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Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan strategi adaptasi masyarakat nelayan dalam menghadapi masa lanjut usia. Masa lanjut usia bagi masyarakat nelayan secara sosial budaya ditentukan berdasarkan tingkat produktivitas yang dihasilkan, apakah masih aktif menncari ikan di lautan lepas atau hanya sepanjang pantai. Batasan usia produktif berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap berkurangnya pendapatan nelayan. Kenyataan ini menyebabkan munculnya berbagai permasalahan yang dialami nelayan lanjut usia, baik dari aspek ekonomi, psikologis, sosial, dan budaya. Keluarga-keluarga nelayan lanjut usia sebagai unit analisis dalam penelitian ini memiliki karakteristik yang relatif sama dengan nelayan lanjut usia pada umumnya. Pendekatan kualitatif sangat ditekankan dalam proses mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data. Untuk itu, meskipun menggunakan analisis pada beberapa keluarga nelayan lanjut usia, namun permasalahan nelayan lanjut usia secara representatif dapat terjabarkan. Permasalahan hidup yang dihadapi keluarga nelayan lanjut usia pada umumnya berkisar pada kekurangan sumber ekonomi dalam memenuhi kebutuhan, transisi psikososial akibat berubahnya kedudukan dan pola hubungan sosial, sulitnya mendapatkan modal untuk mengembangkan usaha, serta kesehatan yang mulai menurun. Kondisi fisik dan lingkungan sosial budaya yang telah berubah membuat nelayan lanjut usia harus menerima kenyataan yang ada. Akan tetapi hal ini tidak harus menjadikan nelayan lanjut usia sebagai beban keluarga dan masyarakat. Eksisitensi manusia sebagai makhluk hidup akan tetap berusaha memenuhi kebutuhan, meskipun sudah lanjut usia. Realitas bahwa mereka tidak dilibatkan oleh kelompok juragan mengharuskan mereka untuk menerapkan berbagai strategi agar pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup untuk diri sendiri dan keluarga tetap terpelihara. Pilihan strategi ini dimungkinkan sebagai upaya adaptasi nelayan lanjut usia dalam mengantisipasi berbagai perubahan yang terjadi dalam kehidupan masyarakat nelayan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh temuan bahwa strategi utama yang diterapkan nelayan lanjut usia adalah tetap mempertahankan pekerjaan yang berkenaan dengan kenelayanan, mengingat lingkungan sosial dan budaya masyarakat nelayan sulit menawarkan altematif pekerjaan lain. Mereka bekerja sebagai nelayan harian, pengusaha pengolahan ikan, atau buruh nelayan. Strategi lain adalah bekerja dan melakukan aktivitas di luar 'kenelayanan, yaitu sebagai pedagang, kuncen, petugas kebersihan jalan, paranormal, petugas kebersihan mushola, dan ulem-elem. Sebagai strategi pendukung, mereka mengaktifkan fungsi kerabat, meminimalkan pengeluaran, dan menjaga kesehatan.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Respiration illness has some different symptoms basically is caused of irritation, failure of transparent muccociliari, more rekresi lender and respiration stricture. Children under tive years old at Primary Heath Care of Pangkalan Kerinci in Pelalawan District risk of respiration problem and based on result of annual report at Primary Health Care, respiration trouble illness is the tirst of ten illnesses at this area. lt is because of most public spend 90 % their time in room (house). Therefore research is pointed by the way of looking for relationship between PMN rate at house, house physical environment factor and children under tive years old characteristic which related to respiration problem occurrence becoming a reason. WHO estimated that there were 400-500 millions people who faced air pollution problem of variation room including headache, head cold, drought red lane, drought coughs, eye irritation, skin irritation, influenza, breathless and tuberculosis. This research purpose to know prevalence between respiration problem illness among children under tive years old, relationship of PMN rate at house, house physical environment factor (10 variables) and children under tive years old characteristic (5 variables) with respiration problem illness occurrence among children under tive years old, and looking for factor which is most dominance effect of respiration problem illness among children under tive years old at Primary Health Care of Pangkalan Kerinci, Pelalawan District in Riau Province, time period of Measurement appliance which is used to measure PM", rate at house consists of Haz Dust Sampler, EPAM S000 model, temperature by thennometer, dampness by hygrometer, illumination by luxmeter, and appliance which is used to get primary data of children under tive years old characteristic by questionnaire and checklist. 