Budi Rachmat
Abstrak :
Tests ini membahas tentang hubungan budaya organisasi dengan kinerja Personel Polsek Metro Kelapa Garling. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian k:uantitatif yang menggunakan rnetode korelasionai yang bertujuan untuk rnenggambarkan hubungan budaya organisasi dengan kinerja polsek, Langkah untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut menggunakan desain penelitian korelasional dengan melibatkan 55 responden dari total populasi sebanynk 130 orang melalui pengambilan sampel secara tehnik acak sederhana. Pengwnpulan data menggunakan knesioner yang sebelumnya telah diuji vaJiditas dan reliabilhasnya oleh 30 sampel. Uji validitas dan reliabilitas melibatkan 55 responden yang dianalisa dengan mernakai Koefisien Korelasi Product Moment Pearson. Data yang terhimpun sebanyak 55 sampel tersebut dianalisa dengan Program SPSS Versi 16.00. Hasil uji validitas dan reliabilitas menyatakan bahwa seluruh pernyataan dalam kedua variabel yaitu 25 item budaya organisasi valid (0.349-0.805) dan reliabel (0.900}, serta 16 item kinetja valid (0.386-0.841) dan reliabel (0.901). Hasil pengujian korelasi kedua variabel tersebut diperoleh bahwa budaya organisasi mempunyai hubungan yang positif dan signifikan dengan kinerja polsek sebanyak 0.766. Nilai koefisien korelasi 0.766 ini sesuai derajat kuat lemahnya koefisien korelasi mengandung ani bahwa budaya organisasi berkorelasi sangat kuat dengan kinerja Polsek Metro Kelapa Gading Jakarta Utarn. Sebingga semakin kuat budaya organisasi,...maka akan semakin tinggi kinerja personeJ polsek. Adapun besamya kontribusi variabel budaya organisasi terhadap variabel kinerja adalah (0.766)' x 100% = 5.8.68%. Artinya variabel Budaya Organisasi Ielah memberikan kontribusi sebesar 58.68% kepada variabel Kinerja dan sisanya sebesar 41.32% berhubungan dengan variabei lainnya. sepefli: kepemimpinan, motivasi, dan semangat ketja. Dengan demikian untuk meningkatkan kinetja polsek barns memperkuat dahulu budaya organisasinya. Penguatan budaya organisasi meliputi ketujuh karakteristiknya. Pertama, inovasi berupa peningkatan pelayanan kepolisian dan keberanian dalam pangambilan resiko. Kedua, perbatian terhadap detail tentang pertelaan tugas anggota dan kondisi sarana prasarana pendukung. Ketiga. orientasi hasil dengan pembuat......This thesis discussed about relations of the organization culture with personnel performance of Kelapa Gading Metropolitan Sector Police North Jakarta. This research was quantitative research that used correlation method that aimed at depicting relations of organization culture with Sector Police personnel performance. The step achieve this aim to use the research design of correlation by involving 55 respondents from the totally population is 130 people to through the taking sample by simple random technicalty. The data collection used the questionnaire that beforehand was tested by their validity and reliability by 30 samples. The validity and reliability test involved 55 respondents who were analyzed by using the Coefficient Correlation Pearson Product Moment. The data that was assembled totally 55 samples was analyzed with the Program SPSS Version 16,00. Results of the validity and reliability test said that all the statement in the two variables that is 25 item of the organization culture valid (0,349-0,805) and reliable (0,900), as well as 16 item of the personnel performance valid (0,386-0,841) and reliable (0,901). Testing results of the correlation two variables were received that the organization culture had relations that were positive and significant with personnel performance of Sector Police as many as 0,766. The value of this correlation coefficient 0,766 in accordance with their strong weakness level of the correlation coefficient contained meaning that the organization culture had a very strong correlation with the personnel perfonnance of Ke1apa Gading Metropolitan Sector Police North Jakarta. So as increasingly strong of organization culture, then will be increasingly high personnel performance of the Sector Police. As for their total contribution of the organization culture variable against the personnel performance variable was (0,766) )' x 100% 58.68%. Their meaning, the organization culture variable gave the contribution of 58 68% of them of 41,32% were correlated with the other variable, like: leadership, the motivation, and the spirit of the work. Therefore to increase the Sector Police personnel perfonnance must reinforce beforehand their organization culture. The strengthening.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open Universitas Indonesia Library