ABSTRAKPeningkatan arus transportasi udara di Bandara Husein Sastranegara menunjukan tren peningkatan sehingga kualitas pelayanan penerbangan cenderung menurun dengan cepat. Usaha mengantisipasi masalah tersebut dengan tiga alternatif pilihan yaitu mengembangkan Bandara Husein Sastranegara, membangun Bandara Baru di Kertajati dan mengembangkan serta membangun keduanya bersamaan.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis penelitian dengan mengukur potensi penumpang di Bandar Udara Husein Sastranegara menunjukan bahwa pilihan untuk mengembangkan fasilitas terminal penumpang Bandara Husein Sastranegara merupakan pilihan paling baik ditinjau dari segi finansial. Dengan masa evaluasi selama 20 tahun maka nilai Nett Present Value menunjukan nilai positif.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis penelitian dengan mengukur potensi penumpang di Bandar Udara Husein Sastranegara menunjukan bahwa pilihan untuk membangun Bandar Udara Kertajati merupakan pilihan yang paling baik ditinjau dari segi finansial , dengan syarat spesifikasi konstruksi menyerupai Bandara Husein Sastranegara. Dengan masa evaluasi selama 20 tahun maka nilai Nett Present Value menunjukan kecenderungan nilai positif.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis penelitian dengan mengukur potensi penumpang di Bandar Udara Husein Sastranegara menunjukan bahwa pilihan untuk tetap mengoperasikan Bandara Husein Sastranegara merupakan pilhan paling tidak tepat ditinjau dari segi finansial yang berakibat Nett Present Value Bandar Udara Kertajati negatif.
ABSTRACTThe increasing demand of air transport in Husein Sastranegara Airport has caused quality reduction of flight services. The problems may be resolved by three option by developing Husein Sastranegara Passenger terminal , building the new airport in Kertajati , and by opt both at the same time.
Passenger demand measurement in Husein Sastranegara Airport indicate that developing the passenger terminal is the best option for financial perpective. 20 years of evaluation indicates positive Nett Present Value.
Kertajati New Airport is good option if the Husein Sastranegara Airport is closed for commercial flights and the construction has the same specification as the Husein Sastranegara Airport. 20 years of evaluation indicates positive trend of Nett Present Value.
Passenger demand measurement in Husein Sastranegara Airport has shown that by opt on both airports at the same time is not a proper option from financial perpective. 20 years of evaluation indicates that Nett Present Value of the Kertajati New Airport is negative.;The increasing demand of air transport in Husein Sastranegara Airport has caused quality reduction of flight services. The problems may be resolved by three option by developing Husein Sastranegara Passenger terminal , building the new airport in Kertajati , and by opt both at the same time.
Passenger demand measurement in Husein Sastranegara Airport indicate that developing the passenger terminal is the best option for financial perpective. 20 years of evaluation indicates positive Nett Present Value.
Kertajati New Airport is good option if the Husein Sastranegara Airport is closed for commercial flights and the construction has the same specification as the Husein Sastranegara Airport. 20 years of evaluation indicates positive trend of Nett Present Value.
Passenger demand measurement in Husein Sastranegara Airport has shown that by opt on both airports at the same time is not a proper option from financial perpective. 20 years of evaluation indicates that Nett Present Value of the Kertajati New Airport is negative., The increasing demand of air transport in Husein Sastranegara Airport has caused quality reduction of flight services. The problems may be resolved by three option by developing Husein Sastranegara Passenger terminal , building the new airport in Kertajati , and by opt both at the same time.
Passenger demand measurement in Husein Sastranegara Airport indicate that developing the passenger terminal is the best option for financial perpective. 20 years of evaluation indicates positive Nett Present Value.
Kertajati New Airport is good option if the Husein Sastranegara Airport is closed for commercial flights and the construction has the same specification as the Husein Sastranegara Airport. 20 years of evaluation indicates positive trend of Nett Present Value.
Passenger demand measurement in Husein Sastranegara Airport has shown that by opt on both airports at the same time is not a proper option from financial perpective. 20 years of evaluation indicates that Nett Present Value of the Kertajati New Airport is negative.]"