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Astuti Yuni Nursasi
Abstrak :
[Pengendalian TB paru di Kota Depok masih berorientasi pada pelaksanaan program pengendalian TB nasional, belum terintegrasi dengan pelaksanaan Perawatan Kesehatan Masyarakat sehingga klien TB belum mandiri melakukan perawatan TB. Model P2K3 dikembangkan berdasarkan integrasi model perawatan diri, model perawatan berbasis komunitas dan pendekatan perawatan yang berpusat pada klien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas model pemberdayaan perawat, kader, keluarga dan klien (P2K3) terhadap tingkat kemandirian klien dalam perawatan TB Paru, menggunakan desain kuasi eksperimen pre-post test pada dua kelompok. Penelitian dilakukan di 15 wilayah kerja Puskesmas di Kota Depok dengan kasus TB tertinggi. Penelitian terdiri dari tahap pengembangan model dan pengujian efektivitas model. Sampel diambil secara purposif sebanyak 108, terdiri dari 54 kelompok kontrol dan 54 kelompok intervensi. Hasil menunjukkan model P2K3 efektif untuk meningkatkan kemandirian klien TB Paru sebesar 40,2%. Penerapan model ini perlu didukung dengan kebijakan pelayanan kesehatan dari Dinas Kesehatan. Model P2K3 dan modulnya direkomendasikan digunakan oleh perawat di komunitas sebagai acuan pemberdayaan kader, keluarga dan klien TB Paru; ...... Pulmonary tuberculosis control in Depok has not been integrated to the implementation of the Community Health Care Program, so that the clients? self-care independence in their TB treatment still low. The nurse, community workers, family and clients empowerment model was developed based on integration of self-care model, community based care model, and patient centered care approach. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of nurse, health volunteers, family and clients empowerment model to the level of pulmonary tuberculosis clients? self-care independence that applied quasi-experimental design with nonequivalent group pretest-posttest method. This study consisted of model development and testing of the model?s effectiveness. It was held in 15 areas of Public Health Centers in Depok that have high prevalence of TB cases. The samples size were 108 that taken purposively. It was consisted of 54 the control group and 54 intervention group. The result showed that the model is effective for improving pulmonary tuberculosis clients? level of self-care independence as 40,2%. The application of this model needs to be supported by the policy of the Health Office Authority. This model was recommended to implement by nurses in the community as referral to empower community workers, family and pulmonary TB clients;Pulmonary tuberculosis control in Depok has not been integrated to the implementation of the Community Health Care Program, so that the clients’ self-care independence in their TB treatment still low. The nurse, community workers, family and clients empowerment model was developed based on integration of self-care model, community based care model, and patient centered care approach. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of nurse, health volunteers, family and clients empowerment model to the level of pulmonary tuberculosis clients’ self-care independence that applied quasi-experimental design with nonequivalent group pretest-posttest method. This study consisted of model development and testing of the model’s effectiveness. It was held in 15 areas of Public Health Centers in Depok that have high prevalence of TB cases. The samples size were 108 that taken purposively. It was consisted of 54 the control group and 54 intervention group. The result showed that the model is effective for improving pulmonary tuberculosis clients’ level of self-care independence as 40,2%. The application of this model needs to be supported by the policy of the Health Office Authority. This model was recommended to implement by nurses in the community as referral to empower community workers, family and pulmonary TB clients;Pulmonary tuberculosis control in Depok has not been integrated to the implementation of the Community Health Care Program, so that the clients’ self-care independence in their TB treatment still low. The nurse, community workers, family and clients empowerment model was developed based on integration of self-care model, community based care model, and patient centered care approach. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of nurse, health volunteers, family and clients empowerment model to the level of pulmonary tuberculosis clients’ self-care independence that applied quasi-experimental design with nonequivalent group pretest-posttest method. This study consisted of model development and testing of the model’s effectiveness. It was held in 15 areas of Public Health Centers in Depok that have high prevalence of TB cases. The samples size were 108 that taken purposively. It was consisted of 54 the control group and 54 intervention group. The result showed that the model is effective for improving pulmonary tuberculosis clients’ level of self-care independence as 40,2%. The application of this model needs to be supported by the policy of the Health Office Authority. This model was recommended to implement by nurses in the community as referral to empower community workers, family and pulmonary TB clients, Pulmonary tuberculosis control in Depok has not been integrated to the implementation of the Community Health Care Program, so that the clients’ self-care independence in their TB treatment still low. The nurse, community workers, family and clients empowerment model was developed based on integration of self-care model, community based care model, and patient centered care approach. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of nurse, health volunteers, family and clients empowerment model to the level of pulmonary tuberculosis clients’ self-care independence that applied quasi-experimental design with nonequivalent group pretest-posttest method. This study consisted of model development and testing of the model’s effectiveness. It was held in 15 areas of Public Health Centers in Depok that have high prevalence of TB cases. The samples size were 108 that taken purposively. It was consisted of 54 the control group and 54 intervention group. The result showed that the model is effective for improving pulmonary tuberculosis clients’ level of self-care independence as 40,2%. The application of this model needs to be supported by the policy of the Health Office Authority. This model was recommended to implement by nurses in the community as referral to empower community workers, family and pulmonary TB clients]