'l`his research used a cross sectional design which participating population of 615 Head of Family (KK) by sample number of 261 children under five years old, where data was collected at the same time of PMN, rate, house physic environment and children under five years old characteristic and there were not respiration problem illness occurrence among children under five years old. Based on research result which has been done it was indicated that: l). Prevalence of children under tive years old who faced of respiration problem illness was 78,2 % _ 2). Children under five years old house with PMN rate which did not fulfill requirement was 55,6 %, 3). There is no meaning ditference of PM", rate at house (p value = 0,393) with respiration problem among children under tive years old. 4). Habit of children under tive years old out of house has a meaning difference of respiration problem illness occurrence among children under tive years old by p- value = 0,007 and OR = 2,59 (95 % CI: 1,333-5,083). Children under ive years old who are out of house have risk of respiration problem illness 2,59 times compared with children under tive years old are out of house for long time. 5). Factor which is most dominance influencing respiration problem iilness occurrence among children under five years old are usage of fuel for cooking and children under tive years old who are out of house. Children under tive years old who are out of house have risk of respiration problem illness 2,59 times compared with children under five years old who are at house for long time, and also usage of fuel for cooking which became smoke has risk 2,32 times of reqriration problem illness compared with usage of Riel for cooking which did not become smoke (gas and electricity). 6). Probability of respiration problem illness occurrence among children under tive years old where they used fuel which will become smoke at their house and children under five years oId who have habit out of house 83,5 %. 7). Children under five years old who used fuel for cooking which became smoke (wood, charcoal and kerosene) and many activities of children under tive years old out of house have probabiiity of respiration problem illness occurrence 1,5 times bigger than children under five years old which used fuel for cooking which did not become smoke (gas and electrics) and many activities of children under five years old out of house.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alip Budiaman
Abstrak :
Dalam menghadapi globalisasi ekonomi dan datangnya MEA 2015 dimana terdapat peluang dan ancaman. Khususnya di bidang kesehatan, sesuai yang tertuang dalam MRA MEA 2015 untuk profesi : perawat, praktisi medis dan dokter gigi, dengan melihat kesiapan SDM Indonesia bidang kesehatan dalam memanfaatkan peluang dan menghadapi ancaman, serta upaya dalam memitigasi resiko terjadinya kerugian yang timbul di SDM bidang kesehatan akibat diberlakukannya MEA 2015. Penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan teori ancaman dan teori warning intelligence dengan melalui analisa indeks daya saing global dan analisa SWOT untuk melihat kondisi kesiapan SDM Indonesia di bidang kesehatan dalam memanfaatkan peluang dan menghadapi ancaman MEA 2015 serta upaya dalam memitigasi resiko terjadinya kerugian. Perlu peringatan dini melalui warning intelligence atas daya saing SDM kesehatan, karena penguasaan ekonomi suatu negara bisa secara tidak langsung menguasai negara tersebut dan menyebabkan ketergantungan negara dan mengganggu ketahanan negara, maka sangat berbahaya jika terjadi di Indonesia yang jumlah penduduk termasuk lima besar dunia dan terbesar di ASEAN, maka melalui anticipatory analysis untuk mengetahui langkah-langkah berupa saransaran perbaikan dan persiapan di SDM bidang kesehatan serta agar bisa memenangkan persaingan ke depannya perlu diadakan kontra intelijen melalui peningkatan daya saing SDM bidang kesehatan dalam menghadapi berlakunya MEA 2015. ...... In the face of economic globalization and the advent of AEC 2015 where there are opportunities and threats. Particularly in the areas of health, as required according to MRA AEC 2015 for the profession: nurses, medical practitioners and dentists, with the readiness of Indonesian human resources in the health sector take advantage of opportunities and face threats, as well as efforts to mitigate the risk of losses arising in the field of health human resources as a result of the enactment of AEC 2015. This study, the authors use the threat theory and the theory of intelligence warning over global competitiveness index analysis and SWOT analysis to look at the readiness of Indonesian human resources in the health sector in exploiting the opportunities and threats facing the AEC 2015 as well as efforts to mitigate the risk of loss. Need early warning through intelligence warning over the competitiveness of health human resources, because the control of a country's economy can indirectly control of the country and led to the country's dependence and disturbing resistance state, then it is very dangerous if it occurs in Indonesia, which includes five major population of the world and the largest in ASEAN, then through anticipatory analysis to determine the steps in the form of suggestions for improvement and preparation in the field of health and human resources in order to win the competition in the future should be a counter-intelligence by improving the competitiveness of human resources in health in the face of the enactment of AEC 2015.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library