 2005 dengan mempergunakan metode CreditRisk+. Alasan pcinilihan topik ini adalah : a. Produk Karlu Kredit merupakan jenis kredit yang memiliki resiko tinggi, mengingat sejak keputusan pemberian kredit oleh bank cenderung hanya didasarkan kepada verifikasi dokumen pendukung seperti slip gaji, surat keterangan, lembar penagihan kartu kredit bank lain, hasil rating sesama anggota Asosiasi Kartu Kredit Indonesia (AKKI), hasil verifikasi melalui telepon, serta lambahan dokumen pendukung lainnya, dan hanya sebagian calon pemegang karlu kredit yang prosesnya didahului oleh survey atau pengecekan lapangan mengingat kemampuan bank umumnya tidak memungkinkan unluk melakukan pengecekan lapangan semua calon pemegang kartu kredit, juga karena proses keputusan kredit hams sudah diberikan paling lambat lima hari sejak aplikasi kartu kredit diterima bank, selain itu kredit yang diberikan adalah unluk tujuan konsumsi dan tidak memiliki jaminan atas pemberian kredit tersebut. b. Bank X adalah penerbit kartu kredit terbesar not-nor dua di Indonesia di tahun 2005 setelah Citibank dengan jumlah pcmegang kartu kredil lebih dari 800.000 Cardholder dengan total outstanding balanced sebesar lebih dari Rp. 1,5 trilyun sehingga terdapat potensi risiko kredit yang cukup besar khususnya dalam hal terjadinya Default bagi Bank X, apabila pengeiolaan risiko kredit nya tidak dilakukan secara baik. c. Bank X belum mencrapkan metode Internal Raring Base (IRB) approach khususnya metode CrcclitRiski- untuk menghitung risiko kredit portofolio kartu krcdit nya. d. Adanya ketentuan Basel 11 tcntang kcharusan menghitung risiko krcdit scbagai salah satu unsur dalam menghitung CAR. Berdasarkan ketentuan Basel II, perhitungan risiko krcdit dapat mempergunakan beberapa pendekatan, antara lain dengan Standardized Model dan Internal Model, dimana dalam penelitian ini akan dilakukan perhitungan dengan menggunakan Internal Model dengan pendekatan CreditRisk+. CreditRisk+ dianggap sebagai Internal Model yang tepat untuk menghitung risiko krcdit pada suatu portofolio, hal ini karena metode ini dapat dipergunakan untuk menghitung risiko krcdit suatu portofolio krcdit dalam jumlah yang banyak namun dengan besaran outstanding masing-masing krcdit kecil, juga karena metode ini tidak memerlukan tambahan data makro sehingga dalam penerapannya lebih efisien namun tetap efektif. Selain itu metode ini dikenal scbagai Default Model yang hanya mcmbedakan portofolio krcdit menjadi dua golongan yaitu bagian portofolio krcdit yang An Del iult dan Default saja scrta mcngabaikan penycbab tcrjadinya Default tersebut. Penerapan CreditRisk+ dilakukan dengan menghitung risiko kartu kredit di Bank X dengan batasan-batasan scbagai berikut : a. Data portofolio kartu kredit yang dipergunakan adalah data selama 12 bulan di tahun 2005. b. Nilai exposure berkisar antara Rp 500 ribu hingga Rp 250 juta, mengingat hampir 90% oposure yang ada di dalam portofolio Bank X berada pada kisaran nilai tersebut, tanpa memperhatikan jenis kartu kredit Classic, Gold atau Platinum. Secara garis besar, tahapan penghitungan risiko kredit mempergunakan metade CreditRisk+ dilakukan dcngan mcnghitung Frequency of Default dan Severity cof Losses, kemudian rnenghitung Distribution of Default Losses. Selanjutnya dari perhitungan terschut, akan diperaleh besamya potensi kerugian berupa Expected Loss. Unexpected Loss dan bcsarnya Economic Capital untuk menutup kerugian yang terjadi. Perhitungan portofolio kartu kredit dengan mempergunakan metade CreditRisk+ dengan asunisi tingkat keyakinan 95% dan Probability of Default dihitung dcngan Poisson Model, menunjukkan basil sebagai berikut: a. Nilai Expected Loss yang menunjukkan besamya kerugian yang diperkirakan tcrjadi setiap bulan dapat dihitung nilainya mempergunakan metode CreditRisk+, sebagai contoh nilai Expected Lost di bulan November 2005 bcsarnya adalah Rp.74,823 Milyar. Nilai Expected Loss setiap bulan tersebut diharapkan dapat ditutup olch nilai PPAP yang dibcntuk oleh Bank X dan dcngan mernpergunakan Likelihood Ratio Test dikctahui bahwa hampir scluruh Expected Loss yang ada di