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Astuti Yuni Nursasi
Abstrak :
Penurunan fungsi gerak menjadi salah satu penyebab stress bagi lansia karena dapat mengganggu mobilisasi dan prokdutivitas lansia. Situasi stress memotivasi individu (lansia) untuk melakukan perlawanan yang dikenal sebagai koping. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi koping yang umum digunakan lansia terhadap penurunan fungsi gerak. Penelitian ini dilakukan di wilayah RW 05, 08, 11, Kel. Cipinang Muara Jakarta Timur. Responden yang terlibat dalam penelitian sebanyak 46 orang. Usia responden berkisar.antara 60-89 tahun. Janis kelamin terbanyak adalah wanita yaitu 65,22%. Responden yang masih mempunyai pasangan hidup sebanyak 52,17% dan sisanya hidup tanpa pasangan yaitu janda 41,30% dan duda 6,52%. Angket dikembangkan mengacu pada delapan jenis koping sesuai pedoman koping oleh Folkman & Lazarus yaitu konfrontasi, dukungan sosial, penyelesaian masalah, kontrol diri, penanggulangan peristiwa, penilaian yang positif, menerima tanggung jawab, pengingkaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lansia menggunakan ke delapan jenis koping tersebut. Dan hasil perhitungan didapatkan bahwa usia tidak menentukan jenis koping yang dipilih oleh responden. Sebagian besar responden menggunakan koping yang adaptif sedangkan koping maladaptif digunakan oleh 30,43% responden untuk koping kontrol diri; 13,04% responden untuk koping penanggulangan peristiwa dan 63,04% untuk koping pengingkaran. Selanjutnya, perbedaan yang nyata dalam penerapan koping tampak pada jenis kelamin. Sebagian besar responden wanita berupaya untuk melawan kondisi penurunan fungsi gerak. 47,83% responden wanita menggunakan koping konfrontasi dan 36,96% menggunakan koping dukungan sosial. Berbeda dengan responden pria hanya 21,7% responden yang menggunakan konfrontasi dan 17,39% yang menggunakan dukungan sosial. Penggunaan koping oleh para responden juga dapat dilihat berdasarkan status pernikahan. Lansia pria yang hidup tanpa pasangan (duda), dalam penelitian ini (3 orang) hanya memilih koping konfrontasi, kontrol diri yang adaptif pengingkaran yang maladaptif sebanyak 6,52%. Sementara itu jenis koping yang lain hanya digunakan oleh satu orang lansia. Setiap jenis koping dalam penelitian digunakan oleh responder konfrontasi merupakan koping yang banyak dipilih oleh janda lansia (30,43%). Sebaliknya penanggulangan peristiwa yang adaptif hanya dipilih oleh satu orang lansia.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Astuti Yuni Nursasi
Abstrak :
Penurunan fungsi gerak menjadi salah satu penyebab stress bagi lansia karena dapat mengganggu mobilisasi dan produktivitas lansia. Situasi stress memotivasi individu (lansia) untuk melakukan perlawanan yang dikenal sebagai koping. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi koping yang umum digunakan lansia terhadap penurunan fungsi gerak. Penelitian ini dilakukan di wilayah RW 05, 08 11, Kelurahan Cipinang Muara Kecamatan Jatinegara Jakarta Timur. Responden yang terlibat dalam penelitian sebanyak 46 orang. Usia responden berkisar antara 60-89 tahun. Jenis kelamin terbanyak adalah wanita yaitu 65.22%. Responden yang masih mempunyai pasangan hidup sebanyak 52.17% dan sisanya hidup tanpa pasangan yaitu janda 41.30% dan duda 6.52. Angket dikembangkan mengacu pada delapan jenis koping sesuai pedoman koping oleh Folkman & Lazarus yaitu konfrontasi, dukungan sosial, penyelesaian masalah, kontrol diri, penanggulangan peristiwa, penilaian yang positif, menerima tanggung jawab, penginkaran. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lansia menggunakan ke delapan jenis koping tersebut. Sebagian besar responden menggunakan koping yang adaptif, sedangkan kping maladaptif digunakan oleh 30.43% responden untuk koping kontrol diri; 13.04% responden untuk koping penanggulangan peristiwa dan 63.04% untuk koping pengingkaran. Selanjutnya perbedaan yang nyata dalam penerapan koping tampat pada jenis kelamin. Sebagian besar responden wabita berupaya untuk melawan koping penurunan fungsi gerak. 47.83% responden wanita menggunakan koping konfrontasi dan 36.96% menggunakan koping dukungan sosial. Berbeda dengan responden pria hanya 21.7% responden yang menggunakan konfrontasi dan 17.39% yang menggunakan dukungan sosial. Penggunaan koping oleh para responden juga dapat dilihat berdasarkan status pernikahan. ...... The elderly's coping to the decrease of musculoscetal function at Kelurahan Cipinang Muara, Kecamatan Jatinegara, East Jakarta. The elderly naturally experiences the decrease of musculosceletal function as consequences of physical changes process. Frequently, these changes cause some disturbances like limited mobilization and their productivity. For some circumstances, it causes stressfull moment for them. Thes stressors motivate the elderly to adjust to the situation, which is named coping. The purpose of this study is to identify the coping strategy which is used by the elderly to cope with the decree of musculosletal function. This study conducted at RW 05, RW 08 and RW 11 at Kelurahan Cipinang Muara, Kecamatan Jatinegara, East Jakarta. The participants age range between 60-89 years old. Mostly are women (65.2%). Their marital status varied from married (52.17%) widows (41.30), and widowers (6.52%). The questionnaire was developed using the ways of coping instrument by Folkman and Lazarus. These coping consist of confrontative, seeking social support, planful problem solving, self control, distancing, positive reappraisal, accepting respnsibility and escape /avoidance. The result shows that the participants used all those types of coping. The age does not determine the coping that they have been used. Most participants use adaptive while the maladaptive coping is used by 30.43% for self control; 13.04% for distancing; and 63.04% for escape/avoidance. In contrast, gender demonstrated the significant differences. Elderly female put a lot efforts to cope with their limited mobilization. The use confrontative (47.83%) and seeking social support (36.96%). Elderly male only use confrontative (21.7%) and seeking social support (36.96%).
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library