"Fenomena desistensi dari terorisme tidak hanya sebatas menjelaskan bagaimana mantan pelaku teror dapat berhenti menjadi teroris atau kembali terlibat dalam kelompok teroris. Di sisi lain, penelitian tentang Desistensi dari terorisme harus menjawab berbagai macam faktor dan pengaruh lain yang mendukung seseorang mengalami Desistensi dari terorisme. Peneliti memulai penelitian ini dengan tinjauan existing literatur tentang Desistensi dari terorisme, dengan mempertimbangkan tantangan konseptual dan meninjau teori utama kerangka kerja dan temuan empiris dari Desistensi dari terorisme khususnya di Indonesia. Didasarkan pada hal ini terdapat kemungkinan pembentukan tipologi Desistensi dari terorisme berserta peramalannya dapat memberikan pandangan yang berbeda terkait penanganan dan pencegahan tindak pidana terorisme. Peramalan tersebut akan mencakup berkembangnya kondisi idling mode yang cenderung dialami oleh mantan pelaku teror. Setelah idling mode, ditemukan catalyst event yang mendorong mantan pelaku teror kembali melakukan aksinya. Kondisi ini juga tidak terlepas dari pengaruh globalisasi yang telah mengakibatkan badai informasi, di mana mantan pelaku teror terlibat dan memiliki peran dalam organisasi terorisme. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, Peneliti melakukan wawancara mendalam terhadap 35 Mantan Teroris, serta melakukan Focus Group Disscussion (FGD) bersama 13 Pakar intervensi pelaku teror. Dari hasil penelitian ini, tergambarkan bagaimana wujud dari tipologi Desistensi dari terorisme. Berdasarkan tipologi tersebut, dapat dilihat faktor yang mendukung dan menghambat terjadinya Desistensi dari terorisme, seperti catalyst event dan idling mode. Di bagian akhir, penelitian ini membahas tentang bentuk intervensi yang dapat dilakukan kepada Mantan pelaku teror, yaitu pendekatan heaven, home, dan habit.
......The phenomenon of Desistance from Terrorism is not only limited to explaining how former terrorists can stop being terrorists or get involved in terrorist groups again. On the other hand, research on Desistance from Terrorism must address various other factors and influences that support a person experiencing Desistance from Terrorism. The researcher started this research by reviewing the existing literature on Desistance from Terrorism, taking into account the conceptual challenges and reviewing the main theoretical framework and empirical findings of Desistance from Terrorism, especially in Indonesia. Based on this, there is a possibility that the establishment of a typology of Desistance from Terrorism along with its forecasting can provide different views regarding the handling and prevention of terrorism crimes. The forecasting will include the evolving conditions of idling mode that former perpetrators of terror tend to experience. After idling mode, a catalyst event was found that pushed former terror perpetrators back into action. This condition is also inseparable from the influence of globalization which has resulted in a storm of information, in which former terror perpetrators are involved and have a role in terrorism organizations. Using qualitative methods, the researcher conducted in-depth interviews with 35 former terrorists, as well as conducted a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with 13 terrorism intervention experts. From the results of this study, it is described how the form of the tipology of Desistance from Terrorism is described. Based on this tipology, it can be seen the factors that support and inhibit the occurrence of Desistance from Terrorism, such as catalyst events and idling modes. In the end, this study discusses the forms of intervention that can be done to ex-terrorists, namely heaven, home, and habit approaches."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022