ABSTRAKSintesis senyawaan obat khiral secara organik konvensional pada umumnya produk yang dihasilkan merupakan campuran rasemat. Enzim lipase ekstraselular dari mikroba dapat mengkatalis reaksi kimia secara stereospesifik yang dapat menghasilkan enansiomer murni.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari kemampuan beberapa mikroorganisme lokal yaitu: Aspergillus niger UICC159, R.stolonifer UICC137, R.arrhizus UICC 2, R.oligosporus UICC 27, R.oryzae UICC 141 serta C.lipolyfica UICC Y-8, C.Tropicalis UICC Y-27 dan C.ufilis UICC Y-28 dalam menghasilkan lipase yang dapat meresolusi (R,S)-ibuprofen.
Uji biotransformasi dari enzim lipase 4 isolat mikroorganisme terpilih yaitu kapang dan khamir Aspergillus niger UICC 159, Rhizopus stolonifer UCC 137 dan Rhizopus arrhizus UICC 2 dan Candida utilis UICC Y-28 dilakukan dengan penambahan (R,S)-ester metil ibuprofen berturut-turut setelah masa inkubasi 72, 72, 96 dan 40 jam.
Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa Aspergillus niger UICC 159, Rhizopus stolonifer UICC 137, Rhizopus arrhizus UICC Y-2 dan Candida utilis UICC Y-28 memiliki %e.e : 89,59%, 72,61%, 99,63% dan 97,15 %.
ABSTRACTOptical Resolution of (R,S)-Ibuprofen by Enzymatic Biohydrolysis Screened From Several Local MicroorganismsThe conventional chemical synthesis of drug containing a chiral center generally yields an equal mixture of enantiomer. The extracellular microbial lipases are able to catalyse stereoselective chemical reaction for a mixture of rasemate, resolution enantiomer R(-) and S (+).The aim of this study was to investigate the ability of several local microorganisms, such as : Aspergillus niger UICC 159, Rhizopus stolonifer UICC 137, Rhizopus arrhizus UICC 2 and Candida utilis UICC Y-28 to produce lipases applicable for resolution of (R,S)-Ibuprofen.The biotransformation test of 4 isolates screened microorganism for lipase enzyme, i.e : fungi and yeast Aspergillus niger UICC159, Rhizopus stolonifer UICC 137, Rhizopus arrhizus UICC 2 and Candida utilis UICC Y-28 was done with subtrate addition incubation time 72, 72, 96 and 40 hour, respectively.The result of enantiomeric excess from A. niger UICC 159, Rhizopus stolonifer UICC 137 , Rhizopus arrhizus UICC 2 and Candida utilis UICC Y-28 were obtained : 89,59 %, 72,61 % ,99,63 % and 97,15 %."