"[Nation branding adalah konsep baru yang didefinisikan sebagai campuran elemen
multi-dimensi yang unik dan menunjukkan diferensiasi budaya dan relevansinya untuk semua
khalayak sasaran.Penerapan teknik merek ini terutama dilakukan untuk menghadapi
persaingan global yang sekarang dihadapi oleh negara terutama dalam pasar eksternal.
Kondisi ini menyadarkan negara untuk memperkuat brand mereka dengan tujuan utama
untuk menarik wisatawan, mendorong investasi masuk dan meningkatkan ekspor. Salah
satuupaya pembentukan Nation Branding dapat ditempuh melalui suatu langkah manajemen
brand yaitu corporate branding, yang memungkinkan suatu perusahaan menawarkan produk
atau jasa yang diekspor, menjadi duta Negara tersebut di pasar internasional, sebagai pemain
Penelitian kualitatif ini berupaya untuk menganalisis bagaimana peran corporate
branding dalam pembentukan Nation Branding, dengan studi kasus Service ExcellencePT
Garuda Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakanperspektif konsumen internasional melihat
service excellence dari layanan jasa yang diekspor sebagai upaya pembentukan nation
Dari penelitian ini terlihat bahwa penerapan corporate branding dapat membantu
suatu negara membentuk nation branding, namun masih dibutuhkan upaya jangka panjang
dan konsistensi pesan serta kualitas layanan agar dapat dipahami oleh target konsumen yang
dituju.;Nation branding is a new concept which is defined as a mixture of multi-dimensional
element that is unique and shows the cultural differentiation and relevance for all target
audiences. Application of brand management is mainly done to face the global competition
that now faced by the country, especially in the external market. This condition requires
countries to strengthen their brand with the main objective to attract tourists, encourage
inward investment and boost exports. One of the efforts to establish the Nation Branding can
be reached through corporate branding, which allows a company that offers products or
services exported, be an ambassador of the country in the international market, as a global
This qualitative study seeks to analyze how corporate branding role in the formation
of Nation Branding, with Service Excellence of PT Garuda Indonesia as the case study. This
researchfocuses on international consumer perspective of the exported service as the
formation of nation branding attempts.
Study showed that the application of corporate branding can help a country establish
nation branding, but it still takes a long-term effort and consistency of the message and the
quality of products that can be understood by the intended target consumers., Nation branding is a new concept which is defined as a mixture of multi-dimensional
element that is unique and shows the cultural differentiation and relevance for all target
audiences. Application of brand management is mainly done to face the global competition
that now faced by the country, especially in the external market. This condition requires
countries to strengthen their brand with the main objective to attract tourists, encourage
inward investment and boost exports. One of the efforts to establish the Nation Branding can
be reached through corporate branding, which allows a company that offers products or
services exported, be an ambassador of the country in the international market, as a global
This qualitative study seeks to analyze how corporate branding role in the formation
of Nation Branding, with Service Excellence of PT Garuda Indonesia as the case study. This
researchfocuses on international consumer perspective of the exported service as the
formation of nation branding attempts.
Study showed that the application of corporate branding can help a country establish
nation branding, but it still takes a long-term effort and consistency of the message and the
quality of products that can be understood by the intended target consumers.]"
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015