"[Salah satu upaya yang perlu dilakukan dalam pengelolaan ikan tuna sirip biru selatan (Southern Bluefin Tuna / SBT) yang saat ini stoknya diperkirakan 9 % dari stok awal (Spawning Stock Biomass) yaitu menjaga agar stok biomassnya kembali pulih dengan mengendalikan kegiatan penangkapannya. Ketersediaan data laju tangkap, panjang cagak dan distribusi area akan menambah informasi dalam kajian pengelolaan sumberdaya ikan SBT di Samudera Hindia. Sampel ikan
SBT diperoleh dari hasil tangkapan kapal-kapal long line yang berpangkalan di Pelabuhan Umum Benoa, Bali yang diambil mulai Januari 2012 - Oktober 2014. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, kapal-kapal long line tuna Indonesia mempunyai ratarata laju tangkap dan panjang cagak SBT masing-masing sebesar 0,74±0,77 per 1000 pancing dan 154 ± 29,1 cm. Laju tangkap SBT tertinggi berada pada lokasi area CCSBT 8 (panjang cagak < 100 cm, usia < 4-6 tahun), sedangkan laju
tangkap terendah pada area CCSBT 1 yang merupakan daerah spawning ground SBT dewasa (panjang cagak >155 cm, usia > 8 tahun). Kapal-kapal long line tuna Indonesia lebih banyak menangkap SBT dengan ukuran belum layak tangkap (56,88 % dari total komposisi sampel). Uji one way anova menghasilkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan dari nilai laju tangkap dan panjang cagak SBT dengan area CCSBT 1, 2 dan 8.;One of the efforts to support the management of southern blue-fin tuna (SBT) which currently estimated to be at 9% of initial SSB is to maintain the biomass stock in order to recover by controlling the fishing activities. The availability of hook rate data (number of SBT individuals per 1000 hooks) and fork length (FL) and area distribution provides additional information in the study of management SBT in the Indian Ocean. Samples of SBT were collected from long line fishing vessel based at Benoa Port, Bali taken during 2012, January – 2014, October. Based on the analysis, Indonesia long line fishing vessels had hook rate average of 0,74±0,77 per 1000 hooks and FL 154 ± 29,1 cm. The highest hook rate shown in the area of CCSBT 8 (FL less than 100 cm, at age of less than 4 – 6 years), whereas the lowest hook rate occured in the area of CCSBT 1 (FL >,155 cm, age of more than 8 years). Many of the Indonesian long line vessels caught SBT of under size size individuals or about 56,88 % of total sample. The result of one way ANOVA indicates significant difference between value of the SBT hook rate, fork length and CCSBT Area 1, 2 and 8 respectively., One of the efforts to support the management of southern blue-fin tuna
(SBT) which currently estimated to be at 9% of initial SSB is to maintain the
biomass stock in order to recover by controlling the fishing activities. The
availability of hook rate data (number of SBT individuals per 1000 hooks) and
fork length (FL) and area distribution provides additional information in the study
of management SBT in the Indian Ocean. Samples of SBT were collected from
long line fishing vessel based at Benoa Port, Bali taken during 2012, January –
2014, October. Based on the analysis, Indonesia long line fishing vessels had hook
rate average of 0,74±0,77 per 1000 hooks and FL 154 ± 29,1 cm. The highest
hook rate shown in the area of CCSBT 8 (FL less than 100 cm, at age of less than
4 – 6 years), whereas the lowest hook rate occured in the area of CCSBT 1 (FL >
,155 cm, age of more than 8 years). Many of the Indonesian long line vessels
caught SBT of under size size individuals or about 56,88 % of total sample. The
result of one way ANOVA indicates significant difference between value of the
SBT hook rate, fork length and CCSBT Area 1, 2 and 8 respectively.]"