tahun 2005 masih dapat ditutup oleh nilai Pencadangan Penghapusan Aktiva Produktif(PPAP) yang dibcntuk olch Bank X. b. Dengan pencrapan metade CreditRisk+ dal= penelitian ini, besamya nilai VaR sctiap bulan juga dapat dihitung nilainya, dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95 % maka nilai VaR suatu bulan menunjukkan proyeksi besamya nilai kerugian terbesar (Unexpected Loss) bulan berikutnya, sebagai contoh nilai VaR bulan November 2005 sebesar Rp.82,875 Milyar yang menunjukkan proyeksi nilai kerugian maksimum bulan Desember 2005 dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95 %, dimana nilai kcrugian aktual pada bulan Desembcr adalah sebesar Rp.80,303 Milyar. c. Hasil pengujian dcngan metode Likelihood Ratio pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%, mcnunjukkan bahwa sclama periodc pengamatan besarnya nilai VaR yang mcrupakan proycksi jumlah kerugian terbcsar bulan bcrikutnya cukup akurat untuk dipcrgunakan dalam mcnghitung risiko krcdit, karena selama periodc pengamatan seluruh nilai kcrugian aktual yang terjadi masih dibawah =bang batas jumlah kcrugian yang dapat ditolelir atau tidak terdapat nilai kerugian aktual yang nilainya lcbih bcsar atau sama dcngan nilai- VaR yang dihitung dcngan mctodc CredirRisk+. d. Dengan mempcrbunakan mctodc CredizRi.sk+, Bank X mempcrolch insentif berupa penurunan kewajiban pemenuhan modal, scbagai contoh di bulan November 2005 kewajiban pemenuhan modal mempcrbunakan metode CrecliiRisk+ adalah 0.39 % dad total exposure nya, angka ini jauh lcbih rendah dibandingkan dengan mempcrbunakan Standardized Approach yang mcnghasilkan kewajiban pemenuhan modal sebesar 6,29 % dari total exposure, schingga Bank X mempcrolch insentif nilai modal sebesar 5,90% (6,29% - 0,39%) yang dapat dialokasikan oleh Bank X untuk kcpcntingan lainnya yang lcbih produktif. e. Bank X memperolch manfaat lain dad pcncrapan metode CredirRisk+, selain dapat menghitung risiko kredit nya secara Icbih akurat. pcncrapan metode ini dapat mcmbantu manajcmen Bank X dalam mcnyusun strategi yang lebih cfcktif dan pengalokasian SDM yang Iebih akurat dalam mclakukan penagihan kreditnya yang Default.
The purpose of this thesis is to measure credit risk especially for the credit card segment of Bank X in 2005 by utilizing the CreditRisk+ method. The reasons of selecting this topic are: a. Credit Card is a type of credit that has a high risk, because since the decision of credit offer by the bank tends to be only based on supporting document verification for instance salary slip, recommendation letter, other bank's billing statement, rating result from other members of Asosiasi Kartu Kredit Indonesia (AKKI), phone verification result, as well as (he addition of the other supporting document, and only some of the process of the cardholder's applicant is proceeded by survey or external verification (on the spot), concerning that the bank's capacity generally does not possible to do field verification for all applicants, also because of the decision must been given at least in five days since the credit card application is accepted by the bank, moreover credit that is given aims for consumption and does not have the collateral. b. The Bank X is on 2''d rank of credit card's issuer in Indonesia in 2005 after Citibank, with the numbers of cardholders are more than 800.000 and the total outstanding balanced is more than Rp.1,5 trillion. On that condition, The Bank X has a potential high risk on its credit especially in the matter of the default occurrence, if the risk management of its credit is not well developed. c. The Bank X has not applied the method of Internal Rating Base (IRB) approach yet especially the CreditRisk+ method to calculate the credit risk of its credit card's portfolio. d. There is the regulation of Basel II about obligation to calculate the credit risk as one of the elements in calculating Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR). Based on the Based in regulation, the calculation of the credit risk can be utilized in several approaches, such as by Standardized Model or Internal Model, that