"[Penelitian nano erat kaitannya dengan komponen yang memiliki ukuran, setidaknya pada salah satu dimensinya, dalam skala 1-100 nanometer dan sangat membutuhkan ketelitian. Menjadikan pertimbangan akan kualitas cahaya manjadi penting. Mengingat semakin terbatasnya ketersediaan energi, penghematan perlu dilakukan dengan, salah satu caranya, memanfaatkan cahaya alami dalam pemenuh kebutuhan pencahayaan. Pada Gedung Mochtar Riady Plaza Quantum, gedung riset nano Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, kualitas pencahayaan alami masih belum berperan banyak dalam memfasilitasi kebutuhan pencahayaan untuk berkegiatan di dalamnya meski memiliki bukaan yang banyak dan lebar sebagai akses masuk matahari.;Nano research is closely associated with the component that has the size, at least in one dimension, in a scale of 1-100 nanometers and precisions are needed. Consideration of the light's quality is important. Given the limited availability of energy, energy savings need to be done, in one way, by using natural lighting to fulfill lighting needs. On Mochtar Riady Quantum Plaza Building, nano research building of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, natural lighting quality is still not play a lot role in facilitating lighting needs to do activities in it despite having a lot and wide openings as the entry of the sun.
;Nano research is closely associated with the component that has the size, at least in one dimension, in a scale of 1-100 nanometers and precisions are needed. Consideration of the light's quality is important. Given the limited availability of energy, energy savings need to be done, in one way, by using natural lighting to fulfill lighting needs. On Mochtar Riady Quantum Plaza Building, nano research building of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, natural lighting quality is still not play a lot role in facilitating lighting needs to do activities in it despite having a lot and wide openings as the entry of the sun.
, Nano research is closely associated with the component that has the size, at least in one dimension, in a scale of 1-100 nanometers and precisions are needed. Consideration of the light's quality is important. Given the limited availability of energy, energy savings need to be done, in one way, by using natural lighting to fulfill lighting needs. On Mochtar Riady Quantum Plaza Building, nano research building of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, natural lighting quality is still not play a lot role in facilitating lighting needs to do activities in it despite having a lot and wide openings as the entry of the sun.