in this research it will be done credit risk calculation by using Internal Model with the CreditRisk+ approach. CreditRisk+ was reputed as the precise Internal Model to calculate the risk of credit in a portfolio, because this method can be utilized to calculate the risk of credit in a large portfolio of each small credit, also because of this method do not need the addition of the macro's economic data, so in its implementation is more efficient but still effective. Moreover this method is known as the Default Model that differentiates the credit portfolio only into two groups, the first is a Not Default credit portfolio and the other one is a Default credit portfolio, also this model ignores the cause of the Default occurrence. The implementation of CreditRisk+ is done by calculating the risk of the credit card in the Bank X with limitations as follows: a. The credit card portfolio data is the data for 12 months in 2005. b. The exposure revolves between Rp. 500 thousand up to Rp. 250 million; considering that almost 90% exposure available in the Bank X's portfolio is in that value range, without considering the type of Classic, Gold or Platinum card. In general, the stage of calculating credit risk with the CreditRisk+ method will be done by calculating Frequency of Default and Severity of Losses, afterwards calculating Distribution of Default Losses. From the result, will gel the potential loss such as Expected Loss, Unexpected Loss and the Economic Capital to cover the loss. The calculation of credit card portfolio by utilizing the CreditRisk+ method with the assumption of the 95%conviction level and probability of default is calculated by Poisson's model, shows results as follows: a. The Expected Loss that shows the estimated loss occurs every month can be calculated with CreditRisk+ method, for example is the Expected Lost value in November 2005 is Rp.74, 823 Billion. That value is expected to be covered by the PPAP that is formed by Bank X and by utilizing Likelihood ratio test it is known that almost all Expected Loss in 2005 still can be covered by the value of PPAP (Pencadangan Penghapusan Aktiva Produktif) that is formed by Bank X. b. With implementation of the CrediiRisk+ method in this research, the size of VaR every month also can be calculated, using the 95 % level of reliability so value of VaR (Unexpected Loss) in a month shows the projection of the biggest losses in the following month, for example is the size of VaR in November 2005 is Rp.82, 875 Billion, it shows the projection of the maximum loss in December 2005 with the 95 %level of reliability, the actual loss in December is Rp.80, 303 Billion. c. The result of the Likelihood Ratio method on 95% level of reliability shows that during the period of observation the size of VaR that shows the projection of the biggest loss in the following month. It is quite accurate to be utilized in calculating the risk of credit, because during the period of observation all of the actual value of loss that is happened is still under the limitation of tolerant total of loss or do not have the actual loss bigger than or same as the VaR value that is calculated with the CreditRisk+ method. d. By utilizing the Credit Risk+ method, Bank X receives incentive of the capital's fulfillment obligation reduction, for example in November 2005 the fulfillment obligation of capital utilized by the CreditRisk+ method is 0,39 % from the total exposure, this number is much more lower compared with Standardized Approach that produces the fulfillment obligation of capital for 6,29 % from the total exposure, therefore Bank X receives 5,90% (6,29% - 0,39%) capital incentive that can be allocated in more other productive area by Bank X. e. Bank X receives another benefit from the implementation of CreditRisk+ method, besides it can calculate the credit risk more accurately, this method implementation can help the management of Bank X to develop more effective strategy and more accurate human resources allocation in dunning its Default credit.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library